NY Dem Congressmen Ask Fed to Pay for KSM Trial

No Jillian - the "wingnuts" as well as the good people of NY are bringing it up now because Bloomberg just released the cost estimates and 19 Dems just signed a petition. I am fairly certain Rush did not contribute to the articles released in Newsweek, NY Times, and Huff Post. No - I don't have proof of that. lol
oh no.. i'm talkikng about the whining wingnuts...not Bloomberg's APPROPRIATE request for additional funds.

and given the silence of the wingnuts when the shoebomber was tried, the whole issue of whether THIS person should be tried or not is a pathetic non-starter.

but you already know that.

carry on.
It seems nineteen Democrat Congressmembers have written a letter to President Obama, asking for the federal government to shell out some big bucks to New York for the criminal trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his co-conspirators.

So let's get this straight. These puswads insisted that this act of war against the United States - 9/11, for those of you who haven't been following along - should be treated like a simple violation of the civilian criminal code; these guys should be treated like they stole an old lady's purse, and then shot the old lady, rather than like they stole three airplanes and flew them, full of passengers, into the World Trade Center, also full of people.

But NOW . . . oh, NOW these belly-crawling, terrorist-aiding dumbasses have noticed that this is just a BIT bigger than a everyday, run-of-the-mill crime, and MIGHT bring extra problems with it, like . . . oh, I don't know, an insanely high risk of more terrorism in the city these animals already ravaged? Not to mention that there might one or two (thousand) people in the area who would - justifiably - like to have these evil bastards' cojones for trophies? So gee whiz, this is going to cost a bundle for added security and the federal budget should bear the brunt of it.

Seriously, have people in New York ever considered the possibility of electing people with three-digit IQs? Who has been keeping these possibilities a secret from these rocket scientists all this time?

My first instinct is to say: screw you, suck it up. You troglodytes wanted this to be a civilian criminal matter. That makes it New York's problem now. I'm not aware of the federal government making a habit of funding any other trials in the civilian courts. I feel a little sorry for the people of New York, who have been raising a ruckus about these concerns ever since Obama announced this decision. Their local politicians are trying to put a stop to it. On the other hand, they elected these mushbrains, so I don't feel THAT sorry for them. What goes around comes around.

Does this come as a surprise?
Rush brought it up on day one after the story broke.

Did I say it was a surprise? Why, no, I don't believe I did. I didn't start this thread because I thought no one else anywhere had mentioned this (especially since someone had to have done so for me to have heard about it). I started it because I wished to discuss it.
of COURSE he "answers" to the president. But he certainly is NOT required to GET PERMISSION for everything he does.

Sure, he can go to the crapper on his own say-so, but transferring the alleged mastermind behind 9/11 and his co-conspirators from federal custody to that of New York State to be tried as common criminals? You really, honestly think the AG is going to do something that big and public and controversial on his own hook? Seriously?

yeah... I do. Now why don't you prove me wrong or STFU!

I shouldn't need to "prove you wrong". Common sense does that. The fact that you lack same doesn't indicate that I should make up for that lack. It indicates that YOU should shut the fuck up.
Does this come as a surprise?
Rush brought it up on day one after the story broke.


the fact that rush brought it up is the only reason the wingnuts are talking about it now... you know, given they didn't say a word about it when the shoe bomber was tried.


Ah, yes. There is no other source for this news but Rush, and if Rush talked about it, that absolves you from having to explain it. Rush mentioned it, ergo it's automatically acceptable and needs no excuse.

That's about as believable as "Jillian is a sane, reliable source of information." :eusa_liar:
KSM already plead guilty before a military tribunal.

after being waterboarded how many times?

look at it this way. if some other country was holding one of our guys and said they "confessed" to something after being tortured, i'm kind of thinking you'd call foul.

well, i call foul equally....whether its them doing it to our guys or our guys doing it to them.

This just in: he did a lot more than confess. He also gave interrogators reams of information on terrorist activities, allowing them to thwart multiple plots and save lives. I'd say that swings his confession away from your "poor, abused man saying anything to stop the torture" scenario and toward credibility.

For example:

In August, 2006, acting on information gleaned from KSM, British officials launched a series of raids that led to the arrests of two dozen al Qaida suspects. One of them had a thumbdrive in his pocket with security details for Heathrow airport, and info on seven trans-Atlantic flights scheduled to take off within hours of each other. Had it not been for intel from KSM about a plan he set up for exactly this scenario, intended to kill around 4,000 civilians, intelligence officials would never have identified the activities of this cell as leading up to this plan.
KSM already plead guilty before a military tribunal.

after being waterboarded how many times?

look at it this way. if some other country was holding one of our guys and said they "confessed" to something after being tortured, i'm kind of thinking you'd call foul.

well, i call foul equally....whether its them doing it to our guys or our guys doing it to them.

This just in: he did a lot more than confess. He also gave interrogators reams of information on terrorist activities, allowing them to thwart multiple plots and save lives. I'd say that swings his confession away from your "poor, abused man saying anything to stop the torture" scenario and toward credibility.

