My my Trump has been busy....he destroyed the Obama legacy in one week

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
He did this in only one week, nothing is stopping him...


a partial list of his E. O. s to date....

12. Border wall. In this order, President Trump states it is the policy of the United States to immediately construct a wall on the southern border. The order directs agencies to begin planning and identify funding for the project, including sending requests to Congress. It also directs agencies to construct or contract out for more detention facilities at or near the Mexican border.

This order also directs the hiring of an additional 5,000 border patrol agents, subject to funding. And it requires that all agencies identify any U.S. aid funds that have gone to Mexico in the past five years. (We are still awaiting an online link and will post when it appears.)

11. Deportations and sanctuary cities. This is also a longer order with several major pieces (as above, no public link yet). The president has directed agencies to step up deportation of those in the country illegally. First, he prioritizes seven groups of people for deportation. It is anyone: convicted of a crime, charged with a crime, who has committed a chargeable offense, has misrepresented themselves to the government, has abused a welfare program, who is under deportation order and who may "in the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security."

Second, the order also directs the hiring of 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, though it states that is subject to funding. Third, it states the U.S. policy is now to allow local law enforcement officers to act as immigration officers whenever possible. Fourth, it orders the Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security to block federal grants from so-called "sanctuary" cities which do not enforce some immigration laws.

10. Review manufacturing regulations. In this memorandum, the president ordered the Commerce Secretary to begin a 60-day review of regulations for American manufacturers, with the aim of finding ways to speed up permitting and all federal processes for them.

9. American steel in pipelines.President Trump directed the Commerce Secretary to come up with a plan to ensure that all pipelines built or repaired in the United States be constructed with American-made materials "to the maximum extent possible."

8. Speeding up environmental reviews for all priority infrastructure.President Trump ordered that agencies and the chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality work together to set up faster deadlines and environmental approval for "high priority" infrastructure projects. It gives significant power and responsibility to the White House Council on Environmental Quality chairman, who will decide within 30 days if a proposed project is "high priority." (The president has not yet nominated a new CEQ chairman.)

6 + 7. Speeding approval of Dakota Access and Keystone Oil Pipelines.President Trump ordered that permits for the the Dakota Access Pipeline be approved in an expedited manner, "including easements or rights-of-way to cross Federal areas." (Army denial of an easement was a previous victory for pipeline opponents.) In his Keystone memorandum, Mr. Trump invited TransCanada to resubmit its application for a pipeline permit, and he directed the State Department to issue a final decision on that application within 60 days.

5. Federal hiring freeze. The president has told agencies they cannot fill any vacant positions nor open new ones, with two exceptions: military personnel and critical public safety positions.

4. TPP. This memorandum withdraws the United States from all Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and from signing the trade deal.

3. Abortion. President Trump has ordered that federal dollars cannot go to organizations that provide abortion services.

2. Regulation freeze. The president has frozen all regulations now in process (but not approved) until they are approved by him or an agency after he took office. This means any regulation signed by former President Barack Obama in his final weeks in office — including some that deal with energy efficiency standards — are on hold until they're reviewed by Trump's administration.

1. ACA rollback. Mr. Trump has allowed all agency heads to waive requirements of the Affordable Care Actto the "maximum extent permitted by law."
It's called....winning :)

It's funny Obama fought hard and long on the above, the mandate went all the way to the Supreme Court and one swipe of the pen.. A big fuck you..

Union bosses were in smiles yesterday meeting the president.

I told you all Trump was going to do what he said he was going to do and he won't let up.

Who is Obama?

I kind of feel sorry for him because he thought he was going to get away with it..

Now if Trump sends in the National guard to stop Chicago's violence.. Emanuel is extremely upset about that..

It's called....winning :)

It's funny Obama fought hard and long on the above, the mandate went all the way to the Supreme Court and one swipe of the pen.. A big fuck you..

Union bosses were in smiles yesterday meeting the president.

I told you all Trump was going to do what he said he was going to do and he won't let up.



Is this the same legislation that the Obama had to bribe dims in Congress to vote for? Is this the same legislation that Scott Brown was elected to vote against that would have stopped it had it not been for Reconciliation to bypass the democratic process? Is this the same legislation that Obama sold to the American people as anything but a tax because he promised never to raise taxes on the Middle Class, but then had to declare it a tax in order to make it Constitutional, which ended up being the largest tax on the Middle Class in US history? Is this the same legislation that Bill Clinton called a crazy scheme that was destroying the Middle Class? Is this the same legislation that Nancy Pelosi said they had to vote to pass in order to see what was in it? Is this the same legislation that Obama sold to the American people by promising they could keep their health care plan and their doctor, only to find out they voted for a lie?

Yea, well that is a big old f@ck you, isn't it.
Meanwhile, the left is busy holding marches and making snowflake memes.

I agree with you and since I perceive you as being a fair-minded person I have a question for you:

Did those hats the women wore look like a pussies to you? Now I believe that the vagina is the most magnificent of all of God's creations, but to me those hats looked more like devil's horns than anything else.
It's called....winning :)

We're winning so much I'm not sure I can take i may have to ask him to stop. Bwahahahahahahaha

It's not about winning as a president doing and saying exactly what he meant.

