Obama admin to Boston Herald: You're not allowed access because of a story you wrote

no hon, first things first; you realize you are basically foisting a Strawman here right?

read the OP, I asked for an example, based on the comment Bush did it or they all did it.. ….Whatever US citizen said,…..you mentioned helen thomas, did she lose her credentials or access?

Yes, she lost access for THREE YEARS ... up until then she was given the opportunity to ask a question at every presser. And she was moved from the front to the back row.

She was also stripped of the privilege of ending every presser.

This silly "b-but it wasn't exactly what the Obama admin did so it doesn't count" is a bunch hooey.

you may want to look up the word *access*.

Going from being able to ask a question at every presser to not being called upon to ask a question is absolutely losing access.

She lost access to the President.
White House shuts out Herald scribe - BostonHerald.com

The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.”

“I tend to consider the degree to which papers have demonstrated to covering the White House regularly and fairly in determining local pool reporters,” White House spokesman Matt Lehrich wrote in response to a Herald request for full access to the presidential visit.

“My point about the op-ed was not that you ran it but that it was the full front page, which excluded any coverage of the visit of a sitting US President to Boston. I think that raises a fair question about whether the paper is unbiased in its coverage of the President’s visits,” Lehrich wrote.

The administration straight out admitted to not allowing the Herlad reporter in due to Obama's visit not being on the front page and instead running a front page story on Romney.

To me this behavior by the white house, especially considering that last sentence, is both UN-Presidential and UN-American. Its also very childish behavior, not very mature at all.

Pushing back isn't "childish behavior"; pushing back is assertive and a method used by mature people to make a point. It's not as if he called the Boston Herald Un-American now is it? The point being if the paper did not believe a presidential visit important enought to report, why would the president's staff believe the paper had any interest in reporting what the president might address.
Yes, she lost access for THREE YEARS ... up until then she was given the opportunity to ask a question at every presser. And she was moved from the front to the back row.

She was also stripped of the privilege of ending every presser.

This silly "b-but it wasn't exactly what the Obama admin did so it doesn't count" is a bunch hooey.

you may want to look up the word *access*.

Going from being able to ask a question at every presser to not being called upon to ask a question is absolutely losing access.

She lost access to the President.

no, losing access in this case is not being allowed in the room at all.

1. He asked for examples and got one.

2. My example is right spot on ... reprisal towards the media for negative reporting. You are spinning your ass off to say otherwise.

I repeat:

She was moved to the back row, stripped of her tradional role of saying "Thank you, Mr. President" at the end of pressers, and not called upon for three years. For what? Saying bad things about Bush.

And you crying about the Herald not being allowed into a fund raiser.

Gimme a break.

no hon, first things first; you realize you are basically foisting a Strawman here right?

read the OP, I asked for an example, based on the comment Bush did it or they all did it.. ….Whatever US citizen said,…..you mentioned helen thomas, did she lose her credentials or access?

Yes, she lost access for THREE YEARS ... up until then she was given the opportunity to ask a question at every presser. And she was moved from the front to the back row.

She was also stripped of the privilege of ending every presser.

This silly "b-but it wasn't exactly what the Obama admin did so it doesn't count" is a bunch hooey.

you don't get to create the parameters of the argument to self verify your point of view Luissa....

....so its a fund raiser? and ? if we are going to get into 'reasoning' or 'quantitative analysis behind each issue, lets; she disrespects the guy straight up, using her OPINION and non objectivity as a weapon,she still has a seat and access.....

ala this issue, the herald gives its front page to another candidate.....and they do apparently lose access..

the san fran chronicle runs an embarrassing video of a protest and gets threatened with same.....hello.

so at the end of the Day US Citizen, have you any examples please?
no hon, first things first; you realize you are basically foisting a Strawman here right?

read the OP, I asked for an example, based on the comment Bush did it or they all did it.. ….Whatever US citizen said,…..you mentioned helen thomas, did she lose her credentials or access?

Yes, she lost access for THREE YEARS ... up until then she was given the opportunity to ask a question at every presser. And she was moved from the front to the back row.

She was also stripped of the privilege of ending every presser.

This silly "b-but it wasn't exactly what the Obama admin did so it doesn't count" is a bunch hooey.

Access define access - Bing DICTIONARY

If normally when we are in the room together I am allowed to ask you questions and then, after I said some bad things about you, when we are a room together I am no longer allowed to ask you questions have I lost access to you?
you may want to look up the word *access*.

