No question that co2 is a postive forcing


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
There is no question that it is being a green house gas...So 800 thousand years going from 160 to 300 ppm...Remember the 160-200 ppm happens during the ice ages as the ocean temperature went down they could store more co2...With the growing glaciers This my friends worked to compound the ice ages. The main forcing is the orbit around our star, so imagine the energy going down=decreased amount of energy into our oceans=oceans becoming better co2 stores=enhanced ice ages.

Now the opposite occurs during interglacial periods in which co2 goes up to 280-300 ppm...This occurs because oceans warm becoming less abe to store co2, which forces them to release the co2 into the Atmosphere, which increases the co2 in the Atmosphere and causes the warm periods to compound and increases the rate of warming.

On a shorter time span our climate is controlled by the sun spot cycles, which have cycles of 11, 22, and some believe even longer cycles. Mid evil warm period was a period of very warm weather and occurred during high sun spot activity. We had a short term ice age from 1300-1800 ad which occurred during a time of weaker activity of our sun...

So we proved that the sun has a negative or positive forcing on our climate. We proved that the orbit of our planet has a effect on temperature of our planet and co2 moves up and down and may have a compounding effect on them.

Now what got us out of the short term ice age that we where in? You got that right the strongest increase in sun spot activity in 2,000 years. BUT it peaked in 1950 and has been decreasing ever since. Between 1950-2000 it was decreasing! What does decreasing activity equal? decreasing temperatures. But we went up. Meaning there is a positive forcing, which is stronger then the negative forcing of the decrease in sun spot activity.

To make things even more interesting the decade between 2000-2010 the suns activity has dropped into the crapper, 1910-1915 was the decade which had the lowest temperatures of the 130 years record period. Why? Because it had the lowest sun spot activity, which is much like todays. So that is a huge negative forcing on our planet and what do we find? A less but rising temperature of our planet. So if you think about it, every fucking year this goes on means a compounding. Meaning our temperatures should be decreasing at a ever faster rate, but what do we got...Read above. A stable or even a raise in earths avg temperature.

So here we sit at 390 ppm going up 2 ppm per year within the weakest fucking sun spot cycle possible since the Dalton of 1810-1840 and we are warming, even so at a weaker rate of doing so. Screw 1998 that is .4c+ outside the norm...1998 was not normal and in fact was a monster that we may not see for another 50 or 100 fucking year...2005 was .3 outside the norm, but what be this year? Thats right...Not even .25c outside the avg baseline. So the enso has a effect on temperature and guess what most of this year was within a mother fucking nina that is stronger then 2008, 1999-2001. You would have to search back to the mid 70s to find a monster like where seeing now, but here we sit discusing the warmest or second warmest year of the 130 year record and quite possible the hottest year in 1,000 years. In people think co2 is not even a fucking green house gas? WTF? A warmer earth=more co2 which enhances the effect to...And add methane. Now we got something. Water vapor increases too for you water vapor people. In guess what more warming.
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There is no question that it is being a green house gas...So 800 thousand years going from 160 to 300 ppm...Remember the 160-200 ppm happens during the ice ages as the ocean temperature went down they could store more co2...With the growing glaciers This my friends worked to compound the ice ages. The main forcing is the orbit around our star, so imagine the energy going down=decreased amount of energy into our oceans=oceans becoming better co2 stores=enhanced ice ages.

Now the opposite occurs during interglacial periods in which co2 goes up to 280-300 ppm...This occurs because oceans warm becoming less abe to store co2, which forces them to release the co2 into the Atmosphere, which increases the co2 in the Atmosphere and causes the warm periods to compound and increases the rate of warming.

On a shorter time span our climate is controlled by the sun spot cycles, which have cycles of 11, 22, and some believe even longer cycles. Mid evil warm period was a period of very warm weather and occurred during high sun spot activity. We had a short term ice age from 1300-1800 ad which occurred during a time of weaker activity of our sun...

So we proved that the sun has a negative or positive forcing on our climate. We proved that the orbit of our planet has a effect on temperature of our planet and co2 moves up and down and may have a compounding effect on them.

Now what got us out of the short term ice age that we where in? You got that right the strongest increase in sun spot activity in 2,000 years. BUT it peaked in 1950 and has been decreasing ever since. Between 1950-2000 it was decreasing! What does decreasing activity equal? decreasing temperatures. But we went up. Meaning there is a positive forcing, which is stronger then the negative forcing of the decrease in sun spot activity.

To make things even more interesting the decade between 2000-2010 the suns activity has dropped into the crapper, 1910-1915 was the decade which had the lowest temperatures of the 130 years record period. Why? Because it had the lowest sun spot activity, which is much like todays. So that is a huge negative forcing on our planet and what do we find? A less but rising temperature of our planet. So if you think about it, every fucking year this goes on means a compounding. Meaning our temperatures should be decreasing at a ever faster rate, but what do we got...Read above. A stable or even a raise in earths avg temperature.

