My white privilege


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I am white. If privilege applied to me because of my skin color, I would be earning a high 5 figure income with a degree from a college of my choosing on the back of a full-ride scholarship. My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life. I wouldn't be here dedicating almost 80% of mine and my grandmother's monthly income to bills and survival. We don't enjoy any privilege because of our skin color. Being white never made our lives any easier.

We are a lower-middle-class family who barely has enough money to make ends meet. If there was a privilege, we never knew about it. I am sure the billions of white people who existed in the world before me and throughout history who suffered from poverty, famines, genocide, murder, cruel dictatorships... would have loved to have known about the privilege their skin color supposedly imbued them with. Maybe it would have spared their lives and shielded them from unnecessary suffering. White privilege is hogwash. It reeks of jealousy and has no basis in reality.

My white privilege does not exist.
I am white. If privilege applied to me because of my skin color, I would be earning a high 5 figure income with a degree from a college of my choosing on the back of a full-ride scholarship. My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life. I wouldn't be here dedicating almost 80% of mine and my grandmother's monthly income to bills and survival. We don't enjoy any privilege because of our skin color. Being white never made our lives any easier.

We are a lower-middle-class family who barely has enough money to make ends meet. If there was a privilege, we never knew about it. I am sure the billions of white people who existed in the world before me and throughout history who suffered from

Are our personalities set in stone, or can we work on – even improve – them?
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The study, which looked at 16 different ideological orientations, could have profound implications for identifying and supporting people most vulnerable to radicalisation across the political and religious spectrum.
... would have loved to have known about the privilege their skin color supposedly imbued them with. Maybe it would have spared their lives and shielded them from unnecessary suffering. White privilege is hogwash. It reeks of jealousy and has no basis in reality.

My white privilege does not exist.

For the sake of discussion...look at the possible other side.

"White privilege" doesn't mean there aren't poor white people...but maybe in can mean the difference between the frying pan and the fire.

I'm thinking, for example, of the justice syste

Your statement: "My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life."

Maybe, if you had been poor AND black....your "dumb" decisions would have landed you in the juvenile justice system and from their the adult justice system in a downward spiral hitting up against laws like 3 strikes.

It's pretty much proven that black youth's are much more likely to be incarcerated than white youth's for the same crimes. So, that might be a more realistic way to see what white privelege is even though for many it's not much of a privilege.

Another example might be one aspect of poverty itself.

One of the factors that has made black poverty so entrenched is through a systemic system of laws and of violence (white race riots) towards black property owners and businesses and homes and communities that destroyed wealth and the ability to pass it to their children and so on. So as a community - whites (in general) have not had to endure that. Poverty has a lot of causes of course, some in our control, some not. But I think that is one example how race was a factor.

Another one could be this. Even though you and your grandmother are poor? Do you live in a fairly safe neighborhood? Redlining, a practice of maintaining racial segregation in the housing market often relegated black families to the worse neighborhoods - neighborhoods more likely to have the town landfill and other nice amenities located nearby, areas that white people left when black people moved in. When those areas begin to reflect the changing home values, more renters than homeowners, crime increases, incomes go down, people are stuck. Maybe white privilege in poverty means the difference between being poor in a dangerous community or poor in a somewhat safer one.

Just thoughts on a different way of looking at it :dunno:
Maybe, if you had been poor AND black....your "dumb" decisions would have landed you in the juvenile justice system and from their the adult justice system in a downward spiral hitting up against laws like 3 strikes.


Actions have consequences. The consequences don't care about your skin color.

As far as the justice system goes, the justice system doesn't serve anyone equally. Just look at our politics.
It's pretty much proven that black youth's are much more likely to be incarcerated than white youth's for the same crimes. So, that might be a more realistic way to see what white privelege is even though for many it's not much of a privilege.

