Obama announces debt deal--GOP/Tea Party members WIN big!

Further, I do not believe that THIS or any Congress can validly pass DEAD HAND legislation that would bind future Congresses.

That is exactly right. I'm pretty sure this congress can't even hold itself to the proposed trigger cuts if they don't pass the 1.8T in committee recommendations by the end of the year. They can just pass another law saying "nevermind, we didn't mean it".

The key for Obama was getting this past the election. I expect him to run hard on the Tea Party and the need for a balanced solution. His bigger problem is will the dems believe him and can he survive a primary challenge.

His "balanced solution" rhetoric is the problem. Able people consuming instead of producing are not sacrificing if they get less free stuff. Cutting waste from a government bureaucrat's slush fund isn't a sacrifice.
How stupid of you to think that promises to cut spending will actually be kept. This so called deal raises the debt ceiling by 2.5 trillion dollars NOW. It cuts 1 trillion in spending over 10 years, and promises there will be 1.5 trillion in future cuts. Best case scenario: Our debt increases by 2.5 trillion dollars. These spending cuts will just be replaced by more spending, if they are even cut. How could you be so blindly optimistic? You think all of a sudden Obama has seen the light and will pass a bill that makes economic sense? Stop dreaming. Its a political stunt and the sheeple are falling for it.

There are automatic trigger cuts in the bill. If congress fails they kick in across the board. Shouldn't you be investigating who shot jfk or who faked the moon landing?
The trigger cuts cut less than the debt ceiling will be raised. In otherwords, spending will increase. The only trigger is on a gun aimed at the American people. And its already been pulled.

teach your children the evils of democratic policies. That is what got us here. Entitlements.
I hate how weak Obama has been when dealing with the Republicans. I wish he would have followed Clinton's advice and unilaterally raised the debt ceiling. It's ridiculous how such a small number of people (read Tea Party) can make such a profound negative impact on the entire country.
Yup. They won. America lost. Congrats to big business, special props to your man Cantor.


Alas I dont think the GOP really won as big as Fox News wants you to think. Although Obama is a bit on the GOP side, Fox News spins their propaganda crap. Either way I find this outcome somewhat acceptable. But..... the GOP will never get the White House after this. They made soooooooooo many people pissed off, the deal is done. They lost the race before it begun. Im a Centrist and I see it. They have now given Democrats WAY too much artilary for 2012.
I hate how weak Obama has been when dealing with the Republicans. I wish he would have followed Clinton's advice and unilaterally raised the debt ceiling. It's ridiculous how such a small number of people (read Tea Party) can make such a profound negative impact on the entire country.

First, Obama doesn't have the authority to unilaterially raise the debt ceiling. It's unconstitutional. And while you don't seem to have a problem with him assuming dictatorial power, much of the rest of us do.

Second, how has the debate negatively impacted the country? The only thing that's negatively impacting this country is the constant spending without ceasing.
Not at all

A new poll from CNN shows that two-thirds of Americans support the legislation passed by House Republicans “Cut, Cap, and Balance”. In fact, a majority of Democrats support the plan.

But a CNN poll released Thursday shows that two-thirds of Americans support the system established by the CCB Act. Sixty-six percent of respondents said they approved of a plan under which “Congress would raise the debt ceiling only if a balanced budget amendment were passed by both houses of Congress and substantial spending cuts and caps on future spending were approved.” Sixty-three percent of Democrats and 65 percent of independents said they would approve of such a plan.

But of course, time will only tell
I hate how weak Obama has been when dealing with the Republicans. I wish he would have followed Clinton's advice and unilaterally raised the debt ceiling. It's ridiculous how such a small number of people (read Tea Party) can make such a profound negative impact on the entire country.

First, Obama doesn't have the authority to unilaterially raise the debt ceiling. It's unconstitutional. And while you don't seem to have a problem with him assuming dictatorial power, much of the rest of us do.

Second, how has the debate negatively impacted the country? The only thing that's negatively impacting this country is the constant spending without ceasing.

Ill take him over President Bush that I voted and campaigned for twice. But only by a hair. I see little difference between Bush and Obama actaully, outside of the health care and treatment of Israel.
Yup. They won. America lost. Congrats to big business, special props to your man Cantor.


Alas I dont think the GOP really won as big as Fox News wants you to think. Although Obama is a bit on the GOP side, Fox News spins their propaganda crap. Either way I find this outcome somewhat acceptable. But..... the GOP will never get the White House after this. They made soooooooooo many people pissed off, the deal is done. They lost the race before it begun. Im a Centrist and I see it. They have now given Democrats WAY too much artilary for 2012.

I watched the cable news networks tonight. All of them. So you might wanna back off you hate filled lies a bit. Foxs Pundit shows, which is all that's been on since the deal was announced, has been blasting the deal as a sell out of principles. Certainly not Braggin about any victory. Msnbc on the other hand is all but throwing Obama and Reid under the bus for being sell outs. Your bs might work on a kiddie game forum tho.... Just sayin
Looks like there may be a promise to vote on a balanced budget amendment later this year. It's unclear whether there actually is one because I'm not seeing it mentioned in any news.

