No one ever really hated gay people in this country

I sort of have to agree with you, SuperDem. I'm no spring chicken myself. This "gay" and "lesbian" stuff has been around for centuries ... it was just like you said ... nobody said anything. There was no ruckus and uproar. I think what has happened in recent years is that some of them - not all of them - have become so blatant, "in your face," defiantly demanding that everybody love, adore, respect and accept them that they have generated (however inadvertently) a good deal of the current hatred and non-acceptance. I don't care what they do - just don't get up in my face doing it. I have a couple of women right across the breezeway from me - great neighbors, funny as hell, they've brought meals over to me many times when I've come home from work with my ass dragging, they're great to party with - they love their children and grandchildren and they find the blatant behavior of some gays and lesbians offensive - and they would not allow that behavior around their own children. Their relationship is between them and them. They don't flaunt it.
My best friend Jim died of aides in the 1980's.

I think fear of aides is the backbone of hate, and then of coarse these dumb ass people made it political.


Yes. Now we can't point out or even attempt to bring up that the aids virus transmit faster for gays than straights. That would be considered homophobic. It could be and it could be not but what if it is true. What if aids does travel faster in gay communities than straight ones? Are we allowed to even discuss it anymore without being labeled as gay-haters?
I sort of have to agree with you. I'm no spring chicken myself. This "gay" and "lesbian" stuff has been around for centuries ... it was just like you said ... nobody said anything. There was no ruckus and uproar. I think what has happened is that some of them - not all of them - have become so blatant, "in your face," defiantly demanding that everybody love, adore, respect and accept them that they have generated (however inadvertently) a good deal of the current hatred and non-acceptance. I don't care what they do - just don't get up in my face doing it. I have a couple of women right across the breezeway from me - great neighbors, funny as hell, they've brought meals over to me many times when I've come home from work with my ass dragging, they're great to party with - they love their children and grandchildren and they find the blatant behavior of some gays and lesbians offensive - and they would not allow that behavior around their own children. Their relationship is between them and them. They don't flaunt it.
Thousands of years. Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt because she turned to look back when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed over 4000 years ago.
[QUOTE="Eaglewings, post: 13928472, member: 38913"

I think fear of aides is the backbone of hate, and then of coarse these dumb ass people made it political.
Queers where hated long before AIDS hit the scene. ....... :cool:[/QUOTE]

Usually people who hated gays with a passion hated a lot of other things as well.
Not sure where you grew up?

But in the town I grew up. They were called queers not gays.

And if one was ever spotted in town, he would have been beaten senseless and bloody.

True story........ :cool:

I'm just telling you my experience growing up. I never saw gangs of hetreosexuals vigilantes patrolling the neighborhoods for gay activities. I'm sure there were people who did do the things you said they did but there were probably lots of people who thought they should be left alone.

I can only assume Sunniman was in Damascus or Dearborn at the time he claims to have witnessed this behavior.

The fact is "gay bashing" was very rare and not acceptable behavior. The handful of incidents were condemned by society.

Gov Rick Perry is probably gay.

I ran into him at a grocery store recently and shook his hand. His wife is good looking, so I doubt he's into pillow biters.

True story too. He was shopping just like a regular guy. No security guards or anything. It's well known that he packs a roscoe and takes care of security himself.
The OP has a point. I remember that general atmosphere as well. People regarded them as just weird anomalies. One gay guy I knew though did get beat up all the time and there was a reason. He insisted on stalking hetero guys to try to "turn" them to be gay with him. His advances initially were met with "no dude, I'm not into that". But a couple of times he went out with friends and tried to get them drunk or use drugs and then hit more aggressively. It was these occasions where he came home broken up and bruised. He was attempting drug rape with his own friends!

Today his friends would be publicly brow-beaten and likely thrown in jail for "hate crime!"..

