New letter Bashing Obama

ISIS is gallavanting all over Iraq. The OP is calling for war. How many divisions do you chickenhawks want to commit there?

Putin is gallavanting all over Ukraine. You guys get a hardon over Putin, calling him a manly man while Obama is a pussy. So you clearly have some ideas what a manly man American would do. Take Putin's dick out of your mouth and tell us what "needs to be done".
Why can't you act like a civilized grownup?
I'm calling chickenhawks out on their bullshit and treating them the way they deserve to be treated.
I asked you what your solution is and you blather on and on like a Democrat running for office without a platform.
I am not the one who wrote the letter, nor did I thump my chest and roger it.

I am asking those who support this blathering bullshit to define what they would do differently than Obama. You whine about Obama, you better have an alternate plan or be caught with your pants down.

You have all clearly demonstrated you have NOTHING.

You only know how to whine and high five each other about what a pussy Obama is. Big fucking deal. That's real tard shit right there.
ISIS is gallavanting all over Iraq. The OP is calling for war. How many divisions do you chickenhawks want to commit there?

Putin is gallavanting all over Ukraine. You guys get a hardon over Putin, calling him a manly man while Obama is a pussy. So you clearly have some ideas what a manly man American would do. Take Putin's dick out of your mouth and tell us what "needs to be done".
Why can't you act like a civilized grownup?
I'm calling chickenhawks out on their bullshit and treating them the way they deserve to be treated.
I asked you what your solution is and you blather on and on like a Democrat running for office without a platform.
I am not the one who wrote the letter, nor did I thump my chest and roger it.

I am asking those who support this blathering bullshit to define what they would do differently than Obama. You whine about Obama, you better have an alternate plan or be caught with your pants down.

You have all clearly demonstrated you have NOTHING.

You only know how to whine and high five each other about what a pussy Obama is. Big fucking deal. That's real tard shit right there.
Have you taken your meds today? Just a reminder.
Dear Mr. President,
It’s been quite a summer. The world is not a pretty place right now but I see you have had a chance to play golf. In fact you’ve played golf through the worst of it. Right after announcing that American journalist James Foley had been beheaded.

Now I play golf and I enjoy it. But I’m not president of the United States… so I have a little more time.

But I digress. Let's skip on down to the really important part... I hope you’ll read closely. There will be a quiz.
We are at war, sir, whether you like it or not.
One of your predecessors said this when our country was being threatened…
"Hostilities exist. There is no blinking to the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. I ask that that congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Empire of Japan. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. With confidence in our armed forces, with the un bounding determination of our people-we will gain the inevitable triumph--so help us God."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt uttered those words on a December day almost 73 years ago.
In the name of that same God invoked so eloquently and powerfully by that president, I ask that you, Mr. President -- if you're not too busy playing golf, campaigning, orchestrating the cover ups of all the "phony scandals," and just being cool -- could again declare war on the enemies who have unleashed "unprovoked and dastardly attacks" on the United States.

This summer we have now seen two American journalists beheaded by the “Islamic State” – ISIS or IL or IS. We are at war, sir, whether you like it or not.

Over 2,400 members of the United States military were killed that December morning long ago, in an attack not really on the United States mainland. It happened in Hawaii. I know you are familiar with Hawaii. The Aloha State was just a territory of the United States at that time.

That war would last for 4 long years and would kill 60 to 80 million people, including 291,557 American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.
That terrible toll was exacted in a war wherein the enemy combatants of the Axis powers, Japan, Germany, and Italy, had no means whatsoever of successfully mounting a military strike against the United States homeland.
Even if we hadn't won the war, and even if we hadn't captured/liberated Werner Von Braun and the other German scientists at Peenemunde before the Russians got to them, it would have been at least 10-15 years before Germany would have had a rocket/missile capable of reaching the U. S. mainland. And yet President Roosevelt galvanized, mobilized, and energized, and united the American people like never before.
Then America, in its "righteous might" unsheathed and unleashed the most devastating war machine in the history of mankind.