Going from being able to ask a question at every presser to not being called upon to ask a question is absolutely losing access.

She lost access to the President.

no, losing access in this case is not being allowed in the room at all.

Then in this case we disagree. By not taking questions from her when up until then it was tradition, Thomas was stripped of her access to the President
White House shuts out Herald scribe - BostonHerald.com

The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.”

“I tend to consider the degree to which papers have demonstrated to covering the White House regularly and fairly in determining local pool reporters,” White House spokesman Matt Lehrich wrote in response to a Herald request for full access to the presidential visit.

“My point about the op-ed was not that you ran it but that it was the full front page, which excluded any coverage of the visit of a sitting US President to Boston. I think that raises a fair question about whether the paper is unbiased in its coverage of the President’s visits,” Lehrich wrote.

The administration straight out admitted to not allowing the Herlad reporter in due to Obama's visit not being on the front page and instead running a front page story on Romney.

To me this behavior by the white house, especially considering that last sentence, is both UN-Presidential and UN-American. Its also very childish behavior, not very mature at all.

Pushing back isn't "childish behavior"; pushing back is assertive and a method used by mature people to make a point. It's not as if he called the Boston Herald Un-American now is it? The point being if the paper did not believe a presidential visit important enought to report, why would the president's staff believe the paper had any interest in reporting what the president might address.

so the fact that they ran a front page op-ed piece by mitt romney on MARCH 8 indicates that they didn't want to cover a visit in may?

no hon, first things first; you realize you are basically foisting a Strawman here right?

read the OP, I asked for an example, based on the comment Bush did it or they all did it.. ….Whatever US citizen said,…..you mentioned helen thomas, did she lose her credentials or access?

Yes, she lost access for THREE YEARS ... up until then she was given the opportunity to ask a question at every presser. And she was moved from the front to the back row.

She was also stripped of the privilege of ending every presser.

This silly "b-but it wasn't exactly what the Obama admin did so it doesn't count" is a bunch hooey.

you don't get to create the parameters of the argument to self verify your point of view Luissa....

....so its a fund raiser? and ? if we are going to get into 'reasoning' or 'quantitative analysis behind each issue, lets; she disrespects the guy straight up, using her OPINION and non objectivity as a weapon,she still has a seat and access.....

ala this issue, the herald gives its front page to another candidate.....and they do apparently lose access..

the san fran chronicle runs an embarrassing video of a protest and gets threatened with same.....hello.

so at the end of the Day US Citizen, have you any examples please?

You were looking for an example of reprisal towards the media from another Admin because they reported negatively on them. You got it. Three things directly done to Helen Thomas. But you are free to believe it's not the same.
Obama admin to Boston Herald: Your not allowed access because of a story you wrote

Not everyone in Boston worships Obama? What is wrong with these people? This is heresy. The people responsible at the Boston Herald should be burned at the stake or at least be healed by a liberal preacher.

Yes, she lost access for THREE YEARS ... up until then she was given the opportunity to ask a question at every presser. And she was moved from the front to the back row.

She was also stripped of the privilege of ending every presser.

This silly "b-but it wasn't exactly what the Obama admin did so it doesn't count" is a bunch hooey.

Access define access - Bing DICTIONARY

If normally when we are in the room together I am allowed to ask you questions and then, after I said some bad things about you, when we are a room together I am no longer allowed to ask you questions have I lost access to you?

Im done splitting hairs on this one after this post.

According to the definition of access you still have access to me as you are still allowed into the room to at least hear what I have to say and what other people ask and get answered.

If normally when we are in the room together I am allowed to ask you questions and then, after I said some bad things about you, when we are a room together I am no longer allowed to ask you questions have I lost access to you?

Im done splitting hairs on this one after this post.

According to the definition of access you still have access to me as you are still allowed into the room to at least hear what I have to say and what other people ask and get answered.

I can no longer do what I was previously allowed to do. That's reprisal. Access to questions is gone. For negative reporting. And why the eff are you defending Bush?
Going from being able to ask a question at every presser to not being called upon to ask a question is absolutely losing access.

She lost access to the President.

no, losing access in this case is not being allowed in the room at all.

