New House Speaker is a Trump Puppet who is looking to Sabotage the Economy/Country to try and Help Trump

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The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
McCarthy at least wanted a functioning country. Trump is just desperate to do anything to get back in power.

He will shut down the government to sabotage Biden's growing economy, record low unemployment, and dropping inflation, even though republicans and Trump gave us the bulk of our debt and deficit.
He will surely pump the fake Biden impeachment, which might backfire when it is revealed there is no evidence at all against Biden.
He will try and cut off funding to Ukraine so Trump's best buddy Putin can win their war and take over Europe.
He will do whatever bidding Trump wants because the GOP are all Trump puppets enabling his crime and corruption.

Lefties whined about Scalise who was wounded in an assassination attempt and then they whined about Jim Jordan. Now surprise, surprise they are whining about Johnson. Wouldn't it be refreshing if the left moved off the Speaker rants and concentrated on what's going on in the freaking world.
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Lefties whined about Scalise who was wounded in an assassination attempt and then they whined about Jim Jordan. Now surprise, surprise they are whining about Johnson. Wouldn't it be refreshing if the left moved off the Speaker rants and concentrated on what's going on in the freaking world.

Your comment is non-sensical, are you trying to sound clever or something?
We are focusing on what the new Trump puppet speaker is going to do with the world, and how he will fuck up the world, by shutting down the government and cutting off funding to Ukraine so Putin can win his war and take over Ukraine and Europe.
McCarthy at least wanted a functioning country. Trump is just desperate to do anything to get back in power.

He will shut down the government to sabotage Biden's growing economy, record low unemployment, and dropping inflation, even though republicans and Trump gave us the bulk of our debt and deficit.
He will surely pump the fake Biden impeachment, which might backfire when it is revealed there is no evidence at all against Biden.
He will try and cut off funding to Ukraine so Trump's best buddy Putin can win their war and take over Europe.
He will do whatever bidding Trump wants because the GOP are all Trump puppets enabling his crime and corruption.

You nailed it. And he'll be SOTH in 2024 when Trump gets his ass handed back to him in the election if he's not lucked up by then & the election results are in front of the HOR for certification.

Hopefully, Mikey's sorry traiterous Democracy hating ass is gone by then.

But don't count on it because that's why Trump wants him where he is.

Deja Vu will be the new reality.
Your comment is non-sensical, are you trying to sound clever or something?
We are focusing on what the new Trump puppet speaker is going to do with the world, and how he will fuck up the world, by shutting down the government and cutting off funding to Ukraine so Putin can win his war and take over Ukraine and Europe.
Actually the left's opinion of the newly elected Speaker are based in speculation and propaganda and are for the most part premature and non-sensical.
McCarthy at least wanted a functioning country. Trump is just desperate to do anything to get back in power.

He will shut down the government to sabotage Biden's growing economy, record low unemployment, and dropping inflation, even though republicans and Trump gave us the bulk of our debt and deficit.
He will surely pump the fake Biden impeachment, which might backfire when it is revealed there is no evidence at all against Biden.
He will try and cut off funding to Ukraine so Trump's best buddy Putin can win their war and take over Europe.
He will do whatever bidding Trump wants because the GOP are all Trump puppets enabling his crime and corruption.

The fact that "The Banker" and other hard core Trump haters are loathing Mike Johnson tells me he is the right man for the job. :113:
McCarthy at least wanted a functioning country. Trump is just desperate to do anything to get back in power.

He will shut down the government to sabotage Biden's growing economy, record low unemployment, and dropping inflation, even though republicans and Trump gave us the bulk of our debt and deficit.
He will surely pump the fake Biden impeachment, which might backfire when it is revealed there is no evidence at all against Biden.
He will try and cut off funding to Ukraine so Trump's best buddy Putin can win their war and take over Europe.
He will do whatever bidding Trump wants because the GOP are all Trump puppets enabling his crime and corruption.

Thief in Chief Biden and the demrats are sabotaging the country on their own.
McCarthy at least wanted a functioning country. Trump is just desperate to do anything to get back in power.

He will shut down the government to sabotage Biden's growing economy, record low unemployment, and dropping inflation, even though republicans and Trump gave us the bulk of our debt and deficit.
He will surely pump the fake Biden impeachment, which might backfire when it is revealed there is no evidence at all against Biden.
He will try and cut off funding to Ukraine so Trump's best buddy Putin can win their war and take over Europe.
He will do whatever bidding Trump wants because the GOP are all Trump puppets enabling his crime and corruption.

Yep, he's just another psycho NaziCon!

McCarthy at least wanted a functioning country. Trump is just desperate to do anything to get back in power.

He will shut down the government to sabotage Biden's growing economy, record low unemployment, and dropping inflation, even though republicans and Trump gave us the bulk of our debt and deficit.
He will surely pump the fake Biden impeachment, which might backfire when it is revealed there is no evidence at all against Biden.
He will try and cut off funding to Ukraine so Trump's best buddy Putin can win their war and take over Europe.
He will do whatever bidding Trump wants because the GOP are all Trump puppets enabling his crime and corruption.

The irony of how you were taught to hate your own country by MARXISTS from Russia while blaming Russia all about Trump is THICK!
Lefties whined about Scalise who was wounded in an assassination attempt and then they whined about Jim Jordan. Now surprise, surprise they are whining about Johnson. Wouldn't it be refreshing if the left moved off the Speaker rants and concentrated on what's going on in the freaking world.
Pretty soon, a bunch of bimbos will come out of the looney bin and accuse him of sexual assault when he was in 8th grade.
You nailed it. And he'll be SOTH in 2024 when Trump gets his ass handed back to him in the election if he's not lucked up by then & the election results are in front of the HOR for certification.
Are you expecting him to be lucky?
Let's lay our cards on the table. The Speaker controversy is over and the left needs to draw all the outrage it can before they have to face the reality of a mentally impaired president and a ditsy V.P. without a brain in their collective heads.
The left know with the speaker nonsense out of the way everyone will begin focusing on idiot Joe Biden again and the damage Dem's have done.
Lefties whined about Scalise who was wounded in an assassination attempt and then they whined about Jim Jordan. Now surprise, surprise they are whining about Johnson. Wouldn't it be refreshing if the left moved off the Speaker rants and concentrated on what's going on in the freaking world.
This is what's going on in the world. YOu morons just elected a megalomaniac young earth creationist election denying tRump ass-sucker to be speaker of the house.

That's gonna be bad for the world, in case you hadn't noticed.
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