Obama Funded Farrakhan / Nation of Islam Teaching In Prisons


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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"The Nation of Islam and its leaders have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the feds since 2008 to teach religious study programs to prisoners, according to records."

US government gave Nation of Islam hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach federal prison inmates, records show

.Radical Nation of Islam Given at Least $365k in Taxpayer Money

"The chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, Rep. Peter King, spoke out against the funding.

"Categorically, no group or entity or individual associated any way with Farrakhan or the Nation of Islam should receive any federal funding," King told the news outlet.

"What Farrakhan preaches is hatred and anti-semitism and racism, and to use any federal money for any group that's he's involved with that do any type of teaching or proselytizing is just wrong,"

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Notice how the Press/Hollywood always gives Democrat Politicians a major break on their racism.
Liberals have a yooog credibility gap.

Only a real racist cretin would go to Rev. Wright's racist church for 20 years, and give a speech to the Black Panthers and volunteer to work for Louis Farakahn and his Nation of Islam.
Obama was mentored for a decade by a racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'religious leader', and when he became President he began funding another....
Prisoners who become disciples of Farrakhan's Nation of Islam while incarcerated have some of the lowest recidivism rates of all released and paroled inmates. ..... :cool:

Link that
Being radicalized in prison is NOT that unusual, BUT the Nation of Islam is not a terrorist organization in the sense of pushing jihad on non believers. At least not that I could find.

Nation of Islam is an African American Muslim church started in the 1930's. It is Sunni and in addition to the Muslim faith, the Nation of Islam believes in the supremacy of blacks as a race. The SPLC considers them a racist hate group.

Why a racist hate group is given permission to preach in federal prisons or any prisons, I don't understand. Mainstream Muslim faith is already provided for in federal prisons. I don't know much about it, so I'd be happy to be enlightened. Asclepias?
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