Nixons Health Insurance Plan of the early 70's- more liberal than the ACA


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
We never hear about it, but O'Donnell on MSNBC brought it up last night. The Dems did not go for it as they wanted universal healthcare at the time and said his plan did not go far enough, but actually it was more liberal than the ACA. Funny we never got another try at it till Hillary Clinton which was shot down. Finally Obama did something.

July 13, 2015

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Few people today would dare call President Richard Nixon a radical liberal. But 44 years ago, he proposed a health plan that went far beyond what today’s Affordable Care Act includes. After the first plan failed, he did it again three years later.

And just like today’s heated rhetoric from opponents of the ACA, also called “Obamacare” after the president who introduced it, Nixon’s plans were met with inflamed opposition from the other party.

In a new article in the journal Pediatrics, a team from the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan Medical School compares the reality, and the rhetoric, of two efforts to improve the nation’s health by reducing the number of people who lack health insurance.

“It’s not that one is right and one is wrong,” says author Gary Freed, M.D., MPH, a U-M pediatrician and health policy researcher. “But more that this is a chance to address the appropriate place of political rhetoric when it comes to improving public health, and the dangers of elevating blind partisanship over meaningful debate about important issues for our nation’s health.”

Looking at this comparison of the plans, Freed says, it’s easy to see that Nixon’s proposals were far more “liberal” than what passed under the Affordable Care Act during President Obama’s first term. Yet, he notes, the rhetoric directed against the ACA – as “a radical liberal plan,” “socialized medicine” and a “job killer” – seeks to paint the law in extremely inflammatory tones.

At the time of Nixon’s proposals, those seeking a single-payer plan, led by Senator Ted Kennedy, scoffed and said that his plans did not go far enough. The Democrats’ early-70s health proposal was far more liberal than anything the party has proposed in recent times, and they heaped scorn on the Republican plan.

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans | Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
Nixon in many ways was a man ahead of his time. He was an old-school Republican who understood their needed to be a balance between the private and public sectors, but visionary enough to see need for change.

The great tragedy is that Nixon would be remembered as a great president today if it weren't for Watergate, the most unnecessary scandal ever.
There's nothing "liberal" about government seizing control of health care. It's all about keeping the riff-raff in line. Authoritarians in both parties support it.
We never hear about it, but O'Donnell on MSNBC brought it up last night. The Dems did not go for it as they wanted universal healthcare at the time and said his plan did not go far enough, but actually it was more liberal than the ACA. Funny we never got another try at it till Hillary Clinton which was shot down. Finally Obama did something.

July 13, 2015

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Few people today would dare call President Richard Nixon a radical liberal. But 44 years ago, he proposed a health plan that went far beyond what today’s Affordable Care Act includes. After the first plan failed, he did it again three years later.

And just like today’s heated rhetoric from opponents of the ACA, also called “Obamacare” after the president who introduced it, Nixon’s plans were met with inflamed opposition from the other party.

In a new article in the journal Pediatrics, a team from the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan Medical School compares the reality, and the rhetoric, of two efforts to improve the nation’s health by reducing the number of people who lack health insurance.

“It’s not that one is right and one is wrong,” says author Gary Freed, M.D., MPH, a U-M pediatrician and health policy researcher. “But more that this is a chance to address the appropriate place of political rhetoric when it comes to improving public health, and the dangers of elevating blind partisanship over meaningful debate about important issues for our nation’s health.”

Looking at this comparison of the plans, Freed says, it’s easy to see that Nixon’s proposals were far more “liberal” than what passed under the Affordable Care Act during President Obama’s first term. Yet, he notes, the rhetoric directed against the ACA – as “a radical liberal plan,” “socialized medicine” and a “job killer” – seeks to paint the law in extremely inflammatory tones.

At the time of Nixon’s proposals, those seeking a single-payer plan, led by Senator Ted Kennedy, scoffed and said that his plans did not go far enough. The Democrats’ early-70s health proposal was far more liberal than anything the party has proposed in recent times, and they heaped scorn on the Republican plan.

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans | Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
/---- Nixon was desperate to get the Dems and the Press to like him. He proposed this healthcare plan and created the EPA to win favor. It didn't matter. Dems hated him no matter what.
Nixon in many ways was a man ahead of his time. He was an old-school Republican who understood their needed to be a balance between the private and public sectors, but visionary enough to see need for change.