I generally don't like it when gay dudes check me out. It isn't their thoughts about me but more to the fact that they don't stop staring and smiling at me. It is kind of weird.
You know how many women laugh at men who say they are uncomfortable about being "checked out" and "hit on" by gay men? Most of us.
I sort of have to agree with you, SuperDem. I'm no spring chicken myself. This "gay" and "lesbian" stuff has been around for centuries ... it was just like you said ... nobody said anything. There was no ruckus and uproar. I think what has happened in recent years is that some of them - not all of them - have become so blatant, "in your face," defiantly demanding that everybody love, adore, respect and accept them that they have generated (however inadvertently) a good deal of the current hatred and non-acceptance. I don't care what they do - just don't get up in my face doing it. I have a couple of women right across the breezeway from me - great neighbors, funny as hell, they've brought meals over to me many times when I've come home from work with my ass dragging, they're great to party with - they love their children and grandchildren and they find the blatant behavior of some gays and lesbians offensive - and they would not allow that behavior around their own children. Their relationship is between them and them. They don't flaunt it.

I totally agree with that. It is gay people throwing this in other people's faces and telling us we much comply with their demands to be accepted that is generating a lot of backlash. I really don't like being told I have to accept this or else which kind of pisses me off. In a lot of classes you can't bring up the fact that disease transmissions for gays is different for non-gays because that would be considered 'racist'. How do we have an intelligent conversation about anything if we can't even bring up half of what should be said? The whole PC stuff is kind of destroying our ability to have honest conversations about things in this country.
Sorta unreal, no one really? I think you need some gay friends.

"We are all creatures of our upbringings, our cultures, our times. And I have needed to remind myself, repeatedly, that my mother was born in the 1890s and had an Orthodox upbringing and that in England in the 1950s homosexual behavior was treated not only as a perversion but as a criminal offense. I have to remember, too, that sex is one of those areas — like religion and politics — where otherwise decent and rational people may have intense, irrational feelings." Oliver Sacks

know what really causes homosexuality....

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I'm telling you my experience. Most of my friends didn't care if someone was gay. I didn't care if someone was gay and that is how most of the people I ever hung around felt about it. It was a non-issue and the only people who really wanted to stop gay behavior were people who had to much time to pry into someone else's lives.

It was a non-issue?

Gays couldn't adopt
Couldn't marry
Couldn't teach in schools
Couldn't hold hands in public
Couldn't serve in the military
Sodomy laws

Sure, it was a non-issue as long as they stayed in the closet.

I really enjoyed the beginning of your OP though:

I'm much older than most millennials. I remember the seventies because I lived it.

You are older than ALL millennials.
The OP has a point. I remember that general atmosphere as well. People regarded them as just weird anomalies. One gay guy I knew though did get beat up all the time and there was a reason. He insisted on stalking hetero guys to try to "turn" them to be gay with him. His advances initially were met with "no dude, I'm not into that". But a couple of times he went out with friends and tried to get them drunk or use drugs and then hit more aggressively. It was these occasions where he came home broken up and bruised. He was attempting drug rape with his own friends!

Today his friends would be publicly brow-beaten and likely thrown in jail for "hate crime!"..

I generally don't like it when gay dudes check me out. It isn't their thoughts about me but more to the fact that they don't stop staring and smiling at me. It is kind of weird.
You know how many women laugh at men who say they are uncomfortable about being "checked out" and "hit on" by gay men? Most of us.

It isn't the minor glances or headturns that bothered me but more the fact this particular person just kept staring at me. I thought the guy wanted to fight me at first but then I realized that he is gay.
Sorta unreal, no one really? I think you need some gay friends.

"We are all creatures of our upbringings, our cultures, our times. And I have needed to remind myself, repeatedly, that my mother was born in the 1890s and had an Orthodox upbringing and that in England in the 1950s homosexual behavior was treated not only as a perversion but as a criminal offense. I have to remember, too, that sex is one of those areas — like religion and politics — where otherwise decent and rational people may have intense, irrational feelings." Oliver Sacks

know what really causes homosexuality....

