New Hawaii law shuns Obama birth document requests

I have no idea if he was born in the states or not, but the question still remains... Why is there so much secrecy about his birth certificate? Just show it and the whole discrepancy is over. It sure seems like there is a big effort to make sure this doesn't get out...

New Hawaii law shuns Obama birth document requests - Yahoo! News

Quite obviously, it is nothing more than a ploy to make the right look bad. Dont show the actual BC and make them look like nuts when they question his validity.

The Obama camp had that in theuir plans since day 1. My opinion.

His team has a way of making the American People look silly.

All should resent him for his lack of respect of the intelligence of the American People.

Well, I can see the reasoning behind that... Of course, the problem with that is two fold... First, it states that the powers that be, are childishly using the US Constitution and the Laws of the United States as a means to position themselves Politically... and Second, it presumes that man was born in the US... and is NOT using an otherwise widely accepted, but certainly untested thesis that BEING a Hawaiin citizen, provides that one meets the natural born condition set forth in the US Constitution.

It serves reason perfectly, that the reason for the COLB is that the COLB provides for the establishment of Hawaiin Citizenship... therefore promoting the ASSUMPTION that the man was born in the State of Hawaii; without the burden of stating such under oathe; which would be the case where he provided a Long Form Birth Certificate.

He has stated in his public writings, that he was born at a specific Hawaiin Hospital... which has been proven to be false. to which the response has been vaguely presented through third parties, the he was 'mistaken' or taken out of context... If he had a Long Form Birth Certificate, it would have that information on it... Information which could be readily confirmed.

So the most plausible reason for the COLB is that it represents "Hawaiin citizenship"... and that LEGALLY; a position which rests at the molecular level, on the head of a pin... providing that he was "born in Hawaii"; when it is becoming very clear that he was not.

The rationalization that he is playing games with his opposition, would have made the cut of 'being cute' a couple of years ago... But he's now long since past that; and he is now the ONLY reason that this issue remains on the table. It is now making HIS SUPPORTERS LOOK FOOLISH.

I mean look...

They've told us that Barak Hussein Obama was a Constitutional Scholar...

It turns out he wasn't...

They told us that Barry was a College Professor... Nope... Not even close... turns out that he was NOT A COLLEGE PROF...

We were told that he was a Licensed Attorney!

WELLlllll... There's no evidence of that either.

And what's more... we've now some information wherein the would-be Hawaiian born Barry Soetoro has the Social Security number which would otherwise represent him as someone who lived in Connecticut; a state which little BS had never stepped foot in; let alone resided.

No Sir... there's little about this clown which was SAID TO BE FACTUAL which has turned out to be anything CLOSE to factual; his background history, as it was laid out during his 3 year campaign is a FRAUDULENT SHELL.

I think Obama does a great job of shutting up and letting you make a fool of yourself.

Thanks for playing...the left needs you
"African" is not a race. Not even today. It sure wasn't in 1961, when "Negro" would have been correct.
If there's nothing to hide, then why are they hiding it? McCain released all relevant records. Why doesn't Obama?

Hospital records Nurse to Daddy Obama: What is your Race?

Daddy Obama: African

Hospital Records Nurse writes down: African

Record is certified and send forward

Some conspiracy
You were there? You overheard the conversation? Did anyone refer to themselves as "African" when asked their race? No, I don't think so.

The father was not American and racial identifiers vary in different countries. The father was an African national. Idiot.
Yeah...Right...Parrot! Here are your progressive Marxist/Fascist in action against the American people and our Constitution::cuckoo:

Dear NAGR supporter,

Congressman Paul Broun may be the gun owner's BEST FRIEND in Congress and he has a message you really need to hear about what Barack Obama plans for your gun rights. Just click the image below to listen.

With your help, NAGR and Congressman Broun will defeat H.R. 45, Barack Obama’s National Gun Registration and Citizen Disarmament Act, and preserve our liberties for the next generation.

Click here to listen to this urgent message from U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, and please take all the actions he requests.

In Liberty,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. H.R. 45 is the most draconian gun control measure of recent memory, and it's only the beginning. Obama's reign could last another seven years, and the anti-gun lobbies in Congress won't relent any time soon.

Help NAGR fight for your right to keep and bear arms. Please listen to Congressman Broun’s message, and take all the actions he requests.

To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward this to a friend.

To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.

Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!

National Association for Gun Rights


Speaking of it just another dumbass hysterical chicken?

The Supreme Court has already affirmed gun rights. There is nothing unconstitutional about registration. And there is nothing whatsoever "Marxist/Fascist" in this once you dig beneath the hysterical hype.

