Netanyahu causes uproar by linking Palestinians to Holocaust

Lost in the discussion about how much the Mufti influenced Hitler is the inescapable fact that the Mufti and the Führer shared the same goal, the destruction of the Jews.

Hitler and Nazi Party philosopher Alfred Rosenberg were focused on eliminating the Jews of Europe. Haj Amin al Husseini, the Grand Mufti, was focused on eliminating the Jews of the Arab world.

How much the Mufti had to do with Hitler’s Final Solution of the Jewish Question is unfortunately a diversion from the basic issue. The Mufti then, like Palestinians today, sought to slaughter Jews.

It is by no means a diversion. It's a deliberate attempt by Netanyahu to distort history and paint modern day Palestinians as Nazi's - a people who can not be negotiated with but only conquered or exterminated. The Palestinian fight was a land issue, if it is becoming a religious issue we need to ask why?


Netyanhu was spot on. You are putting words in his mouth that he never said.

Quoting anti-Israel/Jewish books really doesn't help your case. Even Jewish have acted against Jews throughout Jewish history.

Netanyahu's point was clear to me.

This isn't about territory.

This isn't about settlements

This isn't about the "palestinians" having their own state.

This isn't about the Temple Mount.

This is a holy religious war.

The arabs tried to kill all the Jews before they captured the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem in 1967.

The arabs tried to kill all the Jews when they were awarded a tiny sliver of land in 1948.

The arabs tried to kill the Jews before Israel had a state.

The arabs tried to kill all the Jews in the 1930s.

That is the reason that Netanyahu brought up the Grand Mufti's collaboration with Hitler.

The Mufti may not have been responsible for the Holocaust however, he was an active collaborator in it.

Why wouldn't the Christians and Muslims being invaded by European Zionists intent on dispossessing and evicting them resist the invasion?

Almost no historians lay the Final Solution at the Mufti's feet and that is what Netanyahu's statement does and by implication - tars all Palestinians as people that can never be negotiated with and can only be exterminated. There is plenty of hatred towards the Palestinians and Arabs from the Jews. It is taught. It is encouraged - perhaps not to the degree it is among the Palestinians, who are also living under an Occupation which I am sure colors their perception of the Jews, but it is there and statements like that of Netanyahu - the country's leader - validate that. How responsible is that? Is he any different from the Palestinian leaders? No.

Jews are not demons, devils, pigs, monsters, parasites or mass murderers. Neither are Palestinians.

and yet there are scores of book in various languages, some in print others would be out of print by now, that very much do lay shared responsibility at the mufti's feet, even text of the mufti's own words.

Not all historians published I the last ten years or choose to soften history and its consequences today for "political correctness" (gad I'm getting sick of PC)

Jordan and Syrian, even Palestinians, had no problem with the Mufti's nazi connection or his plans to carry on the extermination. Why are westerners so touchy about it? Political charters still advocate the extermination. Modern broadcast is full of arab and muslims parroting hiter and the mufti.

Arafat's devotion to his uncle was never hidden or minimized. Why do people want to whitewash the mufti after so long? Check the streets of gaza or any moderate town and they will have pamphlets and tapes of the mufti's sermons and speeches and broadcasts. Probably right next to mien kamph, PoEZ and the little green book.

If Palestinians wanted to clean up their image, they would denounce violence and stop calling for the death of all jews and paying murders like war heroes.

I think accusing historians - well established and respected historians of "political correctness" is a cheap shot frankly. We're not talking about new revionists - altering history in the face of "political correctness" which is a modern phenomenum. In fact, the few historians who are trying to make the case that the Mufti surpassed or even equalled Hitler are products of a new "revisionist" trend.

It's not being "touchy" it's being honest, and it's calling Netanyahu out for spreading his own side's distorted message of hate. You'll call out the Palestinian leadership but never the Israeli's?

Since the fall of the nazis is not revisionism. Not including the Mufti because of Palestinian sensibilities is.

No one is not including the mufti.

Mufti's own words call for the death of all jews, He wanted to build a crematorium for all the jews in the middle east and Africa, but that revisionism too?

That's not the argument being made. Netanyahu's words were false and the intent behind why he made those statements at that particular time, using
"revisionism" to portray modern day Palestinians as akin to Nazi's is the issue and it keeps being ducked. No one is white washing the Mufti - but let's be accurate about history and call Netanyahu's deciet for what it is. If you want to call all those historians liars and revisionists - do so.

