Navy seal tells Katy Perry " Go to hell" over terrorism comments


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A former Navy Seal has taken issue with comments made by pop singer Katy Perry following the terrorist attack in Manchester at an Ariana Grande concert.

Appearing in an interview on Fox News Carl Higbie told Perry to “go to hell” after the singer said during a radio interview that the answer to such terrorist attacks was “no borders”.

Perry said that people should “just unite and love on each other,” adding “… and like, no barriers, no borders, like we all need to just co-exist.”

Navy Seal Tells Katy Perry “Go To Hell” Over Terrorism Comments


The Seal is right on the money , and what we all keep trying to tell these leftist morons who want open borders etc...

"Hold one of your concerts in Syria and see how that goes"
Why shouldn't we follow Katy Perry's guidance on foreign policy?

She is completely uninformed and ignorant. You try and break bread and drink a cup of tea with a terrorists, and see what happens.

Yes, in theory, talking and communicating is the way of reasonable people. She fails to understand in her castle surrounded by a moat that some people simply don't want to talk or be reasonable, that's the point.

First, it's insulting that she says we just need to talk and hug while there are many dead victims here. Second, does she really believe that some guy who was willing to blow himself up and create an explosive set to cause maximum damage and death to KIDS is going to be accepting of hugs and kisses?

Yes, telling her to go to hell is a very nice manner in which to address her, I would have said far worse. He is also correct about all the celebrities trying to be informed politicians, f off with it, you have no clue about what challenges the average citizen confronts.
Navy seal tells Katy Perry " Go to hell" over terrorism comments
Why anyone, much less a Navy Seal, deigned to respond to Ms. Perry's remarks about terrorism is beyond me. Just another instance of someone giving credence on a topic to an individual who truly has none. I mean really. What is Ms. Perry's "portfolio" that gives anyone -- other, perhaps, than her pre-teenage children (does she even have any?) who may not have any better source of guidance on the matter -- due cause to give two cents about her thoughts on terrorism?

What is it with people these days that so many simply cannot ignore others who speak about things on which they are far from expert? Sure, nearly everyone's bound to have an opinion, and those with soapbox will likely share theirs, but that doesn't mean the rest of us need dignify their muddled musings by reacting to them.
She is completely uninformed and ignorant. You try and break bread and drink a cup of tea with a terrorists, and see what happens.

Yes, in theory, talking and communicating is the way of reasonable people. She fails to understand in her castle surrounded by a moat that some people simply don't want to talk or be reasonable, that's the point.

First, it's insulting that she says we just need to talk and hug while there are many dead victims here. Second, does she really believe that some guy who was willing to blow himself up and create an explosive set to cause maximum damage and death to KIDS is going to be accepting of hugs and kisses?

Yes, telling her to go to hell is a very nice manner in which to address her, I would have said far worse. He is also correct about all the celebrities trying to be informed politicians, f off with it, you have no clue about what challenges the average citizen confronts.

so true-------there are some instances-----in which people should simply say ****DUMB BROAD***
Katy is a young pop singer and the guy you guys are calling a Navy SEAL is not a Navy SEAL, he is a former Navy SEAL.
Thinking people don't give two shits what Katy Perry or any other entertainer spews.

That little shit Ariana Grande is pro Muslim and open borders, she's too fucking stupid to realize karma just bit her in her ass
Katy is a young pop singer and the guy you guys are calling a Navy SEAL is not a Navy SEAL, he is a former Navy SEAL.

camp------you are nit picking-----once a seal, always a seal. I do not call myself---what I once was---but
"SEAL" never goes away
Katy is a young pop singer and the guy you guys are calling a Navy SEAL is not a Navy SEAL, he is a former Navy SEAL.

camp------you are nit picking-----once a seal, always a seal. I do not call myself---what I once was---but
"SEAL" never goes away
I am saying that there is a difference between the limited number of active duty Navy SEALs with real-time current experience and ten's of thousands of vet's dating back decades.
Katy is a young pop singer and the guy you guys are calling a Navy SEAL is not a Navy SEAL, he is a former Navy SEAL.

camp------you are nit picking-----once a seal, always a seal. I do not call myself---what I once was---but
"SEAL" never goes away
I am saying that there is a difference between the limited number of active duty Navy SEALs with real-time current experience and ten's of thousands of vet's dating back decades.

it's ok, camp------we still love you
I'll call for walls and borders to be torn down, as soon as all celebs like Perry live in homes with no walls or fences on their property.

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