My cookie recipe


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
4 cups white wheat flour
3 cups brown sugar (use light brown, and dark brown, don't notice any difference)
1 cup white sugar (basically just to say yes, there's some sugar in it)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
7 tablespoons vanilla (imitation or extract, seems about the same)
3 eggs
4 sticks salt-free butter (have tried 2 and 3 stick versions, but at least once someone marvelled over my use of real butter so settled on 4)
1 36oz bag of Toll-House chocolate chips. Use semi-sweet and milk chocolate variations. The milk chocolate ones smellconsiderably different but taste pretty much the same to me. Maybe a foody would have a preference.

Bake at 350F (dial on the oven's old so who knows what the real temp is heh.)

Bake about 12 mins then check, because I'm baking them to give away I usually error on the side of caution and overbake them a bit rather than taking them out and trusting they bake a little more. If not done (with no soft or moist looking part keep baking until done.)

Have been doing this recipe for some monthsnow after much experimentation with 4 eggs, less butter, no salt, etc. What's above is what works. :)
You're a cruel man.

A friend sent this and I haven't tried it. Surely it could be made with almond milk ...

You're a cruel man.

A friend sent this and I haven't tried it. Surely it could be made with almond milk ...


Sorry, but . . . ewwww. That does NOT look very appetizing.
It looks like dog or cat food.

Had an identical reaction while on my vegan diet to steak commercials. :)

I don't what kind of steak you were looking at, but I've never seen steak that looked like cat food before.

Kind in Outback Steakhouse commercials and the like. When you're off-meat, it just looks like a horror movie summoning thoughts of ogres stripping the flesh off victims. :)

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