NFL Owners Considering Rule Change Requiring Players to Stand for National Anthem

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
Try listening to yourself....

"And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."


I gave you a link to the official rule book -- quote where it says that...

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..
Nice try to attempt to spin my words into something I never said.


I never said that their First Amendment rights are protected while on the job. In fact, I even pointed out the NFL has the right to not allow them to protest. But the NFL is allowing it and they are indeed expressing their First Amendment rights.

Which is what brave Americans have fought and bled for.

What a shame you can't understand that. :dunno:

Now you're being intentionally dumb. It's not in the rules of football. It's in CORPORATE manuals for operations on game day. And you KNOW that. You're just promulgating the lie that got you by.. Nice try. Doesn't fly. By -try - fly...

I'm quoting you ... soooo .... if I sound dumb ..............


But again ... YOU SAID, "the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."

So show me where the rule book says that........

Now you've past dumb and you're just trolling me. MULTIPLE rule books exist. Not just the one that explains a "safety or field goal"..

An "operations manual" is not a "rule book". By definition --- YOU CAN'T HAVE TWO RULE BOOKS.

How many Constitutions does the United States have? What would happen if we wrote a second one?

The bottom line remains that the national anthem has no function at a football game, or any other sporting event, unless the event is part of the Olympics........ where nations compete against each other.

Since you stilll won't address that matter, let's try yet another angle.

If the game of football did not exist, and you invented it tonight and wrote up its rules and designed a league made up entirely of intranational teams --------------------------- would those rules involve a national anthem?

Don't be dense. Takes a LIBRARY of "rule books" to run an org like the NFL. Not just the one that lays down the rule for game play.. What LOGOS a player can wear is NOT a "football" rule e.g.

I'm sure if a Brit team is invited into the team -- the operations for game day would run much the same.
There are actually no examples in that link. Just uncorroborated claims. Like claiming the NFL didn’t support him. I don’t recall the NFL ever telling him he couldn’t kneel. Also, he wasn’t “chased” out of the NFL for kneeling. He bounced around several teams before not getting picked up by any because he sucked in the NFL. Hell, he was worse than Kaepernick. Had nothing to do with his religious beliefs of kneeling in prayer... which again, is commonplace...


Also not happening during the National Anthem. Do you understand the diff?
Can you quote Liberals saying he was disrespecting the country? Should be fired? Boycotted the NFL?

By the way, many players kneel in prayer...

... I don’t see Liberals bitching and moaning over that. No Liberal president hoping they get fired for it. No Liberals tuning off the NFL.

Try harder.

No, they just called him a rapist and a pedophile and made all kinds of nasty comments. No difference between the two situations. The leftists were angry about a man professing his faith on the field, and conservatives are upset about a man professing his disdain for our police officers on the field.
Again... happens all the time. No one is bitching.


Yes, there was PLENTY of bitching to go around. Apparently, you are either in denial or just being dishonest. Plenty of leftist outlets were JUST as outraged by Tim Tebow kneeling to pray.
Maybe some folks didn’t like Tebow but no one was calling to boycott the NFL. Obama never said he wished Tebow would be fired for kneeling in prayer. And again, kneeling in prayer is commonplace in the NFL....


... who’s bitching? Who’s boycotting? Who’s expressing hope the NFL will not allow them to express their First Amendment rights??

Like I said, there was plenty of bitching going on. They even came up with a name for it, "Tebowing" which was meant to be derogatory. We don't know if people maybe boycotted watching the NFL over it. In any case, boycotting a business is another "right" of American citizens. Are you saying people should be FORCED to watch the NFL?

Team prayer doesn't seem to bother the NFL. And it's not political. Tho the haters THINK it is.
Again... happens all the time. No one is bitching.


That is not going on during the National Anthem, nor is it a protest moron.

So? Who said it was? Someone said the left bitched about Tebow kneeling in prayer and i’m showing it was Tebow, and not his kneeling, that sparked outrage.

Kneeling in prayer occurs all the time...


... no bitching ... no boycotts ... no calling for the suppression of their First Amendment rights.

