Satellite photos show uncomfortable truth

This summer, most of the MSM has been covering "severe weather" across our nation. It makes little sense to deny change is happening, it is better to do what we can to limit pollution which, if not controlled, can exacerbate a growing problem.
So how do you suppose those picts prove manmade global warming? Are you claiming that such things have never happened on the earth before?

I made no such claim. What I wrote is clear:

"This summer, most of the MSM has been covering "severe weather" across our nation. It makes little sense to deny change is happening, it is better to do what we can to limit pollution which, if not controlled, can exacerbate a growing problem."

What part of what I wrote do you find offensive? I don't know if the current weather phenomenon is a natural occurrence not caused by man, or if some of it is caused by man or all of it; and, I don't know if man's pollution of the environment is a catalyst creating this phenomenon or its primary cause. Nor do you!

Alaska s iconic Columbia Glacier expected to stop retreating in 2020 -- ScienceDaily
Alaska's iconic Columbia Glacier expected to stop retreating in 2020

November 26, 2012

University of Colorado at Boulder

The wild and dramatic cascade of ice into the ocean from Alaska's Columbia Glacier, an iconic glacier featured in the documentary "Chasing Ice" and one of the fastest moving glaciers in the world, will cease around 2020, according to a new study.

Don't let the witch doctors scare ya. Glaciers have been melting for about 15,000 yrs now.. You wanna live in a climate where they are growing?
So how do you suppose those picts prove manmade global warming? Are you claiming that such things have never happened on the earth before?

I made no such claim. What I wrote is clear:

"This summer, most of the MSM has been covering "severe weather" across our nation. It makes little sense to deny change is happening, it is better to do what we can to limit pollution which, if not controlled, can exacerbate a growing problem."

What part of what I wrote do you find offensive? I don't know if the current weather phenomenon is a natural occurrence not caused by man, or if some of it is caused by man or all of it; and, I don't know if man's pollution of the environment is a catalyst creating this phenomenon or its primary cause. Nor do you!

That's pretty nihilist of ya !!! Of course, we have adequate records of weather going back 200 yrs or so and could EASILY determine if anything was not normal or suspicious. But that would take all the fun out this forum..

Tell us what "severe" events the MSMedia has been scaring you with bunky...
A lot of folks here seem to be quite upset by the occurrence of Rossby Waves. Others by Typhoon Haiyan. There has been no shortage of strong opinions concerning severe weather.
I made no such claim. What I wrote is clear:

What you wrote is alarmist nonsense.

"This summer, most of the MSM has been covering "severe weather" across our nation. It makes little sense to deny change is happening, it is better to do what we can to limit pollution which, if not controlled, can exacerbate a growing problem."

Is the reporting really due to unprecedented weather or is it due to a 24 hour news cycle that must be filled and must be interesting enough to bring in the watchers? All one need do is look back into history to see far worse weather being reported.

What part of what I wrote do you find offensive? I don't know if the current weather phenomenon is a natural occurrence not caused by man, or if some of it is caused by man or all of it; and, I don't know if man's pollution of the environment is a catalyst creating this phenomenon or its primary cause. Nor do you!

Since worse weather and the other phenomena pictured were far worse in the past when man's influence was about that of the rest of the animals on earth, it is clear that if man is having any influence at all it is a dampening influence...
Where do you see "dampening"?

If one looks at the past and compares it to today as opposed to simply going into hysterics over today with no historical sees that today the climate is not nearly as volatile as in the past.

Further, if one has some inkling of the past, then one knows that wild and wooly is the nature of the climate on earth and whatever we see or our grandkids see it will be nothing compared to the past...
That would be the past long, long before anything like humans, human culture or human infrastructure existed. It has NOT been wild and wooly while we've been learning how to post videos of our cats to the internet and build Easy Bake Ovens.
So how do you suppose those picts prove manmade global warming? Are you claiming that such things have never happened on the earth before?

I made no such claim. What I wrote is clear:

"This summer, most of the MSM has been covering "severe weather" across our nation. It makes little sense to deny change is happening, it is better to do what we can to limit pollution which, if not controlled, can exacerbate a growing problem."

What part of what I wrote do you find offensive? I don't know if the current weather phenomenon is a natural occurrence not caused by man, or if some of it is caused by man or all of it; and, I don't know if man's pollution of the environment is a catalyst creating this phenomenon or its primary cause. Nor do you!

That's pretty nihilist of ya !!! Of course, we have adequate records of weather going back 200 yrs or so and could EASILY determine if anything was not normal or suspicious. But that would take all the fun out this forum..

Tell us what "severe" events the MSMedia has been scaring you with bunky...

I infer you limit your 'news' to Fox.

Summer storms, 2 inch an hour rain, hail the size of tennis balls, floods, extreme heat and draught in the west. It's not a normal summer, maybe it is a 'normal' anomaly, but my mind is open to humanity's impact on the weather in the long term.

There are those who deny humanities impact on the soil, air and water and many of them are also disinclined to wonder if our actions impact the weather. Are they all Iconoclasts, is that what binds the New Right together? Or are they brainwashed by the ongoing propaganda which fills our airways?
That would be the past long, long before anything like humans, human culture or human infrastructure existed. It has NOT been wild and wooly while we've been learning how to post videos of our cats to the internet and build Easy Bake Ovens.

guess you haven't seen the latest paper published in the climate of the finds that the last interglacial was considerably warmer than the one we are in...again, not hind cast by the failing models...the failure just never ends for you people, does it?
:the failure just never ends for you people, does it?"

What a stupid comment ^^^. "You people" includes 97% of
climate scientists.

Climate Change Consensus

Of course you believe the government lies and the entire scientific community conspires with the government on this issue, don't you?

That 97% is the glaring evidence of your is a lie and everyone knows it and yet, you keep repeating it as if it meant something....consensus, even if it is real doesn't mean anything...look at medicine...up until a couple of years ago about 100% of doctors would have told you that a stomach ulcer was due to, it is know that they were wrong....look at chemistry...up until a few years ago, more than 97% of chemists would have told you that quasicrystals did not, they know that they were wrong and do exist...and those are just two examples that have recently happened in the hard sciences...not a soft pseudoscience like climate science....consensus is politics...not science and anyone who must scream consensus instead of showing undeniable scientific evidence is just kidding themselves.

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