My answer to Hillary.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
What happened?

Makes a big difference, the more liberal democratic Americans need to learn how easily some Americans are fooled and led astray with propaganda and hatred. Women sure scare the right and many others it appears, what happened to free speech and individual rights one must wonder? Instead we have a president who lives in his insecure, narcissistic head making up reality and the cheerleaders salivate like puppies. Too funny. Susan Bordo compares them in her book on Hillary, the right won't read it as they are busy cheering BS like teenagers.

The "least resistant personality profile' - the Trump follower.

The question is often asked by thoughtful people why do conservative / republican voters vote against their own interests? Kansas was an example early, but you see the same phenom in much of the South and Midwest, American conservatives are managed by ideas that rarely help them.

"So how can such a company get a community to accept it? The plant manager's best course of action, Powell concluded, would not be to try to change the minds of residents predisposed to resist. It would be to find a citizenry unlikely to resist."

Based on interviews and questionnaires, Powell drew up a list of characteristics of the "least resistant personality profile":

• Longtime residents of small towns in the South or Midwest
• High school educated only
• Catholic
• Uninvolved in social issues, and without a culture of activism
• Involved in mining, farming, ranching (what Cerrell called "nature exploitative occupations")
• Conservative
• Republican
• Advocates of the free market

"When the big oil companies first came to Louisiana in the 1940s, 40 percent of adults in Louisiana had no more than a fifth-grade education, and its citizens were the least likely in the nation to move out of state. From the seventies on, most people had become Republican advocates of the free market and minimal government. Most of the people I met fit some or all of the criteria-they were long-time residents, high school educated (half were), conservative, and Republican. That description fit the Arenos and largely fit Lee Sherman. Those who resisted the oil industry fit a very different profile-young, college educated, urban, liberal, strongly interested in social issues, and believers in good government. Was the "least resistant personality" one susceptible to what General Honore had called the "psychological program"-the talk of "jobs, jobs, jobs" that had "just enough to it?" Or was that too easy an idea, an idea from my side of the empathy wall? "

Excerpt page 80. Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild

And an old post: CDZ - The Emasculated American
Makes a big difference, the more liberal democratic Americans need to learn how easily some Americans are fooled and led astray with propaganda and hatred. Women sure scare the right and many others it appears, what happened to free speech and individual rights one must wonder? Instead we have a president who lives in his insecure, narcissistic head making up reality and the cheerleaders salivate like puppies. Too funny. Susan Bordo compares them in her book on Hillary, the right won't read it as they are busy cheering BS like teenagers.

The "least resistant personality profile' - the Trump follower.

The question is often asked by thoughtful people why do conservative / republican voters vote against their own interests? Kansas was an example early, but you see the same phenom in much of the South and Midwest, American conservatives are managed by ideas that rarely help them.

"So how can such a company get a community to accept it? The plant manager's best course of action, Powell concluded, would not be to try to change the minds of residents predisposed to resist. It would be to find a citizenry unlikely to resist."

Based on interviews and questionnaires, Powell drew up a list of characteristics of the "least resistant personality profile":

• Longtime residents of small towns in the South or Midwest
• High school educated only
• Catholic
• Uninvolved in social issues, and without a culture of activism
• Involved in mining, farming, ranching (what Cerrell called "nature exploitative occupations")
• Conservative
• Republican
• Advocates of the free market

"When the big oil companies first came to Louisiana in the 1940s, 40 percent of adults in Louisiana had no more than a fifth-grade education, and its citizens were the least likely in the nation to move out of state. From the seventies on, most people had become Republican advocates of the free market and minimal government. Most of the people I met fit some or all of the criteria-they were long-time residents, high school educated (half were), conservative, and Republican. That description fit the Arenos and largely fit Lee Sherman. Those who resisted the oil industry fit a very different profile-young, college educated, urban, liberal, strongly interested in social issues, and believers in good government. Was the "least resistant personality" one susceptible to what General Honore had called the "psychological program"-the talk of "jobs, jobs, jobs" that had "just enough to it?" Or was that too easy an idea, an idea from my side of the empathy wall? "

Excerpt page 80. Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild

And an old post: CDZ - The Emasculated American

You plan to win over voters by being condescending and acting like your snobbish liberal shit doesn't stink? Good luck with that :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
When will the liberal loons figure out that conservative voters don't hate women.....just Hillary.

She is a self centered egotistical lying elitist who looks down on the average person as unwashed vermin. Yet claims to be one of them, and there to help. .... :cool:
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Makes a big difference, the more liberal democratic Americans need to learn how easily some Americans are fooled and led astray with propaganda and hatred. Women sure scare the right and many others it appears, what happened to free speech and individual rights one must wonder? Instead we have a president who lives in his insecure, narcissistic head making up reality and the cheerleaders salivate like puppies. Too funny. Susan Bordo compares them in her book on Hillary, the right won't read it as they are busy cheering BS like teenagers.

