New data reveals a crash not seen since Great Depression could hit in 2024

Ordinary Guy

Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2021

If White House and Congress don't cut spending soon, the results could be catastrophic​

As the White House continues to tout the alleged achievements of the president’s "Bidenomics" agenda, a growing amount of data indicates that a gigantic economic crisis could be right around the corner.

Most disturbingly, one important economic indicator that’s currently flashing hasn’t appeared since the 1930s, during the height of the Great Depression.

If the White House and Congress do not cut inflation-causing government spending soon, the results could be catastrophic.

I just hope voters are smart enough to realize what President is accountable for this -OG

If White House and Congress don't cut spending soon, the results could be catastrophic​

As the White House continues to tout the alleged achievements of the president’s "Bidenomics" agenda, a growing amount of data indicates that a gigantic economic crisis could be right around the corner.

Most disturbingly, one important economic indicator that’s currently flashing hasn’t appeared since the 1930s, during the height of the Great Depression.

If the White House and Congress do not cut inflation-causing government spending soon, the results could be catastrophic.

I just hope voters are smart enough to realize what President is accountable for this -OG
I see you joined this forum after Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.
and most of it was Obamacare, this gift that make every President look bad after him. It is the biggest loser in our lifetimes
You tards are literally blind to the massive overspending by Republicans.

Literally blind.

Simply amazing, this willful blindness on the part of you bumpkins!


Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

The Fact:

US budget deficit balloons to nearly $1 trillion for fiscal 2019


Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

The deficit grew smaller and smaller during Obama's reign. Under Trump, it EXPLODED.
So long as the tard herd refuses to accept the fact Republicans are just as big spenders as Democrats, and therefore refuse to hold them accountable, our country's future will be in serious peril.
You tards are literally blind to the massive overspending by Republicans.

Literally blind.

Simply amazing, this willful blindness on the part of you bumpkins!


Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

The Fact:

US budget deficit balloons to nearly $1 trillion for fiscal 2019


Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

The deficit grew smaller and smaller during Obama's reign. Under Trump, it EXPLODED.
and you turds don't realize how many retirement accounts are better under republicans, how much less fuel, groceries, and other family needs. Democrats make everything more expensive, thanks to them we will see $12.00 big macs because democrats are too fucking stupid to realize fast food jobs are not careers. You dumbfucks are why Detroit and Chicago are shitholes and San Francisco and NYC are right behind them.
I see you joined this forum after Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.
it must be the dems bankrupting the country, since repubs are always fiscally responsible.

"no one knows more about debt than i do. i am the king of debt" joe biden

jist kidding. everyone knows which dunning kruger case said that one.
I just hope voters are smart enough to realize what President is accountable for this -OG
When one party - the Uniparty - is in control of counting the votes and also the arbiter of all reality (media) the voters are just window dressing. I think at best, we might see the self-immolation of the party of "controlled opposition" next year. Trump could win by 20 million votes and he would never be allowed to take the office. Either they'll kill him or set the country on fire. These thugs are fully in the open now.
All I can say is God be with those who cannot escape the blue cities when this meltdown comes.
When one party - the Uniparty - is in control of counting the votes and also the arbiter of all reality (media) the voters are just window dressing. I think at best, we might see the self-immolation of the party of "controlled opposition" next year. Trump could win by 20 million votes and he would never be allowed to take the office. Either they'll kill him or set the country on fire. These thugs are fully in the open now.
the irony of Jan 6 being horrible but the burning of cities and murders of citizens were alright with Democrats during the BLM riots. I fucking hate democrats now and have severed many ties due to the beliefs of these idiots. I can't stomach them any longer

If White House and Congress don't cut spending soon, the results could be catastrophic​

As the White House continues to tout the alleged achievements of the president’s "Bidenomics" agenda, a growing amount of data indicates that a gigantic economic crisis could be right around the corner.

Most disturbingly, one important economic indicator that’s currently flashing hasn’t appeared since the 1930s, during the height of the Great Depression.

If the White House and Congress do not cut inflation-causing government spending soon, the results could be catastrophic.

