New girlfriend, new job, working on sci-fi book series, I'm doing OK...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...all I have to do is not watch the news so I don't go crazy.

But really, it feels like my life is turning somehow, as if all my prayers are being answered. I can't put a finger on what I'm doing differently, but things are going good.
My boss is cranky sometimes, but to everyone, not just me. I just have to get used to his style.
There are a lot of people with very good lives who torture themselves by taking news and politics too seriously. Sometimes you have to ask yourself why everything around you seems to being going so good, but some guy on TV has convinced you the world is burning.
There are a lot of people with very good lives who torture themselves by taking news and politics too seriously. Sometimes you have to ask yourself why everything around you seems to being going so good, but some guy on TV has convinced you the world is burning.
I agree. If I totally unplugged and never heard a word about Trump, global warming and mass shootings I couldn't point to a single thing wrong with the world right now.
I made it through the first week at my new job and things are looking good.

My boss takes off early on Fridays, but he comes in on Saturdays so I will have to the same to keep up. Also, he gave me a project that will require me to work over the weekend, so there's that.

I'm still feeling good about the positive changes in my life.

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