Myth of Arctic Meltdown!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
What a joke......the AGW climate crusaders are nothing but clowns!!!

According to Danish Meteorological Institute, not only is the arctic cap expanding, its also getting thicker.

Gore said it would be gone by now. Just more fodder that the science is hardly settled and they still don't know shit about shit regarding what will happen in the future and why. Its that simple.

Take a gander at the space images on the polar ice cap........shit is getting huge!!!!

Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now Mail Online

These bozo's lie all the time about this stuff........and then have the gall to call it "science".


ps......this is a top story on DRUDGE right now!!!
These bozo's lie all the time about this stuff........and then have the gall to call it "science".


ps......this is a top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

On Drudge. A "top" story. Ri-i-i-ight....


Cant prostitute reality far left guys provide some kind of effort, let me tell you, but in the real world, it ends up being hyper-gay.

Wow. This is going someplace.

Regardless, I have been to Exit and a couple other glaciers. It seems they are not getting larger.

I have seen the boyscout greenhouse gas in a fish tank experiment. I know how that works. It is very liberal science to hope it works differently on a large scale.

Tell me we must ease environmental regs to compete with China and your have my ear. Until the I am going to error on the side of conservativeism and make sure I leave a reasonable world for my kid.
Cant prostitute reality far left guys provide some kind of effort, let me tell you, but in the real world, it ends up being hyper-gay.

Wow. This is going someplace.

Regardless, I have been to Exit and a couple other glaciers. It seems they are not getting larger.

I have seen the boyscout greenhouse gas in a fish tank experiment. I know how that works. It is very liberal science to hope it works differently on a large scale.

Tell me we must ease environmental regs to compete with China and your have my ear. Until the I am going to error on the side of conservativeism and make sure I leave a reasonable world for my kid.

:eek-52:HOLY MOTHER OF GOD:eek-52:
:eek-52:HOLY MOTHER OF GOD:eek-52:

My confusing points were

I know what greenhouse gasses do. I do not know where our tipping point as a planet is.

I worry about our Chinese and Arabic brothers and feel we should try to stay ahead of them militarily.

I know glaciers are retreating in the northen hemisphere and seem to have been for a century.

So, I feel we must be careful with our greenhouse gas emissions. Keep in mind these "crippling" regulations caused my MarkVIII to be produced with only 275 horse instead of 320ish and forced me to have the horrors of an overdrive transmission to comply with the CAFE standards of the time.

I am not on the fringe skookie.

These data DO show an increase Skooks. In the three years since 2011, the total Arctic ice mass has increased by about 1000 cubic kilometers. That's nothing to sneeze at. Why that represents almost one third of the mass lost in the prior 3 years and a little less than a tenth the mass we've seen melt away since satellite records began.
:eek-52:HOLY MOTHER OF GOD:eek-52:

My confusing points were

I know what greenhouse gasses do. I do not know where our tipping point as a planet is.

I worry about our Chinese and Arabic brothers and feel we should try to stay ahead of them militarily.

I know glaciers are retreating in the northen hemisphere and seem to have been for a century.

So, I feel we must be careful with our greenhouse gas emissions. Keep in mind these "crippling" regulations caused my MarkVIII to be produced with only 275 horse instead of 320ish and forced me to have the horrors of an overdrive transmission to comply with the CAFE standards of the time.

I am not on the fringe skookie.

Perhaps.....but you cant think on the margin either.

People who say, "Better safe than sorry!!" with this crap, obviously haven't looked at the necessary tradeoffs = the costs. By 2025, according to our own government, CAFE standards will increase the costs of all new cars by......ready for this......$3,000. New Fuel Efficiency Regulations to Drive Higher Prices and Restrict Consumer Choice

That's awesome for our kids:rock::rock:......especially with new taxes being created every day!!! Based upon what? Climate science computer models which are wrong ALL THE FRIGGIN' TIME.:2up:

All t his crap taxes. All the standards cost an increase in the price of ALL motor vehicles across the board. Regulations energy costs no matter what the k00ks say.