So, are they being locked up for being black, or are they being locked up for breaking the law? It can't be both.
One of the factors that has made black poverty so entrenched is through a systemic system of laws and of violence (white race riots) towards black property owners and businesses and homes and communities that destroyed wealth and the ability to pass it to their children and so on. So as a community - whites (in general) have not had to endure that. Poverty has a lot of causes of course, some in our control, some not. But I think that is one example how race was a factor.


But I feel as if black people already have all the tools they need to prosper. But instead of breaking free from victimhood they seem to embrace it.

"White people did X to my ancestors, therefore as a descendant I deserve Y!"

So, where does the privilege supposedly exist?
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I am white. If privilege applied to me because of my skin color, I would be earning a high 5 figure income with a degree from a college of my choosing on the back of a full-ride scholarship. My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life. I wouldn't be here dedicating almost 80% of mine and my grandmother's monthly income to bills and survival. We don't enjoy any privilege because of our skin color. Being white never made our lives any easier.

We are a lower-middle-class family who barely has enough money to make ends meet. If there was a privilege, we never knew about it. I am sure the billions of white people who existed in the world before me and throughout history who suffered from

Are our personalities set in stone, or can we work on – even improve – them?
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The study, which looked at 16 different ideological orientations, could have profound implications for identifying and supporting people most vulnerable to radicalisation across the political and religious spectrum.
... would have loved to have known about the privilege their skin color supposedly imbued them with. Maybe it would have spared their lives and shielded them from unnecessary suffering. White privilege is hogwash. It reeks of jealousy and has no basis in reality.

My white privilege does not exist.

For the sake of discussion...look at the possible other side.

"White privilege" doesn't mean there aren't poor white people...but maybe in can mean the difference between the frying pan and the fire.

I'm thinking, for example, of the justice syste

Your statement: "My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life."

Maybe, if you had been poor AND black....your "dumb" decisions would have landed you in the juvenile justice system and from their the adult justice system in a downward spiral hitting up against laws like 3 strikes.

It's pretty much proven that black youth's are much more likely to be incarcerated than white youth's for the same crimes. So, that might be a more realistic way to see what white privelege is even though for many it's not much of a privilege.

Another example might be one aspect of poverty itself.

One of the factors that has made black poverty so entrenched is through a systemic system of laws and of violence (white race riots) towards black property owners and businesses and homes and communities that destroyed wealth and the ability to pass it to their children and so on. So as a community - whites (in general) have not had to endure that. Poverty has a lot of causes of course, some in our control, some not. But I think that is one example how race was a factor.

Another one could be this. Even though you and your grandmother are poor? Do you live in a fairly safe neighborhood? Redlining, a practice of maintaining racial segregation in the housing market often relegated black families to the worse neighborhoods - neighborhoods more likely to have the town landfill and other nice amenities located nearby, areas that white people left when black people moved in. When those areas begin to reflect the changing home values, more renters than homeowners, crime increases, incomes go down, people are stuck. Maybe white privilege in poverty means the difference between being poor in a dangerous community or poor in a somewhat safer one.

Just thoughts on a different way of looking at it :dunno:
And who you know, grew up knowing and who your parents knew in the community while growing up. It is isn't everything. You still have to prove your value and ability, but it is something.
I am white. If privilege applied to me because of my skin color, I would be earning a high 5 figure income with a degree from a college of my choosing on the back of a full-ride scholarship. My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life. I wouldn't be here dedicating almost 80% of mine and my grandmother's monthly income to bills and survival. We don't enjoy any privilege because of our skin color. Being white never made our lives any easier.

We are a lower-middle-class family who barely has enough money to make ends meet. If there was a privilege, we never knew about it. I am sure the billions of white people who existed in the world before me and throughout history who suffered from

Are our personalities set in stone, or can we work on – even improve – them?
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The study, which looked at 16 different ideological orientations, could have profound implications for identifying and supporting people most vulnerable to radicalisation across the political and religious spectrum.
... would have loved to have known about the privilege their skin color supposedly imbued them with. Maybe it would have spared their lives and shielded them from unnecessary suffering. White privilege is hogwash. It reeks of jealousy and has no basis in reality.

