Nate Silver: Dems are in Deep Trouble

What part of not being able to be kicked off your insurance plan due to pre-existing conditions is considering "steaming pile of dog poo" sir?

Ah so that's what 2,500 pages got us. Don't be a bonehead.
Care to LIST all the problems being caused by Obamacare sir?

I'm not impressed by your rhetoric and insults.

Insult? No just telling you to act more in an adult manner. Cherry picking one good thing that both parties would have greed upon and pretending that makes Obamacare great is childish. And if I have to list every issue for you then you haven't been paying attention to the news and obviously know little about the issue.
Gotta love it when the shills for the democrat party try to make it seem
like their party is as pure as the driven snow!!!
Nate Silver: Dems are in Deep Trouble if we can prevent the TPM and libertarians from screwing up the GOP effort yet AGAIN.
The fact that you state that and perhaps truly believe that tells me that you're not a serious student of American politics.

This is how Republicans win every political argument they do, by word games.

As Frank Luntz...All he does all day is figure out what words work best with the American voters, and he's paid quite HANDSOMELY for it.

There's no equivalent of him on the left.

Sherry, I thought you were more serious than that.

Guess I was wrong.

Awww so sorry to disappoint your patronizing ass.:lol: Politicians are bred to play games, but you have to be able to catch the people off guard to a certain extent...that you most likely believe the left doesn't play the same games, well I'm not surprised.;)
Don't feel bad that you have your own A$$ in your hand because I just gave it to you just now.

You JUST stated equivocally w/o the shadow of a doubt that Americans don't go for word games and when I pointed out how The Republican Party INVESTS a LOT Of millions into word-play you just slink away with tepid and passive-aggressive insults.

You're very entertaining Sherry...I'll give you that much.


I love getting under your skin.:badgrin: Follow the ball, this point in time, 4 long years down the line, it's just not working for your crew. But hey, you keep on keepin' on, chief.:thup: :D
Ah so that's what 2,500 pages got us. Don't be a bonehead.
Care to LIST all the problems being caused by Obamacare sir?

I'm not impressed by your rhetoric and insults.

Insult? No just telling you to act more in an adult manner. Cherry picking one good thing that both parties would have greed upon and pretending that makes Obamacare great is childish. And if I have to list every issue for you then you haven't been paying attention to the news and obviously know little about the issue.
If you can't list a few problems with a program that you claim is the worse thing since sin, then that tells me you really have nothing.
I really hope they do to really make sure the maximum amount of Democrats lose their seats.

Yea, we need to go back to allowing insurance cartels to cancel people's policies when they have a major illness, and deny them coverage due to preexisting conditions.

The right wing corporation ass lickers might win one election cycle, but THEN we will see what they will do with health care...

You're one of them lo-lo posters, arent you?
No one's insurance was cancelled due to illness.

WOW, you really are a corporate ass licker, and dumber than dogshit.

June 17, 2009
Blue Cross praised employees who dropped sick policyholders
Workers received high marks on performance reviews after policies were rescinded, documents show. The health insurer denies the practice is a factor in evaluations.

Executives of three of the nation's largest health insurers told federal lawmakers in Washington on Tuesday that they would continue canceling medical coverage for some sick policyholders, despite withering criticism from Republican and Democratic members of Congress who decried the practice as unfair and abusive.

The hearing on the controversial action known as rescission, which has left thousands of Americans burdened with costly medical bills despite paying insurance premiums, began a day after President Obama outlined his proposals for revamping the nation's healthcare system.

An investigation by the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations showed that health insurers WellPoint Inc., UnitedHealth Group and Assurant Inc. canceled the coverage of more than 20,000 people, allowing the companies to avoid paying more than $300 million in medical claims over a five-year period.

It also found that policyholders with breast cancer, lymphoma and more than 1,000 other conditions were targeted for rescission and that employees were praised in performance reviews for terminating the policies of customers with expensive illnesses.

Care to LIST all the problems being caused by Obamacare sir?

I'm not impressed by your rhetoric and insults.

Insult? No just telling you to act more in an adult manner. Cherry picking one good thing that both parties would have greed upon and pretending that makes Obamacare great is childish. And if I have to list every issue for you then you haven't been paying attention to the news and obviously know little about the issue.
If you can't list a few problems with a program that you claim is the worse thing since sin, then that tells me you really have nothing.

This smells like being on the defensive...can't follow your own advice.:eusa_whistle:
Awww so sorry to disappoint your patronizing ass.:lol: Politicians are bred to play games, but you have to be able to catch the people off guard to a certain extent...that you most likely believe the left doesn't play the same games, well I'm not surprised.;)
Don't feel bad that you have your own A$$ in your hand because I just gave it to you just now.

You JUST stated equivocally w/o the shadow of a doubt that Americans don't go for word games and when I pointed out how The Republican Party INVESTS a LOT Of millions into word-play you just slink away with tepid and passive-aggressive insults.

You're very entertaining Sherry...I'll give you that much.


I love getting under your skin.:badgrin: Follow the ball, this point in time, 4 long years down the line, it's just not working for your crew. But hey, you keep on keepin' on, chief.:thup: :D
Who are you trying to fool?

Who's gonna buy that claptrap about getting under one's skin.

