NASA to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The supervolcano erupts about every 600,000 years, and it's been about that long since the last eruption. That means the volcano could erupt any day now, and if it does it'll send enough dust and ash into the sky to blot out the sun for years, along with blowing a 25-mile-wide crater in the western U.S. That's why a group of NASA scientists and engineers are developing a plan to prevent an eruption by stealing the volcano's heat.

NASA's plan is to drill a hole into the side of the volcano and pump water through it. When the water comes back out, it'll be heated to over 600 degrees, slowly cooling the volcano. The team hopes that given enough time, this process will take enough heat from the volcano to prevent it from ever erupting.

As a bonus, the scientists are proposing to use the heated water as a source of geothermal energy, potentially powering the entire Yellowstone region with heat from the volcano that wants to destroy it. A geothermal generator could produce energy at around $0.10 per kWh, competitive with other energy sources.
NASA Wants to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat

That's an interesting possible solution.
The supervolcano erupts about every 600,000 years, and it's been about that long since the last eruption. That means the volcano could erupt any day now, and if it does it'll send enough dust and ash into the sky to blot out the sun for years, along with blowing a 25-mile-wide crater in the western U.S. That's why a group of NASA scientists and engineers are developing a plan to prevent an eruption by stealing the volcano's heat.

NASA's plan is to drill a hole into the side of the volcano and pump water through it. When the water comes back out, it'll be heated to over 600 degrees, slowly cooling the volcano. The team hopes that given enough time, this process will take enough heat from the volcano to prevent it from ever erupting.

As a bonus, the scientists are proposing to use the heated water as a source of geothermal energy, potentially powering the entire Yellowstone region with heat from the volcano that wants to destroy it. A geothermal generator could produce energy at around $0.10 per kWh, competitive with other energy sources.
NASA Wants to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat

That's an interesting possible solution.
The August 21 solar eclipse will pass directly over the Yellowstone Caldera, which has already been experiencing increased earthquake activity. With the simultaneous gravitational pulls of both Moon and Sun upon it, the Yellowstone Caldera might be triggered to erupt.

In the book The Trump Prophecies by Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert, published July 4, 2017, is this prophecy: "This is a sign that will be given...a massive volcanic eruption will signal that this is the time for my America and Israel and the end of energy corruption." Mark Taylor, the writer of that prophecy, states on page 161, "I don't know if this will be a physical volcano or... more metaphoric in nature." Taylor did not call attention to the solar eclipse passing over the Yellowstone Caldera. I am doing that.
The supervolcano erupts about every 600,000 years, and it's been about that long since the last eruption. That means the volcano could erupt any day now, and if it does it'll send enough dust and ash into the sky to blot out the sun for years, along with blowing a 25-mile-wide crater in the western U.S. That's why a group of NASA scientists and engineers are developing a plan to prevent an eruption by stealing the volcano's heat.

NASA's plan is to drill a hole into the side of the volcano and pump water through it. When the water comes back out, it'll be heated to over 600 degrees, slowly cooling the volcano. The team hopes that given enough time, this process will take enough heat from the volcano to prevent it from ever erupting.

As a bonus, the scientists are proposing to use the heated water as a source of geothermal energy, potentially powering the entire Yellowstone region with heat from the volcano that wants to destroy it. A geothermal generator could produce energy at around $0.10 per kWh, competitive with other energy sources.
NASA Wants to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat

That's an interesting possible solution.
That is kind of like thinking the impact of a gnat will slow down a freight train. The amount of energy that they will get will in no way affect the volcano.
The supervolcano erupts about every 600,000 years, and it's been about that long since the last eruption. That means the volcano could erupt any day now, and if it does it'll send enough dust and ash into the sky to blot out the sun for years, along with blowing a 25-mile-wide crater in the western U.S. That's why a group of NASA scientists and engineers are developing a plan to prevent an eruption by stealing the volcano's heat.