Of course, a promise is still nothing. They could have atleast requested a promise that the amendment go to the states. Doesn't matter if they allow a vote and it's voted down.
Looks like there may be a promise to vote on a balanced budget amendment later this year. It's unclear whether there actually is one because I'm not seeing it mentioned in any news.

Of course, a promise is still nothing. They could have atleast requested a promise that the amendment go to the states. Doesn't matter if they allow a vote and it's voted down.

I think the Senate will vote against it.
I hate how weak Obama has been when dealing with the Republicans. I wish he would have followed Clinton's advice and unilaterally raised the debt ceiling. It's ridiculous how such a small number of people (read Tea Party) can make such a profound negative impact on the entire country.

First, Obama doesn't have the authority to unilaterially raise the debt ceiling. It's unconstitutional. And while you don't seem to have a problem with him assuming dictatorial power, much of the rest of us do.

Second, how has the debate negatively impacted the country? The only thing that's negatively impacting this country is the constant spending without ceasing.

First, since it hasn't been done before, and the Constitution doesn't expressly forbid him from doing so, how the hell do you know that it's unconstitutional? Are you a Supreme Court justice? No? Then gtfo. Don't spout nonsense. And you know what? The country is set up well enough that if Obama becomes dictatorial, Congress and the courts will prevent it. Unless you lack faith in the Constitution.....

Secondly, debate never negatively impacts anything. Anyone with a brain realizes that money has to be spent in order for money to be made. <----- Aka Investment. What's hurting the country is that the government is investing, but receiving no return. Corporations and businesses are hoarding like never before, and small businesses in particular are NOT hiring. The government has invested far too much in business, and needs to start sending money directly to the people who really need it by building new and repairing existing infrastructure, while at the same time collecting revenue in the form of taxes from corporations and those who are actually making money during this time.

How do you plan to start an economic recovery?
First, since it hasn't been done before, and the Constitution doesn't expressly forbid him from doing so, how the hell do you know that it's unconstitutional? Are you a Supreme Court justice? No? Then gtfo. Don't spout nonsense. And you know what? The country is set up well enough that if Obama becomes dictatorial, Congress and the courts will prevent it. Unless you lack faith in the Constitution.....

Because I'm literate and I've read the Constitution. The House is in charge of the Budget. The President isn't given power to unilaterally act contrary to Congress when Congress has already acted in setting the limit. And this viewpoint has been supported by the Supreme Court in Youngstown, which is the controlling case on the extent of Presidentital power.

Secondly, debate never negatively impacts anything. Anyone with a brain realizes that money has to be spent in order for money to be made. <----- Aka Investment. What's hurting the country is that the government is investing, but receiving no return. Corporations and businesses are hoarding like never before, and small businesses in particular are NOT hiring. The government has invested far too much in business, and needs to start sending money directly to the people who really need it by building new and repairing existing infrastructure, while at the same time collecting revenue in the form of taxes from corporations and those who are actually making money during this time.

Money has to be spent to be made? Nonsense. Lot's of people provide labor in creating goods and services to people without paying a cent.

And government doesn't invest in anything. Government money is used by politicians to buy votes. Businesses are not hiring because the government wont get the heck out of the marketplace. They have no clue what the next stupid idea out of Washington will be so they can't make accurate predictions for growing their businesses. Our overspending is inflating the dollar. We have to labor for 4 freakin months to even pay off our taxes. and Washington hasnt found a regulation they can say no to because for some stupid reason they think passing laws changes the behavior of bad people.

Cut spending, cut taxes, and get the heck out of the way and you will see plenty of jobs. You will see businesses taking risks. You will see them hiring. You will see Entrepenuers creating more businesses.

How do you plan to start an economic recovery?

By working instead of sitting around and waiting for everyone else to provide me everything I want.
I don't see how either side won anything especially the Teabastaurds, they only get to vote on an amendment but not get an amendment. I'd like to see the particulars from both sides. If Obama did cave in and the country gets worse becuase of this deal I hope the same dipshats who say the Teabasturds have one will pin the blame on the Teabasturds also, though thats not likely to happen with the rightwing's propaganda machine in action.
First, since it hasn't been done before, and the Constitution doesn't expressly forbid him from doing so, how the hell do you know that it's unconstitutional? Are you a Supreme Court justice? No? Then gtfo. Don't spout nonsense. And you know what? The country is set up well enough that if Obama becomes dictatorial, Congress and the courts will prevent it. Unless you lack faith in the Constitution.....

Because I'm literate and I've read the Constitution. The House is in charge of the Budget. The President isn't given power to unilaterally act contrary to Congress when Congress has already acted in setting the limit. And this viewpoint has been supported by the Supreme Court in Youngstown, which is the controlling case on the extent of Presidentital power.