Guess what Mr. President, THE GOOD GUYS WON!! They won because President Roosevelt had the "cojones" to "pull the trigger," giving no thought to his legacy, but giving thought only to the preservation of the American way of life.

Forget the fun on the golf course, Mr. President. Does that way of life mean anything to you, sir, or are you still so hell bent on "fundamentally changing" the American way of life that you cannot, or will not, change course and "pull the trigger?"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly said that, for Israel, the question of the current conflict with the enemies of Israel is an existential one.

In my opinion, sir, and in the opinions of most of the grown-ups in our military apparatus, and other expert military analysts, the United States is now engaged -- or not really engaged -- in no less an existential conflict.

Please pay attention sir. It's not your shot yet. It's Alonzo's shot.
We are being told every night on TV that the American people don't have the stomach for more war 10,000 miles away. Well sir, I think you should conduct another of your seemingly endless polls and ask those Americans a few simple questions:
Do Americans have the stomach to see planes crash into our buildings again, or citizens running through the streets of New York City with the residue of those buildings and the ashes of those who were burned alive on their faces again, or a man and wife holding hands and jumping out of an 80th story window, together, to keep from being burned alive again?

Sir, why don't you ask Americans these simple questions and see what their answers are.

Whether you like it or not sir, World War III has already started and it is time for America to "take arms against a sea of trouble, and by opposing," try to keep 9/11 and other attacks on America from happening again.

From 1941-45, 291,557 American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines died to defeat an enemy that had absolutely no means of attacking the United States mainland. And now, we are being told that after more than 10 years of fighting those ruthless bastards in Iraq and Afghanistan where "only" 6,802 of our warriors have been killed, America doesn't have the stomach to go do what needs to be done?

Please understand the context of the word "only." With all my heart I thank all thank these warriors and their families for the sacrifices they have made, and continue to make. And now we are giving up the fight? We are surrendering? We are being told that AMERICA DOESNT HAVE THE STOMACH TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE????????

Well sir, you need to have enough stomach, GUTS, COJONES for all of us. It's called LEADERSHIP!!

If that is so, that America doesn't have the stomach to do what needs to be done, I say shame on us, and especially, shame on you, Mr. President. We deserve what we will get.
I believe that it is time for America to go on wartime footing, all the way up to and including a "peacetime" draft if necessary. Heck, pay the soldiers what congressmen, senators, and your White House spin doctors make.

Go save Iraq -- AGAIN. Take 20% of their oil revenue until the money we have spent freeing them -- TWICE -- is paid back. Leave a residual force there to keep this from happening again (see Japan, Germany, and Italy) and tell anyone who doesn't like it to kiss AMERICA's happy, safe rear end.

I am 66 years old, I'm in pretty damn good shape and I will go right now. I've lived a good life and I want my granddaughters to have the chance to live one too.

I was #296 during Vietnam... I didn't have to go, but I would have gone if I had been called.
I will go now if called… Unfortunately, I know that I never will be called, so I will answer a different call.

I will call onyou, Mr. President. Do you have the stomach to lead our scared, uncertain, worried, "tired of war" American citizens in a fight to the death against the Islamic murderers, even if the "tide of public opinion" is against it?
Anyone can lead people who are willing and eager to go. Can you, will you lead people who are not willing, but need to go?

Finally, while it is long past time to start treating our veterans with the dignity and care they deserve, it is also long past time to stop treating our current soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. They have been trained to defend the United States, Mr. President,to the death, if it comes to that.

We have trained them, fed them, housed them, equipped them, armed them, and stationed them in close proximity to hot spots all over the world, in order to be ready for the start of World War III.

Well, Mr. President, WORLD WAR III is here.
It's high time we turn our troops loose to let them GO KILL THE BAD GUYS. Turn them loose, sir, and give America another, "righteous might, so help us God" moment.

Please, sir, before it's too late...

Larry Gatlin is a country music singer and songwriter.
An open letter to Barack Obama World War III is here Fox News
Wow, isn't that exactly what the fuck jobs that beheaded the american journalists said pretty much verbatim.

What is wrong with you idiots?
Would Obama be in Wales if there were no golf courses there?