My white privilege does not exist.

For the sake of discussion...look at the possible other side.

"White privilege" doesn't mean there aren't poor white people...but maybe in can mean the difference between the frying pan and the fire.

I'm thinking, for example, of the justice syste

Your statement: "My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life."

Maybe, if you had been poor AND black....your "dumb" decisions would have landed you in the juvenile justice system and from their the adult justice system in a downward spiral hitting up against laws like 3 strikes.

It's pretty much proven that black youth's are much more likely to be incarcerated than white youth's for the same crimes. So, that might be a more realistic way to see what white privelege is even though for many it's not much of a privilege.

Another example might be one aspect of poverty itself.

One of the factors that has made black poverty so entrenched is through a systemic system of laws and of violence (white race riots) towards black property owners and businesses and homes and communities that destroyed wealth and the ability to pass it to their children and so on. So as a community - whites (in general) have not had to endure that. Poverty has a lot of causes of course, some in our control, some not. But I think that is one example how race was a factor.

Another one could be this. Even though you and your grandmother are poor? Do you live in a fairly safe neighborhood? Redlining, a practice of maintaining racial segregation in the housing market often relegated black families to the worse neighborhoods - neighborhoods more likely to have the town landfill and other nice amenities located nearby, areas that white people left when black people moved in. When those areas begin to reflect the changing home values, more renters than homeowners, crime increases, incomes go down, people are stuck. Maybe white privilege in poverty means the difference between being poor in a dangerous community or poor in a somewhat safer one.

Just thoughts on a different way of looking at it :dunno:
Black skin color can be an advantage when it comes to hiring thanks to quotas and affirmative action.

or it could be a disadvantage in high crime black ghettos

but the primary difference in outcome is effort not race

in America any person with average intelligence can succeed if they try
I am white. If privilege applied to me because of my skin color, I would be earning a high 5 figure income with a degree from a college of my choosing on the back of a full-ride scholarship. My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life. I wouldn't be here dedicating almost 80% of mine and my grandmother's monthly income to bills and survival. We don't enjoy any privilege because of our skin color. Being white never made our lives any easier.

We are a lower-middle-class family who barely has enough money to make ends meet. If there was a privilege, we never knew about it. I am sure the billions of white people who existed in the world before me and throughout history who suffered from

Are our personalities set in stone, or can we work on – even improve – them?
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The study, which looked at 16 different ideological orientations, could have profound implications for identifying and supporting people most vulnerable to radicalisation across the political and religious spectrum.
... would have loved to have known about the privilege their skin color supposedly imbued them with. Maybe it would have spared their lives and shielded them from unnecessary suffering. White privilege is hogwash. It reeks of jealousy and has no basis in reality.

My white privilege does not exist.

For the sake of discussion...look at the possible other side.

"White privilege" doesn't mean there aren't poor white people...but maybe in can mean the difference between the frying pan and the fire.

I'm thinking, for example, of the justice syste

Your statement: "My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life."

Maybe, if you had been poor AND black....your "dumb" decisions would have landed you in the juvenile justice system and from their the adult justice system in a downward spiral hitting up against laws like 3 strikes.

It's pretty much proven that black youth's are much more likely to be incarcerated than white youth's for the same crimes. So, that might be a more realistic way to see what white privelege is even though for many it's not much of a privilege.

Another example might be one aspect of poverty itself.

One of the factors that has made black poverty so entrenched is through a systemic system of laws and of violence (white race riots) towards black property owners and businesses and homes and communities that destroyed wealth and the ability to pass it to their children and so on. So as a community - whites (in general) have not had to endure that. Poverty has a lot of causes of course, some in our control, some not. But I think that is one example how race was a factor.

Another one could be this. Even though you and your grandmother are poor? Do you live in a fairly safe neighborhood? Redlining, a practice of maintaining racial segregation in the housing market often relegated black families to the worse neighborhoods - neighborhoods more likely to have the town landfill and other nice amenities located nearby, areas that white people left when black people moved in. When those areas begin to reflect the changing home values, more renters than homeowners, crime increases, incomes go down, people are stuck. Maybe white privilege in poverty means the difference between being poor in a dangerous community or poor in a somewhat safer one.

