Neil Cavuto interrupts Trump live feed to fact check on the spot - Fox?


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Neil Cavuto yesterday interrupts Trump’s live campaign speech, I mean White House address, to fact check his characterization of Obama’s economy and regulations. Adds perspective and truth. On Fox no less. Total bitch slap to the President. Fair and and balanced.

Neil Cavuto yesterday interrupts Trump’s live campaign speech, I mean White House address, to fact check his characterization of Obama’s economy and regulations. Adds perspective and truth. On Fox no less. Total bitch slap to the President. Fair and and balanced.

Not sure how this can be done live. While you're proving this bullshit to be wrong, he's just spouted more bullshit.

Imagine all the bullshit you'd miss.
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Neil Cavuto yesterday interrupts Trump’s live campaign speech, I mean White House address, to fact check his characterization of Obama’s economy and regulations. Adds perspective and truth. On Fox no less. Total bitch slap to the President. Fair and and balanced.

Cavity Cavuto outed himself as a never Trumper long ago. He's an establishment tool.
At least it would illustrate that the country realizes what it did. It's a start. Baby steps.
I suppose but replacing one dumb ass for another, is hardly a sign of success.

As bad as Don is, I don’t doubt Joe could be worse.
Unfortunately, Trump has made lies easy to spot. If he is talking, he is lying.
His lies are very easy to spot. He lies about things that are often meaningless and stupid. Unlike Ears who was a very slick liar and entirely protected by the MSM, everyone can spot Don’s lies.
I can't predict the future.

I know we're living in an ugly stain on this country's history.
I can’t either but it’s a pretty safe bet Joe will be awful. after all, he has a 50 year track record of awful. However, the MSM will love him.
The issues will be China, the economy and sovereignty of your southern border which protects jobs and minority communities from illegal workers.

None of this other stuff matter. Whoever wins on these issues will win the WH in my estimation. I'm thousands of miles away and I can see this.

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