They are in Arabic, but go to the library and get copies of his broadcasts.

Again - for I don't know how many times - no one is saying the Mufti didn't want the destruction of the Jews. That is not the argument.

So you don't see the Palestinians as being akin to Nazis even after reading their charters. Don't forget that only about 5% of all Germans were Nazis, while 60% of all muslims are Nazis .

No I do not. 60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim.
You asked me specific questions and I gave answers.

Did the Mufti encourage Hitler in the final solution? I'm saying unknown because I don't know what transpired between them. What I DO know, based on what historians have written, is that Hitler was already applying the final solution before he ever met the Mufti. The Mufti might have encouraged him but it made no difference - he was already doing it.

If you were asking if the Mufti supported the final solution? I would say yes - it's quite clear he wanted Jews killed and was willing to do it for Hitler.

Do you believe they discussed it? I put unknown, but you are right they would have discussed it.

Do you believe the Mufti wanted the Jews dead before Hitler? I put unknown because I did not know.

I'm not saying they never spoke of killing Jews - that is a big difference from saying the Mufti gave Hitler the idea and that Hitler was only innocently going to deport them prior to the Mufti. That is not supported by evidence and that is where Netanyahu's statements fall apart.

Nothing innocent about Hitler, but persecution, killing an arrests came prior to the final solution. After the mufti, there were written plans not just of the camps but for the building of the chambers and oven that would be active in the final solution holocaust. Hitler had not problem killing jew, but to burn in mass numbers leading to the death of 6 million was not part of his original plan.
Hitler had not plans for the middle east other than to keep the british frustrated by the arabs.
Mufti had been calling for the extermination of jews before hitler. Mufti was even by german accounts active in the planning of the extermination.
Just because the mufti suggested or instigated or just encouraged, he was an avid supporter of the death camps. Plans were put in place or accelerated after the mufti's face to face. Mufti carried on what hitler began even after the nazi surrender. They were both guilty, very guilty.

The same rhetoric begun by the mufti was used in Germany and still used by Palestinians. It goes full circle. The same calls for the total extermination of jews were ever they are found, not just in Palestine or Germany. Same calls that are coming from Iran and threatening Israel today.

It is all woven together with the same goal, another holocaust of jews, and in some cases of Christian as well.

Mufti is far from innocent in the planning of the final solution and just become the mufti want the jews dead and not deported does not absolve hitler of any guild what so ever. Same target, same goal, and same cremation, same solution. Hitler, Mufti, Himmler and the others were all part of the formal plans begin in Dec of '41. It was a collaborative effort.

Arafat, hamas and other carry on the same desire for not just the killing of jews but the extermination. You can't take the mufti out of the equation, and including the mufti in no way absolves hitler or the nazis. It just gives a clearer picture of event today.

The question everyone should be considering is how to break the cycle, not excuse it or justify it. How to teach people to end the anti-Semitism and accept them as humans with ties to the land no less than the claims the Palestinians want. How to get each a sense of security and get them each to make compromises that will lead to an agreement and future cooperation between the two groups. First decide who actually has a right to speak for the Palestinians. Can't have twenty groups each with the own very different demands. They also have to agree to recognize Israel and willingness to talk to them.

Jews are not demons, devils, pig, monsters, parasites or mass murders. Palestinians have to stop thinking in terms of wipe Israel and the jews off the face of the earth. Children are taught words don't hurt, but in the middle east calls for violence and kills do. Get the Palestinians to stop teaching every child that can walk how to kill jews, by any means.

Till you can un-teach the lessons of hitler and the mufti, you can't end the fear the jews have for their very existence.

Almost no historians lay the Final Solution at the Mufti's feet and that is what Netanyahu's statement does and by implication - tars all Palestinians as people that can never be negotiated with and can only be exterminated. There is plenty of hatred towards the Palestinians and Arabs from the Jews. It is taught. It is encouraged - perhaps not to the degree it is among the Palestinians, who are also living under an Occupation which I am sure colors their perception of the Jews, but it is there and statements like that of Netanyahu - the country's leader - validate that. How responsible is that? Is he any different from the Palestinian leaders? No.