Lies don't help.

The problem is ISIS.

The problem is Putin in the Ukraine.

The problem is Iran's nuclear weapons program.

The problem is North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

The problem is Assad.

The problem is Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Glad to help you guys out on that front.

So you say Obama is not doing "what needs to be done". What need to be done?

The OP is a literal call to arms. War.
Why dont you go to the Military Forum and pose your questions and see what real soldiers recommend? It's apparent the CINC isn't doing the job he's being paid to do. Course, I understand the child of Flower Children don't have a clue.
"real" soldiers don't decide what to do, they simply follow orders. What a laugh.
I really wish the RWs would actually read that letter. The author is just an old c&w singer. I don't see any qualifications for him to be demanding that we enter into an all out war, OR, for him to declare WWIII is here.

And, apparently, he has not listened to any real news and has no idea what is happening and has happened in that region.

Just more knee-jerk Obama hating and not based on anything factual.
He's probably a FAUX mainliner. Can't think, won't volunteer, just throws his support to the terrorists.
There's a sign on the highway that we've driven lately to go to the big city for cataract surgery that advertises the Gatlin brothers playing at a little bar on the highway.

Isn't it just too damn typical of the RWs to think that an old, washed up, has been c&w singer who can't even get a gig at a major venue is qualified to make policy. And, is anyone surprised that neither Gatlin nor the RWs knows that the president of the US cannot declare war?
Did congress come back from vacation yet?

Heck..did they even have the vote they wanted on Syria?

If Obama declared war with ISIL, would they impeach?
Did congress come back from vacation yet?

Heck..did they even have the vote they wanted on Syria?

If Obama declared war with ISIL, would they impeach?
Good point. Is Cruz mooching off the taxpayers instead of doing his freaking job? What a toad he is.
See? They can't do it. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The joke is on you and your President who has the balls of's not the job of Americans to plan out a war campaign STOOOPID.. it's your Community Organizers job dummy..
You see?

The tards demand the President take action, but won't way what action they want him to take. This is precisely because of what I said about them always waiting to see what he will do so they can be against it.

This is the coward's way of doing things. "Do something, but I won't say what."

And what ever you do is gonna be wrong. I hope. Amen. (The Republican prayer)

Where is the CONgress on this (war) matter. On vacation? No way.
The one thing we can absolutely count on....that no matter what President Obama does in regards to the Middle East, the RWrs on this thread will complain about it. Fact.
Just want him to uphold his oath of office and do his effing job

And what is his job? What exactly is it he should be doing right now?

You guys really can't do it. You are congenitally predisposed to waffling.
Okay, i'll do the presidents job. Starting with Iraq. I would send battleships, bomber, air craft carriers over there. Right into the Persian gulf, let isis now if one more American dies at their hand bombing will start, then troops on the ground. We will destroy and kill any part of their organization. I will let them know that we are going to fight to win, if you hide behind civilians you still will die.
I would let them know I'm an American president, it's my job to protect America and give the best odds to my American troops. All restrictions on them are eliminated, they will no longer have to prove without a doubt the were in immediate danger. I would let the terrorists know that this would be fast and bloody and they would lose.
Let them know if one of my troops gets ambushed, a mile radius would be turned into glass within minutes. I would let them know that the united states will no longer fight a war using liberal policies. We are gonna fight to win, with the least amount of US casualties as possible. Even if it requires that they would be eliminated.
Let syria know that if necessary while we are there the same could happen to them if they still want to protect terrorist. Tell them negotiations are on the table. We don't want to, but we will attack.
Also get other countries involved, there are many that are getting tired of living in fear of terrorist.
The most important part would be eliminating all liberals in the war plan, we do want to win. I'm personally sick of all the rules of our soldiers have to adhere to in battle, when our enemy has no rules.
Is that good enough? For a start anyway?
Come on. We have exhausted troops who have made five, six, seven tours of combat. What's one more? Where do you want to send them from the safe confines of your armchair, huh?
As opposed to you who sit and presume upon your safety and believe that safety has nothing to do with those troops and their forfeited-by-obama sacrifices.
So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
I gave 22 years to the USN and would go back in a minute if they called me up.
The problem is ISIS.

