Nate Silver: Dems are in Deep Trouble


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecast: GOP Is Slight Favorite in Race for Senate Control | FiveThirtyEight
Nate Silver to ABC: GOP Has 60% Shot at Retaking Senate | Mediaite

GOP has 60% chance of retaking Senate according to Nate Silver.

Silver was one of the few who predicted that the government shutdown wouldn't have a big impact on the GOP in 2014, and he called the GOP having a good shot at retaking the Senate long before other political handicappers, way back in June 2013.

Liberals, I know you loved Nate in 2012, and he was right then. But it looks like he's going to be right again, much to your chagrin.

EDIT: By the way, my own model also showed something along the lines of this with regards to the Senate. Hopefully, it will work out.
FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecast: GOP Is Slight Favorite in Race for Senate Control | FiveThirtyEight
Nate Silver to ABC: GOP Has 60% Shot at Retaking Senate | Mediaite

GOP has 60% chance of retaking Senate according to Nate Silver.

Silver was one of the few who predicted that the government shutdown wouldn't have a big impact on the GOP in 2014, and he called the GOP having a good shot at retaking the Senate long before other political handicappers, way back in June 2013.

Liberals, I know you loved Nate in 2012, and he was right then. But it looks like he's going to be right again, much to your chagrin.

EDIT: By the way, my own model also showed something along the lines of this with regards to the Senate. Hopefully, it will work out.

So now the Libertarians and Cons will be jumping on the Nate Silver bandwagon? We have 8 months to go, the Teaparty has so much they can screw up by then.
I was waiting for a RWer to post this thread.

I saw Nate Silver on one of the Sunday shows reporting his calculations.

Yes, it doesn't look well for the Dems, but it's funny that the RWers are touting Nate Silver when they were the same ones calling him a snot nosed kid not to be taken seriously when he was predicting Obama's victories.

I believe Nate Silver's predictions because the man has always been right, but let's see if some time can lessen the blow that Nate predicts is coming.

The Dems need to get some balls and just outright defend's what the Republicans would do in their position.

It will work in their favor if they do.

HOwever, if they keep talking about "We're not gonna repeal it, we'll FIX it." that's not gonna fly, having to fix something implies you broke it.

Note how the Republicans STILL don't really bash Bush for what he caused and did. Even though it's well-known. If it's one thing the Republicans understand is language and the use of talking points and they are VERY proficient at it. I hope the Dems get some sense before November.
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The nation is in deep trouble if the right wing scum gain any power.

The nation is in deep trouble if Democrats are not frog marched off to jail.

Typical right wing authoritarian...EXACTLY why right wing scum need to be defeated.
More than defeated...PUMMELED!!!!

Dems have known for some time now that ObamaCare is a steaming pile of dog poo...
They are now gonna have to go on the record and admit it if they want to survive politically.
The nation is in deep trouble if the right wing scum gain any power.

The nation is in deep trouble if Democrats are not frog marched off to jail.

Typical right wing authoritarian...EXACTLY why right wing scum need to be defeated.

Yes, I believe in punishing law breakers. The entire Democratic Party is a party of lawbreakers. IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA. They all need to be taken on the perp work.
I was waiting for a RWer to post this thread.

I saw Nate Silver on one of the Sunday shows reporting his calculations.

Yes, it doesn't look well for the Dems, but it's funny that the RWers are touting Nate Silver when they were the same ones calling him a snot nosed kid not to be taken seriously when he was predicting Obama's victories.

I believe Nate Silver's predictions because the man has always been right, but let's see if some time can lessen the blow that Nate predicts is coming.

The Dems need to get some balls and just outright defend's what the Republicans would do in their position.

It will work in their favor if they do.

HOwever, if they keep talking about "We're not gonna repeal it, we'll FIX it." that's not gonna fly, having to fix something implies you broke it.

Note how the Republicans STILL don't really bash Bush for what he caused and did. Even though it's well-known. If it's one thing the Republicans understand is language and the use of talking points and they are VERY proficient at it. I hope the Dems get some sense before November.

How would you suggest they go about defending it and not look out of touch, considering that more people than not don't approve of it's current don't agree it needs any tweaking??
The Dems need to get some balls and just outright defend Obamacare.

I really hope they do to really make sure the maximum amount of Democrats lose their seats.

Marc is right. None of this namby pamby crap. They need to be forthright about. If you lost your insurance, it's your own damn fault. If Obamacare has left you with one specialist you can see, across the state, it's your own damn fault. Obamacare's long waits in waiting rooms means you have more opportunity to make friends.* Obamacare means you can quit your job. American's work too hard anyway.*

*Actual Democrat quotes on the topic.
Dems have known for some time now that ObamaCare is a steaming pile of dog poo...
They are now gonna have to go on the record and admit it if they want to survive politically.
What part of not being able to be kicked off your insurance plan due to pre-existing conditions is considering "steaming pile of dog poo" sir?
The nation is in deep trouble if Democrats are not frog marched off to jail.

Typical right wing authoritarian...EXACTLY why right wing scum need to be defeated.

Yes, I believe in punishing law breakers. The entire Democratic Party is a party of lawbreakers. IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA. They all need to be taken on the perp work.

And what about Bush and Cheney?

I was waiting for a RWer to post this thread.

I saw Nate Silver on one of the Sunday shows reporting his calculations.

Yes, it doesn't look well for the Dems, but it's funny that the RWers are touting Nate Silver when they were the same ones calling him a snot nosed kid not to be taken seriously when he was predicting Obama's victories.

I believe Nate Silver's predictions because the man has always been right, but let's see if some time can lessen the blow that Nate predicts is coming.

The Dems need to get some balls and just outright defend's what the Republicans would do in their position.

It will work in their favor if they do.

HOwever, if they keep talking about "We're not gonna repeal it, we'll FIX it." that's not gonna fly, having to fix something implies you broke it.

Note how the Republicans STILL don't really bash Bush for what he caused and did. Even though it's well-known. If it's one thing the Republicans understand is language and the use of talking points and they are VERY proficient at it. I hope the Dems get some sense before November.

How would you suggest they go about defending it and not look out of touch, considering that more people than not don't approve of it's current don't agree it needs any tweaking??
What parts do you have a problem with?

You will note I made a point about language and the Republican's adeptness at it.

The Dems are currently using the word "FIX", I'd use "IMPROVE"

They also need to get on the offensive and TOUT all the GREAT things about Obamacare...I just responded to a RW radical poster with one of the many benefits of Obamacare.

The Dems need to grow a pair.
There's a shocking thing in this country called a Political Cycle. Scary as you might think it is, it isn't so bad so stay calm and don't worry your pretty little heads.

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