No Difference Between Newtown and Abortion

What is the difference between a child in the womb and a child in a schoolroom Libberhoids? More than 55 million just-as-innocent kids have been killed by abortion doctors since Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.

I have an idea. Let's ban assault rifles and the tools of the abortion trade, you know, in the spirit of bipartisanship.

Abortion is legal.

Fair enough but morally we are on pretty shaky ground and dismissing the aborted as just a fetus is lame. :D

And that would be your opinion.
Woo. One can only wonder about the rationality and cowardice of some here. A lowlife with his REP turned off just negged REPed me for having the temerity to have an opinion with which he obviously disagrees. Pathetic, but such is his character.

a very interesting observation.
almost as interesting as you observing that the OP has some high ground.

Those human fetuses cannot defend themselves. Shouldn't some one stand up for them and isn't doing so a noble act no matter the motivation or personality of the poster? :D
What is the difference between a child in the womb and a child in a schoolroom Libberhoids? More than 55 million just-as-innocent kids have been killed by abortion doctors since Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.

I have an idea. Let's ban assault rifles and the tools of the abortion trade, you know, in the spirit of bipartisanship.

ten cells isn't a child.
Woo. Over a dozen responses to Warrior's OP and only one opinion on the subject at hand and even that was a bit twisted:
"There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown." - Harley

There is merit to the logic of your conclusion (in bold relief) but requiring bio proof of "personhood?" Really? We don't know what is in that mama's womb? Frankly, calling that baby a "fetus" does not change its human status and I'm amused by those who call themselves "pro-abortion."
We do need to have a rational conversation, sans personal attacks, on a subject that takes so many lives because I believe the hypocrisy involved is eating at our national soul.
We should admit what we are doing and at the very least stop referring to those dead kids as "fetuses."

I think it is a subjective opinion.
"Life begins at conception." Biologically speaking, this is a nonsensical statement since life began only once on this planet, over three and a half billion years ago, and hasn't stopped since.
The beginning of human personhood is the period in an individual's life when he or she is recognized, or begins to be recognized, as a person. The precise timing and nature of this occurrence is not universally agreed upon, and has been the subject of discussion and debate in science, religion and philosophy. The question of when and how personhood begins is the often the nexus of controversy on issues such as abortion, stem cell research, reproductive rights, and fetal rights.(wikipedia)
If you look at it from a neuroscience POV, there is not even brain activity within the first trimester(which is when you can abort).
Beneath that stage, not a person. At or above that stage, there is much more of a debate

Thanks for the thoughtful response - some overzealous prick already negged me without even knowing my position - and you mean all life began 3 and a half billion years ago but the lives we willfully abort began at their conception. I agree the issue is subjective and is replete with biological, philosophical and religious components.
I do think the matter is at least important enough to merit rational conversation.
I'm disappointed that so many simply shot the messenger.

I know. Nevermind the retarded pricks. Those douches need to stay in the flame zone. I enjoy having reasonable convos about this. Especially religion. Soooo many bases and sooooooooo many opinions. Oh, and I do not consider an abortable fetus being considered life.
Woo. Over a dozen responses to Warrior's OP and only one opinion on the subject at hand and even that was a bit twisted:
"There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown." - Harley

There is merit to the logic of your conclusion (in bold relief) but requiring bio proof of "personhood?" Really? We don't know what is in that mama's womb? Frankly, calling that baby a "fetus" does not change its human status and I'm amused by those who call themselves "pro-abortion."
We do need to have a rational conversation, sans personal attacks, on a subject that takes so many lives because I believe the hypocrisy involved is eating at our national soul.
We should admit what we are doing and at the very least stop referring to those dead kids as "fetuses."

