My allegiance should not be to Israel and the Democrats also shouldn't be


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
as well. They are merely our allies like the UK, Germany, etc. Tramp and the Evangelicals think Israel should be foremost on our minds.

He is fishing for votes, from the Jews and Evangelicals.

We need to get this crazy man out of office, and the sooner the better.

He is escalating, his ranting. We need to go back to the press conference and shut him up when he leaves the white house, meaning no press should be on the white house lawn. Then he can shut the heck up. It all arrogance anyway.
Maybe we should buy Israel and make it our 51st state.
:omg: another Israel hater that must have slept through 9-11....any person that doesn't recognize friend from foe is doomed from the start.....
:omg: another Israel hater that must have slept through 9-11....any person that doesn't recognize friend from foe is doomed from the start.....

They have universal healthcare and their gov pays for abortions. We need to make them a 51st state since they are dependent on us, like children.
I’m not the biggest fan of Israel and do not support all of their tactics regarding the Palestinians.

That said NO other country in the ME is as a close an ally!

Oh Saudi Arabia is , we sell them lots of military stuff, and Qatar, we have a huge military base there.
:omg: another Israel hater that must have slept through 9-11....any person that doesn't recognize friend from foe is doomed from the start.....

They have universal healthcare and their gov pays for abortions. We need to make them a 51st state since they are dependent on us, like children.
A lot of nations depend on us...the man you hate is trying to change that....
as well. They are merely our allies like the UK, Germany, etc. Tramp and the Evangelicals think Israel should be foremost on our minds.

He is fishing for votes, from the Jews and Evangelicals.

We need to get this crazy man out of office, and the sooner the better.

He is escalating, his ranting. We need to go back to the press conference and shut him up when he leaves the white house, meaning no press should be on the white house lawn. Then he can shut the heck up. It all arrogance anyway.
As clearly demonstrated, wherever the Democrats allegiance lies, it ain't the US of A. That's why the Muslim Brotherhood, Rashida Tlaib, Nation of Islam and all the scum of the world have found a home in the Democratic party.
as well. They are merely our allies like the UK, Germany, etc. Tramp and the Evangelicals think Israel should be foremost on our minds.

He is fishing for votes, from the Jews and Evangelicals.

We need to get this crazy man out of office, and the sooner the better.

He is escalating, his ranting. We need to go back to the press conference and shut him up when he leaves the white house, meaning no press should be on the white house lawn. Then he can shut the heck up. It all arrogance anyway.
Hopefully a majority of the people in majority of the states will come to their senses and vote Trump out of office next year.
Maybe we should buy Israel and make it our 51st state.

The above comes from SHERI the HOLOCAUST DENIER
Wait..... That changed, She later admitted it but stated the JOOOS started it

Of course she denied this; Stated it was " fabricated " or exaggerated " and Hitler didn't hate the Jews until he had reason to

When asked about his infamous book written in the 1920's MEIN KAMPF she stated she didn't know a thing about it. That is who you're dealing with regardless how one feels about the issue :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

According to Hitler, it was “the sacred mission of the German people…to assemble and preserve the most valuable racial elements…and raise them to the dominant position.” “All who are not of a good race are chaff,” wrote Hitler. It was necessary for Germans to “occupy themselves not merely with the breeding of dogs, horses, and cats but also with care for the purity of their own blood.” Hitler ascribed international significance to the elimination of Jews, which “must necessarily be a bloody process,” he wrote.

SHERI states she knows nothing about this and until the actions of the JOOOOS against Germany he had no reason to turn on them
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It's interesting why we are in desperate need of an ally in the Middle East.
After the 1960's when the Arabs decided to launch yet another failed attempt to destroy Israel, the US decided to adopt a strong allegiance with Israel after it realized that most of the Arab countries surrounding Israel were satellite puppets of the USSR and totally armed by them. This meant that the Russians were gaining a strong foothold in the Middle East, threatening not only US national interests, but also the Europeans as well as the Persian Gulf.

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