New ice age in the near future !

Meaning it's solar output (emissions) shift back and forth on a regular basis.
And who taught you that?


Astronomy 101 at ISU (Iowa State University)... Any other personal questions?


Well,in reality, solar scientists taught you that. You know, the same solar acientists that endorse rhe consensus on climate change and work closely with scientists across many fields of science to further learn about cimate change.
Try again... Most of the dissenting scientists to the "global warming agenda" are physicists and astronomers.
Whoops,your logic is poor and, really, embarrassingly bad. While it may be the case that, of the very few dissenting scientists, most may be astronomers amd physicists (likely you just made that up, though), it is still a fact that the overwhelming majority of both endorse the consensus, as do all of their representative scientific societies.

It also is a fact that not one has actually produced any science to back up that dissent.
Whoops,your logic is poor and, really, embarrassingly bad. While it may be the case that, of the very few dissenting scientists, most may be astronomers amd physicists (likely you just made that up, though), it is still a fact that the overwhelming majority of both endorse the consensus, as do all of their representative scientific societies.

It also is a fact that not one has actually produced any science to back up that dissent.


That's humorous since no one's produced any real science, or even a working model that can accurately predict, that your global warming agenda is anything but hogwash. Otherwise they wouldn't have to fudge the actual data so their grants keep coming in.

Physicists and astronomers are probably the only trustworthy scientists in the whole affair. Their methods involve accurate observations and the scientific method to make predictions. Not some "scientific consensus" because everyone says it's happening and if it doesn't fit the model we'll fudge the numbers so the model works. Sorry but that latter scenario isn't the way science works and it's now obvious why the United States is failing in the search for new technologies and scientific advancement when people, such as yourself, are the one's who think they know logic and how science works.


That's humorous since no one's produced any real science, or even a working model that can accurately predict, that your global warming agenda is anything but hogwash.
That's an embarrassingly stupid lie, and you should do yourself a favor by never opening your mouth about climate science ever again.
That's humorous since no one's produced any real science, or even a working model that can accurately predict, that your global warming agenda is anything but hogwash.
That's an embarrassingly stupid lie, and you should do yourself a favor by never opening your mouth about climate science ever again.


Last time I checked there was still an ice cap in the Arctic.

Wasn't that supposed to be gone about a decade ago?

Show me your working model....

Does AOC have it and that's why we only have another decade to live?

Should I start building an ark now?



Or are you simply going to continue flaming me instead of contributing to the topic?


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Well,in reality, solar scientists taught you that. You know, the same solar acientists that endorse rhe consensus on climate change and work closely with scientists across many fields of science to further learn about cimate change.
minus 15 points for bad spelling Einstein !
That's humorous since no one's produced any real science, or even a working model that can accurately predict, that your global warming agenda is anything but hogwash.
That's an embarrassingly stupid lie, and you should do yourself a favor by never opening your mouth about climate science ever again.
It's not a lie. There is a lot of contention about the AGW thing. Let's just start with best practice for air, water and soil. I'm totally on side with that. The AGW thing? Sounded like BS when it was AGC in the 70s. I am a long way from being convinced.

the average temp in the state of Texas in the yr 1955 was higher 1933 was higher that it was in 2015 ! there is no sustained global warming trend !

Texas <> world.

Weather <> climate.
decrease in solar activity may indicate looming drop in global temps !


The denier side has been predicting an ice age nonstop for over 40 years now. That ice age never arrives. No matter. Their faith is pure, so they'll keep on predicting the HolyIceAge year after year, until the last member of the ice age cult passes on.

In contrast, the rational side has been predicting warming that whole time, and has been absolutely correct.

That's why our side has such credibility, because they've earned it through success. And that's why deniers are laughed at, because they've earned it through failure.

You are confused Moon Bat.

None of the predictions by the scammers have ever come true. The reason they have to fabricate data is to cover up the scam science.

The scammers are to be scorned and ridiculed for being dumb asses and charlatans.
None of the predictions by the scammers have ever come true.

That's what I just said. Every prediction that denier cultists have made has failed.

The reason they have to fabricate data is to cover up the scam science.

Agreed. Your side has been caught faking everything, over and over. The reason you have to depend entirely on fraud is because you fail so completely at science.

The scammers are to be scorned and ridiculed for being dumb asses and charlatans.

Agreed again. Everyone just laughs at the weepy denier losers now, for good reason.

Now, shouldn't you be getting ready for the HolyIceAge? I know your cult has been predicting it nonstop for the past 40 years, but this time it's for sure! Pay no attention to all the previous failures!
None of the predictions by the scammers have ever come true.

That's what I just said. Every prediction that denier cultists have made has failed.

The reason they have to fabricate data is to cover up the scam science.

Agreed. Your side has been caught faking everything, over and over. The reason you have to depend entirely on fraud is because you fail so completely at science.

The scammers are to be scorned and ridiculed for being dumb asses and charlatans.

Agreed again. Everyone just laughs at the weepy denier losers now, for good reason.

Now, shouldn't you be getting ready for the HolyIceAge? I know your cult has been predicting it nonstop for the past 40 years, but this time it's for sure! Pay no attention to all the previous failures!
You just cant keep from lying can you shity kitty....

Hang on to your ass.. If the drop out of high energy solar radiation continues its going to get real cold real fast...

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