Just thoughts on a different way of looking at it :dunno:
Redlining was made illegal 60 years ago. Two, three generations ago.
Even though you and your grandmother are poor? Do you live in a fairly safe neighborhood?
Your neighborhood is what you make of it. Just because you are poor does not mean you have to live like a pig. And many ghettos are pigstys. Which attracts other pigs. Then the neighborhood falls apart because it stinks, its dirty, its ugly and pigs will root and snuff around any place not theirs to steal whatever they can, then make another pile of piggy stuff.
I was kicked out of Boys Choir.

I was the only person who wasn't allowed to attend an inauguration - school band.

I was expelled from school, twice.

I was arrested for marijuana and required probation & "scared straight"

I was kicked out of work detail in less than an hour, no penalties. That takes talent:clap:

I did very poorly in grade school.

I was acting Manager a major Uhaul center, and under my wing we developed the best store in a district of two States west. Didn't make the cut Manager. Shit even the owner had me pegged, but district management had other ideas I guess.

A supervisor once fired me, and the reasons used were for things the guy's favorite was directly responsible for.

I turned full time jobs into minutes & made things easy govt. Shit I can develop a clone web page that acts like one, develop all kinds of things free software. Not "management material" or development either. Meanwhile they promoted the correct colors and genders to certain positions proved well above them.

I was #1 on the list passed over 12 times due gender & color. After some hassle I was promoted to not just the position but somehow a specialist's position with no experience, claims adjuster. While others were overwhelmed, in three months I made it a part-time task. Due private sector methods they were forced to give me an above standard first review. They were disappointed to discover their "math was wrong", it was supposed to be outstanding.

I was beat up by three guys somewhat regularly 5th grade, because I was different. Jumped once by guys I never met who were swinging chains.

If I wanted a pair of shoes I had to earn it beginning at 9 years old. For quite some time we were quite poor, though not once welfare.

Sucks to be a white male I guess. How many instances could I have played a race card if I were black?
to earn a high 5 figure income you need a bit more than just being white. you need some kind of gainful employment. that's a fact totally on topic.
Thats the point. It has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with opportunity either you grasp or afforded to you.

You actually defended the OP's sentiments.

Yet you criticized him/her for making it.

Makes me laugh
to earn a high 5 figure income you need a bit more than just being white. you need some kind of gainful employment. that's a fact totally on topic.

Yeah. But if I hadn't been a member of this board nigh a decade, I wouldn't have known that to be a direct verbal attack on my character.

Stop trying to play me for a fool. You will fail.

However, you make a valid point, even though your motivations for making it weren't.
I am white. If privilege applied to me because of my skin color, I would be earning a high 5 figure income with a degree from a college of my choosing on the back of a full-ride scholarship. My privilege would have shielded me from some of the dumbest decisions I ever made in my life. I wouldn't be here dedicating almost 80% of mine and my grandmother's monthly income to bills and survival. We don't enjoy any privilege because of our skin color. Being white never made our lives any easier.

We are a lower-middle-class family who barely has enough money to make ends meet. If there was a privilege, we never knew about it. I am sure the billions of white people who existed in the world before me and throughout history who suffered from poverty, famines, genocide, murder, cruel dictatorships... would have loved to have known about the privilege their skin color supposedly imbued them with. Maybe it would have spared their lives and shielded them from unnecessary suffering. White privilege is hogwash. It reeks of jealousy and has no basis in reality.

My white privilege does not exist.

JoeB131 will hook you up, right Joe?
you could try to get a job.
Of course, or you could actually pretend as if you care about poor people.

Move along.
I'm a little confused. I don't deny that white privilege exists. See Lori Loughlin. But some black kids get a leg up that even poor black kids don't have a chance at, regardless of how smart or hard working they may be.

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