No time to quarrel: Kerry warns of climate 'tragedy'


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News
We are sitting ducks with this bunch of idiots in charge of protecting us

we have riots and looting going on in how many cities? and now this from the Lurch Heinz-Kerry
If the entire planet of nations were in "agreement", spent tens of trillions of dollars, shed tens of millions of jobs... the result? .001 degree reduction? :lol:

Yeah but remember, it's not about results, it's about how it makes us feel. We gave up on actions meant for results. That shit was just too, erm, logical. We needed a change of pace and go for the feeling it gives us when acting.
If the entire planet of nations were in "agreement", spent tens of trillions of dollars, shed tens of millions of jobs... the result? .001 degree reduction? :lol:

Yeah but remember, it's not about results, it's about how it makes us feel. We gave up on actions meant for results. That shit was just too, erm, logical. We needed a change of pace and go for the feeling it gives us when acting.
And as they say... we gotta TRY! :lol:
Why would anybody pay attention to anything that idiot Kerry had to say? He is one of the dumbest mutherfvckers in America. The only person that has less credibility on this subject would be that clown Al Gore.
Oh, this is so sweet of him, really. Especially in the context of Kyoto protocol.
Did you know that agreement that is to regulate carbon gases emissions will come into action when 55 countries sign it and when they produce 55% of the world pollution?
The thing is, as soon as the number of the members reached 55, the US just left. We signed the agreement, but never ratified it.
And no, when developing countries want to reach certain level of progress without restrictions (which the leading world countries never had when they were striving for their leading role), Kerry wants them to follow the rules our country has no obligation to follow.
Feeling kind of silly, but I still love the "Active Topic" box on the right:

No time to quarrel: Kerry warns of...

If that doesn't demonstrate Kerry is out of his mind, what would?

What Kerry quite clearly said is that the Paris Pact will not, on its own, avert Climate Change completely, but it's a necessary and significant contribution to a solution. It really doesn't take more than a hint of good will to get it. Or, perhaps, a willingness to recognise the seriousness of the topic, as opposed to confusing silly gotcha games with debate.
Given that wind is now cheaper as a power source than dirty coal, and solar is within a half cent a kilowatt of dirty coal, and still coming down, looks to me like clean energy is the way to go because of economics. Add in the emergence of grid scale batteries, and both are energy 24/7. So, what looks to be costly is continueing to use fossil fuels.
Given that wind is now cheaper as a power source than dirty coal, and solar is within a half cent a kilowatt of dirty coal, and still coming down, looks to me like clean energy is the way to go because of economics. Add in the emergence of grid scale batteries, and both are energy 24/7. So, what looks to be costly is continueing to use fossil fuels.

You are confused.

There is no "clean" energy that can compete with fossil fuels on any large scale. Wind is not even close and there is usually a 20-30 year payback on solar for the best locations and that is only if there is average sunlight.

There is no wind farm or solar array in the world that can compete with fossil fuels without massive government subsidies. The only way that these environmental wacko "clean" energy sources become viable to the end user is if you factor in the government subsidies, which are always false economics.

The free market always determines the economics and the great majority of the energy in the world is generated by fossil fuels. If it was cheaper to go with solar or wind then the marketplace would make the transition. We don't need the filthy government interfering with market economics. The government screws it up enough as we saw with Solyndra.

Maybe one of these days alternative energy can compete with fossil fuels but we are not even close nowadays.
Why would anybody pay attention to anything that idiot Kerry had to say? He is one of the dumbest mutherfvckers in America. The only person that has less credibility on this subject would be that clown Al Gore.

So, going to an Ivy League university makes you one of the stupidest people in the US, I guess failing to make it in high school would make you one of the smartest, no wonder the US is going downhill fast.
Why would anybody pay attention to anything that idiot Kerry had to say? He is one of the dumbest mutherfvckers in America. The only person that has less credibility on this subject would be that clown Al Gore.

Hi there, Flash. Good to see you! And still the self-declared Florida cracker in the habit of declaring everyone not stricken with your limitations "idiots", "dumb mutherfvckers", and "confused", I see. Yet, the times they are a-changing, which means that the, say, "arguments" you've been fed decades ago are gathering more dust every hour. But hey, once the caravan has vanished over the horizon you can still take pride in being the last man standing to defend the fossils.
Why would anybody pay attention to anything that idiot Kerry had to say? He is one of the dumbest mutherfvckers in America. The only person that has less credibility on this subject would be that clown Al Gore.

So, going to an Ivy League university makes you one of the stupidest people in the US, I guess failing to make it in high school would make you one of the smartest, no wonder the US is going downhill fast.

So what university is Gore and Kerry degrees from in climate, Science or weather? for that matter where is Obama's degrees in all that from?
So, going to an Ivy League university makes you one of the stupidest people in the US, I guess failing to make it in high school would make you one of the smartest, no wonder the US is going downhill fast.

He didn't get much of an education if all he is doing is spouting this environmental wackos BS, did he?

By the accounts of his fellow veterans (they wrote a book about it) Kerry was a sham in Vietnam.

He was a first rate idiot in his traitorous anti war hatefest and his lies to Congress ("reminiscence of Ghenis Khan" BS).

His extreme far left record in Congress is absolutely an indication that he is a dumbass.

The dumbass showed that he was "unfit for duty" when he ran for President and got his ass kicked by Bush.

He showed us all that he was an idiot for joining Obama's administration and he has been a joke as Secretary of State. If you don't believe me just ask Putin or anybody in ISIS.