The great tragedy is that Nixon would be remembered as a great president today if it weren't for Watergate, the most unnecessary scandal ever.

Nixon was your boy, no doubt.
We never hear about it, but O'Donnell on MSNBC brought it up last night. The Dems did not go for it as they wanted universal healthcare at the time and said his plan did not go far enough, but actually it was more liberal than the ACA. Funny we never got another try at it till Hillary Clinton which was shot down. Finally Obama did something.

July 13, 2015

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Few people today would dare call President Richard Nixon a radical liberal. But 44 years ago, he proposed a health plan that went far beyond what today’s Affordable Care Act includes. After the first plan failed, he did it again three years later.

And just like today’s heated rhetoric from opponents of the ACA, also called “Obamacare” after the president who introduced it, Nixon’s plans were met with inflamed opposition from the other party.

In a new article in the journal Pediatrics, a team from the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan Medical School compares the reality, and the rhetoric, of two efforts to improve the nation’s health by reducing the number of people who lack health insurance.

“It’s not that one is right and one is wrong,” says author Gary Freed, M.D., MPH, a U-M pediatrician and health policy researcher. “But more that this is a chance to address the appropriate place of political rhetoric when it comes to improving public health, and the dangers of elevating blind partisanship over meaningful debate about important issues for our nation’s health.”

Looking at this comparison of the plans, Freed says, it’s easy to see that Nixon’s proposals were far more “liberal” than what passed under the Affordable Care Act during President Obama’s first term. Yet, he notes, the rhetoric directed against the ACA – as “a radical liberal plan,” “socialized medicine” and a “job killer” – seeks to paint the law in extremely inflammatory tones.

At the time of Nixon’s proposals, those seeking a single-payer plan, led by Senator Ted Kennedy, scoffed and said that his plans did not go far enough. The Democrats’ early-70s health proposal was far more liberal than anything the party has proposed in recent times, and they heaped scorn on the Republican plan.

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans | Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
/---- Nixon was desperate to get the Dems and the Press to like him. He proposed this healthcare plan and created the EPA to win favor. It didn't matter. Dems hated him no matter what.

Nixon was a racist, paranoid nut-job. He was looking for any way he could find to keep "the ******* and the hippies" in check.
We never hear about it, but O'Donnell on MSNBC brought it up last night. The Dems did not go for it as they wanted universal healthcare at the time and said his plan did not go far enough, but actually it was more liberal than the ACA. Funny we never got another try at it till Hillary Clinton which was shot down. Finally Obama did something.

July 13, 2015

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Few people today would dare call President Richard Nixon a radical liberal. But 44 years ago, he proposed a health plan that went far beyond what today’s Affordable Care Act includes. After the first plan failed, he did it again three years later.

And just like today’s heated rhetoric from opponents of the ACA, also called “Obamacare” after the president who introduced it, Nixon’s plans were met with inflamed opposition from the other party.

In a new article in the journal Pediatrics, a team from the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan Medical School compares the reality, and the rhetoric, of two efforts to improve the nation’s health by reducing the number of people who lack health insurance.

“It’s not that one is right and one is wrong,” says author Gary Freed, M.D., MPH, a U-M pediatrician and health policy researcher. “But more that this is a chance to address the appropriate place of political rhetoric when it comes to improving public health, and the dangers of elevating blind partisanship over meaningful debate about important issues for our nation’s health.”

Looking at this comparison of the plans, Freed says, it’s easy to see that Nixon’s proposals were far more “liberal” than what passed under the Affordable Care Act during President Obama’s first term. Yet, he notes, the rhetoric directed against the ACA – as “a radical liberal plan,” “socialized medicine” and a “job killer” – seeks to paint the law in extremely inflammatory tones.

At the time of Nixon’s proposals, those seeking a single-payer plan, led by Senator Ted Kennedy, scoffed and said that his plans did not go far enough. The Democrats’ early-70s health proposal was far more liberal than anything the party has proposed in recent times, and they heaped scorn on the Republican plan.

