
Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.
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A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? Does the student get free lunch? How about free breakfast?

If so is that the kind of welfare queens want in this country?

Trump is doing his best to stop immigrants coming into this country that sign up for welfare. That is a good thing. Did your student make the NHS by living off of taxpayers or by the hard work of a supportive family?
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? Does the student get free lunch? How about free breakfast?

If so is that the kind of welfare queens want in this country?

Trump is doing his best to stop immigrants coming into this country that sign up for welfare. That is a good thing. Did your student make the NHS by living off of taxpayers or by the hard work of a supportive family?
They are most definitely living off of the fat of the taxpayer. That is almost a requirement for emigres these days.
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? Does the student get free lunch? How about free breakfast?

If so is that the kind of welfare queens want in this country?

Trump is doing his best to stop immigrants coming into this country that sign up for welfare. That is a good thing. Did your student make the NHS by living off of taxpayers or by the hard work of a supportive family?
They are most definitely living off of the fat of the taxpayer. That is almost a requirement for emigres these days.

Yesterday the Supreme Court upheld Trump's effort to stop welfare immigrants coming to the US. No more coming here and signing up for welfare. If you can't support yourself then no entry. Good for him.
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? .......

I don't know. Are you? Stop being so bitter about your betters, worthless douche.
... Did your student make the NHS by living off of taxpayers or by the hard work of a supportive family?

Take a break from your breakfast 12-pack of Bud Lite and read the OP, stupid.
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? .......

I don't know. Are you? Stop being so bitter about your betters, worthless douche.

You don't know if your students are getting free lunch and all that welfare shit?

That asshole Obama allowed millions of welfare immigrants to come into this country. Good chance your student is riding that gravy train. Trump is just now putting an end to it.
... Did your student make the NHS by living off of taxpayers or by the hard work of a supportive family?

Take a break from your breakfast 12-pack of Bud Lite and read the OP, stupid.

If you are going to brag about an immigrant student doing well don't get your panties in a wad if we want to know if he/she is a welfare queen like many of the asshole immigrant that come here and live off the taxpayers. Like the two brothers that set off that bomb in Boston.
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? .......

I don't know. Are you? Stop being so bitter about your betters, worthless douche.

You don't know if your students are getting free lunch and all that ....

Why would I know? You are obviously resentful of your betters. Not a good look.
1. It is accurate to say that many of the immigrants (authorized and unauthorized) are good workers/students.

2. In fact, some of them have better manners (and dress more neatly) than many American-born children.

3. The ones who commit crimes and who stay on welfare often get the spotlight, instead of those immigrants who are very grateful that they have an opportunity to live in this country so that they can better their lives (something that would have been very hard to do in their homelands).
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? .......

I don't know. Are you? Stop being so bitter about your betters, worthless douche.

You don't know if your students are getting free lunch and all that ....

Why would I know? You are obviously resentful of your betters. Not a good look.

You are confused. I am just pissed that these asshole immigrants come to this country and sign up for welfare. I don't like being forced to pay other people's bills for them.

If your student doesn't come from a welfare family then god bless him/her. Great achievement. We need immigrants like that. If he/she is on welfare then piss on them.
A student who first arrived in my classroom - and first arrived in the US - just three years ago, not speaking more than a few words of English, recently learned that she would be accepted into the National Honor Society. Her brother is also a great student, and a member of the JROTC. Good, hard-working family; good kids of strong character. Just one of many such examples that fill me with hope and admiration for young people today.

Is the family on welfare? .......

I don't know. Are you? Stop being so bitter about your betters, worthless douche.

You don't know if your students are getting free lunch and all that ....

Why would I know? You are obviously resentful of your betters. Not a good look.

You are confused.......

Not even a little. It is only too obvious that you intended to be a douche bag from the outset.


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