Jews are not demons, devils, pigs, monsters, parasites or mass murderers. Neither are Palestinians.

and yet there are scores of book in various languages, some in print others would be out of print by now, that very much do lay shared responsibility at the mufti's feet, even text of the mufti's own words.

Not all historians published I the last ten years or choose to soften history and its consequences today for "political correctness" (gad I'm getting sick of PC)

Jordan and Syrian, even Palestinians, had no problem with the Mufti's nazi connection or his plans to carry on the extermination. Why are westerners so touchy about it? Political charters still advocate the extermination. Modern broadcast is full of arab and muslims parroting hiter and the mufti.

Arafat's devotion to his uncle was never hidden or minimized. Why do people want to whitewash the mufti after so long? Check the streets of gaza or any moderate town and they will have pamphlets and tapes of the mufti's sermons and speeches and broadcasts. Probably right next to mien kamph, PoEZ and the little green book.

If Palestinians wanted to clean up their image, they would denounce violence and stop calling for the death of all jews and paying murders like war heroes.

I think accusing historians - well established and respected historians of "political correctness" is a cheap shot frankly. We're not talking about new revionists - altering history in the face of "political correctness" which is a modern phenomenum. In fact, the few historians who are trying to make the case that the Mufti surpassed or even equalled Hitler are products of a new "revisionist" trend.

It's not being "touchy" it's being honest, and it's calling Netanyahu out for spreading his own side's distorted message of hate. You'll call out the Palestinian leadership but never the Israeli's?

Since the fall of the nazis is not revisionism. Not including the Mufti because of Palestinian sensibilities is.

Mufti's own words call for the death of all jews, He wanted to build a crematorium for all the jews in the middle east and Africa, but that revisionism too?

They are in Arabic, but go to the library and get copies of his broadcasts.

...They are in Arabic, but go to the library and get copies of his broadcasts.

No need the BBC has copies of the broadcasts and credible translations.
Almost no historians lay the Final Solution at the Mufti's feet and that is what Netanyahu's statement does and by implication - tars all Palestinians as people that can never be negotiated with and can only be exterminated. There is plenty of hatred towards the Palestinians and Arabs from the Jews. It is taught. It is encouraged - perhaps not to the degree it is among the Palestinians, who are also living under an Occupation which I am sure colors their perception of the Jews, but it is there and statements like that of Netanyahu - the country's leader - validate that. How responsible is that? Is he any different from the Palestinian leaders? No.

Jews are not demons, devils, pigs, monsters, parasites or mass murderers. Neither are Palestinians.

Then you have read a different report to the rest of us as we see it as the mufti being placed on an equal footing with Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Bormann, Hess and Speer and many others. If it was a Jew that was being reported in this way you would be all for him and the rest of the Jews being branded as mass murderers wouldn't you.

Himmler, Goering etc are not on equal footing with Hitler but even they were bigger figures than the Mufti. I read reports by reputable historians.

And your only response is that criticism of Netanyahu is "it's da JOoooooooooos"? Get over it. They aren't any more angelic or demonic than the rest of us

Mufti was convicted and escaped "dressed as a woman". He would have been sentenced to dead.

He was no innocent.

Did anyone say he was?

You are trying to because the truth is being told now. He was as much to blame as any Nazi officer that lined the Jews up and chose which ones would die

There were many Nazi's and Nazi collaborators involved in the atrocities that marked WW2. Their crimes and actions are not all equal. That doesn't mean they were innocent and for some bizarre reason that is what you guys are trying to turn this argument into. It's isn't about whether the Mufti was innocent of evil - he wanted to kill all the Palestinian Jews. But he was no Hitler, he was a minor figure in comparison to Hitler and some of his closest collaborators. Netanyahu flat out lied using made-up quotes that can't be found in any historical records.
Nothing innocent about Hitler, but persecution, killing an arrests came prior to the final solution. After the mufti, there were written plans not just of the camps but for the building of the chambers and oven that would be active in the final solution holocaust. Hitler had not problem killing jew, but to burn in mass numbers leading to the death of 6 million was not part of his original plan.
Hitler had not plans for the middle east other than to keep the british frustrated by the arabs.
Mufti had been calling for the extermination of jews before hitler. Mufti was even by german accounts active in the planning of the extermination.
Just because the mufti suggested or instigated or just encouraged, he was an avid supporter of the death camps. Plans were put in place or accelerated after the mufti's face to face. Mufti carried on what hitler began even after the nazi surrender. They were both guilty, very guilty.

