Need A Belief System Be Rational???

Maybe you can show us where they said that

What they DID say was that they would only trust the scientists but would not trust Trumps claims that it was safe.

I guess injecting disinfectants will lead to that conclusion

Trump enacted "Operation Warp Speed". Harris said that any effort by Trump was untrustworthy.
6. One of my fav believers in traditional religion, Dennis Prager, states it this way, reminding all that religion is spiritual, while Militant Secularism is based on materialism, otherwise known as Marxism:

“If all religious beliefs were dictated by reason alone, there would be no meaning to the word faith. A healthy religious life is composed of both faith and reason. And so is a healthy moral life -- no non-Jewish rescuer of Jews in the Holocaust did so solely because of reason.

As for the secular world, irrational beliefs permeate the left. For example, a generation of Americans has been educated to believe that men and women are, beyond physical differences, the same. Boys don't inherently prefer trucks and toy guns and girls don't naturally gravitate to dolls and tea sets, we have long been told. Give boys dolls and tea sets and give girls trucks and they will love to play with those things. Is that rational?

Or how about the tens of millions of people who believed Marxist claptrap about the inevitability of socialism? It was "scientific fact," the world's left believed, that every society goes through three stages: feudalism, capitalism, socialism.

And given the inability of any welfare state to sustain itself economically, is it rational to advocate the continuing expansion of government, as supposedly rational New York Times columnists do?” Mormons Have Irrational Beliefs? Who Doesn't? - The Dennis Prager Show

What could be more irrational than to choose the results of Biden's administration, than that of Trump's???

"The Biden Administration has fallen, and it can't get up."
Ben Shapiro.
But of course yo can’t provide an accurate quote that shows that…can you?

First relevant quote I found. Note she was asked about an "approved vaccine"

Asked by CNN's Dana Bash in a clip released Saturday whether she would get a vaccine that was approved and distributed before the election, Harris replied, "Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us."

'I will not take his word for it': Kamala Harris says she would not trust Trump alone on a coronavirus vaccine
7. Let’s consider how to judge whether one’s beliefs system is rational: does it work to the benefit of all concerned?

To understand why it is society’s advantage to have a religious populace, this quote from Voltaire.
“I want my lawyer, my tailor, my servants, even my wife to believe in God, because it means that I shall be cheated and robbed and cuckolded less often. ... If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” 1770, Voltaire, in his Epistle to the Author of the Book of the Three Imposters

Now consider the results of the French Revolution and those revolutions that mirrored the anti-religious views of that event:

"Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived. Hate on the Left

If you vote Democrat, you are as irrational as any others who supported the aims of the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks, and the Nazis.
Leftists all.
8. When they have the power to do so, Leftists use coercion, legal restrictions, ridicule, concentration camps, and the following argument against religion: ‘you can’t prove the existence of God.’

Of course, neither is there any proof men becoming women, of socialism, welfare, or lack of punishment for felons, or Darwin’s theory…but those are still major beliefs of Leftists/Democrats.

Prager has a truly clever analysis of why there isn’t proof of God, or something beyond this physical existence:
If the Bible made a definite statement that there is such a judgment, and if there was undeniable proof, it would obviate the central gift to mankind: free will.
Free will and the intelligence to judge our actions are left to the individual
Perhaps that is why evil continues to exist….an individual doesn’t know for a fact that they will be held responsible for their actions.
But it they did.....
“If people knew that if they acted badly in this world they would be immediately punished, there would no longer be free will (even career criminals don’t commit crimes in the presence of police).” Prager

So….not knowing, not being certain of an afterlife, demands faith and self-discipline…and due diligence.

Belief in God and an afterlife makes it far easier to be a good person, a righteous person......but, one could be a pagan conform to the same simply requires a higher degree of self discipline.
I shouldn’t have to point out that replacing the ol’ time religion with science and reason is why the French Revolution resulted in an abattoir……that means ‘slaughter house.’
Of course replacing science and reason with the ol’ time religion hasn't worked nearly so well in Afghanistan or Iran.
9. They'd love to be able to claim to be the party of science and reason....
...but they're not.

