Muhammad becomes first Muslim American to represent the US Olympic Team wearing a hijab

free speech is fine but the bitch is making up bullshit lies.
its obvious she wants her terrorist friends in the country so they can kill more Americans.
Isnt it funny how idiots like you will defend her and agree with her when she outright lies.
Her views are pretty mainstream and would be considered moderate in the wider world.


It's not mainstream to support Palestine. It's not mainstream to want all Jews and Christians dead.

It's actually pretty despicable that you think this belief is mainstream.
Where has she called for all Jews and Christians dead ? Stop making things up .

Promoting Palestine means you support their manifesto. To kill off Jews and Christians. We have enough ridiculously Palestine protests in south Florida and they are despicable

Not true. It can be as simple as supporting their right to a nation and self determination. Killing Christians off? Stupid statement. Killing Jews off? Hamas maybe.

I guess you have missed the countless stories of Palestinians killing their own Christians.

I say this with all due respect..... Please try and educate yourself on the matter before making a post where you are ignorant about the facts.
The token was just along for the ride

Couldn't even fully compete. Instead for carried.

U.S. women's sabre team wins bronze
Lets see your Olympic medals then.
I bet he keeps them right next to the presidential ballot with your name on it.
Oh wait, you wouldnt voice opinion on a candidate if you had not run at least once yourself right?
Isnt it just a tad ironic that you are defending free speech on a thread where people want to deny that to a great American athlete ?

When will you defend her right to free speech ?
free speech is fine but the bitch is making up bullshit lies.
its obvious she wants her terrorist friends in the country so they can kill more Americans.
Isnt it funny how idiots like you will defend her and agree with her when she outright lies.
Her views are pretty mainstream and would be considered moderate in the wider world.
all you have to do is post a link that suggests Trump would try to deport any legal U.S citizen.
of course you cant because its a lie, and for you to accept her lie as factual only proves your inability to think for yourself.
I might have to dismiss anything you post due to your low level mental capacity.
Now, is she or is she not making shit up that just is not true and trying to pass it as fact in order to gain public support (you) when it comes to bringing her terrorist friends in from sand land.
I bet he keeps them right next to the presidential ballot with your name on it.
Oh wait, you wouldnt voice opinion on a candidate if you had not run at least once yourself right?
Isnt it just a tad ironic that you are defending free speech on a thread where people want to deny that to a great American athlete ?

When will you defend her right to free speech ?
free speech is fine but the bitch is making up bullshit lies.
its obvious she wants her terrorist friends in the country so they can kill more Americans.
Isnt it funny how idiots like you will defend her and agree with her when she outright lies.
Her views are pretty mainstream and would be considered moderate in the wider world.


It's not mainstream to support Palestine. It's not mainstream to want all Jews and Christians dead.

It's actually pretty despicable that you think this belief is mainstream.
Where has she called for all Jews and Christians dead ? Stop making things up .
So now you decide you want the truth?
Your devotion to the enemies of the U.S is strong. I get the impression that you would be a traitor given the chance.
She's just an ordinary Olympian athlete who had the skill to get a spot on the team. And because the media made a fuss over her wearing a hajib, everyone is shredding her character, even calling her a "loser". As if they could get a spot on the team (channel surfing not yet being an Olympic sport).

We should be cheering every member of our teams...
And she should be supporting the country, not using this as a way to try and sway public opinion to bring in more terrorists.
Chooses? See what happens to a Muslim woman if she refuses.

In the US, and Western countries, we have that choice - whether we are Muslim or Jewish. That's the difference :)

There have been ''honor killings'' in this country.

Yes. And there have been domestic violence killings. And there have been women killed for not adhering to percieved standards of "propriety". That doesn't mean we don't have that choice.

But, that other was not the topic. We could go way down that slippery slope.

Not really...the thing is, women are free to choose how to express their religious beliefs in this country. You point out honor killings. Those are rare, but are of a type of violence that is not unique to only Islam. Many Muslim women in this country don't choose to wear a hijab and don't get killed for it. Many do choose it, and they choose it as an outward expression of their faith. Nothing wrong with that. It's like a Christian woman wearing a cross, or a Jewish man wearing a kippah, or an orthodox Jewish woman covering her head, or a Sikh man wearing a turban.