Secondly, debate never negatively impacts anything. Anyone with a brain realizes that money has to be spent in order for money to be made. <----- Aka Investment. What's hurting the country is that the government is investing, but receiving no return. Corporations and businesses are hoarding like never before, and small businesses in particular are NOT hiring. The government has invested far too much in business, and needs to start sending money directly to the people who really need it by building new and repairing existing infrastructure, while at the same time collecting revenue in the form of taxes from corporations and those who are actually making money during this time.

Money has to be spent to be made? Nonsense. Lot's of people provide labor in creating goods and services to people without paying a cent.

And government doesn't invest in anything. Government money is used by politicians to buy votes. Businesses are not hiring because the government wont get the heck out of the marketplace. They have no clue what the next stupid idea out of Washington will be so they can't make accurate predictions for growing their businesses. Our overspending is inflating the dollar. We have to labor for 4 freakin months to even pay off our taxes. and Washington hasnt found a regulation they can say no to because for some stupid reason they think passing laws changes the behavior of bad people.

Cut spending, cut taxes, and get the heck out of the way and you will see plenty of jobs. You will see businesses taking risks. You will see them hiring. You will see Entrepenuers creating more businesses.

How do you plan to start an economic recovery?

By working instead of sitting around and waiting for everyone else to provide me everything I want.

Actually he is mostly correct. And corporations ARE holding onto a great amount of liquid assets. (for many reasons)
Right now the winners win BIG.... the others struggle. The economy is not in harmony.
Looks like there may be a promise to vote on a balanced budget amendment later this year. It's unclear whether there actually is one because I'm not seeing it mentioned in any news.

Of course, a promise is still nothing. They could have atleast requested a promise that the amendment go to the states. Doesn't matter if they allow a vote and it's voted down.

I think the Senate will vote against it.

I'm betting you are right, which is why the promise is meaningless.
This thing still needs to be voted upon by both the House and Senate and get by the extreme factions within both parties. I bet the ones jumping up and down saying that they've won haven't even read the fine print, I'll wait to see what the CBO says on their website to get a much more balanced view.
I don't see how either side won anything especially the Teabastaurds, they only get to vote on an amendment but not get an amendment. I'd like to see the particulars from both sides. If Obama did cave in and the country gets worse becuase of this deal I hope the same dipshats who say the Teabasturds have one will pin the blame on the Teabasturds also, though thats not likely to happen with the rightwing's propaganda machine in action.

If they cave to this deal, then they should be blamed for whatever happens. And get credit for anything as well.

However, we can pretty much guarentee there will be nothing to take credit for. The deal is raise the debt ceiling for empty promises. Which might be a win for Obama if he hadn't previously said that even discussing a raise in the debt ceiling was a failure of leadership. Ironically, his success demonstrates his failure by his own standards.

However, the country will not get worse by cutting spending and paying off our debts. Quite the opposite. It's time common sense goes back to Washington.
Looks like there may be a promise to vote on a balanced budget amendment later this year. It's unclear whether there actually is one because I'm not seeing it mentioned in any news.

Of course, a promise is still nothing. They could have atleast requested a promise that the amendment go to the states. Doesn't matter if they allow a vote and it's voted down.

I think the Senate will vote against it.

I'm betting you are right, which is why the promise is meaningless.

That amendment nonsense was the crap the Teabasturds wanted, not that it matters much for anything, the more mainstream Repugs threw that in there to mainly appease the Teabasturds.
I think the Senate will vote against it.

I'm betting you are right, which is why the promise is meaningless.

That amendment nonsense was the crap the Teabasturds wanted, not that it matters much for anything, the more mainstream Repugs threw that in there to mainly appease the Teabasturds.

Yeah. and they didn't get it. Which of course is another reason this isnt a win for the Tea Party.

Im not sure what you have against a balanced budget, but most people who think about their lives try to live within their means. The government is governed by the same laws that govern individuals.
I don't see how either side won anything especially the Teabastaurds, they only get to vote on an amendment but not get an amendment. I'd like to see the particulars from both sides. If Obama did cave in and the country gets worse becuase of this deal I hope the same dipshats who say the Teabasturds have one will pin the blame on the Teabasturds also, though thats not likely to happen with the rightwing's propaganda machine in action.

If they cave to this deal, then they should be blamed for whatever happens. And get credit for anything as well.

However, we can pretty much guarentee there will be nothing to take credit for. The deal is raise the debt ceiling for empty promises. Which might be a win for Obama if he hadn't previously said that even discussing a raise in the debt ceiling was a failure of leadership. Ironically, his success demonstrates his failure by his own standards.

However, the country will not get worse by cutting spending and paying off our debts. Quite the opposite. It's time common sense goes back to Washington.

I don't see why you guys keep thinking that cutting spending is the only solution, is it because you guys have really taken a course in economics or is it because thats what the rightwing propaganda machine has programmed you to believe? Its not about how much money you spend as opposed to how and where you spend that money, I say the government should invest more money in small businesses instead of these uber rich big business and do away with tax cuts for the uber rich, let their "creativity" not the government make them more money.

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