NY Dem Congressmen Ask Fed to Pay for KSM Trial


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
It seems nineteen Democrat Congressmembers have written a letter to President Obama, asking for the federal government to shell out some big bucks to New York for the criminal trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his co-conspirators.

So let's get this straight. These puswads insisted that this act of war against the United States - 9/11, for those of you who haven't been following along - should be treated like a simple violation of the civilian criminal code; these guys should be treated like they stole an old lady's purse, and then shot the old lady, rather than like they stole three airplanes and flew them, full of passengers, into the World Trade Center, also full of people.

But NOW . . . oh, NOW these belly-crawling, terrorist-aiding dumbasses have noticed that this is just a BIT bigger than a everyday, run-of-the-mill crime, and MIGHT bring extra problems with it, like . . . oh, I don't know, an insanely high risk of more terrorism in the city these animals already ravaged? Not to mention that there might one or two (thousand) people in the area who would - justifiably - like to have these evil bastards' cojones for trophies? So gee whiz, this is going to cost a bundle for added security and the federal budget should bear the brunt of it.

Seriously, have people in New York ever considered the possibility of electing people with three-digit IQs? Who has been keeping these possibilities a secret from these rocket scientists all this time?

My first instinct is to say: screw you, suck it up. You troglodytes wanted this to be a civilian criminal matter. That makes it New York's problem now. I'm not aware of the federal government making a habit of funding any other trials in the civilian courts. I feel a little sorry for the people of New York, who have been raising a ruckus about these concerns ever since Obama announced this decision. Their local politicians are trying to put a stop to it. On the other hand, they elected these mushbrains, so I don't feel THAT sorry for them. What goes around comes around.
Thank you for that useful post Jillian (gotta get that sarc mark). Do you think the people of NY should have to pay? I believe they've estimated the costs at $400 million.
i'm sorry. Did you say anythign of any value which required that I take the time to bother with you?

ny'ers vote for repubs when they're worth voting for.

hint: ny'ers are idiots if they vote for someone who thinks they're not part of the "pro america parts of the country". and it was kind of important that we voted for someone who knows how to read a presidential daily briefing.
So that's a "yes"? Or a "no"? Should the feds or the city pay for the trial? Personally, I don't think it's fair to the victim's families. However, if the precedent is that the city pays...
If the President and his Attorney General had left well enough alone all these men would already have been tried. KSM plead Guilty in the Tribunal. More money down the drain because Obama wants to make a statement against Bush. He knows he can not get any real evidence against Bush so he will settle for this crap. A waste of time, money and resources for a show trial the likes of which even the Kremlin would be proud.
I generally go to NYC 4 or 5 times a year. I have a feeling I'll stay away during those two or more years. That $400 million doesn't include loss of tourism dollars.
If the President and his Attorney General had left well enough alone all these men would already have been tried. KSM plead Guilty in the Tribunal. More money down the drain because Obama wants to make a statement against Bush. He knows he can not get any real evidence against Bush so he will settle for this crap. A waste of time, money and resources for a show trial the likes of which even the Kremlin would be proud.

If the last administration had any intention of giving them military trials, they'd have been tried during the six years the last administration had them.

I'm still trying to figure out why it was ok for bush's admin to try the shoe bomber and blind sheikh, but now we've suddenly lost our ability to hold a trial.
So that's a "yes"? Or a "no"? Should the feds or the city pay for the trial? Personally, I don't think it's fair to the victim's families. However, if the precedent is that the city pays...

I think NY should always have more funds to control terrorism. Do you think NY should get what Iowa did like what happened under the last admin?
If the President and his Attorney General had left well enough alone all these men would already have been tried. KSM plead Guilty in the Tribunal. More money down the drain because Obama wants to make a statement against Bush. He knows he can not get any real evidence against Bush so he will settle for this crap. A waste of time, money and resources for a show trial the likes of which even the Kremlin would be proud.

If the last administration had any intention of giving them military trials, they'd have been tried during the six years the last administration had them.

I'm still trying to figure out why it was ok for bush's admin to try the shoe bomber and blind sheikh, but now we've suddenly lost our ability to hold a trial.

LOOK another bald face lie by Jillian, a Lawyer, that knows perfectly well that Bush tried 2 different times to hold tribunals and was stopped by Liberals in Court. Unable to proceed until finally the Supreme Court ruled on it. After which he DID again start Tribunals.

Go ahead Jillian explain how he could hold Tribunals while Federal Courts stopped him?
So that's a "yes"? Or a "no"? Should the feds or the city pay for the trial? Personally, I don't think it's fair to the victim's families. However, if the precedent is that the city pays...

I think NY should always have more funds to control terrorism. Do you think NY should get what Iowa did like what happened under the last admin?

Oh I agree. But I would like to see that money going toward FIGHTING terrorism. Not security guards for protesters.

The blind sheikh was a gaffe by the Clinton Administration and the shoe bomber did not kill 3000 people. I'm certain Clinton would have handled it differently in hindsight. But keep comparing apples to oranges.
So that's a "yes"? Or a "no"? Should the feds or the city pay for the trial? Personally, I don't think it's fair to the victim's families. However, if the precedent is that the city pays...