Take some time to educate yourself before claiming the sky is falling.
Quite obviously, it is nothing more than a ploy to make the right look bad. Dont show the actual BC and make them look like nuts when they question his validity.

The Obama camp had that in theuir plans since day 1. My opinion.

His team has a way of making the American People look silly.

All should resent him for his lack of respect of the intelligence of the American People.

Well, I can see the reasoning behind that... Of course, the problem with that is two fold... First, it states that the powers that be, are childishly using the US Constitution and the Laws of the United States as a means to position themselves Politically... and Second, it presumes that man was born in the US... and is NOT using an otherwise widely accepted, but certainly untested thesis that BEING a Hawaiin citizen, provides that one meets the natural born condition set forth in the US Constitution.

It serves reason perfectly, that the reason for the COLB is that the COLB provides for the establishment of Hawaiin Citizenship... therefore promoting the ASSUMPTION that the man was born in the State of Hawaii; without the burden of stating such under oathe; which would be the case where he provided a Long Form Birth Certificate.

He has stated in his public writings, that he was born at a specific Hawaiin Hospital... which has been proven to be false. to which the response has been vaguely presented through third parties, the he was 'mistaken' or taken out of context... If he had a Long Form Birth Certificate, it would have that information on it... Information which could be readily confirmed.

So the most plausible reason for the COLB is that it represents "Hawaiin citizenship"... and that LEGALLY; a position which rests at the molecular level, on the head of a pin... providing that he was "born in Hawaii"; when it is becoming very clear that he was not.

The rationalization that he is playing games with his opposition, would have made the cut of 'being cute' a couple of years ago... But he's now long since past that; and he is now the ONLY reason that this issue remains on the table. It is now making HIS SUPPORTERS LOOK FOOLISH.

I mean look...

They've told us that Barak Hussein Obama was a Constitutional Scholar...

It turns out he wasn't...

They told us that Barry was a College Professor... Nope... Not even close... turns out that he was NOT A COLLEGE PROF...

We were told that he was a Licensed Attorney!

WELLlllll... There's no evidence of that either.

And what's more... we've now some information wherein the would-be Hawaiian born Barry Soetoro has the Social Security number which would otherwise represent him as someone who lived in Connecticut; a state which little BS had never stepped foot in; let alone resided.

No Sir... there's little about this clown which was SAID TO BE FACTUAL which has turned out to be anything CLOSE to factual; his background history, as it was laid out during his 3 year campaign is a FRAUDULENT SHELL.

I think Obama does a great job of shutting up and letting you make a fool of yourself.

Thanks for playing...the left needs you

And, your the biggest squirrel of them all who likes to climb other dude's trees to get their nutz!!!! I do have faith in that...for sure! :eusa_pray:

Obama is a Muslim! :mad:

[ame=]YouTube - Is Barack Obama Muslim?-HILARIOUS![/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Proof Obama was a Muslim[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith / Coast Province General Hospital[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama - Still Holds Muslim Beliefs[/ame]

Shocking Words From Obamas Mouth - Defeat Communism

Obama's Green Czar a Communist - Defeat Communism

ObamaHitler - Defeat Communism

INFOWARS - Defeat Communism

Barack Hussein Obama | Politics Today

[ame=]YouTube - Re: Obama Admits Muslim Faith[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama is a Muslim, says Libya's[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - B. Hussein Osama Obama Muslim followers: Jihad on Infidels[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Muslims Expose Barack Hussein Obama[/ame]

Obama As A Kid...
Last edited:
The Baggers are desperate to get rid of the "Magic Negro." It must be keeping some of these people up at night...LOL

Which is pretty dang funny when you think about it. I know some of us were tortured during the Bush years, but can you imagine to pain some of these guys are feeling? They probably turn the TV off each time he is shown on news channels. I think it is hilarious! No wonder Rush had a heart scare a few weeks ago. It must be the severe strain of knowing the Commander and Chief is a BLACK MAN. It has got to make you laugh!

hmmm...two references to the race of BO...

NO references to the incompetence of BO...

So, help me out here...who's the racist?

I'm wondering about the minorities that belong to the Tea Party...should they be offended? It's already established that the left hates the Tea Party. Can't say that I blame them for such a disturbing disdain. Since there is no real way to fight it's true position, they go for the easy one...the racial position. Unfortunately, the black representation within the movement offers some power of negating that accusation. Are there racists within the Tea Party....I would be inclined to say yes. Just as there are racists in the Republican and Democrat parties. Is race the reason for the development of the Tea Party movement? Of course not. It has everything to do with a very large number of Americans standing up for what they believe and standing against what they disapprove of. The Tea Party focuses on the shortcomings of this administration. Not just the POTUS but the entire administration.