:cranky: :smiliehug::wink_2:
she's also an America hating kunt. not that that is a neg to you. she choked, big time on the big stage, never to be heard from again. fucking karma
So let me get this straight. Is it your opinion that she intentionally threw her match just to express her "kunt-hating America" convictions ...... or was it her "fucking karma" that got her?

she lost b/c she sucks, she choked under pressure.

The karma was that that America hating kunt lost her first match by having a big lead then choking so hard she had no chance to win.

Poetic justice
The Muslims would know something about how the Nazi's rolled. Since they supported and partnered with them.
Seems to me that the Americans would know something about how the Nazi's rolled since the two most popular Americans supported and partnered with the Nazis:

Henry Ford

and Charles Lindbergh

Did those two support the nazi war effort and Jewish concentration camps?
Indeed, they did.

Well please post some information to back that up.
I think I should warm you up first by proving to you that the world is not flat. If you can handle that then we can move on to the next subject of common knowledge.
A great face of changing America

In addition to being eighth worldwide, the New Jersey native arrived at the Olympic Games ranked No. 2 in the U.S., yet her greatness goes beyond her athleticism.

Muhammad, who attended Duke on an academic scholarship, was one of Time's 100 Most influential People in 2016. In 2014, she launched her own clothing company called Louella which makes clothing that is both modest and fashion forward.

She is also a sports ambassador for the U.S. State Department's Empowering Women and Girls Through Sport Initiative and travels the world to teach girls the importance of sports and education.

Muhammad becomes first Muslim American to represent the US Olympic Team wearing a hijab

Muslim American fencer to Donald Trump: ‘I don’t have another home

Ibtihaj Muhammad, the fencer who happens to also be the first American Muslim woman to compete in the Olympics while wearing a hijab, had strong words for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump about his immigration plans for Muslims.

“I think his words are very dangerous,” Muhammad, who is competing in team sabre competition Monday morning, told CNN last week. “When these types of comments are made, no one thinks about how they really affect people. I’m African American. I don’t have another home to go to. My family was born here. I was born here. I’ve grown up in Jersey. All my family’s from Jersey.

Muslim American fencer to Donald Trump: ‘I don’t have another home’
she's also an America hating kunt.

not that that is a neg to you.

she choked, big time on the big stage, never to be heard from again.

fucking karma
Lets see your Olympic medals you fucking loser.
she's an America hating kunt that used the Olympic stage to spew hatred on the country that helped get her there.

but since I never got there, it's ok that she hates me for being a fellow American.
Cassius Clay only became a muslim and changed his name to Muhammad Ali only after he got his draft notice, Coincidence I think not.
So you view Islam as the righteous alternative. Are you moslem yourself or do you simply admire its teachings?
I think he used islam to get out of the draft. There is nothing righteous or admirable about that religion

It's not mainstream to support Palestine. It's not mainstream to want all Jews and Christians dead.

It's actually pretty despicable that you think this belief is mainstream.
Sorry, but you are wrong.There's a whole world outside of your borders and there you will find that pro Palestine-independence and anti-Israel occupation of the Middle East is a mainstream fact. You can stretch your shirt and claim it's all about "wanting all Jews and Christians dead" (you poor, sensationalist sod) but it's all about humanitarian principles and democracy ..... and nothing else.

It's not mainstream to support Palestine. It's not mainstream to want all Jews and Christians dead.

It's actually pretty despicable that you think this belief is mainstream.
Sorry, but you are wrong.There's a whole world outside of your borders and there you will find that pro Palestine-independence and anti-Israel occupation of the Middle East is a mainstream fact. You can stretch your shirt and claim it's all about "wanting all Jews and Christians dead" (you poor, sensationalist sod) but it's all about humanitarian principles and democracy ..... and nothing else.
so lets see if I understand this correctly.
Saying that the muslims want all Jews and Christians dead (actually converted or dead) is being a sensationalist sod even though the koran specifically states this fact, yet at the same time, some rag headed muslim ho saying that she as a U.S citizen would be deported even though that has never been stated by anyone, is not being a sensationalist sod.
Do I have this correct?
Cassius Clay only became a muslim and changed his name to Muhammad Ali only after he got his draft notice, Coincidence I think not.
So you view Islam as the righteous alternative. Are you moslem yourself or do you simply admire its teachings?
I think he used islam to get out of the draft. There is nothing righteous or admirable about that religion
So you admire Muhammad Ali as an American, as a professional boxer, as a man who stood up against the draft and against the Vietnam war, but condemn him for disrespecting Islam?

