Obama and the Military

Indiana Oracle

The Truth is Hard to Find
Mar 17, 2009
NW Indiana
I was in the Army 1964-1974 and my family has served for generations. I remember vividly what the Left in this country stirred up during the Vietnam period. Will not dredge it all up again or relate what happened to me an others when I returned at the end of 1968, but this latest misadventure of the Obama administration to transfer wounded veterans' healthcare to their responsibility is, as The Prophet would say, "deeply disappointing".

Putting aside the details, motivations and that it now appears to be off the table, think about the mentality of an administration that would let this kind of thing even be openly considered.

The sophism, cyncism, and arrogance of Obama and his crowd has finally reached me. Am going to start a message forum, and call him out at every turn.
Obama is a politician of the ultra left wing sort. He hates the military, loves taxes, loves to spend money, and isn't afraid to screw anybody. I wouldn't piss on the ass plug if he was on fire... and that's coming from a service connected veteran that he's trying to fuck over. I'd spit in his face if I ever got close enough.
Obama is a politician of the ultra left wing sort. He hates the military, loves taxes, loves to spend money, and isn't afraid to screw anybody. I wouldn't piss on the ass plug if he was on fire... and that's coming from a service connected veteran that he's trying to fuck over. I'd spit in his face if I ever got close enough.

and i would hold the fucker for ya PR.....so he cant squirm away.....
I was in the Army 1964-1974 and my family has served for generations. I remember vividly what the Left in this country stirred up during the Vietnam period. Will not dredge it all up again or relate what happened to me an others when I returned at the end of 1968, but this latest misadventure of the Obama administration to transfer wounded veterans' healthcare to their responsibility is, as The Prophet would say, "deeply disappointing".

Putting aside the details, motivations and that it now appears to be off the table, think about the mentality of an administration that would let this kind of thing even be openly considered.

The sophism, cyncism, and arrogance of Obama and his crowd has finally reached me. Am going to start a message forum, and call him out at every turn.

He's showing his true colors. Fuck us vets. We got screwed up on our own and should pay for it ourselves. Had nothing to do with serving this nation.
Providing for our servicemen is one of the very few things the constitution empowers the federal government to do, and yet it's been the only thing so far that Obama DOESN'T want to pay for. Maybe if our vets dye their uniforms to UN blue Obama won't mind the expense so much.
You folks are a bunch of ignorant, partisan, dumb asses. I'm not an Obama supporter but if you've got some kind of gripe, can you at least make it an honest gripe ?

The plan that was being considered was:

Obama met with 11 veterans service organizations on Monday and explained his plan to increase funding for Veterans Affairs by $25 billion over five years and bring more than 500,000 eligible veterans of modest income into the VA health care system by 2013.

The aim was to provide MORE for veterans care. Fucking morons.

But the American Legion, the nation's largest veterans group, said the president's plan would have increased premiums, made insurance unaffordable for veterans and imposed a massive hardship on military families. It could have also prevented small businesses from hiring veterans who have large health care needs, the group said.

The American Legion applauded Obama's decision to drop the plan on Wednesday.

"We are glad that President Obama listened to the strong objections raised by The American Legion and veterans everywhere

When veterans voiced their concerns, HE LISTENED TO THEM. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM THE GUY ?

I've tried to keep my distance from the politcal forum a bit because you people are fucking stupid. But this takes the God Damned cake.

You'll get what you deserve....fucking morons.
Stop whining- free health care is for socialists. Don't like paying? Move to Russia!

This idea was intended to apply only to wounded veterans. Their own insurance would have to pick up their medical expenses for wounds received in action. We might give the Obama team the benefit of the doubt and assume that if the veteran was uninsured, the VA system would still pick up the tab.

This is a way to transfer those medical costs to the civilian medical system and save the government system the cost of providing those benefits. But this would make it difficult for people serving in the reserves to get health insurance policies and would definitely drive up their premiums. It also would make the hiring and retention of veterans in civilian employment less competitive compared to non vet employees. There would have to be other unintended consequences as well.