I just hope voters are smart enough to realize what President is accountable for this -OG
We have been telling all these stupid Moon Bats that Potatohead is a disaster but the sickos are so deranged with their hate of Trump for making the US great again that they wouldn't listen.
We have been telling all these stupid Moon Bats that Potatohead is a disaster but the sickos are so deranged with their hate of Trump for making the US great again that they wouldn't listen.
that is why he has to bail out the students, to keep the next generation stupid as their parents
and most of it was Obamacare, this gift that make every President look bad after him. It is the biggest loser in our lifetimes
Then why don't you contact your Medicare Part D provider and tell them you miss the doughnut hole old man, because the ACA started eliminating Bush's doughnut hole. And the IRA act of Biden will create an out of pocket maximum for prescription drug expenses at $2,000. Go ahead and tell that same provider you want to pay more than that.

The ACA was the biggest WIN for the American people in a generation. Hundreds of thousands of people were freed from the bondage of employer sponsored health insurance. The plumber's wife, who put her kids in daycare and went to work at Walmart simply to provide health insurance for her self-employed husband and the family. She quit, stays home with the kids, and they have coverage through the ACA. Now, Walmart has to pay more to their employees because that health care bondage, that ball and chain, has been severed. Multiply that times hundreds of thousands of people in the very same situation and you get some real results.

Results like the reality that almost every single basis point of GDP growth during the Trump administration can be directly attributed to the ACA. Health care inflation was cut significantly, hell in 2023 it is projected to go negative. GO NEGATIVE. Today, when you go to the hospital under Medicare, the hospital is genuinely concerned with your well being. No longer is it release you quicker and sicker, because if they do that, they get punished. Their reimbursement rate is cut. "Quicker and sicker" was a meme in the Medicare community, a meme that the ACA eliminated.

I worked the Medicare market for two decades. The ACA changed all that. I spent those two decades chasing down people turning 65. Since the ACA, I don't chase anyone, they come to me. So Joe Sixpack is 62, he is damn tired of working, and he has a pretty good nest egg saved up, but he just can't quit. He has to worry about health insurance, not only for himself, but for his wife, who is younger. He could start drawing Social Security, but hell, where is he going to get health insurance. But he has a friend, and they give him my number and he calls and we set up an appointment.

When the dust clears, well I direct him to the Health Insurance Marketplace, and we find a health insurance plan that covers him, and his wife, at a better level than his current employer provided health insurance. He gets the subsidy, and when you factor that his out of pocket costs for the premium is less than what is coming out of his paycheck every month. I am not selling anything, just pointing him in the right direction. Besides, commissions on those ACA plan aren't worth my time. What I do do is create an income stream out of that nest egg. When I leave I am adding hundreds of thousands of dollars to what I already have under management, the dude is literally trying to hug my neck, and he is turning in his notice to work the next morning. Again, mulitply that times hundreds of thousands of people throughout the nation and you start seeing real results.

Here is the thing, your sorry ass is benefitting, not only from the ACA that you disparage so ignorantly, but also from the IRA. Talk about staring a gift horse in the mouth. What an ignorant and ungrateful fool you are.
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So long as the tard herd refuses to accept the fact Republicans are just as big spenders as Democrats, and therefore refuse to hold them accountable, our country's future will be in serious peril.

Just curious....... WHAT did Trump vs Biden spend all that money on???
Just curious....... WHAT did Trump vs Biden spend all that money on???
Good damn question. Biden spent it on infrastructure, clean energy initiatives that have resulted in billions of dollars in investment from corporations. Trump pretty much just dropped dollars from helicopters. Those stimulus checks, that extra unemployment stipend that had people making more money sitting at home on their ass than going to work. And those PPP loans that were forgiven, plagued with fraud more than any federal program in history and going to people like Jared Kuchner and MTG.
Biden didn't run up the $33 trillion in debt all by himself, sweetheart.
he wants to continue spending at or greater than covid era spending .. even though the gop has spent like drunken sailors at least there is a faction of the gop calling for reigning in spending ... however there is practically no one on the left calling for it !

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