The same rhetoric begun by the mufti was used in Germany and still used by Palestinians. It goes full circle. The same calls for the total extermination of jews were ever they are found, not just in Palestine or Germany. Same calls that are coming from Iran and threatening Israel today.

It is all woven together with the same goal, another holocaust of jews, and in some cases of Christian as well.

Mufti is far from innocent in the planning of the final solution and just become the mufti want the jews dead and not deported does not absolve hitler of any guild what so ever. Same target, same goal, and same cremation, same solution. Hitler, Mufti, Himmler and the others were all part of the formal plans begin in Dec of '41. It was a collaborative effort.

Arafat, hamas and other carry on the same desire for not just the killing of jews but the extermination. You can't take the mufti out of the equation, and including the mufti in no way absolves hitler or the nazis. It just gives a clearer picture of event today.

The question everyone should be considering is how to break the cycle, not excuse it or justify it. How to teach people to end the anti-Semitism and accept them as humans with ties to the land no less than the claims the Palestinians want. How to get each a sense of security and get them each to make compromises that will lead to an agreement and future cooperation between the two groups. First decide who actually has a right to speak for the Palestinians. Can't have twenty groups each with the own very different demands. They also have to agree to recognize Israel and willingness to talk to them.

Jews are not demons, devils, pig, monsters, parasites or mass murders. Palestinians have to stop thinking in terms of wipe Israel and the jews off the face of the earth. Children are taught words don't hurt, but in the middle east calls for violence and kills do. Get the Palestinians to stop teaching every child that can walk how to kill jews, by any means.

Till you can un-teach the lessons of hitler and the mufti, you can't end the fear the jews have for their very existence.

Almost no historians lay the Final Solution at the Mufti's feet and that is what Netanyahu's statement does and by implication - tars all Palestinians as people that can never be negotiated with and can only be exterminated. There is plenty of hatred towards the Palestinians and Arabs from the Jews. It is taught. It is encouraged - perhaps not to the degree it is among the Palestinians, who are also living under an Occupation which I am sure colors their perception of the Jews, but it is there and statements like that of Netanyahu - the country's leader - validate that. How responsible is that? Is he any different from the Palestinian leaders? No.

Jews are not demons, devils, pigs, monsters, parasites or mass murderers. Neither are Palestinians.

Then you have read a different report to the rest of us as we see it as the mufti being placed on an equal footing with Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Bormann, Hess and Speer and many others. If it was a Jew that was being reported in this way you would be all for him and the rest of the Jews being branded as mass murderers wouldn't you.

Himmler, Goering etc are not on equal footing with Hitler but even they were bigger figures than the Mufti. I read reports by reputable historians.

And your only response is that criticism of Netanyahu is "it's da JOoooooooooos"? Get over it. They aren't any more angelic or demonic than the rest of us

Mufti was convicted and escaped "dressed as a woman". He would have been sentenced to dead.

He was no innocent.

Did anyone say he was?

Well actually quite a lot of people, not all of them Palestinians.
The Zionists had announced in writing and in speeches and had demonstrated through facts on the ground, that they intended to go to Palestine and eliminate the non-Jews living there. Can the leader of a people that are the intended victims, be faulted for wanting the destruction of the people bent on the destruction of his people?
and yet there are scores of book in various languages, some in print others would be out of print by now, that very much do lay shared responsibility at the mufti's feet, even text of the mufti's own words.

Not all historians published I the last ten years or choose to soften history and its consequences today for "political correctness" (gad I'm getting sick of PC)

Jordan and Syrian, even Palestinians, had no problem with the Mufti's nazi connection or his plans to carry on the extermination. Why are westerners so touchy about it? Political charters still advocate the extermination. Modern broadcast is full of arab and muslims parroting hiter and the mufti.

Arafat's devotion to his uncle was never hidden or minimized. Why do people want to whitewash the mufti after so long? Check the streets of gaza or any moderate town and they will have pamphlets and tapes of the mufti's sermons and speeches and broadcasts. Probably right next to mien kamph, PoEZ and the little green book.

