NYC Has The Money To Go After Trump For A Non-Crime But Can't Supply Basic Services


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Politics Uber Alles, right dimmy-boys? Kids can't go to school, no Cops on the Street, no garbage pickup, positions that NEED filled but now, will never be filled -- Cut. Inviting tens of thousands of illegals to the City that, guess what? They can't afford.

But, I'm going to be blunt with you New Yawkers. If you still live in that open sewer, you deserve it. In spades.

Where I'm originally from in this Country (the rust belt) I saw the hand writing on the wall 50 years ago and left. Those of you that thought New Yawk Shitty would ever be anything but a cesspool ever again, and stayed.

You got what you deserved. You can't fix stupid.

But hey! Spend HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars to go after Trump at the behest of the DNC in a case that will be overturned anyway?

Plenty of money for that. You get the government you deserve, people. Every time.

It's just more in their effort to destroy this country, cry about what they can't afford to do on one hand (caused by a situation that they created), while the other corrupt hand is handing out money left and left to keep the place running like a shit hole and go after their enemies. Power is all that matters to them, and they've dumbed down their supporters to the point that they believe whatever they are told.
Politics Uber Alles, right dimmy-boys? Kids can't go to school, no Cops on the Street, no garbage pickup, positions that NEED filled but now, will never be filled -- Cut. Inviting tens of thousands of illegals to the City that, guess what? They can't afford.

But, I'm going to be blunt with you New Yawkers. If you still live in that open sewer, you deserve it. In spades.

Where I'm originally from in this Country (the rust belt) I saw the hand writing on the wall 50 years ago and left. Those of you that thought New Yawk Shitty would ever be anything but a cesspool ever again, and stayed.

You got what you deserved. You can't fix stupid.

But hey! Spend HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars to go after Trump at the behest of the DNC in a case that will be overturned anyway?

Plenty of money for that. You get the government you deserve, people. Every time.

This is what TDS does. The total obsession of getting Trump, no matter what the cost is and no matter how much collatteral damage happens.
Politics Uber Alles, right dimmy-boys? Kids can't go to school, no Cops on the Street, no garbage pickup, positions that NEED filled but now, will never be filled -- Cut. Inviting tens of thousands of illegals to the City that, guess what? They can't afford.

But, I'm going to be blunt with you New Yawkers. If you still live in that open sewer, you deserve it. In spades.

Where I'm originally from in this Country (the rust belt) I saw the hand writing on the wall 50 years ago and left. Those of you that thought New Yawk Shitty would ever be anything but a cesspool ever again, and stayed.

You got what you deserved. You can't fix stupid.

But hey! Spend HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars to go after Trump at the behest of the DNC in a case that will be overturned anyway?

Plenty of money for that. You get the government you deserve, people. Every time.


It makes perfect sense. The product of the left is hate. They use hate to distract their sheep voters from what Democrats are doing to their lives. With Democrats, you just make them hate someone and they purr like a kitten while Democrat politicians leave them in feces on the streets and eating dogfood. Democrats are stupid. No one knows that better than who they are voting for
This is what TDS does. The total obsession of getting Trump, no matter what the cost is and no matter how much collatteral damage happens.
Not sure it's TDS. I think it's Soros going after Trump. Keep in mind, Soros is a fucking criminal. He was Tried in absentia in Malaysia and given the death sentence, IIRC(?). I know for a fact he's a fugitive from France. If they can get their hands on him, he's gonzo.

Soros is the biggest piece of shit, the worst scumbag in the dimocrap FILTH party. And People, THAT is saying something.

He got his start in Hungary, turning Jews in, to the National Socialists and stealing their belongings. Mostly art, precious metals and jewelry.

He, himself, is a Hungarian Jew but when the German National Socialists 'took over' Hungary with their pledge of elimination of Jews, Soros' family sent him to live with some Catholic people and they all pretended he was their son.

Soros soon saw the profit in turning Jews in to the National Socialists since he knew where they all lived.

He is scum. He is the lowest form of life on earth. Even lower than your typical dimocrap, which is nearly impossible. But he managed.

He belongs in Hell
I disagree. It makes perfect sense. How else besides hate can Democrat politicians distract Democrat voters from what they are doing to their lives? They can't eat, buy gas, go on vacation, but they can hate, and that's what Democrats do best

Isnt it amazing that so many people vote against their own self interests.
There are homeless on NYC streets

Why spend money to prosecute white collar criminals?
So, I guess that as long as there is crime in the street, no municipality should prosecute white collar crime

They should prosecute actual white collar crime, not made up political bullshit.

Notice Adams isn't talking about raising taxes because he knows further increases would just spur on more flight out of the city. Don't worry the City Council will propose a massive tax increase as the "solution"
The Democrats shot themselves in the foot with the indictments against Trump. He now leads Biden in almost every major poll.
The Democrats shot themselves in the foot with the indictments against Trump. He now leads Biden in almost every major poll.
Great, except Sponge-Brains-Shits-Pants ain't gonna be their POTUS candidate, IMO.

Even if Joey Diapers wants to run again, I think the DNC will keep him from it somehow. By any means at their disposal. And I mean, by ANY means.

Interesting times we live in. We could be witnessing the fall of the greatest civilization in Earth's history. Brought to you by the dimocrap FILTH party
Isnt it amazing that so many people vote against their own self interests.

They're ignorant, plain and simple.

I saw one of those 'on the street' episodes where someone was going around getting people to sign a petition in support of hamas, but they had to read what they were agreeing to in their support of hamas. Things like women being 2nd class citizens, not allowed to go anywhere without a man, being covered from head to foot, if you're gay you have to hide it or else risk being killed, etc... And when they read that they were all horrified and refused to sign the petition. They're just stupid, misinformed idiots who are told what to think and what their opinion should be, and they follow like sheep to the slaughter.
They are trying to convict on a supposed federal election violation via State government via some made up legal jiggery pokery.
The sad part is -- What they accuse Trump of IS NOT A CRIME. They are accusing him of a civil violation that should be handled by another court entirely. James and Engoron CHOSE to go this route. It should be handled by a totally DIFFERENT Court. Like a Traffic Court. Not even that high of a Court. An Administrative hearing, not even a court
They should prosecute actual white collar crime, not made up political bullshit.

Notice Adams isn't talking about raising taxes because he knows further increases would just spur on more flight out of the city. Don't worry the City Council will propose a massive tax increase as the "solution"

Trumps fraud has already been proven without a doubt. He inflated his property values…..the only question is by how much?
Trumps fraud has already been proven without a doubt. He inflated his property values…..the only question is by how much?

Different case, dummy, but the same principle applies.

Also the judge that did the summary judgement is about to lose the gag order case on appeal, which bodes poorly for any judgement from them standing up.
The sad part is -- What they accuse Trump of IS NOT A CRIME. They are accusing him of a civil violation that should be handled by another court entirely. James and Engoron CHOSE to go this route. It should be handled by a totally DIFFERENT Court. Like a Traffic Court. Not even that high of a Court. An Administrative hearing, not even a court

It is in Civil Court

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