The one that's calmly talking and smiling and being their normal self


The one that's calling another poster a "condescending ass?"

Nice try Sherry.

Like I said, you're very entertaining.

The problems with ObamaCare are well known...

Let's start with the lie that started all of this....

Obama.... there are 48 million people uninsured....
Five million have signed up...
How many of them are the five million that lost their coverage because of ObamaCare?
Don't feel bad that you have your own A$$ in your hand because I just gave it to you just now.

You JUST stated equivocally w/o the shadow of a doubt that Americans don't go for word games and when I pointed out how The Republican Party INVESTS a LOT Of millions into word-play you just slink away with tepid and passive-aggressive insults.

You're very entertaining Sherry...I'll give you that much.


I love getting under your skin.:badgrin: Follow the ball, this point in time, 4 long years down the line, it's just not working for your crew. But hey, you keep on keepin' on, chief.:thup: :D
Who are you trying to fool?

Who's gonna buy that claptrap about getting under one's skin.

The one that's calmly talking and smiling and being their normal self


The one that's calling another poster a "condescending ass?"

Nice try Sherry.

Like I said, you're very entertaining.


We've done this dance only respond this way when you're totally exasperated with me and can no longer have a reasonable discussion. I fucking love it.:banana: Next??:lol:
Insult? No just telling you to act more in an adult manner. Cherry picking one good thing that both parties would have greed upon and pretending that makes Obamacare great is childish. And if I have to list every issue for you then you haven't been paying attention to the news and obviously know little about the issue.
If you can't list a few problems with a program that you claim is the worse thing since sin, then that tells me you really have nothing.

This smells like being on the defensive...can't follow your own advice.:eusa_whistle:
Clearly you don't have a grasp of the English language.

What are you...Ukrainian?

The problems with ObamaCare are well known...

Let's start with the lie that started all of this....

Obama.... there are 48 million people uninsured....
Five million have signed up...
How many of them are the five million that lost their coverage because of ObamaCare?
Why don't you tell us?

How many are CURRENTLY uninsured because Obamacare killed their insurance?

Backup your claims.
If you can't list a few problems with a program that you claim is the worse thing since sin, then that tells me you really have nothing.

This smells like being on the defensive...can't follow your own advice.:eusa_whistle:
Clearly you don't have a grasp of the English language.

What are you...Ukrainian?


You don't usually give up so easily...already given up on going on the offensive. It's alright, you'll live to fight another day.:smiliehug:
The problems with ObamaCare are well known...

Let's start with the lie that started all of this....

Obama.... there are 48 million people uninsured....
Five million have signed up...
How many of them are the five million that lost their coverage because of ObamaCare?
More like the problems w/Obamacare are well the rabid RW.

List the problems man.

Since they seem to be legion according to your claims.
I still don't see anyone defending Obama with his claim that 48 million didn't have insurance.
That's what started all of this...
I still don't see anyone defending Obama with his claim that 48 million didn't have insurance.
That's what started all of this...
List the problems've claimed that they are legion.

Seems you're backing down to "well Obama lied about it, so it must be bad" stance now.

List the problems.
The problems with ObamaCare are well known...

Let's start with the lie that started all of this....

Obama.... there are 48 million people uninsured....
Five million have signed up...
How many of them are the five million that lost their coverage because of ObamaCare?
Why don't you tell us?

How many are CURRENTLY uninsured because Obamacare killed their insurance?

Backup your claims.

Thanks for proving me correct. You obviously know little about this subject. 5 Million lost their coverage and to date around 5 million have signed up. We're not sure how many have paid. At best it's a wash so far. I guess those 48 million don't matter anymore. ACA was never about healthcare anyway.
People want some problems with Obamacare how about 6 million people losing their plans when they were told repeatedly if they liked their plan they could keep it period or having deductibles as high as 8 to 10 thousand dollars and premiums doubling and tripling in some cases. We can't even get into what impact Obamacare will have on those with employer insurance because the administration has pushed the Implementation of that past the 2014 midterms and I believe even past the 2016 presidential election something I don't think they would be doing if they thought there were not major problems with that as well.
I still don't see anyone defending Obama with his claim that 48 million didn't have insurance.
That's what started all of this...
List the problems've claimed that they are legion.

Seems you're backing down to "well Obama lied about it, so it must be bad" stance now.

List the problems.

What do you think the campaign ads will be saying from the right?? I doubt they'll feel obligated to highlight their own solutions, and that's a different debate. You clearly believe that if the left stands by it, then it's a winning strategy...and you also clearly don't like that I have a different opinion. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
The problems with ObamaCare are well known...

Let's start with the lie that started all of this....

Obama.... there are 48 million people uninsured....
Five million have signed up...
How many of them are the five million that lost their coverage because of ObamaCare?
Why don't you tell us?

How many are CURRENTLY uninsured because Obamacare killed their insurance?

Backup your claims.

Thanks for proving me correct. You obviously know little about this subject. 5 Million lost their coverage and to date around 5 million have signed up. We're not sure how many have paid. At best it's a wash so far. I guess those 48 million don't matter anymore. ACA was never about healthcare anyway.
If by YOUR OWN claims it's "a wash" that means that nothing has changed....everything's the same.


So then WHAT'S all the fuss about in the RW?'re crapping all over yourself on this one.

Cleanup on isle 4!

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