If Palestinians wanted to clean up their image, they would denounce violence and stop calling for the death of all jews and paying murders like war heroes.

I think accusing historians - well established and respected historians of "political correctness" is a cheap shot frankly. We're not talking about new revionists - altering history in the face of "political correctness" which is a modern phenomenum. In fact, the few historians who are trying to make the case that the Mufti surpassed or even equalled Hitler are products of a new "revisionist" trend.

It's not being "touchy" it's being honest, and it's calling Netanyahu out for spreading his own side's distorted message of hate. You'll call out the Palestinian leadership but never the Israeli's?

Since the fall of the nazis is not revisionism. Not including the Mufti because of Palestinian sensibilities is.

No one is not including the mufti.

Mufti's own words call for the death of all jews, He wanted to build a crematorium for all the jews in the middle east and Africa, but that revisionism too?

That's not the argument being made. Netanyahu's words were false and the intent behind why he made those statements at that particular time, using
"revisionism" to portray modern day Palestinians as akin to Nazi's is the issue and it keeps being ducked. No one is white washing the Mufti - but let's be accurate about history and call Netanyahu's deciet for what it is. If you want to call all those historians liars and revisionists - do so.

They are in Arabic, but go to the library and get copies of his broadcasts.

Again - for I don't know how many times - no one is saying the Mufti didn't want the destruction of the Jews. That is not the argument.

So you don't see the Palestinians as being akin to Nazis even after reading their charters. Don't forget that only about 5% of all Germans were Nazis, while 60% of all muslims are Nazis .

No I do not. 60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim.

That is the number that follow the teachings of islam explicitly in the koran, it is the number that support the use of terrorism against islams enemies it an attempt at changing their minds. It is the number that support the fight by the Palestinians started by the mufti in 1929 to eliminate the Jews.

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans

83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose
NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)
World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”
And so it goes all the above are Nazi tendencies and there are more in the link provided.
Then you have read a different report to the rest of us as we see it as the mufti being placed on an equal footing with Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Bormann, Hess and Speer and many others. If it was a Jew that was being reported in this way you would be all for him and the rest of the Jews being branded as mass murderers wouldn't you.

Himmler, Goering etc are not on equal footing with Hitler but even they were bigger figures than the Mufti. I read reports by reputable historians.

And your only response is that criticism of Netanyahu is "it's da JOoooooooooos"? Get over it. They aren't any more angelic or demonic than the rest of us

Mufti was convicted and escaped "dressed as a woman". He would have been sentenced to dead.

He was no innocent.

Did anyone say he was?

You are trying to because the truth is being told now. He was as much to blame as any Nazi officer that lined the Jews up and chose which ones would die

There were many Nazi's and Nazi collaborators involved in the atrocities that marked WW2. Their crimes and actions are not all equal. That doesn't mean they were innocent and for some bizarre reason that is what you guys are trying to turn this argument into. It's isn't about whether the Mufti was innocent of evil - he wanted to kill all the Palestinian Jews. But he was no Hitler, he was a minor figure in comparison to Hitler and some of his closest collaborators. Netanyahu flat out lied using made-up quotes that can't be found in any historical records.

He was as much to blame as any of the others that faced the courts in Nuremberg, and he also should have faced the courts and answered for his crimes. You are defending a war criminal that mass murdered Jews on his own admittance, and then ran to Germany were he assisted in the holocaust. You are trying to cover up his part in the holocaust because you don't like the Jews and would rather they did not exist. He was as much a monster as Hitler and should have been put on trial and then hung for his part in the genocide of the Jews. The quotes have been proven to be correct from other sources and still you only believe the histories that meet with you POV and approval. The Jew hatred in the Palestinians all stems from the mufti and his family members that set out to eliminate Judaism from the world at large and teamed up with the Nazis
The role of Arabic-language Nazi-era propaganda

Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism - Discover the Networks

The difference between Hamas and the Nazis ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

Palestinians Use Nazi ‘Sieg Heil’ Salute During Fatah Celebration in Lebanon

The Palestinians, of all people, have every right to be anti-Semitic after what the Jews have done and are doing to them. Does anyone complain that Kosovars are anti-Serbian?
Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World
Jeffrey Herf

Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine
Klaus-Michael Mallmann, ‎Martin Cüppers