The "least resistant personality profile' - the Trump follower.

The question is often asked by thoughtful people why do conservative / republican voters vote against their own interests? Kansas was an example early, but you see the same phenom in much of the South and Midwest, American conservatives are managed by ideas that rarely help them.

"So how can such a company get a community to accept it? The plant manager's best course of action, Powell concluded, would not be to try to change the minds of residents predisposed to resist. It would be to find a citizenry unlikely to resist."

Based on interviews and questionnaires, Powell drew up a list of characteristics of the "least resistant personality profile":

• Longtime residents of small towns in the South or Midwest
• High school educated only
• Catholic
• Uninvolved in social issues, and without a culture of activism
• Involved in mining, farming, ranching (what Cerrell called "nature exploitative occupations")
• Conservative
• Republican
• Advocates of the free market

"When the big oil companies first came to Louisiana in the 1940s, 40 percent of adults in Louisiana had no more than a fifth-grade education, and its citizens were the least likely in the nation to move out of state. From the seventies on, most people had become Republican advocates of the free market and minimal government. Most of the people I met fit some or all of the criteria-they were long-time residents, high school educated (half were), conservative, and Republican. That description fit the Arenos and largely fit Lee Sherman. Those who resisted the oil industry fit a very different profile-young, college educated, urban, liberal, strongly interested in social issues, and believers in good government. Was the "least resistant personality" one susceptible to what General Honore had called the "psychological program"-the talk of "jobs, jobs, jobs" that had "just enough to it?" Or was that too easy an idea, an idea from my side of the empathy wall? "

Excerpt page 80. Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild

And an old post: CDZ - The Emasculated American

Great example of the Hillary witch hunt by the righties . Using that "what difference" line out of context .
LOLOL! Does it hurt to be that stupid? How is it out of context? It's called using someone's words against them.

Because when you cut that one line out you imply that the deaths didn't matter . And that's not what she was saying at all . You know it's true you misinformist.

Great example of the Hillary witch hunt by the righties . Using that "what difference" line out of context .
LOLOL! Does it hurt to be that stupid? How is it out of context? It's called using someone's words against them.

Because when you cut that one line out you imply that the deaths didn't matter . And that's not what she was saying at all . You know it's true you misinformist.
I don't know why this is a problem. Liberals do it all the time. Why is it only offensive when someone else does it? Hypocrite much?

Great example of the Hillary witch hunt by the righties . Using that "what difference" line out of context .
LOLOL! Does it hurt to be that stupid? How is it out of context? It's called using someone's words against them.

Because when you cut that one line out you imply that the deaths didn't matter . And that's not what she was saying at all . You know it's true you misinformist.
I don't know why this is a problem. Liberals do it all the time. Why is it only offensive when someone else does it? Hypocrite much?

Example ?

Great example of the Hillary witch hunt by the righties . Using that "what difference" line out of context .
LOLOL! Does it hurt to be that stupid? How is it out of context? It's called using someone's words against them.

Because when you cut that one line out you imply that the deaths didn't matter . And that's not what she was saying at all . You know it's true you misinformist.
I don't know why this is a problem. Liberals do it all the time. Why is it only offensive when someone else does it? Hypocrite much?

Example ?
I can't believe you're asking this question. Well, actually I can. You're a liberal. Try Google.
Based on interviews and questionnaires, Powell drew up a list of characteristics of the "least resistant personality profile":

• Longtime residents of small towns in the South or Midwest
• High school educated only
• Catholic
• Uninvolved in social issues, and without a culture of activism
• Involved in mining, farming, ranching (what Cerrell called "nature exploitative occupations")
• Conservative
• Republican
• Advocates of the free market

Wow ... condescend much?
You just summed up in a few rather tortuous paragraphs why people DIDN'T vote for Hillary.

Great example of the Hillary witch hunt by the righties . Using that "what difference" line out of context .
LOLOL! Does it hurt to be that stupid? How is it out of context? It's called using someone's words against them.

Because when you cut that one line out you imply that the deaths didn't matter . And that's not what she was saying at all . You know it's true you misinformist.
Like I said. You liberals do the same thing. So why are you griping about it? Grow a pair, and deal with it, you little sissy snowflake.
I see a cornucopia of personality disorders in this O. P. It is interesting from that aspect.

But, the meat of the actual post is nothing new---straight Bolshevism.

It is: Heartland Americans are such Rubes, they must have managers to teach them how to vote....and these managers must come from the rotting, bankrupt, crime-ridden cities run by Democrat for 4 decades.

It saddens me to see this kind of post. It shows in stark terms the cancer that is spreading across this country which was once the finest example of civilization in the history of the human experience.

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