NASA's plan is to drill a hole into the side of the volcano and pump water through it. When the water comes back out, it'll be heated to over 600 degrees, slowly cooling the volcano. The team hopes that given enough time, this process will take enough heat from the volcano to prevent it from ever erupting.

As a bonus, the scientists are proposing to use the heated water as a source of geothermal energy, potentially powering the entire Yellowstone region with heat from the volcano that wants to destroy it. A geothermal generator could produce energy at around $0.10 per kWh, competitive with other energy sources.
NASA Wants to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat

That's an interesting possible solution.
The August 21 solar eclipse will pass directly over the Yellowstone Caldera, which has already been experiencing increased earthquake activity. With the simultaneous gravitational pulls of both Moon and Sun upon it, the Yellowstone Caldera might be triggered to erupt.

In the book The Trump Prophecies by Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert, published July 4, 2017, is this prophecy: "This is a sign that will be given...a massive volcanic eruption will signal that this is the time for my America and Israel and the end of energy corruption." Mark Taylor, the writer of that prophecy, states on page 161, "I don't know if this will be a physical volcano or... more metaphoric in nature." Taylor did not call attention to the solar eclipse passing over the Yellowstone Caldera. I am doing that.
LOL Looks like we are still here. LOL
We should also be building desal plants along every ocean to slow and reverse rising tides.....
The supervolcano erupts about every 600,000 years, and it's been about that long since the last eruption. That means the volcano could erupt any day now, and if it does it'll send enough dust and ash into the sky to blot out the sun for years, along with blowing a 25-mile-wide crater in the western U.S. That's why a group of NASA scientists and engineers are developing a plan to prevent an eruption by stealing the volcano's heat.

NASA's plan is to drill a hole into the side of the volcano and pump water through it. When the water comes back out, it'll be heated to over 600 degrees, slowly cooling the volcano. The team hopes that given enough time, this process will take enough heat from the volcano to prevent it from ever erupting.

As a bonus, the scientists are proposing to use the heated water as a source of geothermal energy, potentially powering the entire Yellowstone region with heat from the volcano that wants to destroy it. A geothermal generator could produce energy at around $0.10 per kWh, competitive with other energy sources.
NASA Wants to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat

That's an interesting possible solution.
The August 21 solar eclipse will pass directly over the Yellowstone Caldera, which has already been experiencing increased earthquake activity. With the simultaneous gravitational pulls of both Moon and Sun upon it, the Yellowstone Caldera might be triggered to erupt.

In the book The Trump Prophecies by Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert, published July 4, 2017, is this prophecy: "This is a sign that will be given...a massive volcanic eruption will signal that this is the time for my America and Israel and the end of energy corruption." Mark Taylor, the writer of that prophecy, states on page 161, "I don't know if this will be a physical volcano or... more metaphoric in nature." Taylor did not call attention to the solar eclipse passing over the Yellowstone Caldera. I am doing that.
LOL Looks like we are still here. LOL
Since a solar eclipse is nothing more than a new moon casting a shadow on the earth, there is no reason to think that an eclipse should be any more volcano-triggering than a new moon.

Darrah J. Perez predicted that the Yellowstone Caldera would erupt during the 2017 solar eclipse. She has been proven wrong, unless she meant that a magma flow would began during the 2017 eclipse that would later erupt as a volcano.

Mark Taylor's prophecy of a "massive volcanic eruption" (page 158 of The Trump Prophecies) does not indicate a time or place, and he himself is unsure whether it will be real or metaphoric. Some who believe that Taylor's prophecies are divinely inspired are noticing increasing earthquake activity in the Yellowstone area. Although Taylor mentions a "ring of fire," which usually refers to Pacific Rim volcanoes, he wrote "when that ring of fire blows its top," which would not make sense for the Pacific Rim.

Taylor writes that the "massive volcanic eruption" will result in energy that people can use: "This new energy and the technology to capture it will spring forth from the depths as the volcano erupts from the depths." That doesn't sound metaphoric to me.

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