So here we sit at 390 ppm going up 2 ppm per year within the weakest fucking sun spot cycle possible since the Dalton of 1810-1840 and we are warming, even so at a weaker rate of doing so. Screw 1998 that is .4c+ outside the norm...1998 was not normal and in fact was a monster that we may not see for another 50 or 100 fucking year...2005 was .3 outside the norm, but what be this year? Thats right...Not even .25c outside the avg baseline. So the enso has a effect on temperature and guess what most of this year was within a mother fucking nina that is stronger then 2008, 1999-2001. You would have to search back to the mid 70s to find a monster like where seeing now, but here we sit discusing the warmest or second warmest year of the 130 year record and quite possible the hottest year in 1,000 years. In people think co2 is not even a fucking green house gas? WTF? A warmer earth=more co2 which enhances the effect to...And add methane. Now we got something. Water vapor increases too for you water vapor people. In guess what more warming.

s0n.........the Twilight Zone Marathon ended yesterday!!!

Yo do you respond to the report of snow caps forming on the top of Kims pillows due to all the frigid cold around the US??
Well, Mathew, Ol' Kookybill has provided as intelligent of an answer as you will get from that bunch.

I see that you are seriously researching the subject. Hope it is not too much of a downer. Been a long time since I have seen any good news, either in the science, or the policy response to what the scientists are finding.
If CO2 has such a dramatic effect why is it so damned cold?
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If CO2 has such a dramatic effect why is it so damned cold?

These events=weather...There was ridging over blocking over the western United states and the Atlantic, which was very stable that forced the below avg temperature southward. Dec 2008 had 36 inches of snow and constant below avg weather for 3 weeks, but that is outside the norm.

When your speaking about planet wide avgs you more or less have to avg this data up to find it. So one area being the arctic can be 2c-3c above constant above the norm...Which makes the avg raise...So we find the area and that finds how much of earth is above the norm...Of course you can have a tinier area of below avg, but when you figure the data up it shows above the norm...Each year as the arctic or somewhere warms up more the anomaly increases....So yes you can have snowy nasty weather and have a warming planet.
If CO2 has such a dramatic effect why is it so damned cold?

These events=weather...There was ridging over blocking over the western United states and the Atlantic, which was very stable that forced the below avg temperature southward. Dec 2008 had 36 inches of snow and constant below avg weather for 3 weeks, but that is outside the norm.

When your speaking about planet wide avgs you more or less have to avg this data up to find it. So one area being the arctic can be 2c-3c above constant above the norm...Which makes the avg raise...So we find the area and that finds how much of earth is above the norm...Of course you can have a tinier area of below avg, but when you figure the data up it shows above the norm...Each year as the arctic or somewhere warms up more the anomaly increases....So yes you can have snowy nasty weather and have a warming planet.

And the overall average at this moment is colder. China has lost thousands of animals (again) due to cold, Florida took a near 300 million dollar hit to its agriculture etc. etc. etc.
The so called "record high temps" are based on fiction. The very real case is it is cold. It is getting colder and things die when it gets cold.
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If CO2 has such a dramatic effect why is it so damned cold?

These events=weather...There was ridging over blocking over the western United states and the Atlantic, which was very stable that forced the below avg temperature southward. Dec 2008 had 36 inches of snow and constant below avg weather for 3 weeks, but that is outside the norm.

When your speaking about planet wide avgs you more or less have to avg this data up to find it. So one area being the arctic can be 2c-3c above constant above the norm...Which makes the avg raise...So we find the area and that finds how much of earth is above the norm...Of course you can have a tinier area of below avg, but when you figure the data up it shows above the norm...Each year as the arctic or somewhere warms up more the anomaly increases....So yes you can have snowy nasty weather and have a warming planet.

And the overall average at this moment is colder. China has lost thousands of animals (again) due to cold, Florida took a near 300 million dollar hit to its agriculture etc. etc. etc.
The so called "record high temps" are based on fiction. The very real case is it is cold. It is getting colder and things die when it gets cold.

It would make perfect sense if we where colder because we are within the most powerful sun spot grand minimum since the Danton. But one month don't make a trend and we don't have any data to support it because the scientist control the data and they are either screwing with it as you say or the data says other wise...If they are screwing with it then it is much bigger then just a science issue. :eek:
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These events=weather...There was ridging over blocking over the western United states and the Atlantic, which was very stable that forced the below avg temperature southward. Dec 2008 had 36 inches of snow and constant below avg weather for 3 weeks, but that is outside the norm.

When your speaking about planet wide avgs you more or less have to avg this data up to find it. So one area being the arctic can be 2c-3c above constant above the norm...Which makes the avg raise...So we find the area and that finds how much of earth is above the norm...Of course you can have a tinier area of below avg, but when you figure the data up it shows above the norm...Each year as the arctic or somewhere warms up more the anomaly increases....So yes you can have snowy nasty weather and have a warming planet.