I think it is a subjective opinion.
"Life begins at conception." Biologically speaking, this is a nonsensical statement since life began only once on this planet, over three and a half billion years ago, and hasn't stopped since.
The beginning of human personhood is the period in an individual's life when he or she is recognized, or begins to be recognized, as a person. The precise timing and nature of this occurrence is not universally agreed upon, and has been the subject of discussion and debate in science, religion and philosophy. The question of when and how personhood begins is the often the nexus of controversy on issues such as abortion, stem cell research, reproductive rights, and fetal rights.(wikipedia)
If you look at it from a neuroscience POV, there is not even brain activity within the first trimester(which is when you can abort).
Beneath that stage, not a person. At or above that stage, there is much more of a debate

That's what I believe.

You believe wrong. What you are saying here is absurd, those poor little babies that were murdered were much more than a tiny cluster of cells.

Get another argument for your anti gun control arguments, this just makes you seem sillier than usual.
I think it is a subjective opinion.
"Life begins at conception." Biologically speaking, this is a nonsensical statement since life began only once on this planet, over three and a half billion years ago, and hasn't stopped since.
The beginning of human personhood is the period in an individual's life when he or she is recognized, or begins to be recognized, as a person. The precise timing and nature of this occurrence is not universally agreed upon, and has been the subject of discussion and debate in science, religion and philosophy. The question of when and how personhood begins is the often the nexus of controversy on issues such as abortion, stem cell research, reproductive rights, and fetal rights.(wikipedia)
If you look at it from a neuroscience POV, there is not even brain activity within the first trimester(which is when you can abort).
Beneath that stage, not a person. At or above that stage, there is much more of a debate

Thanks for the thoughtful response - some overzealous prick already negged me without even knowing my position - and you mean all life began 3 and a half billion years ago but the lives we willfully abort began at their conception. I agree the issue is subjective and is replete with biological, philosophical and religious components.
I do think the matter is at least important enough to merit rational conversation.
I'm disappointed that so many simply shot the messenger.

I know. Nevermind the retarded pricks. Those douches need to stay in the flame zone. I enjoy having reasonable convos about this. Especially religion. Soooo many bases and sooooooooo many opinions. Oh, and I do not consider an abortable fetus being considered life.

And I can't separate the fetus from the child ... we were all fetuses once (well, most of us). So how do you do it? How do you draw the line between an abortable human fetus and the life? :D
4 pages later and warbler is still being a coward.

Being a coward regarding what? Standing up for 55 million aborted babies is the right thing to do. Try it.

Go to Newton and tell the parents that there's no difference between the loss of their children and abortion. Or get yourself on television (I'm sure FAUX would love to have you) and tell the world your theory.
What is the difference between a child in the womb and a child in a schoolroom Libberhoids? More than 55 million just-as-innocent kids have been killed by abortion doctors since Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.

I have an idea. Let's ban assault rifles and the tools of the abortion trade, you know, in the spirit of bipartisanship.

Just when I think you rw nutters cannot get any lower into the mud -

If you had a child, you MIGHT have some understanding -

No, actually, you are incapable of anything but hate.

Sad and sick.
Since the Libs don't have talking points supplied to address the OP, let's try this...

Let's put the "life begins at conception" thing on hold for a moment and go with HDs observation, "The beginning of human personhood is the period in an individual's life when he or she is recognized."

I will concur with that temporarily - just for the sake of asking this question.

How many of those 55 million I wonder were in the stage that HD suggests? Let's say that number is 20 million - just for the sake of argument.

You OK with those 20 million deaths "Progressives?"
Since the Libs don't have talking points supplied to address the OP, let's try this...

Let's put the "life begins at conception" thing on hold for a moment and go with HDs observation, "The beginning of human personhood is the period in an individual's life when he or she is recognized."

I will concur with that temporarily - just for the sake of asking this question.

How many of those 55 million I wonder were in the stage that HD suggests? Let's say that number is 20 million - just for the sake of argument.

You OK with those 20 million deaths "Progressives?"

you mean we don't have the 'talking points' to address *your* talking points?


one has to wonder why there are constant threads on this subject. all it is is ranting about the fact that government can't force women to carry pregnancy to term.... which is always funny coming from 'small government conservatives'.

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