Because its not about incompetence...if it was, the tea baggers would have been all over bush, its ALL about race dude. Lets not be disingenuous.

give it up. If you knew what you were talking about, then you might carry more weight in your opinions. There is complete incompetence within this administration. I dont give a shit WHAT color they are. Because they are all different colors....the entire administration is a hodgepodge so it CAN'T be about race for me. But nice try to project your opinion over mine.

The Birther movement is a complete and utter waste of time. Credibility issues aside (and it lacks credibility), even if you could demonstrate, at this point, that Obama was born in Kenya, there is no way the Courts are going to remove an elected President from office on this basis midway through his term. So you'd have to rely on Obama to resign or for Congress to impeach and convict. Neither strike me as particularly likely.

The Birther argument is pointless and people could better direct their energy elsewhere (although Birthers are mostly loons, so maybe we don't WANT their energy directed elsewhere).
The Birther movement is a complete and utter waste of time. Credibility issues aside (and it lacks credibility), even if you could demonstrate, at this point, that Obama was born in Kenya, there is no way the Courts are going to remove an elected President from office on this basis midway through his term. So you'd have to rely on Obama to resign or for Congress to impeach and convict. Neither strike me as particularly likely.

The Birther argument is pointless and people could better direct their energy elsewhere (although Birthers are mostly loons, so maybe we don't WANT their energy directed elsewhere).

It is a sad day for America when treason is the norm....
The Birther movement is a complete and utter waste of time. Credibility issues aside (and it lacks credibility), even if you could demonstrate, at this point, that Obama was born in Kenya, there is no way the Courts are going to remove an elected President from office on this basis midway through his term. So you'd have to rely on Obama to resign or for Congress to impeach and convict. Neither strike me as particularly likely.

The Birther argument is pointless and people could better direct their energy elsewhere (although Birthers are mostly loons, so maybe we don't WANT their energy directed elsewhere).

It is a sad day for America when treason is the norm....

Or when someone doesn't know the definition of the word "treason." The Framers gave us a narrow definition specifically so it couldn't be bandied recklessly about like it was in other countries at the time. Sort of like what you're doing.
The Birther movement is a complete and utter waste of time. Credibility issues aside (and it lacks credibility), even if you could demonstrate, at this point, that Obama was born in Kenya, there is no way the Courts are going to remove an elected President from office on this basis midway through his term. So you'd have to rely on Obama to resign or for Congress to impeach and convict. Neither strike me as particularly likely.

The Birther argument is pointless and people could better direct their energy elsewhere (although Birthers are mostly loons, so maybe we don't WANT their energy directed elsewhere).

It is a sad day for America when treason is the norm....

Or when someone doesn't know the definition of the word "treason." The Framers gave us a narrow definition specifically so it couldn't be bandied recklessly about like it was in other countries at the time. Sort of like what you're doing.

Here, checkout these links. They are eye-openers to the traitors and their treason taking place in our gov't. The Canton Truth has many interesting articles on them who are undermining us and our children. Let me know what you think.... - Black Tea Party Activists Called 'Traitors'

CANTON TRUTH: North American Army Created Without OK By Congress

Traitors of the Democratic Senate | America For Purchase

ARRA News Service: The Un-Patriotic Americans - Traitors

Safeguard Properties- Military Action vs. Corrupt Government Action | REALNEO for all

Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU)

Muslim Brotherhood group holding MSA Day on Capitol Hill Creeping Sharia

[ame=]YouTube - MISERY INDEX - "Traitors"[/ame]
What does that have to do with the Obama birth certificate issue and the fact that Birthers are wasting their time?
Quite obviously, it is nothing more than a ploy to make the right look bad. Dont show the actual BC and make them look like nuts when they question his validity.

The Obama camp had that in theuir plans since day 1. My opinion.

His team has a way of making the American People look silly.

All should resent him for his lack of respect of the intelligence of the American People.

Well, I can see the reasoning behind that... Of course, the problem with that is two fold... First, it states that the powers that be, are childishly using the US Constitution and the Laws of the United States as a means to position themselves Politically... and Second, it presumes that man was born in the US... and is NOT using an otherwise widely accepted, but certainly untested thesis that BEING a Hawaiin citizen, provides that one meets the natural born condition set forth in the US Constitution.

It serves reason perfectly, that the reason for the COLB is that the COLB provides for the establishment of Hawaiin Citizenship... therefore promoting the ASSUMPTION that the man was born in the State of Hawaii; without the burden of stating such under oathe; which would be the case where he provided a Long Form Birth Certificate.

He has stated in his public writings, that he was born at a specific Hawaiin Hospital... which has been proven to be false. to which the response has been vaguely presented through third parties, the he was 'mistaken' or taken out of context... If he had a Long Form Birth Certificate, it would have that information on it... Information which could be readily confirmed.