BTW did you hear that?

A new threat by North Korea launching a missle or some bullshit?

Me neither....

I read that thanks to Trump China verified stuff they won't sell to North Korea..

China bans export for military use to North Korea
No he didn't destroy anything. Yes he reversed some EO, but when history compares his presidency to Trump, Obama will seem like a legislative GOD compared to Trump.
Meanwhile, the left is busy holding marches and making snowflake memes.

I agree with you and since I perceive you as being a fair-minded person I have a question for you:

Did those hats the women wore look like a pussies to you? Now I believe that the vagina is the most magnificent of all of God's creations, but to me those hats looked more like devil's horns than anything else.
They are supposed to be kitty ears.
Meanwhile, the left is busy holding marches and making snowflake memes.

I agree with you and since I perceive you as being a fair-minded person I have a question for you:

Did those hats the women wore look like a pussies to you? Now I believe that the vagina is the most magnificent of all of God's creations, but to me those hats looked more like devil's horns than anything else.
They struck Pupps as more like pink midget diapers worn on their heads.

gremlin popcorn bags.jpg
No he didn't destroy anything. Yes he reversed some EO, but when history compares his presidency to Trump, Obama will seem like a legislative GOD compared to Trump.


Trump did more in a week then Obama did in 8 years.

This will probably be the busiest Congress we have seen since the end of the civil war.

Like I said before Trump is like a freshman Republican or democrat going to capital hill for the first time..full of ideas, full of spunk.. Until the old career politicians like Nancy , Harry or whatever get a hold of them..

Not this time..
He did this in only one week, nothing is stopping him...


a partial list of his E. O. s to date....

12. Border wall. In this order, President Trump states it is the policy of the United States to immediately construct a wall on the southern border. The order directs agencies to begin planning and identify funding for the project, including sending requests to Congress. It also directs agencies to construct or contract out for more detention facilities at or near the Mexican border.

This order also directs the hiring of an additional 5,000 border patrol agents, subject to funding. And it requires that all agencies identify any U.S. aid funds that have gone to Mexico in the past five years. (We are still awaiting an online link and will post when it appears.)

11. Deportations and sanctuary cities. This is also a longer order with several major pieces (as above, no public link yet). The president has directed agencies to step up deportation of those in the country illegally. First, he prioritizes seven groups of people for deportation. It is anyone: convicted of a crime, charged with a crime, who has committed a chargeable offense, has misrepresented themselves to the government, has abused a welfare program, who is under deportation order and who may "in the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security."

Second, the order also directs the hiring of 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, though it states that is subject to funding. Third, it states the U.S. policy is now to allow local law enforcement officers to act as immigration officers whenever possible. Fourth, it orders the Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security to block federal grants from so-called "sanctuary" cities which do not enforce some immigration laws.

10. Review manufacturing regulations. In this memorandum, the president ordered the Commerce Secretary to begin a 60-day review of regulations for American manufacturers, with the aim of finding ways to speed up permitting and all federal processes for them.

9. American steel in pipelines.President Trump directed the Commerce Secretary to come up with a plan to ensure that all pipelines built or repaired in the United States be constructed with American-made materials "to the maximum extent possible."

8. Speeding up environmental reviews for all priority infrastructure.President Trump ordered that agencies and the chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality work together to set up faster deadlines and environmental approval for "high priority" infrastructure projects. It gives significant power and responsibility to the White House Council on Environmental Quality chairman, who will decide within 30 days if a proposed project is "high priority." (The president has not yet nominated a new CEQ chairman.)

6 + 7. Speeding approval of Dakota Access and Keystone Oil Pipelines.President Trump ordered that permits for the the Dakota Access Pipeline be approved in an expedited manner, "including easements or rights-of-way to cross Federal areas." (Army denial of an easement was a previous victory for pipeline opponents.) In his Keystone memorandum, Mr. Trump invited TransCanada to resubmit its application for a pipeline permit, and he directed the State Department to issue a final decision on that application within 60 days.

5. Federal hiring freeze. The president has told agencies they cannot fill any vacant positions nor open new ones, with two exceptions: military personnel and critical public safety positions.

4. TPP. This memorandum withdraws the United States from all Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and from signing the trade deal.

3. Abortion. President Trump has ordered that federal dollars cannot go to organizations that provide abortion services.

2. Regulation freeze. The president has frozen all regulations now in process (but not approved) until they are approved by him or an agency after he took office. This means any regulation signed by former President Barack Obama in his final weeks in office — including some that deal with energy efficiency standards — are on hold until they're reviewed by Trump's administration.

1. ACA rollback. Mr. Trump has allowed all agency heads to waive requirements of the Affordable Care Actto the "maximum extent permitted by law."

most of that is just talk.
It's called....winning :)

It's funny Obama fought hard and long on the above, the mandate went all the way to the Supreme Court and one swipe of the pen.. A big fuck you..

Union bosses were in smiles yesterday meeting the president.

I told you all Trump was going to do what he said he was going to do and he won't let up.


Who is this Obama you speak of? :confused-84:

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