Your inability to see the differences is not going to change by me restating the obvious. But I am an optimist so here goes. Kneeling during the Anthem is a protest that offends many patriots and service members. It is disrepectful period. Gathering either before the games activities or after in prayer is not a protest nor disrespectful toward anyone.

In what way is it "disrespectful"? Toward anyone or anything?

I really don't get this part. Do you know that Catholics (for one) are expected to perform the same gesture when approaching the altar, exactly because it's a sign of not just respect but submission? And that if anything it would be a sign of disrespect to not genuflect?

How come when the NA is played it's "disrepectful" and yet when the same gesture is done in prayer as heartfelt sentiment, suddenly it's "not"?

Is this wunna dem "because everybody else says so" thingies? Like playing a national anthem at a sports event in the first place?
Last edited:

In what way is it "disrespectful"? Toward anyone or anything?

I really don't get this part. Do you know that Catholics (for one) are expected to perform the same gesture when approaching the altar, exactly because it's a sign of not just respect but submission? And that if anything it would be a sign of disrespect to not genuflect?

How come when the NA is played it's "disrepectful" and yet when the same gesture is done in prayer as heartfelt sentiment, suddenly it's "not"?

Is this wunna dem "because everybody else says so" thingies? Like playing a national anthem at a sports event in the first place?

The fact you admit to not knowing why it is disrespectful speaks volumes. Just as it is respectful custom to kneel in church, it is respectful to stand for the National Anthem.

In what way is it "disrespectful"? Toward anyone or anything?

I really don't get this part. Do you know that Catholics (for one) are expected to perform the same gesture when approaching the altar, exactly because it's a sign of not just respect but submission? And that if anything it would be a sign of disrespect to not genuflect?

How come when the NA is played it's "disrepectful" and yet when the same gesture is done in prayer as heartfelt sentiment, suddenly it's "not"?

Is this wunna dem "because everybody else says so" thingies? Like playing a national anthem at a sports event in the first place?

The fact you admit to not knowing why it is disrespectful speaks volumes. Just as it is respectful custom to kneel in church, it is respectful to stand for the National Anthem.

So you have no idea?

That's kinda what I anticipated. Thanks for proving my point.
Related: a long OP ED about Tebow that touches on a lot of the same arguments; even perceived boycotting and collusion between coaches - Why No One in the NFL Wants Tim Tebow – Laces Out

In his update I think he makes a great point about coaches being forced by their fans to run Tebow as a starter, instead of "their guy" and them not being willing to deal with that - I find that an interesting coincidence since Kap is asking for "starter" pay even though he'd most certainly be hired as a backup...

On a semi-related note; ROGGEERRRS NOOOOOO - My husband says he can boycott the rest of the season now though :p
Well if nothing else, you prove you'll swallow anything.

Here's a perfect example. Here you are linking an article where the author claims, "and at every level, all Tebow did was win."

And that's bullshit. Tebow did more than just win in the NFL -- he lost too. Almost as much as he won. His NFL record ended up being 9-7 with a QB rating of just 75.3.
There are actually no examples in that link. Just uncorroborated claims. Like claiming the NFL didn’t support him. I don’t recall the NFL ever telling him he couldn’t kneel. Also, he wasn’t “chased” out of the NFL for kneeling. He bounced around several teams before not getting picked up by any because he sucked in the NFL. Hell, he was worse than Kaepernick. Had nothing to do with his religious beliefs of kneeling in prayer... which again, is commonplace...


Also not happening during the National Anthem. Do you understand the diff?
The only "diff" is one is a protest and the other is a prayer -- both are exercising their First Amendment rights.
During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking.

Sure -- They were "just kidding" about being at attention and holding your helmet in your left hand". It's just a mere whim.. :uhoh3:
Who said they were only kidding?

Oh, you're saying that. I'm not. I'm saying that text clearly indicates what is mandatory....
  • The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game
  • all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
  • Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline
... and what is recommended ...
  • During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking.
  • The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition.
  • It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country
At least now I know why you were being so coy about that section you falsely claimed was in the NFL "rule book." You were relying on that nonsense to back your bullshit.