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I'm telling you my experience. Most of my friends didn't care if someone was gay. I didn't care if someone was gay and that is how most of the people I ever hung around felt about it. It was a non-issue and the only people who really wanted to stop gay behavior were people who had to much time to pry into someone else's lives.

It was a non-issue?

Gays couldn't adopt
Couldn't marry
Couldn't teach in schools
Couldn't hold hands in public
Couldn't serve in the military
Sodomy laws

Sure, it was a non-issue as long as they stayed in the closet.

I really enjoyed the beginning of your OP though:

I'm much older than most millennials. I remember the seventies because I lived it.

You are older than ALL millennials.

I told the truth. It was a non-issue for most people. No one spent their time worrying if Fred was gay or had secret councils to root out the gay guy. No one thought about it but I see that tripped up the PC police once again. In this modern age we do have PC meetings that go around and root out everything that isn't PC.
My best friend Jim died of aides in the 1980's.

I think fear of aides is the backbone of hate, and then of coarse these dumb ass people made it political.


Yes. Now we can't point out or even attempt to bring up that the aids virus transmit faster for gays than straights. That would be considered homophobic. It could be and it could be not but what if it is true. What if aids does travel faster in gay communities than straight ones? Are we allowed to even discuss it anymore without being labeled as gay-haters?

How is that homophobic? Of course aids spread faster among gay men than straights. However, aids was more of a problem with straights than it was lesbians.
Sorta unreal, no one really? I think you need some gay friends.

"We are all creatures of our upbringings, our cultures, our times. And I have needed to remind myself, repeatedly, that my mother was born in the 1890s and had an Orthodox upbringing and that in England in the 1950s homosexual behavior was treated not only as a perversion but as a criminal offense. I have to remember, too, that sex is one of those areas — like religion and politics — where otherwise decent and rational people may have intense, irrational feelings." Oliver Sacks

know what really causes homosexuality....

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I'm telling you my experience. Most of my friends didn't care if someone was gay. I didn't care if someone was gay and that is how most of the people I ever hung around felt about it. It was a non-issue and the only people who really wanted to stop gay behavior were people who had to much time to pry into someone else's lives.

It was a non-issue?

Gays couldn't adopt
Couldn't marry
Couldn't teach in schools
Couldn't hold hands in public
Couldn't serve in the military
Sodomy laws

Sure, it was a non-issue as long as they stayed in the closet.

I really enjoyed the beginning of your OP though:

I'm much older than most millennials. I remember the seventies because I lived it.

You are older than ALL millennials.

I told the truth. It was a non-issue for most people. No one spent their time worrying if Fred was gay or had secret councils to root out the gay guy. No one thought about it but I see that tripped up the PC police once again. In this modern age we do have PC meetings that go around and root out everything that isn't PC.

Being gay in the 70s meant having fewer rights than others and often times living a secretive life. What you don't like are gay people being themselves out in the open. That's your problem to deal with, not homosexuals.
My best friend Jim died of aides in the 1980's.

I think fear of aides is the backbone of hate, and then of coarse these dumb ass people made it political.


Yes. Now we can't point out or even attempt to bring up that the aids virus transmit faster for gays than straights. That would be considered homophobic. It could be and it could be not but what if it is true. What if aids does travel faster in gay communities than straight ones? Are we allowed to even discuss it anymore without being labeled as gay-haters?

How is that homophobic? Of course aids spread faster among gay men than straights. However, aids was more of a problem with straights than it was lesbians.

Are you really trying to derail this thread by turnilng this into a topic about how fast diseases travel through homosexual communities than straight ones? I don't know if liberals do this on purpose but it does seem like everytime they start losing they change the topic.
The OP has a point. I remember that general atmosphere as well. People regarded them as just weird anomalies. One gay guy I knew though did get beat up all the time and there was a reason. He insisted on stalking hetero guys to try to "turn" them to be gay with him. His advances initially were met with "no dude, I'm not into that". But a couple of times he went out with friends and tried to get them drunk or use drugs and then hit more aggressively. It was these occasions where he came home broken up and bruised. He was attempting drug rape with his own friends!