For example:

In August, 2006, acting on information gleaned from KSM, British officials launched a series of raids that led to the arrests of two dozen al Qaida suspects. One of them had a thumbdrive in his pocket with security details for Heathrow airport, and info on seven trans-Atlantic flights scheduled to take off within hours of each other. Had it not been for intel from KSM about a plan he set up for exactly this scenario, intended to kill around 4,000 civilians, intelligence officials would never have identified the activities of this cell as leading up to this plan.

Jillian is an Obama bot, she will say anything, do anything, to protect or defend Obama. No matter the facts, no matter the reality. Do not confuse her with facts she just ignores them for her drive by troll posts.

This is sad too, cause before Obama came along she was an intelligent useful poster to this board.
after being waterboarded how many times?

look at it this way. if some other country was holding one of our guys and said they "confessed" to something after being tortured, i'm kind of thinking you'd call foul.

well, i call foul equally....whether its them doing it to our guys or our guys doing it to them.

This just in: he did a lot more than confess. He also gave interrogators reams of information on terrorist activities, allowing them to thwart multiple plots and save lives. I'd say that swings his confession away from your "poor, abused man saying anything to stop the torture" scenario and toward credibility.

For example:

In August, 2006, acting on information gleaned from KSM, British officials launched a series of raids that led to the arrests of two dozen al Qaida suspects. One of them had a thumbdrive in his pocket with security details for Heathrow airport, and info on seven trans-Atlantic flights scheduled to take off within hours of each other. Had it not been for intel from KSM about a plan he set up for exactly this scenario, intended to kill around 4,000 civilians, intelligence officials would never have identified the activities of this cell as leading up to this plan.

Jillian is an Obama bot, she will say anything, do anything, to protect or defend Obama. No matter the facts, no matter the reality. Do not confuse her with facts she just ignores them for her drive by troll posts.

This is sad too, cause before Obama came along she was an intelligent useful poster to this board.

In all honesty, I don't care if she listens to and is convinced by the facts, or if her head implodes like antimatter being introduced to matter. I posted that response because I think other people need to see it before THEY buy into that soppy "poor tortured man confessing to stop the pain" crap.
Sure, he can go to the crapper on his own say-so, but transferring the alleged mastermind behind 9/11 and his co-conspirators from federal custody to that of New York State to be tried as common criminals? You really, honestly think the AG is going to do something that big and public and controversial on his own hook? Seriously?

yeah... I do. Now why don't you prove me wrong or STFU!

I shouldn't need to "prove you wrong". Common sense does that. The fact that you lack same doesn't indicate that I should make up for that lack. It indicates that YOU should shut the fuck up.

of course.... everyone thinks their opinion is common sense. You need to accept the fact that others might not agree.
It seems nineteen Democrat Congressmembers have written a letter to President Obama, asking for the federal government to shell out some big bucks to New York for the criminal trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his co-conspirators.

So let's get this straight. These puswads insisted that this act of war against the United States - 9/11, for those of you who haven't been following along - should be treated like a simple violation of the civilian criminal code; these guys should be treated like they stole an old lady's purse, and then shot the old lady, rather than like they stole three airplanes and flew them, full of passengers, into the World Trade Center, also full of people.

But NOW . . . oh, NOW these belly-crawling, terrorist-aiding dumbasses have noticed that this is just a BIT bigger than a everyday, run-of-the-mill crime, and MIGHT bring extra problems with it, like . . . oh, I don't know, an insanely high risk of more terrorism in the city these animals already ravaged? Not to mention that there might one or two (thousand) people in the area who would - justifiably - like to have these evil bastards' cojones for trophies? So gee whiz, this is going to cost a bundle for added security and the federal budget should bear the brunt of it.

Seriously, have people in New York ever considered the possibility of electing people with three-digit IQs? Who has been keeping these possibilities a secret from these rocket scientists all this time?

My first instinct is to say: screw you, suck it up. You troglodytes wanted this to be a civilian criminal matter. That makes it New York's problem now. I'm not aware of the federal government making a habit of funding any other trials in the civilian courts. I feel a little sorry for the people of New York, who have been raising a ruckus about these concerns ever since Obama announced this decision. Their local politicians are trying to put a stop to it. On the other hand, they elected these mushbrains, so I don't feel THAT sorry for them. What goes around comes around.

Totally agree. This trial was a slam dunk in a military tribunal. Done deal. Then Holder and his master OL'BO decided it would be good to showcase these trials just to show how"Fair" our justice system can be and showcase their idiot beliefs that these are civil matters. I honestly think these guys have no brains at all. This trial will cost tons of money and allow these dirtbags to spew their venom all over.

Gotta wonder what the Clowns in this administration use for brains? Can't be much.
And you know what I look like...how? :cuckoo:

I have no doubt that he had Obama's blessing in this matter - I think it was a great decision and any smart president would have agreed with it. Nonetheless, no one has shown me anything that would show that Holder needed Obama's PERMISSION for everything (or ANYTHING) that he does....the initial claim with which I took issue.

It's a figure of speech dumbass. I'm pretty sure someone has already told you that the AG serves at the pleasure of the president and not at his own pleasure. You admit that you don't doubt that the AG had the presidents approval. You're trying to argue over semantics because you have no other argument. You may as well concede that you are wrong.