No, they just called him a rapist and a pedophile and made all kinds of nasty comments. No difference between the two situations. The leftists were angry about a man professing his faith on the field, and conservatives are upset about a man professing his disdain for our police officers on the field.
Again... happens all the time. No one is bitching.


Yes, there was PLENTY of bitching to go around. Apparently, you are either in denial or just being dishonest. Plenty of leftist outlets were JUST as outraged by Tim Tebow kneeling to pray.
Maybe some folks didn’t like Tebow but no one was calling to boycott the NFL. Obama never said he wished Tebow would be fired for kneeling in prayer. And again, kneeling in prayer is commonplace in the NFL....


... who’s bitching? Who’s boycotting? Who’s expressing hope the NFL will not allow them to express their First Amendment rights??

Like I said, there was plenty of bitching going on. They even came up with a name for it, "Tebowing" which was meant to be derogatory. We don't know if people maybe boycotted watching the NFL over it. In any case, boycotting a business is another "right" of American citizens. Are you saying people should be FORCED to watch the NFL?

Team prayer doesn't seem to bother the NFL. And it's not political. Tho the haters THINK it is.
It's not political -- but it is a Constitutional right. Just like protesting is.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?
You know your bickering about shit I don't give a fuck about gets old. Nit picking stuff that doesn't need to be nit picked.
No, the NFL does not [currently] require players to stand during the National Anthem.

Players are violating rules in the Game Day Operations Manuals.
Prove it...

I did.. We discussed it. YOU just played semantics. That rule from the Operations Manual has been leaked by MULTIPLE NFL officials to multiple news org. I posted it.

Solid GOLD leak.. Compared to the sewage that the NYTimes and WashPo print..

You proved nothing at all. You made some unsubstantiated claims, that’s it. Thanks for admitting you can’t actually prove what you claim.

I posted the paragraph from the damn manual. You can't do better than that.
Again... happens all the time. No one is bitching.


Yes, there was PLENTY of bitching to go around. Apparently, you are either in denial or just being dishonest. Plenty of leftist outlets were JUST as outraged by Tim Tebow kneeling to pray.
Maybe some folks didn’t like Tebow but no one was calling to boycott the NFL. Obama never said he wished Tebow would be fired for kneeling in prayer. And again, kneeling in prayer is commonplace in the NFL....


... who’s bitching? Who’s boycotting? Who’s expressing hope the NFL will not allow them to express their First Amendment rights??

Like I said, there was plenty of bitching going on. They even came up with a name for it, "Tebowing" which was meant to be derogatory. We don't know if people maybe boycotted watching the NFL over it. In any case, boycotting a business is another "right" of American citizens. Are you saying people should be FORCED to watch the NFL?

Team prayer doesn't seem to bother the NFL. And it's not political. Tho the haters THINK it is.
It's not political -- but it is a Constitutional right. Just like protesting is.
Employers can boss their employees around while they are on the clock without violating the constitution.
No, the NFL does not [currently] require players to stand during the National Anthem.

Players are violating rules in the Game Day Operations Manuals.
Prove it...

I did.. We discussed it. YOU just played semantics. That rule from the Operations Manual has been leaked by MULTIPLE NFL officials to multiple news org. I posted it.

Solid GOLD leak.. Compared to the sewage that the NYTimes and WashPo print..

You proved nothing at all. You made some unsubstantiated claims, that’s it. Thanks for admitting you can’t actually prove what you claim.

I posted the paragraph from the damn manual. You can't do better than that.
Posting it is easy. Anybody can do that.

Understanding it is quite another. Some here struggle in that department.

Like not being able to comprehend the distinction between "must" and "should."
Yes, there was PLENTY of bitching to go around. Apparently, you are either in denial or just being dishonest. Plenty of leftist outlets were JUST as outraged by Tim Tebow kneeling to pray.
Maybe some folks didn’t like Tebow but no one was calling to boycott the NFL. Obama never said he wished Tebow would be fired for kneeling in prayer. And again, kneeling in prayer is commonplace in the NFL....


