No Peyton Manning,YOU need to stop being an A hole.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Yep another Peyton Manning thread.:biggrin: Since there have been a couple Manning threads made recently i thougth i would add one

I dont know who is more of a scumbag him or Tom Brady,they both are a disgrace to the NFL and are prime examples of how the NFL is so corrupt. and please,enough of the childish nonsense that I hate them because they are so good crap I hear all the time especially when it concerns Brady.

Anyways the thread is about Manning so back to Peyton Manning and WHY I cannot stand this jerk.

In one of the years that the Colts were in the playoffs against the Ravens and Manning was still their quarterback,he said back then that Baltimore fans need to get over the Colts leaving the city for Indy because the owner that moved them is no longer the owner anymore.That so much pissed me off,what a total asshole I thought.

His son is just as much of an asshole as his evil cowardly father was who packed them up in the middle of the night and left for Baltimore because he knew the city was going to vote against them leaving the very next day.

The fact Robert Irsey has no intention of righting a wrong of his father Jim and moving them back just proves he is as much of thief as his father evil scumbag just like the Davis family in Oakland.

Al Davis is burning in hell right now for moving the Raiders to LA and Jim Irsey is right by his side for giving the fans of Baltimore the middle finger as well.His son will join them both as well in the future.

The fact Manning has the audacity to tell Baltimore fans they need to get over the Colts leaving them just proves what a total asshole he is.He is no better a person than that criminal Michale Vick. so again,No Manning,YOU need to stop being an asshole to the Baltimore fans and apologize for playing for an evil criminal owner you played for.:up_yours:go to hell Peyton Manning.

oh and for the ignorant that always ask how is Vick a criminal,dont ask.If you dont know the answer to that by now,you're hopeless.

Players like Michael Vick,Tom Brady,and Peyton Manning are why I have gotten so sick of the NFL and will not be watching any playoff games this year or anymore superbowls in the future and why I stick to mostly old NFL games when the sport wasnt corrupt like it is now.

I will never give the NFL another dime of my money ever again.
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as much as i cant stand peyton manning,I loved him yesterday when he rescued their season and kept the cheatriots -the one team i cannot stand from getting homefield advantage.hate peyton manning and the donkeys but if i have to choose between the two,would rather they go to the superbowl over the cheats.

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