Trump Attorney John Lauro to FOX News: “We Will Re-litigate *Every Single Issue* in the 2020 Election” (Through Discovery)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Discovery baby! That's what the Deep State does not want. Jack Smith has just opened up a can of worms with his bogus indictment.

Trump Attorney John Lauro to FOX News: “We Will Re-litigate *Every Single Issue* in the 2020 Election”​

Video in the link below. Brett Baier just got schooled by Trump's lawyer.

The indictment of President Trump yesterday by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith in Washington D.C. revolves heavily around the unproven assertion that the 2020 Election was legitimate, free from fraud and that President Trump “knowingly” asserted “baseless claims” of election fraud.
President Trump’s team was constricted immensely by a ridiculously narrow window of just a few weeks to compile data from an obfuscated election system that was bolstered by unprecedented COVID-19 mail-in balloting rules put in place. It was reminiscent of the Wild, Wild West. And still, cases were brought, and quickly dismissed, typically using procedural justifications such as “standing” or “laches” before any evidentiary hearings or discovery was permitted.
The Gateway Pundit has documented numerous examples of unresolved issues and concerns from USPS employees appearing to stuff piles of ballots into drop boxes in Michigan, to two 4am deliveries in the backdoor of the TCF Center in Detroit, more than 20,000 ballots delivered after the deadline in Maricopa County, the mysterious disappearance of Jesse Morgan’s USPS trailer that he claims contained around 250,000 filled out mail-in ballots transported from NJ to PA, and “erroneous code” being found on almost every Georgia county who’s system log files were analyzed. And that’s a few examples with many, many more documented.

In fact, just yesterday The Gateway Pundit published a report from Erich Speckin, a 20-year veteran contractor with the State of Michigan who investigated the 2020 Election AVCB ballots in Detroit and found there could be upwards of 35,000 illegal ballots.

Now, given the wording and accusations levied in the indictment against President Trump, one of his attorneys, John Lauro, weighed on FOX News with Brett Baier:

“Mr. Trump did what was exactly Constitutionally precise and in order. There was nothing illegal about that and he was required to take steps as President of the United States to ensure that election was held in a valid way. All of that now is being criminalized. The one thing I will say though: in 2020, Mr. Trump’s campaign had a few weeks to gear up and present evidence, it was very difficult. We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas, and we will re-litigate every single in the 2020 Election in the context of this litigation. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power, since January 6th in a way that can be exercised in a Federal court
Discovery baby! That's what the Deep State does not want. Jack Smith has just opened up a can of worms with his bogus indictment.

Trump Attorney John Lauro to FOX News: “We Will Re-litigate *Every Single Issue* in the 2020 Election”​

Video in the link below. Brett Baier just got schooled by Trump's lawyer.

The indictment of President Trump yesterday by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith in Washington D.C. revolves heavily around the unproven assertion that the 2020 Election was legitimate, free from fraud and that President Trump “knowingly” asserted “baseless claims” of election fraud.
President Trump’s team was constricted immensely by a ridiculously narrow window of just a few weeks to compile data from an obfuscated election system that was bolstered by unprecedented COVID-19 mail-in balloting rules put in place. It was reminiscent of the Wild, Wild West. And still, cases were brought, and quickly dismissed, typically using procedural justifications such as “standing” or “laches” before any evidentiary hearings or discovery was permitted.
The Gateway Pundit has documented numerous examples of unresolved issues and concerns from USPS employees appearing to stuff piles of ballots into drop boxes in Michigan, to two 4am deliveries in the backdoor of the TCF Center in Detroit, more than 20,000 ballots delivered after the deadline in Maricopa County, the mysterious disappearance of Jesse Morgan’s USPS trailer that he claims contained around 250,000 filled out mail-in ballots transported from NJ to PA, and “erroneous code” being found on almost every Georgia county who’s system log files were analyzed. And that’s a few examples with many, many more documented.

In fact, just yesterday The Gateway Pundit published a report from Erich Speckin, a 20-year veteran contractor with the State of Michigan who investigated the 2020 Election AVCB ballots in Detroit and found there could be upwards of 35,000 illegal ballots.

Now, given the wording and accusations levied in the indictment against President Trump, one of his attorneys, John Lauro, weighed on FOX News with Brett Baier:

Trump's had opportunities for discovery before. And yet his record of failure in court is perfect. Every single big lie case, without exception, was lost by Trump.

But this time its different, huh? Good luck with that.
Discovery baby! That's what the Deep State does not want. Jack Smith has just opened up a can of worms with his bogus indictment.

Trump Attorney John Lauro to FOX News: “We Will Re-litigate *Every Single Issue* in the 2020 Election”​

Video in the link below. Brett Baier just got schooled by Trump's lawyer.