It's not mainstream to support Palestine. It's not mainstream to want all Jews and Christians dead.

It's actually pretty despicable that you think this belief is mainstream.
Sorry, but you are wrong.There's a whole world outside of your borders and there you will find that pro Palestine-independence and anti-Israel occupation of the Middle East is a mainstream fact. You can stretch your shirt and claim it's all about "wanting all Jews and Christians dead" (you poor, sensationalist sod) but it's all about humanitarian principles and democracy ..... and nothing else.
so lets see if I understand this correctly.
Saying that the muslims want all Jews and Christians dead (actually converted or dead) is being a sensationalist sod even though the koran specifically states this fact, yet at the same time, some rag headed muslim ho saying that she as a U.S citizen would be deported even though that has never been stated by anyone, is not being a sensationalist sod.
Do I have this correct?
No. You are both sensationalist sods. Pay attention, please.
Does she support Islam, yes or no?

If she did, then shut up .......

So I'll ask you for the last time:

Does she support Islam, yes or no? YES... or NO. One or the other dude.

So as supporters of Christianity all Christians applaud the murder mayhem in Northern Ireland, the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia, and the (default) Christian lies about WMD's, its' rape torture and murder of a million innocent people? YES ... or NO? One or the other dude.
Does she support Islam, yes or no?

If she did, then shut up .......

So I'll ask you for the last time:

Does she support Islam, yes or no? YES... or NO. One or the other dude.

So as supporters of Christianity all Christians applaud the murder mayhem in Northern Ireland, the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia, and the (default) Christian lies about WMD's? YES ... or NO? One or the other dude.
I think Christians would rather the muslims go back to their little pile of sand and learn to play nice.
would be much more desirable than to have to keep killing them to keep them from committing acts of terror.
See how easy that is to understand? they go back and play in the sand, everyone will leave them alone.
she's also an America hating kunt. not that that is a neg to you. she choked, big time on the big stage, never to be heard from again. fucking karma
So let me get this straight. Is it your opinion that she intentionally threw her match just to express her "kunt-hating America" convictions ...... or was it her "fucking karma" that got her?

she lost b/c she sucks, she choked under pressure.

The karma was that that America hating kunt lost her first match by having a big lead then choking so hard she had no chance to win.

Poetic justice
So you believe Divine intervention smote her nerves because ... let me get this right ... she criticized the US? You believe that celestial powers hold nationalism and patriotism in very high regard, I see.
Does she support Islam, yes or no?

If she did, then shut up .......

So I'll ask you for the last time:

Does she support Islam, yes or no? YES... or NO. One or the other dude.

So as supporters of Christianity all Christians applaud the murder mayhem in Northern Ireland, the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia, and the (default) Christian lies about WMD's? YES ... or NO? One or the other dude.
I think Christians would rather the muslims go back to their little pile of sand and learn to play nice.
would be much more desirable than to have to keep killing them to keep them from committing acts of terror.
See how easy that is to understand? they go back and play in the sand, everyone will leave them alone.
Is that a re-quote of the general concensus of what the native Indians have to say about you?
Does she support Islam, yes or no?

If she did, then shut up .......

So I'll ask you for the last time:

Does she support Islam, yes or no? YES... or NO. One or the other dude.

So as supporters of Christianity all Christians applaud the murder mayhem in Northern Ireland, the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia, and the (default) Christian lies about WMD's? YES ... or NO? One or the other dude.
I think Christians would rather the muslims go back to their little pile of sand and learn to play nice.
would be much more desirable than to have to keep killing them to keep them from committing acts of terror.
See how easy that is to understand? they go back and play in the sand, everyone will leave them alone.
Is that a re-quote of the general concensus of what the native Indians have to say about you?
in your mind, were the native indians ignorant racists for trying to protect what they had?

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