Then in this case we disagree. By not taking questions from her when up until then it was tradition, Thomas was stripped of her access to the President

Luissa, please, you are wrong, literary and figuratively.

this helen thomas thing is a huge strawman....example-

Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front
By MIKE ALLEN | 2/20/07 2:26 PM EDT

The press corps is scheduled to move from temporary facilities back into the spiffed-up, rewired briefing room in May or June. Thomas, who has been questioning presidents and press secretaries for 46 years, plans to be there. But her front-row seat won’t be. Plans call for her to be moved to the second row to make room for a cable news channel – a sign of Washington’s changing pecking order, and of the new ways that Americans get their news.
“I didn’t think I had a monopoly on that seat,” Thomas, 86, said in a telephone interview. “Since my peers have decided that I don’t belong there, I’ll bow to their – I’ll drink the – What did Socrates drink?”


The old briefing room had eight rows of six seats across. The new one will have seven rows of seven seats, so the departure of Thomas would mean two more front-row spots. Both CNN and Fox have expressed interested in moving up from the second row. Thomas will move back. “Her special place in history is secure,” said one of the correspondents involved in the decision. “Only one columnist in all the United States has a seat in the briefing room. Helen. She still will.”
Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Helen Thomas Gets Her Front Row Seat Back In White House Press Room; Fox Shunted To Second Row

Rachel Sklar | Posted Saturday March 17, 2007 at 12:37 PM

Woo-hoo! It's a happy St. Patrick's Day indeed for Helen Thomas, who was just officially re-awarded her front row seat in the White House Briefing Room after it had been rudely snatched away last month, owing to the combination of fewer seats in the newly-refurbished briefing room (7 seats per rows for 7 rows instead of 6 seats per row for 8 rows) and the fact that both Fox and CNN had been agitating for a front-row seat. Instead of picking between them, Thomas was booted.

But now booted no more! Today the White House Correspondent's Association decided that Thomas' pride of place in the front row — 46 years and counting — would be appropriately honored:

Eat The Press | Helen Thomas Gets Her Front Row Seat Back In White House Press Room; Fox Shunted To Second Row | The Huffington Post
If normally when we are in the room together I am allowed to ask you questions and then, after I said some bad things about you, when we are a room together I am no longer allowed to ask you questions have I lost access to you?

Im done splitting hairs on this one after this post.

According to the definition of access you still have access to me as you are still allowed into the room to at least hear what I have to say and what other people ask and get answered.

I can no longer do what I was previously allowed to do. That's reprisal. Access to questions is gone. For negative reporting. And why the eff are you defending Bush?

he's not. why are you defending obama?
If normally when we are in the room together I am allowed to ask you questions and then, after I said some bad things about you, when we are a room together I am no longer allowed to ask you questions have I lost access to you?

Im done splitting hairs on this one after this post.

According to the definition of access you still have access to me as you are still allowed into the room to at least hear what I have to say and what other people ask and get answered.

I can no longer do what I was previously allowed to do. That's reprisal. Access to questions is gone. For negative reporting. And why the eff are you defending Bush?

Who said I was defending Bush? Remember I was the one who told you pointing to Bush's bad bahavior with Thomas doesn't justify Obama's bad behavior.

Go read back now....make sure you read what I have typed to you....you will see where I said "bush's bad behavior" in reference to this.

No more strawmen please.
no, losing access in this case is not being allowed in the room at all.

Then in this case we disagree. By not taking questions from her when up until then it was tradition, Thomas was stripped of her access to the President

Luissa, please, you are wrong, literary and figuratively.

this helen thomas thing is a huge strawman....example-

Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front
By MIKE ALLEN | 2/20/07 2:26 PM EDT

The press corps is scheduled to move from temporary facilities back into the spiffed-up, rewired briefing room in May or June. Thomas, who has been questioning presidents and press secretaries for 46 years, plans to be there. But her front-row seat won’t be. Plans call for her to be moved to the second row to make room for a cable news channel – a sign of Washington’s changing pecking order, and of the new ways that Americans get their news.
“I didn’t think I had a monopoly on that seat,” Thomas, 86, said in a telephone interview. “Since my peers have decided that I don’t belong there, I’ll bow to their – I’ll drink the – What did Socrates drink?”