And the overall average at this moment is colder. China has lost thousands of animals (again) due to cold, Florida took a near 300 million dollar hit to its agriculture etc. etc. etc.
The so called "record high temps" are based on fiction. The very real case is it is cold. It is getting colder and things die when it gets cold.

It would make perfect sense if we where colder because we are within the most powerful sun spot grand minimum since the Danton. But one month don't make a trend and we don't have any data to support it because the scientist control the data and they are either screwing with it as you say or the data says other wise...If they are screwing with it then it is much bigger then just a science issue. :eek:

I agree for the most part. However, you are ignoring the well documented falsification of temperature data. that makes all of the other comments moot.
And the overall average at this moment is colder. China has lost thousands of animals (again) due to cold, Florida took a near 300 million dollar hit to its agriculture etc. etc. etc.
The so called "record high temps" are based on fiction. The very real case is it is cold. It is getting colder and things die when it gets cold.

It would make perfect sense if we where colder because we are within the most powerful sun spot grand minimum since the Danton. But one month don't make a trend and we don't have any data to support it because the scientist control the data and they are either screwing with it as you say or the data says other wise...If they are screwing with it then it is much bigger then just a science issue. :eek:

I agree for the most part. However, you are ignoring the well documented falsification of temperature data. that makes all of the other comments moot.

I see. Then you are accusing Dr. Spencer of scientific fraud? That is a very serious accusation.
The Inconvenient Skeptic UAH Temperature for December of 2010

UAH Temperature for December of 2010

The final numbers are not in, but I have been able to see most of the data for the month and it looks like the UAH anomaly will be +0.18 °C. That will give 2010 a total global temperature of 0.497 °C which will be a bit less than the previous warmest year of 1998 with was 0.517 °C. The +0.18 °C is a -0.2 °C drop from the month before and almost a full -0.5 °C change from January of this year. The El Nino set the year up to be warm, but the year finished with a strong cooling trend.

Did you notice that that was a positive? Kind of blows away your nonsense about how cold it is globally.
You folks put a lot of faith in the accuracy and method of measuring sun spot activity and other highly undetectable data......200 years ago, when even electricity still wasn't a staple.

Isaac Newton thought the earth was about 1/100th the size it actually is.

And he was a certifiable genius.
The Chinese have pretty complete records of sunspots going back a couple thousand years.

Newton had pretty complete records as well.

His calculations were based on assumptions, just like the basis of global warming, since we don't have enough historical data to make a drop in a bucket.

And he was wrong.

You people who think the Earth started when you were born and will end when you die really make me laugh. The Sun is already billions of years old, and has billions of years to go, yet you folks think you've found the window of 200 years that defines the universe.

And it just happens to be during the time you are alive?

Weak human beings. With no concept of how insignificant you truly are to the universe.
The Chinese have pretty complete records of sunspots going back a couple thousand years.

Newton had pretty complete records as well.

His calculations were based on assumptions, just like the basis of global warming, since we don't have enough historical data to make a drop in a bucket.

And he was wrong.

You people who think the Earth started when you were born and will end when you die really make me laugh. The Sun is already billions of years old, and has billions of years to go, yet you folks think you've found the window of 200 years that defines the universe.

And it just happens to be during the time you are alive?

Weak human beings. With no concept of how insignificant you truly are to the universe.

Bullshit. Look, if you want to discuss this, at least learn the basics of what the science behind it is. You can find it here, this is an American Institute of Physics site, real science from real scientists;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
[ame=] Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity (9781608192007): James Hansen: Books[/ame]
Our last chance!!!!!

Cue the ominous music.

Wasn't bird flu supposed to kill us all? Or was it swine flu? Or was it SARS? Or was it the hadron collider? Or was it ....etc etc etc etc etc ad infinitum ad nauseum?

You should know by now that the chicken little routine doesn't work on me.
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The Chinese have pretty complete records of sunspots going back a couple thousand years.

Newton had pretty complete records as well.

His calculations were based on assumptions, just like the basis of global warming, since we don't have enough historical data to make a drop in a bucket.

And he was wrong.

You people who think the Earth started when you were born and will end when you die really make me laugh. The Sun is already billions of years old, and has billions of years to go, yet you folks think you've found the window of 200 years that defines the universe.

And it just happens to be during the time you are alive?

Weak human beings. With no concept of how insignificant you truly are to the universe.

Bullshit. Look, if you want to discuss this, at least learn the basics of what the science behind it is. You can find it here, this is an American Institute of Physics site, real science from real scientists;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

No bullshit Dumb as Rocks. How many fucking times does this need to be explained to you?





These events when viewed in terms of your minsicule time here on earth I'm sure seem very signifcant. The fact is historically, in terms of of history of the earth, what we are seeing now is about as signifcant as a gnat on an elephant's ass.
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