Obama announces debt deal--GOP/Tea Party members WIN big!

It's sad because the GOP got everything they wanted in this deal and it's still unsure whether it will pass the House.

The GOP wanted cuts.

Where are they?


It must be good- Black Socialist Caucus- Debt Deal Is “A Sugar-Coated Satan Sandwich”

Tip : Gateway Pundit

President Barack Obama’s rightward lurch to reach a $3 trillion deficit reduction deal with no guarantee of additional revenues had liberals fuming and Republicans all but declaring victory Sunday afternoon.

With time running out to reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling before Tuesday’s default deadline, Obama moved dramatically in the direction of the GOP, according to Senators and aides in both parties…

…Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said early reports of the new deal appeared to be “a sugar-coated Satan sandwich.” The Missouri Democrat said the CBC hadn’t yet made a formal declaration that the group would oppose it, “but this is a shady bill.”

“This deal trades people’s livelihoods for the votes of a few unappeasable right-wing radicals, and I will not support it,” ripped Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, before House Democrats had even been briefed. “The lesson today is that Republicans can hold their breath long enough to get what they want.”
And no planes crashed. Looks like it was a bloated agency, like most government agencies. Let's take that same approach to ALL government agencies.

I completely concur. We need to get rid of all government waste. And we need more people in the private sector creating jobs, not people sitting on useless government jobs.
I am not sure what the rightys are getting drunk for? Is it because they lost heavily in the Obama deal?:clap2:

onfirmed: Debt Deal Guts National Defense
My problem isn’t the fact there are deep cuts to national defense. Cuts as part of some massive reform package would be acceptable. No, my problem is that there are deep cuts to national defense while we fail to reform programs like Medicaid and Social Security.

National defense is a constitutional responsibility. Entitlement programs are not. And yet we gut national defense in order to defend entitlement programs. And even though entitlement programs are the single biggest contributor to the national deficit.

But wait, it gets crappier! Because if we don’t agree to tax hikes before the end of the year (through the super-committee), even more will be cut from national defense. Somewhere in the area of an additional $700 billion. At which point our military will be unable to effectively defend the country.

But hey, at least we’ll have left unconstitutional welfare programs alone, right?

What kind of deal is this, Mr. Speaker? We agree to massive defense cuts, then we have to agree to tax hikes otherwise we watch even more defense cuts go into effect automatically? A chimp could have negotiated a better deal.

Defense cuts followed by tax hikes or even more defense cuts. That’s supposed to be a Republican victory? Or even a compromise? That’s surrender. That’s admitting that defense spending is the problem, even though basic mathematics demonstrate that’s not the case. It’s handing Democrats a victory. Good job.

The American Pundit | Conservative Commentary on American Politics
If the GOP/Tea Party are the ones who "won" then it's the American people who "lost".

We tried it your way.

How old is that graph?
We're at 9.2 nowadays (reported)
It's sad because the GOP got everything they wanted in this deal and it's still unsure whether it will pass the House.

The GOP wanted cuts.

Where are they?

We also wanted a Balanced budget amendment sent to the States.

And to address this baseline budgeting crap.


Baseline budgeting is a substitute for thinking. Getting rid of that would save 15% easy. There's the solution to the current deficit right there.
Let me get this straight...you people actually think cutting a trillion dollars OVER TEN YEARS is a big deal? Are you really that clueless? We've got unfunded entitlements that haven't been addressed that are going to bury us in an avalanche of debt in ten years. Oh...but we're going to have a "special commission" look into doing another 1.5 trillion in cuts? Now THAT is humorous! Like anyone in Washington ever pays attention to what some toothless "special commission" decides. This is all bullshit. They need to cut the size of the Federal Government by 20% over the next several years. They also need to rework Social Security and Medicare to make it remain solvent. What we've gotten from our "leaders" in Washington is the same old same old.

Nobody "won" with this joke of a compromise...not the Dems...not the Repubs...not the American people.
You are all hilarious. 2.5 trillion in cuts over 10 years? That is NOTHING.The debt ceiling will raise by 2.4 trillion. More than half of the cuts have yet to even be determined, and we all know how successful committees are.

Democrats are screaming that this is going to destroy us, Republicans are crying the world is saved, but you all need to wake up and smell the bullshit because nothing will actually change.

Your right. How stupid of us to think making any cuts at all was a good thing. We should have just raised it with no cuts.