I think NY should always have more funds to control terrorism. Do you think NY should get what Iowa did like what happened under the last admin?

Oh I agree. But I would like to see that money going toward FIGHTING terrorism. Not security guards for protesters.

The blind sheikh was a gaffe by the Clinton Administration and the shoe bomber did not kill 3000 people. I'm certain Clinton would have handled it differently in hindsight. But keep comparing apples to oranges.

the blind sheikh wasn't a gaffe at all.

and the shoebomber wanted to do exactly what the 9.11 guys did. you're flailing.

which is fine.. it's because there's no basis for the distinction.

as for our safety... we didn't do so hot when the repubs where in power, did we?
So that's a "yes"? Or a "no"? Should the feds or the city pay for the trial? Personally, I don't think it's fair to the victim's families. However, if the precedent is that the city pays...

I think NY should always have more funds to control terrorism. Do you think NY should get what Iowa did like what happened under the last admin?

Oh I agree. But I would like to see that money going toward FIGHTING terrorism. Not security guards for protesters.

The blind sheikh was a gaffe by the Clinton Administration and the shoe bomber did not kill 3000 people. I'm certain Clinton would have handled it differently in hindsight. But keep comparing apples to oranges.

Both men were CAPTURED inside the UNITED STATES by the LAW ENFORCEMENT. Not even the same thing. Just like why the Detroit bomber goes to Federal Court. Jillian is a hack.
I think NY should always have more funds to control terrorism. Do you think NY should get what Iowa did like what happened under the last admin?

Oh I agree. But I would like to see that money going toward FIGHTING terrorism. Not security guards for protesters.

The blind sheikh was a gaffe by the Clinton Administration and the shoe bomber did not kill 3000 people. I'm certain Clinton would have handled it differently in hindsight. But keep comparing apples to oranges.

Both men were CAPTURED inside the UNITED STATES by the LAW ENFORCEMENT. Not even the same thing. Just like why the Detroit bomber goes to Federal Court. Jillian is a hack.

awww... poor baby. psssst: it was an american plane. though it's nice of you to take the opportunity, on something MANY of us obviously disagree with you about, to fling your usual personal insults. :thup:

and i'm sure you know waaaaaaaaaaaaay more about our jurisidiction than the federal prosecutors. yeppers... uh huh... :cuckoo:
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It was Obama and Holder's choice Jillian and you know it.

Senator Lindsey Graham asked Mr. Holder if he could cite one prior case where an enemy combatant the likes of KSM had been tried in a criminal court.

I watched Mr. Holder’s response. (You can too by clicking here.) You would think he would have researched this prior to making his decision. You would think there was some precedent to justify this outrageous decision. You would think he would have been prepared to answer such an obvious question.

Instead, Holder stammered, hemmed and hawed. This was the proverbial “deer caught in the headlights” moment. Holder could only muster a tepid response that he would “have to look at that.” (In other words, he hadn’t!)

Senator Graham stepped in and informed Mr. Holder that there is not a single case precedent for the decision to try Mohammed in a criminal court.

Not one.
In KSM Trial, Politics—Not Precedent—Rules | Red County
Oh I agree. But I would like to see that money going toward FIGHTING terrorism. Not security guards for protesters.

The blind sheikh was a gaffe by the Clinton Administration and the shoe bomber did not kill 3000 people. I'm certain Clinton would have handled it differently in hindsight. But keep comparing apples to oranges.

Both men were CAPTURED inside the UNITED STATES by the LAW ENFORCEMENT. Not even the same thing. Just like why the Detroit bomber goes to Federal Court. Jillian is a hack.

awww... poor baby. psssst: it was an american plane. though it's nice of you to take the opportunity, on something MANY of us obviously disagree with you about, to fling your usual personal insults. :thup:

and i'm sure you know waaaaaaaaaaaaay more about our jurisidiction than the federal prosecutors. yeppers... uh huh... :cuckoo:

That would be why Holder ANNOUNCED that if the Court does not find him Guilty he will turn him back over to the MILITARY. RIGHT? I notice you ignored your little claim that Bush did not try to try them in Tribunals, you liar.
That would be why Holder ANNOUNCED that if the Court does not find him Guilty he will turn him back over to the MILITARY. RIGHT? I notice you ignored your little claim that Bush did not try to try them in Tribunals, you liar.

and often when someone is acquitted on state charges, they are turned over to the feds because there's no double jeopardy under those circumstances.

your point?

other than to rant, of course.

and no one is lying. you're just ranting.

you having a bad morning? the meds not working for you?
It was Holder's choice. Not obama's.

And I happen to agree with the choice. It certainly beats sequestering people for six years without charges and without trials.

BULLSHIT, he does nothing without the Permission of the President. And you are NOW on record as supporting a show trial where if the result is not to the liking of the Administration they will just turn him back over to the Military. So much for that PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE required in a Federal Trial.

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