National Healthcare in Britain: They just canceled 50,000 surgeries...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:
This is what Democrats want for Americans. It's not about improving health care for Americans; it's about dragging us all down to equal substandard care, but hey, everyone will have it and it will be "free."
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:
This is all because the Tories, the second worst party in the modern world, keep cutting the funding. The UK spends about 8% of GDP on Healthcare while we're over 17% and most countries spend 10 to 12%. And all of them have better outcomes than we do.
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:
You don't know anything about these Surgeries.

Also, Hotair is your source? That's like eating hot juicy cat shit fresh out of a litter box.
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:
Of course that's a problem when you allow ANYONE to flood your country and live off the system. Socialism can ONLY work when its in a homogeneous society where everyone of age works. Can never and will never work in a society with so many living off the system.
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:
Of course that's a problem when you allow ANYONE to flood your country and live off the system. Socialism can ONLY work when its in a homogeneous society where everyone of age works. Can never and will never work in a society with so many living off the system.
Britain has extremely tight-immigration restrictions.

95% of all immigrants in Britain are from the former Colonies.
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:
Of course that's a problem when you allow ANYONE to flood your country and live off the system. Socialism can ONLY work when its in a homogeneous society where everyone of age works. Can never and will never work in a society with so many living off the system.
Britain has extremely tight-immigration restrictions.

95% of all immigrants in Britain are from the former Colonies.
I don't give a shit where they come from they are invaders,are not English and never will be English no matter how many anchor babies they spit out over 100 generations!
This is what Democrats want for Americans. It's not about improving health care for Americans; it's about dragging us all down to equal substandard care, but hey, everyone will have it and it will be "free."

Exactly trickle up poor/trickle up misery..

That's what the left wants..
B-B-But every *civilized* country uses socialized medicine!
It is superior to our traditional American health system!

It was a lie then and it remains a lie. Government has no place in medical care. Neither do insurance company pigs.
Stick to the topic of the thread and also dial back on the vulgar language

Hear you loud and clear but it's embarrassing to hear some one post that America has never been invaded before, where does these kids learn about history?

And back to the topic Sarah Palin was right about death panels just look at the OP
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:

And the sheep won't ever get that is exactly what they tried to bring here.

Ask any one who lives over there the only many American dumbasses think it's great is because the iditos who live over there tell them how great it is , and the only reason they think it's great is because THAT IS ALL THEY"VE KNOWN so to them it's the best in the world lmfao!!

PEOPLE are mother fkn idiots honestly!! Sheep people that is...........
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:

Doc, my leg is turning black can you help me, " Yeah here's two call me in a week" lmao.
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:

This really does blow my mind away, all that money in hidden taxes like Great Britain VAT tax ..all the post we read about Europe's socialised health care was better then the USA

All the money us tax payers spent in the USA to defend them from Russia and they still can't get it right..

Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:

Doc, my leg is turning black can you help me, " Yeah here's two call me in a week" lmao.

Yup you know, I read in Japan if you don't have health insurance the ambulance will take you to hospital to hospital and they will turn you away..i guess till you die...
Yep.....the problem with socialized run out of money......and then you have to stop giving even crap care to your people...and the really funny have taxed those people at about 60% on their incomes to pay for healthcare you will no longer give them.....

Socialized medicine...when you want to pay for healthcare, but don't want actual medical treatment....

Great moments in single payer: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries - Hot Air

The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):

SEE ALSO: Iran protests dying down?

Every hospital in the country has been ordered to cancel all non-urgent surgery until at least February in an unprecedented step by NHS officials.

The instructions on Tuesday night – which will see result in around 50,000 operations being axed – followed claims by senior doctors that patients were being treated in “third world” conditions, as hospital chief executives warned of the worst winter crisis for three decades.

Hospitals are reporting growing chaos, with a spike in winter flu leaving frail patients facing 12-hour waits, and some units running out of corridor space.

It’s not just the hospitals, either. The NHS will close down outpatient clinics as well, leaving Britons with very few options for healthcare at the beginning of 2018:

Everybody knows all they have to do is tax the rich more. They're obviously not paying their fair share (defined by liberals as "more").
This is what Democrats want for Americans. It's not about improving health care for Americans; it's about dragging us all down to equal substandard care, but hey, everyone will have it and it will be "free."
If it is so substandard, then why does their population enjoy better health outcomes?

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