Islamism and Islam
Bassam Tibi

Nazi Germany and the Arab World
Francis R. Nicosia

The Secret War for the Middle East: The Influence of Axis ... -
Youssef H. Aboul-Enein, ‎Basil H. Aboul-Enein

The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and ..
Chuck Morse

The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of ...
Gilbert Achcar

The Death of Judeo-Christianity: Religious Aggression and ...
Lawrence Swaim

The Third Reich and the Palestine Question
Francis R. Nicosia

Nazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948
Heidemarie Wawrzyn

The Mufti of Jerusalem: Al-Hajj Amin Al-Husayni and the ...
Philip Mattar

Islam and Nazi Germany's War
David Motadel
"Zionist plan for ethnic cleansing"
Dave Alpert

"Oded Yinon Plan"
Israel Shahak

"Zionist Founding Fathers’ Plans for Transfer of the Palestinian Arabs"
Neil Godfrey

"The Weizmann Plan to “Transfer” the Palestinians"
Neil Godfrey

"Planning the terror that created Israel
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"
Ilan Pappé

"We must expel Arabs and take their place"
1937 Ben-Gurion letter advocating the expulsion of Palestinians -

I think accusing historians - well established and respected historians of "political correctness" is a cheap shot frankly. We're not talking about new revionists - altering history in the face of "political correctness" which is a modern phenomenum. In fact, the few historians who are trying to make the case that the Mufti surpassed or even equalled Hitler are products of a new "revisionist" trend.

It's not being "touchy" it's being honest, and it's calling Netanyahu out for spreading his own side's distorted message of hate. You'll call out the Palestinian leadership but never the Israeli's?

Since the fall of the nazis is not revisionism. Not including the Mufti because of Palestinian sensibilities is.

No one is not including the mufti.

Mufti's own words call for the death of all jews, He wanted to build a crematorium for all the jews in the middle east and Africa, but that revisionism too?

That's not the argument being made. Netanyahu's words were false and the intent behind why he made those statements at that particular time, using
"revisionism" to portray modern day Palestinians as akin to Nazi's is the issue and it keeps being ducked. No one is white washing the Mufti - but let's be accurate about history and call Netanyahu's deciet for what it is. If you want to call all those historians liars and revisionists - do so.

They are in Arabic, but go to the library and get copies of his broadcasts.

Again - for I don't know how many times - no one is saying the Mufti didn't want the destruction of the Jews. That is not the argument.

So you don't see the Palestinians as being akin to Nazis even after reading their charters. Don't forget that only about 5% of all Germans were Nazis, while 60% of all muslims are Nazis .

No I do not. 60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim.

That is the number that follow the teachings of islam explicitly in the koran, it is the number that support the use of terrorism against islams enemies it an attempt at changing their minds. It is the number that support the fight by the Palestinians started by the mufti in 1929 to eliminate the Jews.

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans

83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose
NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)
World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”
And so it goes all the above are Nazi tendencies and there are more in the link provided.

Oh look....

Was that Phoney deflecting again? YEP!

Was that Phoney NOT answering a question again? YEP!

Was that Phoney providing a link in some kind of attempt to support his BS zionut claims? YEP!

So, a question from a member of this forum...

"60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim."

And Phoney provides a link to some 'opinion poll' that, guess what, has NO mention of the word NAZI in it!

Once a failed neo marxist zionut, ALWAYS a failed neo marxist zionut!
Since the fall of the nazis is not revisionism. Not including the Mufti because of Palestinian sensibilities is.

No one is not including the mufti.

Mufti's own words call for the death of all jews, He wanted to build a crematorium for all the jews in the middle east and Africa, but that revisionism too?

That's not the argument being made. Netanyahu's words were false and the intent behind why he made those statements at that particular time, using
"revisionism" to portray modern day Palestinians as akin to Nazi's is the issue and it keeps being ducked. No one is white washing the Mufti - but let's be accurate about history and call Netanyahu's deciet for what it is. If you want to call all those historians liars and revisionists - do so.

They are in Arabic, but go to the library and get copies of his broadcasts.

Again - for I don't know how many times - no one is saying the Mufti didn't want the destruction of the Jews. That is not the argument.

So you don't see the Palestinians as being akin to Nazis even after reading their charters. Don't forget that only about 5% of all Germans were Nazis, while 60% of all muslims are Nazis .

