Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

Saw this on Facebook today:


I am a Republican and you are an extremists to the far, far fascist right.

To daveman and those like him: I don't want you in the party. Once again you are causing the defeat of our mainstream candidate.

Go form your own party, because you can't have ours.
I don't want your leftist party, boy.

Do you really think anyone's buying your "I'm a Republican -- no, really!!" bullshit?

Your fellow Obama fluffers acknowledge you as one of their own. :lol:
Freedom of speech does not mean one escapes logical consequences and freedom of speech is not value neutral.

Thus, the film maker made an awful film, and everyone who respects the decency and dignity of mankind can rebuke him.

Blowing people up in protest of the film is awful.

Sunni Man, daveman, crazy muslims, etc: you want to be Americans, play by the rules. You get to say what you want but don't expect not to be held morally and publicly accountable for bad choices.
You lying little shit...when have I ever said anything else?

This is the part where once again you refuse to back up your claims. Dishonest bastard.
Defamation of religion is a violation of human rights.

And the film protesters should be applauded for sticking up for this most basic of human rights. :cool:

I would agree with that after viewing this film, and for all you gay people, that is a death sentence
to be gay. So you better be thinking about a President who would be apologizing for this film. To hell with gay marraige, if these people take over you will be dead.

[ame=]Innocence of Muslims - Muhammad Movie - FULL HD - YouTube[/ame]
daveman, you are as immoral on these issues as Muslim terrorists, the major difference that you have not blown anybody up yet.

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.
The U.S. Constitution give me the opportunity. And if I can get enough voters to agree with me, we can ensure that you get to practice your faith without endangering ours and our ways of life.
And if we can someday get enough voters for our agenda we will be in control.

See how that works............. :eusa_angel:

I have no doubt that if sharia makes it to the US as the law of the land that you'll be beheaded with all the other fake muslims like you with no beard and who don't wipe their ass with different sized stones like the prophet Mo laid out for you to do.

My question is, when sharia comes in, is it ok to throw the poo stones at your friends? Is that why it smells so bad in the Middle East?
daveman, you are as immoral on these issues as Muslim terrorists, the major difference that you have not blown anybody up yet.

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.
You lying little shit.

I never said no one could protest. NEVER. You see, I fully support freedom of speech.

And you can't prove I ever said otherwise.

Lying little shit.
daveman, you are as immoral on these issues as Muslim terrorists, the major difference that you have not blown anybody up yet.

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.
You lying little shit.

I never said no one could protest. NEVER. You see, I fully support freedom of speech.

And you can't prove I ever said otherwise.

Lying little shit.

Life is so much more serene when you ignore his lying ass.....He is not worth the keystrokes.
The OP is talking about defending the rights of all religions not to be defamed. :cool:

Who does the protecting?
Who decides what is a religion being defamed?
I know that you are just trying to stir shit up here and do not go along with the fricking crazies burning down entire cities over a stupid movie.
You do not support those bat shit crazy crazies protesting.
You are an American Sunni. Some would slit your throat if they could.
The film is offensive and terrible.
Has religion in it and no scantily clad women with bit titties.
Two thumbs DOWN.
Sunni, aren't you guys just a little bit thin skinned and milk weak for getting all in a hissy fit about what someone else said about your religion?
It is one thing to talk about your mama or kin, those may be fighting words, but a man needs to be calm on other things.
Then Thanatos and Daveman support the Moslem protestors in the Middle East.

My mistake, my little lefties!

daveman, you are as immoral on these issues as Muslim terrorists, the major difference that you have not blown anybody up yet.

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.
You lying little shit.

I never said no one could protest. NEVER. You see, I fully support freedom of speech.

And you can't prove I ever said otherwise.

Lying little shit.

Life is so much more serene when you ignore his lying ass.....He is not worth the keystrokes.
Then Thanatos and Daveman support the Moslem protestors in the Middle East.

Oh, I guess it's different -- somehow -- it just is!! -- when you do it, huh?

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.

If you want to keep embarrassing yourself, go right ahead. I'll keep pointing out your idiocy.
Sunni, aren't you guys just a little bit thin skinned and milk weak for getting all in a hissy fit about what someone else said about your religion?
It is one thing to talk about your mama or kin, those may be fighting words, but a man needs to be calm on other things.
To a muslim Prophet Muhammad is a thousand times more important than any blood relative. :cool:
daveman, you can't change it.

You wrote that you defend the film, not that you support the Muslim protesters.

Wiggle, little worm.

Then Thanatos and Daveman support the Moslem protestors in the Middle East.

Oh, I guess it's different -- somehow -- it just is!! -- when you do it, huh?

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.

If you want to keep embarrassing yourself, go right ahead. I'll keep pointing out your idiocy.
Sunni, aren't you guys just a little bit thin skinned and milk weak for getting all in a hissy fit about what someone else said about your religion?
It is one thing to talk about your mama or kin, those may be fighting words, but a man needs to be calm on other things.
To a muslim Prophet Muhammad is a thousand times more important than any blood relative. :cool:
He sure is a whiny little bitch, isn't he?
daveman, you can't change it.

You wrote that you defend the film, not that you support the Muslim protesters.

Wiggle, little worm.
Unsurprisingly, Fakey has nothing but lies.
You lying little shit.

I never said no one could protest. NEVER. You see, I fully support freedom of speech.

And you can't prove I ever said otherwise.

Lying little shit.
Come on, daveman, you can't rewrite it, son.

So you support the Muslim protesters of the film in the ME.

Go ahead, and say yes if it is true.

Then Thanatos and Daveman support the Moslem protestors in the Middle East.

Oh, I guess it's different -- somehow -- it just is!! -- when you do it, huh?

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.

If you want to keep embarrassing yourself, go right ahead. I'll keep pointing out your idiocy.

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