The indictment of President Trump yesterday by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith in Washington D.C. revolves heavily around the unproven assertion that the 2020 Election was legitimate, free from fraud and that President Trump “knowingly” asserted “baseless claims” of election fraud.
President Trump’s team was constricted immensely by a ridiculously narrow window of just a few weeks to compile data from an obfuscated election system that was bolstered by unprecedented COVID-19 mail-in balloting rules put in place. It was reminiscent of the Wild, Wild West. And still, cases were brought, and quickly dismissed, typically using procedural justifications such as “standing” or “laches” before any evidentiary hearings or discovery was permitted.
The Gateway Pundit has documented numerous examples of unresolved issues and concerns from USPS employees appearing to stuff piles of ballots into drop boxes in Michigan, to two 4am deliveries in the backdoor of the TCF Center in Detroit, more than 20,000 ballots delivered after the deadline in Maricopa County, the mysterious disappearance of Jesse Morgan’s USPS trailer that he claims contained around 250,000 filled out mail-in ballots transported from NJ to PA, and “erroneous code” being found on almost every Georgia county who’s system log files were analyzed. And that’s a few examples with many, many more documented.

In fact, just yesterday The Gateway Pundit published a report from Erich Speckin, a 20-year veteran contractor with the State of Michigan who investigated the 2020 Election AVCB ballots in Detroit and found there could be upwards of 35,000 illegal ballots.

Now, given the wording and accusations levied in the indictment against President Trump, one of his attorneys, John Lauro, weighed on FOX News with Brett Baier:
I didnt think about that,, with the indictments that allows discovery over anything hes being charged with,, and that is every record pertaining to the 2020 election

this is going to be fun,,

Wrong again.

"On the eve of getting the day in court they supposedly were begging for, President Trump and Chairman David Shafer’s legal team folded Thursday and voluntarily dismissed their election contests against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rather than submit their evidence to a court and to cross-examination."

Trump could have called witnesses, acquired documents via discovery, presented any evidence he had in court.

Instead of facing cross examination for the Big Lie, Trump tucked his tail between his legs and voluntarily dismissed his own case.

You've been played, comrade.
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Wrong again.

"On the eve of getting the day in court they supposedly were begging for, President Trump and Chairman David Shafer’s legal team folded Thursday and voluntarily dismissed their election contests against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rather than submit their evidence to a court and to cross-examination."

Trump could have called witnesses, acquired documents via discovery, presented any evidence he had in court.

Instead of facing cross examination for the Big Lie, Trump tucked his tail between his legs and voluntarily dismissed his own case.

You've been played, comrade.
A total lie, just like Obama's long form birth certificate.
Trump's had opportunities for discovery before. And yet his record of failure in court is perfect. Every single big lie case, without exception, was lost by Trump.

But this time its different, huh? Good luck with that.
Actually, most of the cases got dismissed on procedural grounds prior to any hearings, etc.; but this time, the issues raised may require a full examination.
Oh, sure. But if cameras are there, Trump's attorneys won't be able to keep him away from the witness stand.

And that man lies like he breathes.
No, Trump has been exposing anti-Americans such as yourself since day one. He's exposing prosecutorial overkill by Jack Smith. The American people are aware of this.
Actually, most of the cases got dismissed on procedural grounds prior to any hearings, etc.; but this time, the issues raised may require a full examination.

Most of the cases are meaningless disphit nonsense. So of course they're dismissed. Just like Trump's suit against Hillary and CNN.

But Trump found a judge willing to humor his delusional pseudo-legal babble. And gave Trump everything he wanted, every opportunity to present any evidence he wanted, to present witnesses, documents, anything.

And Trump folded like a cheap suit. As con-men do.
Oh, sure. But if cameras are there, Trump's attorneys won't be able to keep him away from the witness stand.

Count on it!

That will FORCE CNN and MSNBC to carry it! And all their leftist viewers will be forced to see the evidence of the stolen 2020 election!

Count on it!

That will FORCE CNN and MSNBC to carry it! And all their leftist viewers will be forced to see the evidence of the stolen 2020 election!

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Laughing......Trump is an objective terrible witness. He lies constantly and obviously, he's easily baited, he's profoundly unlikable under questioning (frequently insulting the woman asking him questions), and he's not particularly bright. And a judge won't put up with an ounce of his shit.

You know that if Trump is under oath, Jack Smith is going to have him cross examined by an older woman. And Trump will have a meltdown.

I'm begging you, put him on the stand. You'll obliterate even the benefit of the doubt for Trump in 15 minutes.
Let's all remember Democrats demanded that Trump immediately concede the election before anyone could look into their rigging and election shenanigans. When Trump refused and dared question the rigged election they freaked out.

What rigged election?

Remember, its been years. And y'all still have jackshit to back that nonsense.

And every count, recount, hand count, machine count, court ruling, or law enforcement investigation shows the same thing:

A Biden win.

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