What this should suggest to us all is that the Obama Administration will have many schemes to save the government money without regard to the little people they will surely impact.

Let’s hope that the Republicans in Congress will be vigilant. Already certain regulations will impact elderly health care and nursing home subsistence levels. They will have the effect of squeezing every dollar away from the care of those old people who are already there. Where are these people going to go then? The quality of their care will be reduced, their drugs cut back, eventually killing them; again an unintended consequence, but the government will be saved boucoup bucks. If you have a parent warehoused in one of those beware. Also, we all will be there before we know it. The old are simply not cost effective when it comes to their healthcare, in the view of the Obama Administration. But he is so trusted he can do about anything if the issue is not raised by the Repbulicans. The Republicans can't do very much about any of this but they can raise the red flag, and that will be good thing if it makes activists of us all!
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The whole argument is retarded. Here we have Obama looking for a way to save tax dollars and have the private sector handle this. A conservatives wet dream. The people who it will affect speak out, he listens and he takes it off the table. A conservatives wet dream. Bash the democrat anyway. A conservatives wet dream.
When veterans voiced their concerns, HE LISTENED TO THEM. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM THE GUY ?

They wanted him to not propose it in the first place?

Some of these guys will never be satisfied/happy with anything he does and if by some off chance they are I highly doubt they would voice their approval.

I totally hear ya ... the vets spoke up, he clearly listened him, and demonstrated it by dropping a bad idea.
When veterans voiced their concerns, HE LISTENED TO THEM. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM THE GUY ?

They wanted him to not propose it in the first place?

Some of these guys will never be satisfied/happy with anything he does and if by some off chance they are I highly doubt they would voice their approval.

I totally hear ya ... the vets spoke up, he clearly listened him, and demonstrated it by dropping a bad idea.

That's just nuts. He was looking at ways to provide more by billing private insurance. It wasn't a very good idea and it was dropped.

But let's hang the guy for trying to help us. Cause it's his job and all.
When veterans voiced their concerns, HE LISTENED TO THEM. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM THE GUY ?

They wanted him to not propose it in the first place?

Some of these guys will never be satisfied/happy with anything he does and if by some off chance they are I highly doubt they would voice their approval.

I totally hear ya ... the vets spoke up, he clearly listened him, and demonstrated it by dropping a bad idea.

That's just nuts. He was looking at ways to provide more by billing private insurance. It wasn't a very good idea and it was dropped.

But let's hang the guy for trying to help us. Cause it's his job and all.

Yeah, man. I don't get it and I'm a vet, too.
They wanted him to not propose it in the first place?

Some of these guys will never be satisfied/happy with anything he does and if by some off chance they are I highly doubt they would voice their approval.

I totally hear ya ... the vets spoke up, he clearly listened him, and demonstrated it by dropping a bad idea.

That's just nuts. He was looking at ways to provide more by billing private insurance. It wasn't a very good idea and it was dropped.

But let's hang the guy for trying to help us. Cause it's his job and all.

Yeah, man. I don't get it and I'm a vet, too.

My Dad is a vet and he's got some serious medical problems. The VA is in pretty bad shape and I can understand why we've got to find some funding, somewhere. I'm glad there is at least some engagement on the issue. We had cuts and hospital shut downs just a couple years back.
That's just nuts. He was looking at ways to provide more by billing private insurance. It wasn't a very good idea and it was dropped.

But let's hang the guy for trying to help us. Cause it's his job and all.

Yeah, man. I don't get it and I'm a vet, too.

My Dad is a vet and he's got some serious medical problems. The VA is in pretty bad shape and I can understand why we've got to find some funding, somewhere. I'm glad there is at least some engagement on the issue. We had cuts and hospital shut downs just a couple years back.

Personally, the VA is a total waste of my time but I know for others it is a major issue.