Yea, he has it wrong on this environmental wacko bullshit. This global warming scam is the worse sham perpetrated on humanity in a long time and he is parroting the crap so that pretty well makes him a dumb mutherfvcker by any reasonable assessment.

By the way, the filthy ass Moonbats called Bush dumb and Bush had an Ivy League education and made better grades than Kerry so you need to rethink your post.
Why would anybody pay attention to anything that idiot Kerry had to say? He is one of the dumbest mutherfvckers in America. The only person that has less credibility on this subject would be that clown Al Gore.

So, going to an Ivy League university makes you one of the stupidest people in the US, I guess failing to make it in high school would make you one of the smartest, no wonder the US is going downhill fast.

So what university is Gore and Kerry degrees from in climate, Science or weather? for that matter where is Obama's degrees in all that from?

How many politicians do you know have degrees in every single thing they have to deal with? Er... I'd make that about zero. Who has a degree in breathing?

Does an intelligent person need to have a degree in something for them to be able to understand it?

So, I'm failing to see your point.

How many of the people on this board who criticise Kerry, Gore etc for climate change have degrees in climate change, weather etc etc? Do you?
He didn't get much of an education if all he is doing is spouting this environmental wackos BS, did he?

So someone says something you don't agree with, therefore they didn't get a good education. Hmm, is this an attempted argument or just a put down?

By the accounts of his fellow veterans (they wrote a book about it) Kerry was a sham in Vietnam.

He was a first rate idiot in his traitorous anti war hatefest and his lies to Congress ("reminiscence of Ghenis Khan" BS).

His extreme far left record in Congress is absolutely an indication that he is a dumbass.

The dumbass showed that he was "unfit for duty" when he ran for President and got his ass kicked by Bush.

He showed us all that he was an idiot for joining Obama's administration and he has been a joke as Secretary of State. If you don't believe me just ask Putin or anybody in ISIS.

Yea, he has it wrong on this environmental wacko bullshit. This global warming scam is the worse sham perpetrated on humanity in a long time and he is parroting the crap so that pretty well makes him a dumb mutherfvcker by any reasonable assessment.

By the way, the filthy ass Moonbats called Bush dumb and Bush had an Ivy League education and made better grades than Kerry so you need to rethink your post.

Just seems that you don't agree with him, so you call him an idiot. Well done, great argument. Not.

I'm not Moonbats. Why should I rethink MY argument because of what HE said?
Just seems that you don't agree with him, so you call him an idiot. Well done, great argument. Not.

I'm not Moonbats. Why should I rethink MY argument because of what HE said?

If you believe in this AGW scam then there is almost a 100% chance that you are a Moonbat. That is one of the defining attributes of a Moonbat. If you believe in this global warming scam and think Kerry is peachy keen then there is no doubt.

Kerry's public record (which I referenced) is one of being an idiot. He has always been that way. He is an embarrassment to this country.

Do you know the reason the Democrats support the global warming scam?

It is very simple. There is a billionaire environmental wacko in California that is paying the Democrats to spout this nonsense and the Obama administration is doing what it is paid to do. Just follow the money.

The man made global warming scam has been debunked so many times that it is not not even funny any more. Everything from the Climategate I & II revelations that the scientists were making up data to the fact that the past "hocky stick" data was erroneous to the fact that the earth is really not warming to fact that none of the predictions the wackos made has come true.

Kerry is an idiot for even mentioning it. Of course he is a Liberal Democrat so you kind of expect him to get it wrong on most things, don't you?
Just seems that you don't agree with him, so you call him an idiot. Well done, great argument. Not.

I'm not Moonbats. Why should I rethink MY argument because of what HE said?

If you believe in this AGW scam then there is almost a 100% chance that you are a Moonbat. That is one of the defining attributes of a Moonbat. If you believe in this global warming scam and think Kerry is peachy keen then there is no doubt.

Kerry's public record (which I referenced) is one of being an idiot. He has always been that way. He is an embarrassment to this country.

Do you know the reason the Democrats support the global warming scam?

It is very simple. There is a billionaire environmental wacko in California that is paying the Democrats to spout this nonsense and the Obama administration is doing what it is paid to do. Just follow the money.

The man made global warming scam has been debunked so many times that it is not not even funny any more. Everything from the Climategate I & II revelations that the scientists were making up data to the fact that the past "hocky stick" data was erroneous to the fact that the earth is really not warming to fact that none of the predictions the wackos made has come true.

Kerry is an idiot for even mentioning it. Of course he is a Liberal Democrat so you kind of expect him to get it wrong on most things, don't you?

The question has to be, why do you think your view is much better than my view? My view is based on as much evidence as I can get. It's based on most scientists having anything to do with this matter agreeing that man made global warming is a problem. It's based on a lot. Yours is based on what? Misconceptions and the advice of oil companies and car manufacturers. Right.

Yeah, the "myth" has been "debunked so many times that it is not not even funny any more", though no one said the debunking was actually any good.

The whole debate line of "if I say something enough times it must be true" might work in religion, but in science, it doesn't. Sorry.

You haven't backed up anything you've said. You've just spouted stuff that doesn't mean anything to me. You just manage to keep yourself happy who you'd never convince anyone. But it's people like you who are killing the planet (for human habitation at least). Maybe it would be a good idea if humanity died out, the more advanced we get the more idiotic we seem to get too.
The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News
I think his point was that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single footstep. Gotta start somewhere. Depends on who you ask I guess. The most pessimistic predictions are that we're already heading towards an extinction event.
The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News
He's a libtard, it's not about solving problems it's about doing something, anything really, but most importantly whatever gets done must be something designed to screw people over, and screw things up even worse, thus providing an even bigger problem so solve.

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