Nate Silver: Dems are in Deep Trouble

FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecast: GOP Is Slight Favorite in Race for Senate Control | FiveThirtyEight
Nate Silver to ABC: GOP Has 60% Shot at Retaking Senate | Mediaite

GOP has 60% chance of retaking Senate according to Nate Silver.

Silver was one of the few who predicted that the government shutdown wouldn't have a big impact on the GOP in 2014, and he called the GOP having a good shot at retaking the Senate long before other political handicappers, way back in June 2013.

Liberals, I know you loved Nate in 2012, and he was right then. But it looks like he's going to be right again, much to your chagrin.

EDIT: By the way, my own model also showed something along the lines of this with regards to the Senate. Hopefully, it will work out.

yeah democracy is not really going to win this time around.

It was the republican plan

The repubs deny dopey, sleepy, sneezy, grumpy, doc and the entire fat albert gang their right to vote, dems are outraged. Film at 11..........
When Obamacare is fully implemented and abortions are free, will the Obama hospitals heat their facilitieson the aborted babies like it's done in England? As much as liberals hate oil energy, I would venture to say "yes they will".

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FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecast: GOP Is Slight Favorite in Race for Senate Control | FiveThirtyEight
Nate Silver to ABC: GOP Has 60% Shot at Retaking Senate | Mediaite

GOP has 60% chance of retaking Senate according to Nate Silver.

Silver was one of the few who predicted that the government shutdown wouldn't have a big impact on the GOP in 2014, and he called the GOP having a good shot at retaking the Senate long before other political handicappers, way back in June 2013.

Liberals, I know you loved Nate in 2012, and he was right then. But it looks like he's going to be right again, much to your chagrin.

EDIT: By the way, my own model also showed something along the lines of this with regards to the Senate. Hopefully, it will work out.

yeah democracy is not really going to win this time around.

It was the republican plan

So if the voters choose Republicans, that isn't democracy?
I really have to wonder what the dems think qualifies them to win in 2016. Not saying they won't because the American people did elect Obama twice but even by his words that should not have happened.

Nothing is right in the country except maybe if you are a one percenter the stock market. Even that is a bubble waiting to burst. I just wonder if Obama has time until he gets out of office so the burst can be blamed on the next president.

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