Today his friends would be publicly brow-beaten and likely thrown in jail for "hate crime!"..

I generally don't like it when gay dudes check me out. It isn't their thoughts about me but more to the fact that they don't stop staring and smiling at me. It is kind of weird.
You know how many women laugh at men who say they are uncomfortable about being "checked out" and "hit on" by gay men? Most of us.

It isn't the minor glances or headturns that bothered me but more the fact this particular person just kept staring at me. I thought the guy wanted to fight me at first but then I realized that he is gay.
Women are laughing at you thinking that's bad.
My best friend Jim died of aides in the 1980's.

I think fear of aides is the backbone of hate, and then of coarse these dumb ass people made it political.


Yes. Now we can't point out or even attempt to bring up that the aids virus transmit faster for gays than straights. That would be considered homophobic. It could be and it could be not but what if it is true. What if aids does travel faster in gay communities than straight ones? Are we allowed to even discuss it anymore without being labeled as gay-haters?

How is that homophobic? Of course aids spread faster among gay men than straights. However, aids was more of a problem with straights than it was lesbians.

Are you really trying to derail this thread by turnilng this into a topic about how fast diseases travel through homosexual communities than straight ones? I don't know if liberals do this on purpose but it does seem like everytime they start losing they change the topic.

You're the one who brought it up, dumbass.
Being gay in the 70s meant having fewer rights than others and often times living a secretive life. What you don't like are gay people being themselves out in the open. That's your problem to deal with, not homosexuals.

Being out in the open being gay is not the same thing as stripping children of their erstwhile right to both a mother and father from the marriage contract. When gay's sexual lives strip children of contractual necessities, for life, then their lifestyle must be called up short. "This far and no farther". Fuck who you want, when you want, but you can't call it married. We tell this to incest people. We tell it to polygamists. We tell it to gays. And we tell it to these groups of sexual orientations as a whole because and directly because of the children involved...
Sorta unreal, no one really? I think you need some gay friends.

"We are all creatures of our upbringings, our cultures, our times. And I have needed to remind myself, repeatedly, that my mother was born in the 1890s and had an Orthodox upbringing and that in England in the 1950s homosexual behavior was treated not only as a perversion but as a criminal offense. I have to remember, too, that sex is one of those areas — like religion and politics — where otherwise decent and rational people may have intense, irrational feelings." Oliver Sacks

know what really causes homosexuality....

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I'm telling you my experience. Most of my friends didn't care if someone was gay. I didn't care if someone was gay and that is how most of the people I ever hung around felt about it. It was a non-issue and the only people who really wanted to stop gay behavior were people who had to much time to pry into someone else's lives.

It was a non-issue?

Gays couldn't adopt
Couldn't marry
Couldn't teach in schools
Couldn't hold hands in public
Couldn't serve in the military
Sodomy laws

Sure, it was a non-issue as long as they stayed in the closet.

I really enjoyed the beginning of your OP though:

I'm much older than most millennials. I remember the seventies because I lived it.

You are older than ALL millennials.

I told the truth. It was a non-issue for most people. No one spent their time worrying if Fred was gay or had secret councils to root out the gay guy. No one thought about it but I see that tripped up the PC police once again. In this modern age we do have PC meetings that go around and root out everything that isn't PC.

Being gay in the 70s meant having fewer rights than others and often times living a secretive life. What you don't like are gay people being themselves out in the open. That's your problem to deal with, not homosexuals.

I really don't have to accept anything I don't want to in this country because, contrary to popular opinion, I really don't have to do what the government tells me to do. I still retain the right to speak freely in this country so if I happen to make a statement that the two dudes kissing kind of grosses me out then I am allowed to say that because of the first amendment. I now go out of my way to tell gay people how gross I think that shit is just to break the PC ban on this crap.

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