The problem is Putin in the Ukraine.

The problem is Iran's nuclear weapons program.

The problem is North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

The problem is Assad.

The problem is Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Glad to help you guys out on that front.

So you say Obama is not doing "what needs to be done". What need to be done?

The OP is a literal call to arms. War.
Why dont you go to the Military Forum and pose your questions and see what real soldiers recommend? It's apparent the CINC isn't doing the job he's being paid to do. Course, I understand the child of Flower Children don't have a clue.
"real" soldiers don't decide what to do, they simply follow orders. What a laugh.
Yes real soldiers follow orders but they're also asked for input and recommendations. Obamahdi doesn't listen to his Generals. He purges them from the military so he can "organize " the world.
Okay, i'll do the presidents job. Starting with Iraq. I would send battleships, bomber, air craft carriers over there. Right into the Persian gulf, let isis now if one more American dies at their hand bombing will start, then troops on the ground. We will destroy and kill any part of their organization. I will let them know that we are going to fight to win, if you hide behind civilians you still will die.
I would let them know I'm an American president, it's my job to protect America and give the best odds to my American troops. All restrictions on them are eliminated, they will no longer have to prove without a doubt the were in immediate danger. I would let the terrorists know that this would be fast and bloody and they would lose.
Let them know if one of my troops gets ambushed, a mile radius would be turned into glass within minutes. I would let them know that the united states will no longer fight a war using liberal policies. We are gonna fight to win, with the least amount of US casualties as possible. Even if it requires that they would be eliminated.
Let syria know that if necessary while we are there the same could happen to them if they still want to protect terrorist. Tell them negotiations are on the table. We don't want to, but we will attack.
Also get other countries involved, there are many that are getting tired of living in fear of terrorist.
The most important part would be eliminating all liberals in the war plan, we do want to win. I'm personally sick of all the rules of our soldiers have to adhere to in battle, when our enemy has no rules.
Is that good enough? For a start anyway?

This is exactly why we need to vote against Repubs who think war is the answer to any question.

Its like they just don't have a clue about who and what the enemy really is.

So...just to be clear. The OP is demanding we go to war, yes? I see a lot of talk about "do what needs to be done", but make it clear exactly what it is you want.

War, right? With who, exactly?

The dude who wrote the letter volunteered to take up arms. Good for him. Anyone else? Put your body where your mouth is.
With Isis of course.
Okay, i'll do the presidents job. Starting with Iraq. I would send battleships, bomber, air craft carriers over there. Right into the Persian gulf, let isis now if one more American dies at their hand bombing will start, then troops on the ground. We will destroy and kill any part of their organization. I will let them know that we are going to fight to win, if you hide behind civilians you still will die.
I would let them know I'm an American president, it's my job to protect America and give the best odds to my American troops. All restrictions on them are eliminated, they will no longer have to prove without a doubt the were in immediate danger. I would let the terrorists know that this would be fast and bloody and they would lose.
Let them know if one of my troops gets ambushed, a mile radius would be turned into glass within minutes. I would let them know that the united states will no longer fight a war using liberal policies. We are gonna fight to win, with the least amount of US casualties as possible. Even if it requires that they would be eliminated.
Let syria know that if necessary while we are there the same could happen to them if they still want to protect terrorist. Tell them negotiations are on the table. We don't want to, but we will attack.
Also get other countries involved, there are many that are getting tired of living in fear of terrorist.
The most important part would be eliminating all liberals in the war plan, we do want to win. I'm personally sick of all the rules of our soldiers have to adhere to in battle, when our enemy has no rules.
Is that good enough? For a start anyway?

This is exactly why we need to vote against Repubs who think war is the answer to any question.

Its like they just don't have a clue about who and what the enemy really is.

Weird as hell, ain't it. Imagine someone threatens to take over the US, convert everyone to Islam and sharia law and starts cutting off heads. We should just let Obamessiah organize a giant circle jerk? Sounds good to the libnuts.

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