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans | Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
O'Donnell on MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell Calls Himself A 'Socialist,' Slams Glenn Greenwald On 'Morning Joe' (VIDEO) | HuffPost
Lawrence O’Donnell Calls Himself A ‘Socialist,’ Slams Glenn Greenwald On ‘Morning Joe’
FAKE NEWS, because MARXISTS, must lie. But hey Nixon was an establishment Republican, and today would of lost the election, like everyone else did. What I don't understand is that Nixon enlarged the government with major spending, and the liberals still bitch about him. Only because he was a Republican, but if he were a Democrat, they would be having that thrill run up their legs, like they did with Obama.
We never hear about it, but O'Donnell on MSNBC brought it up last night. The Dems did not go for it as they wanted universal healthcare at the time and said his plan did not go far enough, but actually it was more liberal than the ACA. Funny we never got another try at it till Hillary Clinton which was shot down. Finally Obama did something.

July 13, 2015

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Few people today would dare call President Richard Nixon a radical liberal. But 44 years ago, he proposed a health plan that went far beyond what today’s Affordable Care Act includes. After the first plan failed, he did it again three years later.

And just like today’s heated rhetoric from opponents of the ACA, also called “Obamacare” after the president who introduced it, Nixon’s plans were met with inflamed opposition from the other party.

In a new article in the journal Pediatrics, a team from the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan Medical School compares the reality, and the rhetoric, of two efforts to improve the nation’s health by reducing the number of people who lack health insurance.

“It’s not that one is right and one is wrong,” says author Gary Freed, M.D., MPH, a U-M pediatrician and health policy researcher. “But more that this is a chance to address the appropriate place of political rhetoric when it comes to improving public health, and the dangers of elevating blind partisanship over meaningful debate about important issues for our nation’s health.”

Looking at this comparison of the plans, Freed says, it’s easy to see that Nixon’s proposals were far more “liberal” than what passed under the Affordable Care Act during President Obama’s first term. Yet, he notes, the rhetoric directed against the ACA – as “a radical liberal plan,” “socialized medicine” and a “job killer” – seeks to paint the law in extremely inflammatory tones.

At the time of Nixon’s proposals, those seeking a single-payer plan, led by Senator Ted Kennedy, scoffed and said that his plans did not go far enough. The Democrats’ early-70s health proposal was far more liberal than anything the party has proposed in recent times, and they heaped scorn on the Republican plan.

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans | Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
/---- Nixon was desperate to get the Dems and the Press to like him. He proposed this healthcare plan and created the EPA to win favor. It didn't matter. Dems hated him no matter what.

Nixon was a racist, paranoid nut-job. He was looking for any way he could find to keep "the ******* and the hippies" in check.
/---- Nixon was a paranoid nut job but he wasn't a racist. Dem icon JFK refused to have Sammy Davis Jr (For you millennials he was a Black entertainer) to the White House because it would inflame the Southern Democrats like Al Gore Sr. but Nixon did. Ebony
The 60's and 70's was a time when the republicans still made sense...Today they're down right archaist and don't believe in any kind of common sense solutions in the public sector.

Today it is all about destroying all progress of the past 150 years.
This is proof the GOP has been completely taken over by the rich.

Why do poor people vote GOP? They've been convinced it doesn't matter. That and racism, god gays and guns.
Why do poor people vote GOP?

If Democrats can move past their denial and honestly answer this question, they might evolve into a decent party.
I told you why. Poor white christian homophobic gun nut males don't vote GOP because they do better under them. Theyve been convinced financially it doesn't matter.

Ever consider that they aren't voting their pocketbook? That maybe there are other things that matter more than scoring benes from government?
Why do poor people vote GOP?

If Democrats can move past their denial and honestly answer this question, they might evolve into a decent party.
I told you why. Poor white christian homophobic gun nut males don't vote GOP because they do better under them. Theyve been convinced financially it doesn't matter.

Ever consider that they aren't voting their pocketbook? That maybe there are other things that matter more than scoring benes from government?
Yes, god, gays, guns and racism.
Why do poor people vote GOP?

If Democrats can move past their denial and honestly answer this question, they might evolve into a decent party.
I told you why. Poor white christian homophobic gun nut males don't vote GOP because they do better under them. Theyve been convinced financially it doesn't matter.