Double Whammy EPA Carbon Regulations Will Mean Higher Electricity Costs Fewer Jobs U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Why do you think Germany is doing an about face on renewables? Because the cost of energy has skyrocketed over forced use of renewables.......not even debatable. Check the record.....plenty of links ( see thread: PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING ). The last cvouple of years, the German people are freaking because their electric rates have skyrocketed. The pols have gotten the message.......the people are done with sick pricing on energy >>>

Slamming the coal industry with regulations costs jobs......lots of 'em = more people in the taxpayer dime. Look at Spain just a few years ago.....for every job created for the green energy industry, 2 were lost.

Spanish downturn a disaster for green energy GlobalPost

Most people have this romantic notion about green energy.:gay: Its not grounded in reasoned judgment.......they don't understand the necessary costs. They are enormous.:up:
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I need CURRENT satellite photos from your sources me a comparison from 2012 to now!!!! Arctic ice cover then.......arctic ice cover now!!

We want to see this............:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::coffee:

Meanwhile, ALL the peer reviewed bozo's said the ice in the Arctic would be long gone by now!!!! A ruse.......they are effective at one thing but it sure isn't predictions. They are effective as hell at scaring the crap out of people based upon idiotic computer model projections which are always crapping out.


I think not.
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I need CURRENT satellite photos from your sources me a comparison from 2012 to now!!!! Arctic ice cover then.......arctic ice cover now!!

Dear Skooks, where do you think that data came from?

We want to see this.....

Go to and help yourself. They have photos there. Better photos than you're getting off Grunge or Dread or Dunce or whatever tabloid is feeding you such nonsense.

Meanwhile, ALL the peer reviewed bozo's said the ice in the Arctic would be long gone by now!!!!

Did they? I don't actually have a recollection of any such predictions. I recall people saying it could be gone by 2100 and then people got radical and said it could be gone by 2050. But if you say their are peer reviewed studies predicting an ice-free Arctic by 2014, I have to believe it's true and I have to believe you can provide a link to one or more of those "peer reviewed bozo's" studies.

A ruse.......they are effective at one thing but it sure isn't predictions. They are effective as hell at scaring the crap out of people based upon idiotic computer model projections which are always crapping out.

You should tell them what they're doing wrong. It must be something really obvious, eh? They must be making mistakes that any fool should have caught, right? Those scientists are really, really stupid, aren't they Skooks. They don't know ANYTHING about how the Earth's climate works, do they? Not like you, Skooks. Not like you at all.
I need CURRENT satellite photos from your sources me a comparison from 2012 to now!!!! Arctic ice cover then.......arctic ice cover now!!

Dear Skooks, where do you think that data came from?

We want to see this.....

Go to and help yourself. They have photos there. Better photos than you're getting off Grunge or Dread or Dunce or whatever tabloid is feeding you such nonsense.

Meanwhile, ALL the peer reviewed bozo's said the ice in the Arctic would be long gone by now!!!!

Did they? I don't actually have a recollection of any such predictions. I recall people saying it could be gone by 2100 and then people got radical and said it could be gone by 2050. But if you say their are peer reviewed studies predicting an ice-free Arctic by 2014, I have to believe it's true and I have to believe you can provide a link to one or more of those "peer reviewed bozo's" studies.

A ruse.......they are effective at one thing but it sure isn't predictions. They are effective as hell at scaring the crap out of people based upon idiotic computer model projections which are always crapping out.

You should tell them what they're doing wrong. It must be something really obvious, eh? They must be making mistakes that any fool should have caught, right? Those scientists are really, really stupid, aren't they Skooks. They don't know ANYTHING about how the Earth's climate works, do they? Not like you, Skooks. Not like you at all.

Theyre not at all stoopid....but they're fakes.:up:

The whole "computer model" ruse is works to dupe the low information asshole, who figures, "Shit....its a computer model saying that? Holy shit.......that's real!!!". But these same cheesedicks never check the score.

Bottom line is.......the AGW obsessed alarmists continue to throw disinformation bombs which are so hyper-gay. Intellectual dishonesty to the core. The satellite photos of the polar ice cap are just more fodder that the "consensus science" is about one thing: how many people can we fool with our bogus models that keep the grants coming in!!! way or another, it really doesn't matter. All the bozo science is not mattering in the real world as Ive displayed countless could spend weeks trying to find information to the opposite but it is nowhere to be found and you know it s0n!!!:itsok:

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