... who’s bitching? Who’s boycotting? Who’s expressing hope the NFL will not allow them to express their First Amendment rights??

Like I said, there was plenty of bitching going on. They even came up with a name for it, "Tebowing" which was meant to be derogatory. We don't know if people maybe boycotted watching the NFL over it. In any case, boycotting a business is another "right" of American citizens. Are you saying people should be FORCED to watch the NFL?

Team prayer doesn't seem to bother the NFL. And it's not political. Tho the haters THINK it is.
It's not political -- but it is a Constitutional right. Just like protesting is.
Employers can boss their employees around while they are on the clock without violating the constitution.
Of course they can. Or they can allow them to express their Constitutional rights; whether it be protesting or praying.
Players are violating rules in the Game Day Operations Manuals.
Prove it...

I did.. We discussed it. YOU just played semantics. That rule from the Operations Manual has been leaked by MULTIPLE NFL officials to multiple news org. I posted it.

Solid GOLD leak.. Compared to the sewage that the NYTimes and WashPo print..

You proved nothing at all. You made some unsubstantiated claims, that’s it. Thanks for admitting you can’t actually prove what you claim.

I posted the paragraph from the damn manual. You can't do better than that.
Posting it is easy. Anybody can do that.

Understanding it is quite another. Some here struggle in that department.

Like not being able to comprehend the distinction between "must" and "should."
They listed out the possible penalties too. Why have penalties for violating the rule if it's voluntary rule.
Maybe some folks didn’t like Tebow but no one was calling to boycott the NFL. Obama never said he wished Tebow would be fired for kneeling in prayer. And again, kneeling in prayer is commonplace in the NFL....


... who’s bitching? Who’s boycotting? Who’s expressing hope the NFL will not allow them to express their First Amendment rights??

Like I said, there was plenty of bitching going on. They even came up with a name for it, "Tebowing" which was meant to be derogatory. We don't know if people maybe boycotted watching the NFL over it. In any case, boycotting a business is another "right" of American citizens. Are you saying people should be FORCED to watch the NFL?

Team prayer doesn't seem to bother the NFL. And it's not political. Tho the haters THINK it is.
It's not political -- but it is a Constitutional right. Just like protesting is.
Employers can boss their employees around while they are on the clock without violating the constitution.
Of course they can. Or they can allow them to express their Constitutional rights; whether it be protesting or praying.
Or displaying 911 on their tennis shoes?
Prove it...

I did.. We discussed it. YOU just played semantics. That rule from the Operations Manual has been leaked by MULTIPLE NFL officials to multiple news org. I posted it.

Solid GOLD leak.. Compared to the sewage that the NYTimes and WashPo print..

You proved nothing at all. You made some unsubstantiated claims, that’s it. Thanks for admitting you can’t actually prove what you claim.

I posted the paragraph from the damn manual. You can't do better than that.
Posting it is easy. Anybody can do that.

Understanding it is quite another. Some here struggle in that department.

Like not being able to comprehend the distinction between "must" and "should."
They listed out the possible penalties too. Why have penalties for violating the rule if it's voluntary rule.

Now show me what it says the penalty is for not standing during the National Anthem...

Like I said, there was plenty of bitching going on. They even came up with a name for it, "Tebowing" which was meant to be derogatory. We don't know if people maybe boycotted watching the NFL over it. In any case, boycotting a business is another "right" of American citizens. Are you saying people should be FORCED to watch the NFL?

Team prayer doesn't seem to bother the NFL. And it's not political. Tho the haters THINK it is.
It's not political -- but it is a Constitutional right. Just like protesting is.
Employers can boss their employees around while they are on the clock without violating the constitution.
Of course they can. Or they can allow them to express their Constitutional rights; whether it be protesting or praying.
Or displaying 911 on their tennis shoes?
What about it? Like protesting or praying -- allowing it or banning it is left to the discretion of the NFL and/or owners.

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