As for the terms ‘rational’ and ‘science’ being the claims of the Left……let’s check how they are related to the Judeo-Christian faith….

a. Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

b. Dr. Andrew Palmer, Oxford biologist, whose book, "The Genesis Enigma," states that the writer of the book of Genesis provides an uncannily similar synopsis of the events in the creation as compared to that accepted by modern science today.
Rather than ridicule the Bible, those very same secular, atheistic scientists have come around to accept the very order that the Old Testament claimed in Genesis was the course of creation.

c. And the human condition . The government schooling that pushes secularism probably omits another advance due to religion. The Bible is a powerful argument against the slavery practiced in the Democrat South.
Charles Q. Choi, “Ancient Human Sacrifice Victims Faced Slavery Before Death, Live Science, June 16, 2017. Choi is a science writer for Scientific American, the New York Times, Science, and other publications.
Here’s why:
Genesis 1:26-27 makes equality clear: “…God created mankind in his own image…”

d. Now the Democrats are the party of 'men can be pregnant science.'
I believe anyone would have handled it "poorly". It's not improved in the last year.

Just because there is less crazy talk doesn't mean the problem is any closer to being solved.

The only reason it's not being "solved" is the crazy talk has taken on a life of its own. Just spend five minutes talking with an anti-vaxxer.

Agree other than making Clinton look ethical. (either one of them)

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove the Clintons did something unethical, and all he proved was Bill lied about getting a Beej.

Here we go. Sanders has not promoted anything the Democrats haven't said they support. They just don't actually do it. Both because they can't and because they don't actually support it despite saying they do. You are still upset because he hurt your irrational candidate.

I'm upset because he garnered support as being the "not Hillary" and then took that to mean we all really, really wanted Socialism! Of course, his support declined in every primary in 2020, because it was never about him.

And yes, all you shitheads who sat on your hands gave us Trump.
You forget. Trump inspired businesses to hire people at very good wages, and reduced the burden of freeloaders by making them want to seek jobs with decent pay.

Trump did nothing of the sort. He benefitted from a labor pool that has been shrinking since 2011, when the first Baby Boomers started retiring. Obama brought unemployment down from 10% to 4.7. Trump brought it down to 3.2 until it jumped to 15% and then went back to 6%, making him the first president since Hoover to have less jobs than he started with.

The nanny state created by Joe Biden has doubled the price of gas, grocery, rent, you name it. It's way up and picking the pockets of taxpayers who will inevitably have to pay for all the drug problems and jail expansions nation wide, caused by an open borders, and recompensing families who lost their family's cop by being unable to shoot back at people killing them off with bricks to the brain. You give all this a pass? Oh, wait. You like to make decent people throw up. I might oughta put you back on ignore before you make up a false case scenario against the good again and again and again and again.

Being a religious nut doesn't make you good.
Very, very few cops are shot in the of duty. ONly 62 cops were shot in 2021, compared to 350 who died of Covid.
I vote for people who are so focused on running the nation, they have no time for me. One of the reasons I voted for President Trump is because I was convinced that for all my adult life I could have lived next door, or worked in the next office, and he never would have given me the time of day. I liked that.

That has been the most retarded thing you've said yet, and that includes all the times you've tried to rationalize Catholic Dogma.

The main failing of Trump is being a malignant narcissist, he lacked any empathy at all for people like you. So when he lied about how serious Covid was to not spook the Stock market, that had an effect.
8. When they have the power to do so, Leftists use coercion, legal restrictions, ridicule, concentration camps, and the following argument against religion: ‘you can’t prove the existence of God.’

Of course, neither is there any proof men becoming women, of socialism, welfare, or lack of punishment for felons, or Darwin’s theory…but those are still major beliefs of Leftists/Democrats.

Uh, Darwin's theory is proven by the fossil record, not to mention genetics, biology, ecology, and even observations of how viruses become anti-biotic resistant.
As for socialism, welfare... Um, we've gone from 60% of the population living below the poverty line in the 1920's to less than 20% today.

On the other hand, there is NO Evidence for a Magic Fairy in the Sky.

If there were, then why no matter what you believe in, the majority of the world believes something else.

If you are a Christian, 6 billion people are wrong.
if you are a Muslim, 6.5 billion people are wrong.
If you are a Hindu, 7 billion people are wrong.

Or maybe everyone is wrong.

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