The old briefing room had eight rows of six seats across. The new one will have seven rows of seven seats, so the departure of Thomas would mean two more front-row spots. Both CNN and Fox have expressed interested in moving up from the second row. Thomas will move back. “Her special place in history is secure,” said one of the correspondents involved in the decision. “Only one columnist in all the United States has a seat in the briefing room. Helen. She still will.”
Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Helen Thomas Gets Her Front Row Seat Back In White House Press Room; Fox Shunted To Second Row

Rachel Sklar | Posted Saturday March 17, 2007 at 12:37 PM

Woo-hoo! It's a happy St. Patrick's Day indeed for Helen Thomas, who was just officially re-awarded her front row seat in the White House Briefing Room after it had been rudely snatched away last month, owing to the combination of fewer seats in the newly-refurbished briefing room (7 seats per rows for 7 rows instead of 6 seats per row for 8 rows) and the fact that both Fox and CNN had been agitating for a front-row seat. Instead of picking between them, Thomas was booted.

But now booted no more! Today the White House Correspondent's Association decided that Thomas' pride of place in the front row — 46 years and counting — would be appropriately honored:

Eat The Press | Helen Thomas Gets Her Front Row Seat Back In White House Press Room; Fox Shunted To Second Row | The Huffington Post

My bad. Lost her front seat. The three years between questions is accurate.
The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.”
The criteria for "fair" being, of course, "how much they kiss Obama's ass".

The White House is full of petulant children. :cool:

And has been for most of it's existence.

Yeah, not really.
so, anyone, any examples other than the a fore mentioned non example? I'll check back later.

[in my best chuck woolery voice-over]

"and heres hoping that the sun shines on YOUR particular news org. as it always maintains its...."


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Im done splitting hairs on this one after this post.

According to the definition of access you still have access to me as you are still allowed into the room to at least hear what I have to say and what other people ask and get answered.

I can no longer do what I was previously allowed to do. That's reprisal. Access to questions is gone. For negative reporting. And why the eff are you defending Bush?

Who said I was defending Bush? Remember I was the one who told you pointing to Bush's bad bahavior with Thomas doesn't justify Obama's bad behavior.

Go read back now....make sure you read what I have typed to you....you will see where I said "bush's bad behavior" in reference to this.

No more strawmen please.

Let's be clear, Trajan asked for examples of another Admin behaving like the OP. That's why I brought up what the Bush Admin did to Thomas for her negative reporting. He wanted an example and got one. Everything since has been y'all kvetching over it.
Then in this case we disagree. By not taking questions from her when up until then it was tradition, Thomas was stripped of her access to the President

Luissa, please, you are wrong, literary and figuratively.

this helen thomas thing is a huge strawman....example-

Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front
By MIKE ALLEN | 2/20/07 2:26 PM EDT

The press corps is scheduled to move from temporary facilities back into the spiffed-up, rewired briefing room in May or June. Thomas, who has been questioning presidents and press secretaries for 46 years, plans to be there. But her front-row seat won’t be. Plans call for her to be moved to the second row to make room for a cable news channel – a sign of Washington’s changing pecking order, and of the new ways that Americans get their news.
“I didn’t think I had a monopoly on that seat,” Thomas, 86, said in a telephone interview. “Since my peers have decided that I don’t belong there, I’ll bow to their – I’ll drink the – What did Socrates drink?”


The old briefing room had eight rows of six seats across. The new one will have seven rows of seven seats, so the departure of Thomas would mean two more front-row spots. Both CNN and Fox have expressed interested in moving up from the second row. Thomas will move back. “Her special place in history is secure,” said one of the correspondents involved in the decision. “Only one columnist in all the United States has a seat in the briefing room. Helen. She still will.”
Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Helen Thomas Gets Her Front Row Seat Back In White House Press Room; Fox Shunted To Second Row

Rachel Sklar | Posted Saturday March 17, 2007 at 12:37 PM

Woo-hoo! It's a happy St. Patrick's Day indeed for Helen Thomas, who was just officially re-awarded her front row seat in the White House Briefing Room after it had been rudely snatched away last month, owing to the combination of fewer seats in the newly-refurbished briefing room (7 seats per rows for 7 rows instead of 6 seats per row for 8 rows) and the fact that both Fox and CNN had been agitating for a front-row seat. Instead of picking between them, Thomas was booted.

But now booted no more! Today the White House Correspondent's Association decided that Thomas' pride of place in the front row — 46 years and counting — would be appropriately honored:

Eat The Press | Helen Thomas Gets Her Front Row Seat Back In White House Press Room; Fox Shunted To Second Row | The Huffington Post

My bad. Lost her front seat. The three years between questions is accurate.

and they gave ......[que announcer- the berlioz fantastique dirge please]....

dummm dum dummmmmmmm ....Fox, the boot....

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