Ever consider that they aren't voting their pocketbook? That maybe there are other things that matter more than scoring benes from government?
Yes, god, gays, guns and racism.

I hear you. And I'm very much in favor of taking a stand against assholes. But you, or rather the Democrats in general, need to get past that simplistic view. It's insulting, and inadvertently validating, to the people who voted for Trump because they were sick of the 'liberal elite', people who voted for Trump because they wanted to break the Clinton/Bush dynasty, or because they genuinely think Trump will be a good president. I certainly don't buy any of that, but lots of people do.

The point is, there are plenty of Trump supporters who aren't racists and bigots, who might come to understand they've made a mistake - or for whatever reason become disenchanted with Trump. We need those people to come around. If we keep insulting them by telling them that we're pretty sure they're ignorant racists, that's not going to happen.
We never hear about it, but O'Donnell on MSNBC brought it up last night. The Dems did not go for it as they wanted universal healthcare at the time and said his plan did not go far enough, but actually it was more liberal than the ACA. Funny we never got another try at it till Hillary Clinton which was shot down. Finally Obama did something.

July 13, 2015

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Few people today would dare call President Richard Nixon a radical liberal. But 44 years ago, he proposed a health plan that went far beyond what today’s Affordable Care Act includes. After the first plan failed, he did it again three years later.

And just like today’s heated rhetoric from opponents of the ACA, also called “Obamacare” after the president who introduced it, Nixon’s plans were met with inflamed opposition from the other party.

In a new article in the journal Pediatrics, a team from the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan Medical School compares the reality, and the rhetoric, of two efforts to improve the nation’s health by reducing the number of people who lack health insurance.

“It’s not that one is right and one is wrong,” says author Gary Freed, M.D., MPH, a U-M pediatrician and health policy researcher. “But more that this is a chance to address the appropriate place of political rhetoric when it comes to improving public health, and the dangers of elevating blind partisanship over meaningful debate about important issues for our nation’s health.”

Looking at this comparison of the plans, Freed says, it’s easy to see that Nixon’s proposals were far more “liberal” than what passed under the Affordable Care Act during President Obama’s first term. Yet, he notes, the rhetoric directed against the ACA – as “a radical liberal plan,” “socialized medicine” and a “job killer” – seeks to paint the law in extremely inflammatory tones.

At the time of Nixon’s proposals, those seeking a single-payer plan, led by Senator Ted Kennedy, scoffed and said that his plans did not go far enough. The Democrats’ early-70s health proposal was far more liberal than anything the party has proposed in recent times, and they heaped scorn on the Republican plan.

Nixoncare vs. Obamacare: U-M team compares the rhetoric & reality of two health plans | Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
/---- Nixon was desperate to get the Dems and the Press to like him. He proposed this healthcare plan and created the EPA to win favor. It didn't matter. Dems hated him no matter what.

Ideology speaking, the 60's and 70's were a time of mass political confusion when the Democrats dropped the hate card and the Republicans picked it up.
Why do poor people vote GOP?

If Democrats can move past their denial and honestly answer this question, they might evolve into a decent party.
I told you why. Poor white christian homophobic gun nut males don't vote GOP because they do better under them. Theyve been convinced financially it doesn't matter.

Ever consider that they aren't voting their pocketbook? That maybe there are other things that matter more than scoring benes from government?
Yes, god, gays, guns and racism.

I hear you. And I'm very much in favor of taking a stand against assholes. But you, or rather the Democrats in general, need to get past that simplistic view. It's insulting, and inadvertently validating, to the people who voted for Trump because they were sick of the 'liberal elite', people who voted for Trump because they wanted to break the Clinton/Bush dynasty, or because they genuinely think Trump will be a good president. I certainly don't buy any of that, but lots of people do.

The point is, there are plenty of Trump supporters who aren't racists and bigots, who might come to understand they've made a mistake - or for whatever reason become disenchanted with Trump. We need those people to come around. If we keep insulting them by telling them that we're pretty sure they're ignorant racists, that's not going to happen.
People need to see the difference between Republicans and Democrats. The people who benefitted most from Obamacare didn't show up for Hillary. Or to the last midterms. The poor deserve to lose their ACA and Americans deserve it when Republicans cut Medicare and social security 30%

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