No I do not. 60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim.

That is the number that follow the teachings of islam explicitly in the koran, it is the number that support the use of terrorism against islams enemies it an attempt at changing their minds. It is the number that support the fight by the Palestinians started by the mufti in 1929 to eliminate the Jews.

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans

83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose
NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)
World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”
And so it goes all the above are Nazi tendencies and there are more in the link provided.

Oh look....

Was that Phoney deflecting again? YEP!

Was that Phoney NOT answering a question again? YEP!

Was that Phoney providing a link in some kind of attempt to support his BS zionut claims? YEP!

So, a question from a member of this forum...

"60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim."

And Phoney provides a link to some 'opinion poll' that, guess what, has NO mention of the word NAZI in it!

Once a failed neo marxist zionut, ALWAYS a failed neo marxist zionut!
When will you be providing any form of links after asking for 140 times now, you are in no position to complain about anyone are you idiot.
Since the fall of the nazis is not revisionism. Not including the Mufti because of Palestinian sensibilities is.

No one is not including the mufti.

Mufti's own words call for the death of all jews, He wanted to build a crematorium for all the jews in the middle east and Africa, but that revisionism too?

That's not the argument being made. Netanyahu's words were false and the intent behind why he made those statements at that particular time, using
"revisionism" to portray modern day Palestinians as akin to Nazi's is the issue and it keeps being ducked. No one is white washing the Mufti - but let's be accurate about history and call Netanyahu's deciet for what it is. If you want to call all those historians liars and revisionists - do so.

They are in Arabic, but go to the library and get copies of his broadcasts.

Again - for I don't know how many times - no one is saying the Mufti didn't want the destruction of the Jews. That is not the argument.

So you don't see the Palestinians as being akin to Nazis even after reading their charters. Don't forget that only about 5% of all Germans were Nazis, while 60% of all muslims are Nazis .

No I do not. 60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim.

That is the number that follow the teachings of islam explicitly in the koran, it is the number that support the use of terrorism against islams enemies it an attempt at changing their minds. It is the number that support the fight by the Palestinians started by the mufti in 1929 to eliminate the Jews.

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans

83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose
NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)
World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”
And so it goes all the above are Nazi tendencies and there are more in the link provided.

Oh look....

Was that Phoney deflecting again? YEP!

Was that Phoney NOT answering a question again? YEP!

Was that Phoney providing a link in some kind of attempt to support his BS zionut claims? YEP!

So, a question from a member of this forum...

"60% of all Muslims are Nazi's? I'd like to see the data on that claim."

And Phoney provides a link to some 'opinion poll' that, guess what, has NO mention of the word NAZI in it!

Once a failed neo marxist zionut, ALWAYS a failed neo marxist zionut!

Indeed. All I see is a massive deflection. Phoenall - what data do you have?
Almost no historians lay the Final Solution at the Mufti's feet and that is what Netanyahu's statement does and by implication - tars all Palestinians as people that can never be negotiated with and can only be exterminated. There is plenty of hatred towards the Palestinians and Arabs from the Jews. It is taught. It is encouraged - perhaps not to the degree it is among the Palestinians, who are also living under an Occupation which I am sure colors their perception of the Jews, but it is there and statements like that of Netanyahu - the country's leader - validate that. How responsible is that? Is he any different from the Palestinian leaders? No.

Jews are not demons, devils, pigs, monsters, parasites or mass murderers. Neither are Palestinians.

Then you have read a different report to the rest of us as we see it as the mufti being placed on an equal footing with Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Bormann, Hess and Speer and many others. If it was a Jew that was being reported in this way you would be all for him and the rest of the Jews being branded as mass murderers wouldn't you.

Himmler, Goering etc are not on equal footing with Hitler but even they were bigger figures than the Mufti. I read reports by reputable historians.

And your only response is that criticism of Netanyahu is "it's da JOoooooooooos"? Get over it. They aren't any more angelic or demonic than the rest of us

Mufti was convicted and escaped "dressed as a woman". He would have been sentenced to dead.

He was no innocent.

Did anyone say he was?

Well actually quite a lot of people, not all of them Palestinians.

I think there is a pretty good body of evidence concerning his views including his own writing.

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