Now That The '60 Minutes' Benghazi Story Has Been Proven To Be Another Hoax


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Will the RW media, politicians and scandal machine let it go?

Or...will the continue to drum-up faux outrage and making up false scandals about Benghazi-gate?

CBS' '60 Minutes' apologizes for flawed report on Benghazi attack | Fox News

Southern Belle Lindsay Graham has sworn not to confirm any more Obama nominations based upon the '60 Minutes' report about Benghazi, amongst others.

You think they'll retract their bogus nonsense?

Or will they double-down as I suspect and expect they would?
60 Minutes bungling its reporting doesn't make Benghazi less of a scandal for the Obama Administration.

Just sayin'.
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Here's a better question.

Should Lara Logan be fired?

Mary Mapes and Dan Rather were fired for "memo-gate"...

It strikes me the same should happen here.


Logan should have known better, she has only herself to blame, particularly with a hyper-partisan journalistic minefield such as Benghazi.
Here's a better question.

Should Lara Logan be fired?

Mary Mapes and Dan Rather were fired for "memo-gate"...

It strikes me the same should happen here.


Logan should have known better, she has only herself to blame, particularly with a hyper-partisan journalistic minefield such as Benghazi.

Logan has a record of leaning to the right and saying crazy things about the middle east, even before she was alledgely assaulted by an Egyptian mob.

The real problem is the lack of adult supervision at CBS news.
60 Minutes bungling its reporting doesn't make Benghazi less of a scandal for the Obama Administration.

Just sayin'.

Well, yeah, it kind of does, because this character made claims the Ambassador was abandoned and he saw it, when in fact, he wasn't, and told his employer and the FBI he wasn't.

Oh ... You mean kind of like ... Going on all the television shows and blaming the Benghazi attack on a YouTube video.
I remember the characters making those comments as well ... And it was on just about every station ... Not just a "60 Minutes" report.

I cannot wait to see who gets fired over that.

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60 Minutes bungling its reporting doesn't make Benghazi less of a scandal for the Obama Administration.

Just sayin'.

Well... no boe... one of obama's lap dog cheer leader mouth pieces says everything is OK now, so, you're not suppose to question that... you're supposed to just move on like a good little programmed odumbobot and forget about it... like all the leftards will do... :lol:
60 Minutes bungling its reporting doesn't make Benghazi less of a scandal for the Obama Administration.

Just sayin'.

Well, yeah, it kind of does, because this character made claims the Ambassador was abandoned and he saw it, when in fact, he wasn't, and told his employer and the FBI he wasn't.

Oh ... You mean kind of like ... Going on all the television shows and blaming the Benghazi attack on a YouTube video.
I remember the characters making those comments as well ... And it was on just about every station ... Not just a "60 Minutes" report.

I cannot wait to see who gets fired over that.


You mean the YouTube Video that people in 20 countries rioted or protested over?
60 Minutes bungling its reporting doesn't make Benghazi less of a scandal for the Obama Administration.

Just sayin'.

Well, yeah, it kind of does, because this character made claims the Ambassador was abandoned and he saw it, when in fact, he wasn't, and told his employer and the FBI he wasn't.

Smokescreen, bub.

We already know that the Ambassador was abandoned based upon his requests for additional security which the Obama Administration IGNORED...and the wee fact that four people died as a result.
Well, yeah, it kind of does, because this character made claims the Ambassador was abandoned and he saw it, when in fact, he wasn't, and told his employer and the FBI he wasn't.

Oh ... You mean kind of like ... Going on all the television shows and blaming the Benghazi attack on a YouTube video.
I remember the characters making those comments as well ... And it was on just about every station ... Not just a "60 Minutes" report.

I cannot wait to see who gets fired over that.


You mean the YouTube Video that people in 20 countries rioted or protested over?

^^^ Poster Moron for Obama's Useful Idiot Club ^^^
move along people...Obama is as clean as the first fallen snow

No one can walk on it don't ya know

now everyone who thought he was dirty, go say three hail Obama's and ask forgiveness...
You mean the YouTube Video that people in 20 countries rioted or protested over?

In all honesty ... I haven't seen the YouTube video ... But I have seen video of the activities at the compound ... And it wasn't a protest.

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...making up false scandals...

Like blaming the attacks on a video that no one saw? Those kind of false scandals? :eusa_whistle:

If no one saw it, why were there demonstrations in Egypt the Previous Day in response to it?

Or demonstrations in 20 other Islamic Countries in the following weeks?

That video hadn't a goddamn thing to do with the attacks on the embassy and everyone knows it. Your disingenuous hypocrisy is on full display, once again.
Remember the LAST time 60 Minutes had a fiasco similar to this?
It was when Dan Rather asked the question about Bush's military service.
They, too, had used an unsubstantiated source
What was the result?
The producer got fired on the spot, they brought out a self-imposed independent panel to investigate what happened.
3 more executives got fired.
And finally Dan Rather himself, stepped down months later.
In this case, the female reporter worked on this story for a whole year.
The result?
An 85 second apology on this week's episode of '60 Minutes' claiming that they made a "mistake."
Things that make me go"Hhmmm......!"
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