My idea to terra form Mars


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.
Bring over Moses? I wasn't aware he was still alive. Would his magical staff affect the terraforming?
My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.

Surely any shield would be floating around the orbit of Mars, and therefore would be moving in relation to Mars and the Sun, therefore it'd only work for a few minutes every Mars day.

The Venus atmosphere would probably just escape Mars as you're trying to put it onto Mars.

The best bet would be to set up farms on Mars, then have them release gases over time in order to create such an atmosphere. The problem would be the need for water, which could potentially be created if there is enough of the resources to do so, but might require shipping in a lot, which is so expensive it's not really worth it anyway.

But I hope you're saving up your pocket money.
My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.
Why do you want to destroy the native mars environment?
My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.
Why do you want to destroy the native mars environment?
That's what liberals do.
My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.
Why do you want to destroy the native mars environment?
That's what liberals do.

indeed it is
Seriously, the idea of terraforming a world is nowhere near within reach of our tech today. For one thing it requires the use of machines we do not possess or have the ability to build, and space travel and lifting ability we to not have. Yet. Fusion reactors do not exist And "dumping atmo form Venus"? How would one do this? Venus is a long way from mars and many times Venus and Mars are on different sides of the solar system. Let's just go with Sir Paul and agree that "Venus and Mars are all right tonight!"
Get out your check book ...

My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.
I think you have right idea but the wrong target. I think terra-forming Venus is the way to go. Closer to the sun and big enough to keep an atmosphere which is already conveniently there. We would need to remove the excess carbon dioxide to stop the runaway greenhouse effect but plants love to split it into oxygen and carbon already. Likely there is abundant hydrogen (to create water) if there is not water in the rocks. Like Mars, it doesn't have a magnetosphere and that is an issue but not a show stopper.
Two problems: Temp on Mars = -200 to +60. Venus temp = avg 800 degrees.
Actually a Bolshevik "J00" will be included on the first flight to Big Red and declare it a gift from God( and steal everything there)
My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.

How many centuries until we invent these things?

WTF does Moses have to do with it?

WTF is hardlity?

Go back to bed and sleep it off!
My idea to Terra form the planets
1.Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars to shield the planet from the solar winds. Only would have to be a few miles wide if done right.
2. Set up ion fusion powered storage ships. Yep, about 500 of these that can hold 10,000 pounds of atmosphere each. Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere collecting the atmosphere and dumping it into mars atmosphere. After about 100 years of constantly dropping atmosphere onto mars = more atmosphere for mars.
3. At the same time as dumping atmosphere from Venus also create another 1,000 or more plants to convert carbon from the surface into more co2.
4. After a few hundred years bring over grasses, Moses and other hardlity planet life in order to convert co2 into oxygen.
5. After that make nitrogen.

As we're doing so build cities on the planet so we're personally on the surface.

Create a massive solar shield about 5 million miles away from mars

Great idea. It has to be easy to orbit Mars from 5 million miles. (You moron)

Have them sweep through the venus atmosphere

Sure, the massive thrust generated by an ion drive will allow you to "sweep" and re-orbit (You enormous moron)

It's funny that you think you understand science better than conservatives.
Why would we go to an already dead planet to escape a "supposedly" dying, yet flourishing one?
I still prefer Matty's OP idea: bring "Moses" to Mars so he can use his magical, holy staff to terraform it. While thunderously announcing his edicts like Charlton Heston's room-shaking voice of God.
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I still prefer Matty's OP idea: bring "Moses" to Mars so he can use his magical, holy staff to terraform it. While thunderously announcing his edicts like Charlton Heston's room-shaking voice of God.

Moses is busy with other issues.
moses cut.jpg

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