So the most plausible reason for the COLB is that it represents "Hawaiin citizenship"... and that LEGALLY; a position which rests at the molecular level, on the head of a pin... providing that he was "born in Hawaii"; when it is becoming very clear that he was not.

The rationalization that he is playing games with his opposition, would have made the cut of 'being cute' a couple of years ago... But he's now long since past that; and he is now the ONLY reason that this issue remains on the table. It is now making HIS SUPPORTERS LOOK FOOLISH.

I mean look...

They've told us that Barak Hussein Obama was a Constitutional Scholar...

It turns out he wasn't...

They told us that Barry was a College Professor... Nope... Not even close... turns out that he was NOT A COLLEGE PROF...

We were told that he was a Licensed Attorney!

WELLlllll... There's no evidence of that either.

And what's more... we've now some information wherein the would-be Hawaiian born Barry Soetoro has the Social Security number which would otherwise represent him as someone who lived in Connecticut; a state which little BS had never stepped foot in; let alone resided.

No Sir... there's little about this clown which was SAID TO BE FACTUAL which has turned out to be anything CLOSE to factual; his background history, as it was laid out during his 3 year campaign is a FRAUDULENT SHELL.

I think Obama does a great job of shutting up and letting you make a fool of yourself.

Thanks for playing...the left needs you

Oh MY! Looky there! Why it is a snotty innuendo, that these would-be truths are READILY SUPPORTABLE! That The Brown Clown COULD SUPPORT THEM ANY TIME SHE WANTS! But that she chooses to remain silent and NOT PROVE THEM... because the projected would-be facts of her background being refuted and proven false makes her opposition "look bad'...

Everyone GOT THAT?

That Hussein was said to be a College Professor, but that being proven false... makes her opposition look bad.

That Hussein was said to be a Constitutional Scholar and that THAT was proven to be FALSE... makes the Americans look bad.

Than Hussein was said to be a Licensed Attorney... and there being NO EVIDENCE that she ever passed the bar... this makes those who OPPOSE HER 'LOOK BAD!'

We can rest assured no doubt, that Barry; who it is said was BORN AND RAISED in Hawaii... having the Social Security number of someone who was born and raised in Connecticut... makes those who openly wonder why that is the case, LOOK BAD!


Vidoes--Update on Dr. Manning's 'Trial of the Century' Against Obama
This thing is shaping up to be a major event in New York.

A black Harlem Pastor is placing on trial Barack Obama and Columbia University for fraud, treason, and sedition--and he claims his legal consultants say it will carry the full weight of the law!

Conservative Examiner reports the update and provides videos from Dr. Manning explaining the trial.

Dr. Manning claims he has irrefutable proof that Obama never attended Columbia University and sworn statements from a high-ranking government official concerning fraudulent information provided by Barack Obama.

The Liberty Sphere: Vidoes--Update on Dr. Manning's 'Trial of the Century' Against Obama

YouTube - The Trial Of The Century Flyer

Im all for this guy having his trial, its his right. He is, however, trash.
Sorry zeitgeist, you're on ignore now.

Not anything personal. I'm not even opposed to discussing the information that you are linking. But it's a pain to navigate a bunch of threads derailed by people spamming these sorts of links instead of discussing the thread topic.
The best they can do...

Obama is not a real American
Obama needs a teleprompter in order to speak
Obama is a Socialist/Marxist/Facist
Obama hates whites
Obama loves terrorists

Such an obvious and clumsy attempt at smearing the President.

As I said before, all just silly parlor tricks.

The right is going to have to do much better if they want to make any substantial gains in '10 and especially if they want to win the presidency in '12. Especially considering that they had a lock on the country for about six years.

Or course, I don't associate the loony birthers with the "right", though I do wonder how much of Richard Mellon Sciafe. Scaife is like Murdoch, except Scaife lack's Murdoch's scruples.
I disagree, geauxtohell. About the upcoming elections, that is. I think the right is going to do fairly well unless something changes drastically between now and then. It will be more of an anti-incumbent sentiment than any pro-right sentiment, but the end result will be the same.
Sorry zeitgeist, you're on ignore now.

Not anything personal. I'm not even opposed to discussing the information that you are linking. But it's a pain to navigate a bunch of threads derailed by people spamming these sorts of links instead of discussing the thread topic.

I posted on topic and some people didn't like what was said, and made remarks in a slightly different direction and I shed some light on it in response. The truth is hard for some to handle.... Links provide info on the topics. People use info links to back up what they say or believe. Some find mere opinion easier to discuss becuase they lack substance without backup....

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