Obabble Can't Resist Making Everything About Him


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Jeebus. Obabble cannot even acknowledge the death of Anthony Bourdain without making it about him.

It was always a choice with him. A picture with him in it with the deceased, or a picture justof him. There was never an option for not being in the picture.
Oh wow. Don’t show pictures of yourself with the deceased.

That was nice tribute to him.
Oh wow. Don’t show pictures of yourself with the deceased.

That was nice tribute to him.

Not really. Anthony's death is just another post-a-photo op for Obabble.
I on the other hand prefer hearing personalized tributes instead of the usual generic condolences. Billy Crystal's eulogy for Muhammad Ali was one of the best, funniest and touching I've ever heard. Have watched it a few times on YouTube.
Oh wow. Don’t show pictures of yourself with the deceased.

That was nice tribute to him.
A nice tribute to who? Obie or Anthony? I’m sure Anthony is so honored to have his suicide capped off with a nice picture of Jim with obie. That probably is the best moment of his life.
Oh wow. Don’t show pictures of yourself with the deceased.

That was nice tribute to him.
A nice tribute to who? Obie or Anthony? I’m sure Anthony is so honored to have his suicide capped off with a nice picture of Jim with obie. That probably is the best moment of his life.
He seemed to be enjoying himself, and it’s a very human moment. You guys just can’t accept that.
Jeebus. Obabble cannot even acknowledge the death of Anthony Bourdain without making it about him.

View attachment 197529[/QUOT
Jeebus. Obabble cannot even acknowledge the death of Anthony Bourdain without making it about him.

View attachment 197529
In tweet, Trump makes Memorial Day about him

Opinion | Trump can't stop making everything about his own ego

Donald Trump made the Roseanne story all about him - CNNPolitics

Just a few from the last week or so.

Now, you were saying?
I see nothing wrong about this, Obama sent a picture of him enjoying the company’s of Bourdain. Sad that Bourdain choose to end his life.
It's a testament to Obama's bad character that he liked to associate himself with that self-hating-white, Trump-death-threatening, ultra-elitist-liberal, heroin pin cushion, cannibal-fetish pig like Bourdain. Good riddance to a soul so dark and creepy that whenever I saw his food shows on TV the last thing I wanted to do was eat.
It's a testament to Obama's bad character that he liked to associate himself with that self-hating-white, Trump-death-threatening, ultra-elitist-liberal, heroin pin cushion, cannibal-fetish pig like Bourdain. Good riddance to a soul so dark and creepy that whenever I saw his food shows on TV the last thing I wanted to do was eat.
And another idiot is heard from.
Oh wow. Don’t show pictures of yourself with the deceased.

That was nice tribute to him.

Not really. Anthony's death is just another post-a-photo op for Obabble.

If you really want to see a post-a-photo op with a raging narcissist, then stay tuned to what's happening in Singapore. Actually, it's a two-for-one deal since KJU is a raging narcissistic sociopath, too.

The egomaniac called Trump will claim the meeting is a fantastic success, hoping that the Norwegians who hand out Nobel Peace Prizes are listening.

What a fucking circus clown you idiots elected.
Oh wow. Don’t show pictures of yourself with the deceased.

That was nice tribute to him.

Not really. Anthony's death is just another post-a-photo op for Obabble.
You are a fucking idiot. That was a tribute to Anthony Bourdain, nothing more.

Like I said, you are a fucking idiot.

It was a terrific tribute. And that episode was a really good one, too. A.B. will be greatly missed, his series was fantastic and every rightwing idiot should be made to watch all 10 seasons. Bourdain's show was more about learning about how other people lived and got by in places not nearly as nice as the U.S., not so much about what they ate.

Their eyes need to be opened and their ears need to be freed up from the totalitarian monster who is taking over their minds.
Keep in mind that Obama is so narcissistic, his first official gift to the UK was an Ipod filled with his own political speeches.

Keep in mind that Obama is so narcissistic he named the family dog "Beau" spelled "Bo," as in Barack Obama. The fucker named the dog after himself! I've never heard of that happening before in my 45 years of life!

Keep in mind that Obama is so narcissistic, that even though any US President is one of the most 24/7 photographed human beings on this planet, still at major functions he has to take about a gajillion "selfies" he can look at and jack off to. He reminds me of that Filipino president Marcos, who had an entire warehouse room in his opulent palace filled with crates of literally millions of pictures of himself. And Obama's Star-Trek-salt-vampire in a dress reminds me of Imelda Marcos, always wasting money on the most multi-million dollar vacations, assistants and every luxury you can name...while whining how hard she had it. The Obamas are the Marcoses in black form instead of Asian form.

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