NBC using the Parkland incident to push their agenda


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
You should see the extravagant story NBC is spinning on the news.

The words they are using and the visuals are obviously over dramatized and geared towards frightening people into joining the guns must go bandwagon.

They continue to call an AR15 an assault weapon.

This is all about demonizing guns.

The propaganda is off the charts. The Communists are in high gear pushing to disarm Americans and nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Noone wants innocent people hurt and we all feel for the victims and their families, but there is no mention for example, of the thousands of injuries and deaths due to texting etc at the same period of time.
You should see the extravagant story NBC is spinning on the news.

The words they are using and the visuals are obviously over dramatized and geared towards frightening people into joining the guns must go bandwagon.

They continue to call an AR15 an assault weapon.

This is all about demonizing guns.

The propaganda is off the charts.

I suggest you limit your viewing to Fox where you get all the news fit to broadcast, at least to people with their head up their ass. Perfect for you.
Wait for the board loons to start parroting what they've been instructed. Mindless sheep
I suggest you limit your viewing to Fox where you get all the news fit to broadcast, at least to people with their head up their ass. Perfect for you.

Are you illiterate?
Right up front I said this was on NBC
You know what you can do with your suggestions.

People act so tough over the Internet. Probably cries when mommy takes his playstation away
First, the nation was subject to the tyranny of the "Gay Agenda", now we are faced with the dreaded "NBC Agenda". Will this onslaught never stop?????
First, the nation was subject to the tyranny of the "Gay Agenda", now we are faced with the dreaded "NBC Agenda". Will this onslaught never stop?????

When the right gets up off it's lazy arse.....then it will.
If they don't......nah....you'll get your gay fantasies and your socialism and your gun confiscations

Don't pee on yourself from being too happy over it ;-)
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The liberal news media are liars, no surprise.

True.....the lengths they will go to spin their agenda seems to be expanding. It's looking more and more like Chinese, Marxist propaganda than news as time goes by.

They are able to sway weak young minds with it. That's the danger and there seems to be no way to counter it.
You should see the extravagant story NBC is spinning on the news.

The words they are using and the visuals are obviously over dramatized and geared towards frightening people into joining the guns must go bandwagon.

They continue to call an AR15 an assault weapon.

This is all about demonizing guns.

The propaganda is off the charts. The Communists are in high gear pushing to disarm Americans and nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Noone wants innocent people hurt and we all feel for the victims and their families, but there is no mention for example, of the thousands of injuries and deaths due to texting etc at the same period of time.

That's because deaths due to texting, etc, have absolutely nothing to do with mass murder.
That's because deaths due to texting, etc, have absolutely nothing to do with mass murder.


So it's only when innocent people are killed by a gun that their deaths matter?
Even if the non gun related deaths FAR FAR exceed the gun related deaths?

Got it

Hint: All these stories have nothing to do with mass murders - the agenda is all about hoplophobia and power grabbing
It's called propaganda - North Korea uses it extensively. So does China.
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That's because deaths due to texting, etc, have absolutely nothing to do with mass murder.


So it's only when innocent people are killed by a gun that their deaths matter?
Even if the non gun related deaths FAR FAR exceed the gun related deaths?

Got it

Hint: All these stories have nothing to do with mass murders - the agenda is all about hoplophobia and power grabbing



So stop spreading it. It doesn't take much smarts to Google the statistics and see that what I said is true.

Stop being a lemming and believing everything you hear on NBC.
Find out how many teens have died in auto related texting accidents since the day of the Parkland shooting. While you're busy, find out how many teens have committed suicide since that day. Again, makes the Parkland shooting look insignificant numbers wise.

It FAR exceeds 17
The liberal news media are liars, no surprise.

True.....the lengths they will go to spin their agenda seems to be expanding. It's looking more and more like Chinese, Marxist propaganda than news as time goes by.

They are able to sway weak young minds with it. That's the danger and there seems to be no way to counter it.

After a previous school shooting CBS claimed on live TV that a full auto machine gun was used, a blatant lie.
My point for this thread is that the propaganda from the left media is turning more sinister.

It's beginning to look and feel more like extreme Left Communist propaganda.

It's a danger to our society. It's not news....it's propaganda with a specific agenda.

Anyone who thinks freely can see they are ignoring FAR more serious causes of deaths for young people and making these shootings into raging historical cataclysms....where the only solution is targeting the NRA and gun owners.
Bus a bunch of kids who were traumatized by a madman to Washington to promote a political agenda. The Russians couldn't do it better.
I suggest you limit your viewing to Fox where you get all the news fit to broadcast, at least to people with their head up their ass. Perfect for you.

Are you illiterate?
Right up front I said this was on NBC
You know what you can do with your suggestions.

People act so tough over the Internet. Probably cries when mommy takes his playstation away

I'm quite literate, thank you. I'll keep this simple, since anything else seems to fly over your head.

You made a claim about NBC which infers you watched NBC. I might be wrong, you likely echoed what someone told you (such as Hannity or Limbaugh).

Assault is defined as a physical assault, it is a generic term and thus accurate to use when a gun is used to assault others. Guns are not demonized, per se; they are a tool for killing, even in sport when one is on the range, the purpose for practice is to hone the skill to kill an attacker or an animal.

Guns are regulated, and the infringement argument is a fools paradise. If the 2nd A. were to be followed as the NRA and its supporters believe it should, guns could go everywhere an there would be no restriction on the fire power available to every citizen.

The Greatest Danger to the 2nd A. is you, and others like you. As more & more egregious murders of innocents occur, the louder the protests will become. And Pols value one thing, it is their job. The voices of the generation soon to be, or of age to vote today, are loud and growing: Enough is Enough.
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