When I was active I despised TRI-CARE ... the way the military ran it's health care system was HORRIBLE. There was no such thing as a regular doctor's visit. It was a large group of people being herded through a processing line. Got a cold? Here's 800mgs of motrin. Back hurt? 800 mgs of motrin. Cancer? 800 mgs of motrin. Your head fell off? 800 mgs of motrin. You get the idea ...
Yeah, man. I don't get it and I'm a vet, too.

My Dad is a vet and he's got some serious medical problems. The VA is in pretty bad shape and I can understand why we've got to find some funding, somewhere. I'm glad there is at least some engagement on the issue. We had cuts and hospital shut downs just a couple years back.

Personally, the VA is a total waste of my time but I know for others it is a major issue.

When I was active I despised TRI-CARE ... the way the military ran it's health care system was HORRIBLE. There was no such thing as a regular doctor's visit. It was a large group of people being herded through a processing line. Got a cold? Here's 800mgs of motrin. Back hurt? 800 mgs of motrin. Cancer? 800 mgs of motrin. Your head fell off? 800 mgs of motrin. You get the idea ...

Oh yeah. The VA was pretty much a bust for my Dad too. He ended up spending a wad of his own savings for private treatment. Diagnosis are handed out on a cost of cure consideration.
My Dad is a vet and he's got some serious medical problems. The VA is in pretty bad shape and I can understand why we've got to find some funding, somewhere. I'm glad there is at least some engagement on the issue. We had cuts and hospital shut downs just a couple years back.

Personally, the VA is a total waste of my time but I know for others it is a major issue.

When I was active I despised TRI-CARE ... the way the military ran it's health care system was HORRIBLE. There was no such thing as a regular doctor's visit. It was a large group of people being herded through a processing line. Got a cold? Here's 800mgs of motrin. Back hurt? 800 mgs of motrin. Cancer? 800 mgs of motrin. Your head fell off? 800 mgs of motrin. You get the idea ...

Oh yeah. The VA was pretty much a bust for my Dad too. He ended up spending a wad of his own savings for private treatment. Diagnosis are handed out on a cost of cure consideration.

That really sucks, man.
Why anyone would even make this kind of sugestion 'to save money' shows a fundemental disconect with military service.

I have to say, Obama is again a jackass to even consider this, he should have shitcanned it before it got out, instead of 'floatting it.'

Just another example of how this man is unfit and unprepared for the job he has.
Why anyone would even make this kind of sugestion 'to save money' shows a fundemental disconect with military service.

I have to say, Obama is again a jackass to even consider this, he should have shitcanned it before it got out, instead of 'floatting it.'

Just another example of how this man is unfit and unprepared for the job he has.

So.....trying to provide more and better care for Vets is a bad thing ?
Why anyone would even make this kind of sugestion 'to save money' shows a fundemental disconect with military service.

I have to say, Obama is again a jackass to even consider this, he should have shitcanned it before it got out, instead of 'floatting it.'

Just another example of how this man is unfit and unprepared for the job he has.

So.....trying to provide more and better care for Vets is a bad thing ?

The whole idea was smoke and mirrors. As many already utilize private insurance received through their employers. Those folks aren't going to the VA. Which leaves those that are, the majority of which were very seriously injured, physically or psychologically. They spend more time at VA in a couple years, then most people would spend in a lifetime. We OWE them that care, shit from all I've heard and read we OWE them much better than they are receiving. My dad was hurt in direct combat, spent months recovering in VA care. Once released though, went to work and got private insurance. When he needed shrapnel removed many times, his insurance covered it. The only time he returned to the VA was for hearing aids, when he found out the cost, which wasn't covered by private insurance. He became a regular visitor to Hines VA afterwards, to visit those there, who appreciated visits.
Disabled vets deserve 100% HC, simple as that.

The problems that the VA is having providing HC is stemming from the mess that HC is for civilians.

The VA has to compete for HC workers and pay for medication and equipment and the price of HC has inflated in comparison to everything else over the last thirty years.

Fix the mess that is our current system and the VA's problems will largely be solved, too.

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