Musk decides to terminate his Twitter deal

I heard truth social is over half bots.
It has to be. trump cannot ban bots for posting anything that makes him look bad. But actually people...on the other hand...he has banned all the time.
Musk was able to expose Twitter for the woke-biased platform it really is. I say it's a 'win/win.'
Yep. There's a good reason they're still trying to hold him to his original deal. He exposed the company as massively overvalued with as many as 20% of their accounts being bots and so far, they haven't disproved his claim. He pays 1 Bn$ to walk away but they could lose nearly half their valuation because he exposed their scam. I'd say he won, walking away, so to speak ;)
It has to be. trump cannot ban bots for posting anything that makes him look bad. But actually people...on the other hand...he has banned all the time.
Well bless your heart. You really miss Trump. :itsok:
If you are an investor, do the opposite of Jim Cramer.

So he intentionally drove down the shares to get a better deal? He’s the richest man in the world. He could have drove down the shares in other ways if that was his goal. Plus he’s going to have to go to court to get out of his contract to buy them for the price to which he agreed. We’ll see what the courts decide.
If he did, then he did the same thing as the leftist hero Warren Buffett had done. The left love's them some Warren Buffett
True...his advice screwed me once... But he is right. Musk is gonna pay dearly for trying to walk away from his Twitter deal.

Musk created this mess and he does not know how to end it. The only real reason Cons believed this snake oil salesman was Musk promised to allow the Traitor back on the platform.

TESLA is having its vehicles recalled. TESLA is facing racial discriminaton lawsuits.

Musk craves attention. His ego demands attention. In the world of Elon Musk, like in the perverse world the Traitor, his ego dictates everything. In this case Musk's ego is bigger than his mouth.
We'll see, we'll see... :popcorn:
You did not say 'it would work'.
You said 'to blow up the anti-free speech woke platform. It worked too .. lol'

So...where is the evidence of this platform that has been blown up?

I am no fan of twitter.
But I see zero evidence that it has been 'blown up'?
there's a domino effect people are not seeing simply because of one sides hate or the other.

great. when you're done hating, do the math.

twitter is fucked.
I think Mr. Musk reviewed the number of people who quit when he announced he wanted Twitter to be fair, and realized there is more than meets the eye to the left's tendency to abuse easy-going conservatives who have their eye on making the world a better place which doesn't command much respect in the revenge community that the Demmies have been lately. Like Putin, they are ambitious for power over all other human beings on the planet. That doesn't show any trace of peace on earth.
I think Mr. Musk reviewed the number of people who quit when he announced he wanted Twitter to be fair, and realized there is more than meets the eye to the left's tendency to abuse easy-going conservatives who have their eye on making the world a better place which doesn't command much respect in the revenge community that the Demmies have been lately. Like Putin, they are ambitious for power over all other human beings on the planet. That doesn't show any trace of peace on earth.

Oh Poor Poor Put Upon Cons. No such thing as a easy going Conservative, they lie, cheat and steal. This was NOT buying TWITTER, it was Musk and his ego.
You did not say 'it would work'.
You said 'to blow up the anti-free speech woke platform. It worked too .. lol'

So...where is the evidence of this platform that has been blown up?

I am no fan of twitter.
But I see zero evidence that it has been 'blown up'?

TWITTER did not "Blow Up", it imploded. The only Cons were about Musk taking over is that he said would allow the Traitor back on the platform. Which would never have happened, two monster ego's do not do well together.

Musk is as much into his ego as the Traitor is. The difference being that while is a professional asshat, he is successful asshat. The Traitor has had string of failure including his own platform Truth Social, which promised to a plaltform for free speech, but is one of the most heavily censored sites out there.

Musk likes his name in news. He wanted this story, he knew going in he was NOT serious. Now he does not see a way out. Maybe he just wanted to bring down TWITTER. With the TWITTER is going, it would have been easy. Bay Area buzz is TWITTER is losing money and Musk's money would have gone a long way in making them solvent again.
Oh Poor Poor Put Upon Cons. No such thing as a easy going Conservative, they lie, cheat and steal. This was NOT buying TWITTER, it was Musk and his ego.
Not the conservatives that I know. They solve problems and complete assignments. They save for a rainy day and actually wait till the rainy day occurs before spending as sparingly as possible, because they do not care to burden others with their needs. They serve the community, church, libraries, symphonies, art galleries, hospital stores, school needs, and local government as needed. They tend to have children who also benefit their communities, jobs, and play bagpipes. They're hard workers and entrepreneurs at small businesses that make a city a better place to live. If ranchers or farmers, they work hard, mend a lot of fences, and are good neighbors who will hustle a neighbor to the hospital when needed. The credo amongst most conservatives is "Honesty is the best policy." They believe there is wisdom in the bible and work for salvation in a nice way. I just described the best conservative I ever met, my late husband. He was a winner, and he used his influence and his sense of humor to improve others as well as save other people's lives.

You seem comfortable in shoes that do not fit.
Where did TDS syndrome kick in,I read the posts of the America haters on here from the first page and I saw nowhere where their tds syndrome kicked in.

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