Not again: Another act of Democrat vandalism falsely blamed on Tea Party


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Ah yes! That "tea party" violence that liberals keep trying to tell us about! :lol::lol::lol:

Remember my handy March 2010 guide? Flashback: How the Left fakes the hate: A primer.
Remember this case? Flashback:
In late August 2009, as lawmakers faced citizen revolts at health care town halls nationwide, the Colorado Democratic Party decried a vandalism attack at its Denver headquarters. A hammer-wielding thug smashed 11 windows and caused $11,000 in property damage. The perpetrator, Maurice Schwenkler, turned out to be a far Left nutball/transgender activist/single-payer anarchist who had worked for a SEIU-tied 527 group and canvassed for a Democrat candidate. Nevertheless, State Democrat Party chair Pat Waak continued to blame “people opposed to health care” for the attack.
I was reminded of this far Left hoax incident — unjustly blamed on the Tea Party — when I read today about what really happened at Democrat Rep. Russ Carnahan’s office in Missouri.

Michelle Malkin Not again: Another act of Democrat vandalism falsely blamed on Tea Party


VANDAL WHO FIREBOMBED CARNAHAN’S OFFICE IDENTIFIED – He’s a Dem Operative & Disgruntled Employee …Update: Carnahan Confesses

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 8:48 AM
Last Tuesday August 17, 2010, Rep. Russ Carnahan’s office was reportedly vandalized and “firebombed” at 2 AM in the morning. Hours later police arrested a suspect for the crime and held him for several hours.
Of course, when the “firebombing” was reported local leftists blamed the tea party activists.

Then things got really weird. The police released the suspect and the Carnahan camp went silent. Carnahan employees were seen dumping documents into a dumpster but refused to to talk to reporters. There was a complete blackout on information.

Photo of Carnahan’s office after the firebombing. (Via the Carnahan Office)

Now we know why.
The suspect was reportedly a disgruntled progressive activist employed by Russ Carnahan. An unnamed source familiar with the case released the information. Suspect Chris Powers reportedly was upset because he did not get paid so he firebombed the Carnahan finance offices at 2 in the morning.

What a complete shock.

Dem operative and firebomber Chris Powers is the sweaty one pictured here on right during a rally for nationalized health care. Powers is was a paid canvasser for Russ Carnahan.

Powers is a man on the edge, who has suffered a lot of personal trauma in the recent past. Powers, a radical leftist, is accused of a pretty serious crime in what could only be considered a desperate cry for help.

Gateway Pundit

Even more!

But what did liberals do? Rushed right to their computers and typed things like this:

Police aren't releasing the man's name until charges are officially filed. No motive was given for the attack, though one could suspect that the perpetrator is not a fan of the congressman. Given what we know of him -- 50, white, angry -- he certainly fits the demographics of a Tea Party member.

Perhaps, he joined his fellow "patriots" earlier this year when they burned Carnahan's photo in effigy or placed a coffin on the sidewalk outside his home.

On second thought, maybe he's not a Tea Party member. Firebombing your opponent's office seems a little too, um, sane for that group
Man Arrested for Firebombing Russ Carnahan's Campaign Office - St. Louis News - Daily RFT


Even MORE:

Did the Carnahan camp know this possible truth and consent by silence to the media’s attempt to trump this up as a tea party incident? If this is true, doesn’t this make the fourth incident in which people associated with the Carnahan campaign have run afoul of the law and have engaged in illegal behavior? Why didn’t the Russ Carnahan campaign correct the narrative of the local alternative weekly and Jake Wagman’s subtle suggestion that it was a tea partier? Because he’s in the campaign of his life and is desperate for anything, even the sympathy vote?

*UPDATE: Carnahan “Firebombing” an Inside Job?

Russ forgot to mention that this radical staffer also also has a history of harassing tea party patriots

BREAKING: Rep. Carnahan Admits Staffer Was Suspect Behind Office Firebombing! - Big Government

So, liberals jumped to conclusions ONCE AGAIN, that this was that famous "tea party violence" and once again, it turns out to be total bunk!

Instead it's another example of liberals unhinged.

As usual with liberals they will act innocent in this story. "Well you can't say a few liberals speak for all of us!" :eusa_snooty:

Then they will run along to the next manufactured controversy while yelling "NEVERMIND" over their shoulders.

Liberals caught lying again!

Too funny.

Dirty politics is all they have left.

Ann Coulter did a list in one of her books (I think it was guilty) of all the hoaxes of racial and other attacks that were blamed on conservatives etc, that turned out to have been done by liberals.

It was a long list. Malkin had a similar list.

Liberals will always see in others, what they refuse to see in themselves.

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen - Sam Keen: In The Absence of God

[ame=]YouTube - Tea Party Hate and Spit Targets Blacks and Democrats[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Dylan Ratigan throws racist teabagger off his show[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Bill Maher on the Tea Baggers Pining for the 1950s[/ame]

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