National Review: "Paul Krugman: Always Wrong, Never in Doubt"...President Trump Piles On!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
here's the piece:

Paul Krugman: Wrong about Trump Economics | National Review

and here's what Trump said:

"Krugman has been wrong about me from the very beginning. Anyone who has followed his “words of wisdom” has lost a great deal of money. Paul, just concede the game, say I was right, and lets start a brand new game

Krugman has called me wrong from day one. People at the Failing New York Times are very angry at him for having “missed” by soooo much. Paul, match over!"
Krugman is one of those people who has been proven wrong so consistently over time that the NYT ought to be ashamed to continue carrying his columns.

He has been predicting a "Trump Crash" since before Trump was even inaugurated, and he continues to "predict" that a recession is "right around the corner."

Given the fact that there is always the next recession, at some time in the future we will have a recession, and Krugman will certainly claim vindication.

But the quarter million increase in my 401k since Trump was elected proves Krugman to be nothing but a political hack. He has been trading on that Nobel Prize for far too long.

Totally discredited.

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