The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors."

United States Attorney General - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

other AG's have resigned rather than follow inappropriate guidance from the president. YOu have YET to prove that this was Obama's decision and not Holder's. WHy not get back to me when you can... and until then, STFU.

You are an idiot. The AG SERVES AT THE PRESIDENTS PLEASURE NOT HIS OWN. So everything he does he has the presidents approval on, the AG cannot act on his own. Are you intentionally being stupid or were you born that way?
KSM already plead guilty before a military tribunal.

after being waterboarded how many times?

look at it this way. if some other country was holding one of our guys and said they "confessed" to something after being tortured, i'm kind of thinking you'd call foul.

well, i call foul equally....whether its them doing it to our guys or our guys doing it to them.

This just in: he did a lot more than confess. He also gave interrogators reams of information on terrorist activities, allowing them to thwart multiple plots and save lives. I'd say that swings his confession away from your "poor, abused man saying anything to stop the torture" scenario and toward credibility.

For example:

In August, 2006, acting on information gleaned from KSM, British officials launched a series of raids that led to the arrests of two dozen al Qaida suspects. One of them had a thumbdrive in his pocket with security details for Heathrow airport, and info on seven trans-Atlantic flights scheduled to take off within hours of each other. Had it not been for intel from KSM about a plan he set up for exactly this scenario, intended to kill around 4,000 civilians, intelligence officials would never have identified the activities of this cell as leading up to this plan.

Don't confuse them with common sense or facts. I think there's a law against being cruel to the mentally challenged.
It was Holder's choice. Not obama's.

And I happen to agree with the choice. It certainly beats sequestering people for six years without charges and without trials.
First you would have to assune these are PEOPLE, they are animals, And as far as keeping them in custody for years, too bad, they should have thought of that before they attacked us. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not covered by OUR constitution.
First you would have to assune these are PEOPLE, they are animals, And as far as keeping them in custody for years, too bad, they should have thought of that before they attacked us. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not covered by OUR constitution.
First you would have to assune these are PEOPLE, they are animals, And as far as keeping them in custody for years, too bad, they should have thought of that before they attacked us. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not covered by OUR constitution.
It's a figure of speech dumbass. I'm pretty sure someone has already told you that the AG serves at the pleasure of the president and not at his own pleasure. You admit that you don't doubt that the AG had the presidents approval. You're trying to argue over semantics because you have no other argument. You may as well concede that you are wrong.

United States Attorney General - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

other AG's have resigned rather than follow inappropriate guidance from the president. YOu have YET to prove that this was Obama's decision and not Holder's. WHy not get back to me when you can... and until then, STFU.

You are an idiot. The AG SERVES AT THE PRESIDENTS PLEASURE NOT HIS OWN. So everything he does he has the presidents approval on, the AG cannot act on his own. Are you intentionally being stupid or were you born that way?

Most good leaders of large organizations use the concept of command by negation/intervention by exception. They do not need to approve every move that their subordinates make. THey DO allow them to act on their own nearly all the time. When they find them going astray, or heading in a direction that is against their overall strategy, then, and only then do they step in and provide overriding guidance.

It would seem that YOU are the idiot, sir... for thinking that the president does not allow the AG to run his own department without rudder orders from the White House.
First you would have to assune these are PEOPLE, they are animals, And as far as keeping them in custody for years, too bad, they should have thought of that before they attacked us. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not covered by OUR constitution.

actually... they are protected by the supreme law of the land...that, of course, being treaties we have signed that require us to treat all persons humanely.
other AG's have resigned rather than follow inappropriate guidance from the president. YOu have YET to prove that this was Obama's decision and not Holder's. WHy not get back to me when you can... and until then, STFU.

You are an idiot. The AG SERVES AT THE PRESIDENTS PLEASURE NOT HIS OWN. So everything he does he has the presidents approval on, the AG cannot act on his own. Are you intentionally being stupid or were you born that way?

Most good leaders of large organizations use the concept of command by negation/intervention by exception. They do not need to approve every move that their subordinates make. THey DO allow them to act on their own nearly all the time. When they find them going astray, or heading in a direction that is against their overall strategy, then, and only then do they step in and provide overriding guidance.

It would seem that YOU are the idiot, sir... for thinking that the president does not allow the AG to run his own department without rudder orders from the White House.

Prove that the AG doesn't need approval from the president on matters that involves national secuirty.

The fact that you admitted that the AG had presidential approval kind of screws up your argument, doesn't it? But I expect as much from an idiot such as yourself.
First you would have to assune these are PEOPLE, they are animals, And as far as keeping them in custody for years, too bad, they should have thought of that before they attacked us. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not covered by OUR constitution.

actually... they are protected by the supreme law of the land...that, of course, being treaties we have signed that require us to treat all persons humanely.

Which treaties are those?
First you would have to assune these are PEOPLE, they are animals, And as far as keeping them in custody for years, too bad, they should have thought of that before they attacked us. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not covered by OUR constitution.

how American of you... convict without ever levying charges or holding a trial. :cuckoo:

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