NBC: Hillary Clinton has laid out "7 positions" in Iowa


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
First Read The Seven Positions Hillary Clinton Laid Out in Iowa - NBC News

Unlike Rand Paul (R-KY), who laid out 15 identifiable platform points in his well-articulated candidacy speech, Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and her team have already said that based on a "listening tour", her platform points will be clear. NBC thinks it has found 7 positions already:

Here's the list of the seven issues, per NBC's Emily Gold:

  • Campaign finance: "[We need to] get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment."
  • Free community college for qualified students: "I fully support President Obama's plan to make community college free."
  • Expand pre-K programs to more children: "I think we have to start that in pre-kindergarten. I think we have to give more kids the chance to get ready."
  • Paid family leave: We are the last developed country in the world that has no national paid leave for parenting or illness."
  • Building on Obamacare: Health care: "I am committed to trying to, you know, build on what works in the Affordable Care Act... Part of what I'll be doing during the campaign is looking for ways that we keep what works and what's lowering costs."
  • Immigration reform: "We are really missing out on economic opportunity because we haven't been able to agree on comprehensive immigration reform... We are saying to all these other people who want the same dreams and the same aspiration and the same willingness to work hard just like our families did that, 'No, we're not going to … make it legal for you.'"
  • Make equal pay more enforceable: "Were going to, I hope, continue to push legislation that would make equal pay more enforceable."

So, we see a huge difference in the platform points between Hillary Clinton and Rand Paul.

There is another point that the NBC first-read article makes, worth pondering, imo:

Where she will and won't deviate from Obama

This is all a reminder that Hillary isn't going to deviate much from President Obama's agenda -- in fact, it sounds a lot like a rehash of the president's State of the Union address this year. But there are two places where you will PROBABLY see her deviate from Obama: 1) foreign policy and 2) making Washington work. As Bloomberg's Josh Green wrote, Hillary can make a convincing case to Democratic voters, and some independents as well, that she has proved she can thrive in times when Republicans control Congress. Then again, that argument does emphasize how long she's been in Washington.

In the next days, I am going to also analyse Ted Cruz's speech just as I did Rand Paul's and then start to make a table of platform points and views, organized by point and candidate, just to get a clearer view of who is saying what and who supports what.

Discuss. Do these seven points sound like typical D points? What would you oppose, and what would you support. To our conservative friends out there, this could be a good thread to put emotions in a side pocket and simply debate the ideas. Just a suggestion...
If these are her positions she will never be President.

Pandering on such a ignorant level will be what defeats her.

Hillary is the Dems version of Mitt... The more she talks the less people listen, so she hires a team to find the most obvious issues to pander to and makes that her message.

Hillary just proved she is too small of a thinker to be President, and the debates are going to destroy her.
Overall, the seven points are very vague

I hope she does a better job of expanding exactly what she is proposing
For just kicking off her campaign, Hillary should be more focused

She should center on one key issue a week and beat it to death

Campaign reform is a good one to start with

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