On a serious note, we have to start somewhere. If we waited for the dems to cut spending it would have had to wait until after their next failed stimulus.
How stupid of you to think that promises to cut spending will actually be kept. This so called deal raises the debt ceiling by 2.5 trillion dollars NOW. It cuts 1 trillion in spending over 10 years, and promises there will be 1.5 trillion in future cuts. Best case scenario: Our debt increases by 2.5 trillion dollars. These spending cuts will just be replaced by more spending, if they are even cut. How could you be so blindly optimistic? You think all of a sudden Obama has seen the light and will pass a bill that makes economic sense? Stop dreaming. Its a political stunt and the sheeple are falling for it.

There are automatic trigger cuts in the bill. If congress fails they kick in across the board. Shouldn't you be investigating who shot jfk or who faked the moon landing?
Let me get this straight...you people actually think cutting a trillion dollars OVER TEN YEARS is a big deal? Are you really that clueless? We've got unfunded entitlements that haven't been addressed that are going to bury us in an avalanche of debt in ten years. Oh...but we're going to have a "special commission" look into doing another 1.5 trillion in cuts? Now THAT is humorous! Like anyone in Washington ever pays attention to what some toothless "special commission" decides. This is all bullshit. They need to cut the size of the Federal Government by 20% over the next several years. They also need to rework Social Security and Medicare to make it remain solvent. What we've gotten from our "leaders" in Washington is the same old same old.

Nobody "won" with this joke of a compromise...not the Dems...not the Repubs...not the American people.

For Washington its a big deal.

For us it still means trillion dollar deficits and thats after the second round.
Confirmed: Debt Deal Guts National Defense
My problem isn’t the fact there are deep cuts to national defense. Cuts as part of some massive reform package would be acceptable. No, my problem is that there are deep cuts to national defense while we fail to reform programs like Medicaid and Social Security.

National defense is a constitutional responsibility. Entitlement programs are not. And yet we gut national defense in order to defend entitlement programs. And even though entitlement programs are the single biggest contributor to the national deficit.

But wait, it gets crappier! Because if we don’t agree to tax hikes before the end of the year (through the super-committee), even more will be cut from national defense. Somewhere in the area of an additional $700 billion. At which point our military will be unable to effectively defend the country.

But hey, at least we’ll have left unconstitutional welfare programs alone, right?

What kind of deal is this, Mr. Speaker? We agree to massive defense cuts, then we have to agree to tax hikes otherwise we watch even more defense cuts go into effect automatically? A chimp could have negotiated a better deal.

Defense cuts followed by tax hikes or even more defense cuts. That’s supposed to be a Republican victory? Or even a compromise? That’s surrender. That’s admitting that defense spending is the problem, even though basic mathematics demonstrate that’s not the case. It’s handing Democrats a victory. Good job.

The American Pundit | Conservative Commentary on American Politics
Rep. Kristi Noem on Debt Deal: The Fight Has Been Worth It For Tea Party Freshmen

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kx-7zmyMFc]‪Rep. Kristi Noem: The Debt Plan Is a Win for Tea Party Freshmen‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Further, I do not believe that THIS or any Congress can validly pass DEAD HAND legislation that would bind future Congresses.

That is exactly right. I'm pretty sure this congress can't even hold itself to the proposed trigger cuts if they don't pass the 1.8T in committee recommendations by the end of the year. They can just pass another law saying "nevermind, we didn't mean it".

The key for Obama was getting this past the election. I expect him to run hard on the Tea Party and the need for a balanced solution. His bigger problem is will the dems believe him and can he survive a primary challenge.
Your right. How stupid of us to think making any cuts at all was a good thing. We should have just raised it with no cuts.

On a serious note, we have to start somewhere. If we waited for the dems to cut spending it would have had to wait until after their next failed stimulus.
How stupid of you to think that promises to cut spending will actually be kept. This so called deal raises the debt ceiling by 2.5 trillion dollars NOW. It cuts 1 trillion in spending over 10 years, and promises there will be 1.5 trillion in future cuts. Best case scenario: Our debt increases by 2.5 trillion dollars. These spending cuts will just be replaced by more spending, if they are even cut. How could you be so blindly optimistic? You think all of a sudden Obama has seen the light and will pass a bill that makes economic sense? Stop dreaming. Its a political stunt and the sheeple are falling for it.

There are automatic trigger cuts in the bill. If congress fails they kick in across the board. Shouldn't you be investigating who shot jfk or who faked the moon landing?
The trigger cuts cut less than the debt ceiling will be raised. In otherwords, spending will increase. The only trigger is on a gun aimed at the American people. And its already been pulled.

The Tea Party that’s the real winner in all of this because it has managed to focus the debate in Washington on the debt and it makes Obama’s investment talk sound like it’s from the Jurassic era.


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