msnbc spits on Ohioans for donating food relief

MaBelle -

What ARE you talking about?

This is not your thread, so on what basis do you get to tell the OP what the thread is really about?

Not my thread?
You're right!
It belongs to USMB!

Read the facts that have been posted, please.
If you don't understand because you don't live in the USA, I get it!.

As to your attempt to sensor my comments....pfffttt.

One doesn't have to agree with the OP to have a 'debate'.
How much did mittens donate?

Why? If Romney cut a check for 10 million to the Red Cross today you would only say "see He is a Rich asshole trying to buy our Votes."

You people are Pathetic.

No...I would say U.S. taxpayers donated that money because he can write it off on his taxes.

According to US tax code, IF Romney cut a check and used it as a deduction, it is perfectly legal.

Why? If Romney cut a check for 10 million to the Red Cross today you would only say "see He is a Rich asshole trying to buy our Votes."

You people are Pathetic.

No...I would say U.S. taxpayers donated that money because he can write it off on his taxes.

According to US tax code, IF Romney cut a check and used it as a deduction, it is perfectly legal.


no problem..just as long as people know where the money is really coming from...
Cans of food is exactly what the east coast needs right now.

I applaud you for your sarcasm.

The Red Cross wants donations, cash, personal checks, Visa cards, not cans of tuna.

Romney didn't have enough empathy to cancel his political outing so he tried to save face by collecting canned goods that weren't requested in the first place.

The Red Cross needs donations of cash at this time, period.

He looked like a goofball standing on that stage.

He had no idea of where to start with a devastating storm like this. He would pass it along to someone who perhaps knew something or could bullshit their way through better than him.

I'm sure he knows how bad he looks campaigning and talking about the president but he is helpless to overcome it.

Romney's a goof.
If anyone watched the story, they'd also know the OP has got it wildly wrong.

The Red Cross asked people not to donate cans of food - Romney did it anyway. That is what he was taken to task on.

But of course no one cares if the story is real or not!

holy smokes, liberals really are heartless bastards, but remember folks, THEY CARE MORE
MSNBC Ridicules Romney for Collecting Food and Supplies for Sandy Victims |

It's one thing to be rich, but it's quite another to be rich and an elitist.

And we wonder why biden and obama's charity giving was so low.

It's because they lack charity.

So let me see if I understand these racist fucks.

It's compassion to talk and do nothing personally about Sandy.
It's not uncompassionate to let Americans be slaughtered so you can get a good nights sleep.

This is why I have such a low opinion for liberals. They prove, often enough, that they really don't care about people.
If anyone watched the story, they'd also know the OP has got it wildly wrong.

The Red Cross asked people not to donate cans of food - Romney did it anyway. That is what he was taken to task on.

But of course no one cares if the story is real or not!

Who gives a fuck?

Do you think hungry people won't take a can of food, no matter the source?
So I guess now the Red Cross just wants to hand out money and MAKE the storm victims go out and buy their own stuff..
They were mocking the fact that Romney completely ignored the Red Cross's appeal NOT to send commodities to the disaster areas.

AS well they should have.
They were mocking the fact that Romney completely ignored the Red Cross's appeal NOT to send commodities to the disaster areas.

AS well they should have.

wow really

this is a sad day for liberals, they politicized Katrina and now this storm..

your true colors shine
MSNBC Ridicules Romney for Collecting Food and Supplies for Sandy Victims |

It's one thing to be rich, but it's quite another to be rich and an elitist.

And we wonder why biden and obama's charity giving was so low.

It's because they lack charity.

According to the Red Cross, they prefer donations of cash instead. I am sure there is a good reason for this - Romney didn't have to hold his own charity drive, instead, he could have simply told his supporters to make a donation to the Red Cross.

Its possible that the Red Cross will not accept the donations of food and clothing, and that would be a shame, after all his hard work.

I worked as a red cross disaster communications first responder for years......

They dont want food and clothing becasue it becomes a transportation and delivery issue.

They want cash becasue they want to purchase more then just food and clothing....
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If anyone watched the story, they'd also know the OP has got it wildly wrong.

The Red Cross asked people not to donate cans of food - Romney did it anyway. That is what he was taken to task on.

But of course no one cares if the story is real or not!

Was it a red cross event... or a donate to the flood victims event?

as far as i can tell he was taking ANY donations people wanted to make. Including rounding up cash for the red cross.
Buckye -

So you think people should disregard Red Cross instructions?


Again... was this a red cross event?

And unless you are under a charge nurse.. and even then... you dont HAVE to follow red cross instructions.
MSNBC Ridicules Romney for Collecting Food and Supplies for Sandy Victims |

It's one thing to be rich, but it's quite another to be rich and an elitist.

And we wonder why biden and obama's charity giving was so low.

It's because they lack charity.

According to the Red Cross, they prefer donations of cash instead. I am sure there is a good reason for this - Romney didn't have to hold his own charity drive, instead, he could have simply told his supporters to make a donation to the Red Cross.

Its possible that the Red Cross will not accept the donations of food and clothing, and that would be a shame, after all his hard work.

I worked red cross disaster communications first responder for years......

They dont want food and clothing becasue it becomes a transportation and delivery issue.

They want cash becasue they want to purchase more then just food and clothing....

ok , but there are a LOT of places who will accept food and clothing, so mocking someone for trying to do something good is beyond the pale, but expected from some folks today
The Red Cross says not to give canned goods.

So Romney asks for canned goods.

Romney can't even get hurricane relief right.

Was this a red cross event?

or a round up donations for flood victims event? It also seems to me.... he was rounding up cash too, wasnt he?
The Red Cross says not to give canned goods.

So Romney asks for canned goods.

Romney can't even get hurricane relief right.

Of course Red Cross wants the cash. The CEO of the Red Cross is paid a fortune.:D

And by the way, they had screens up asking for donations. Oh and there are other agencies who would gladly take the donated items.

its not just the CEO's who are paid fortunes.
The Red Cross says not to give canned goods.

So Romney asks for canned goods.

Romney can't even get hurricane relief right.

Of course Red Cross wants the cash. The CEO of the Red Cross is paid a fortune.:D

And by the way, they had screens up asking for donations. Oh and there are other agencies who would gladly take the donated items.

Tiny Dancer -

The Red Cross specificaly asked people not to donate food.

Romney asked people to donate food.

And yet your posts on this thread do not mention this - but attack the media for reporting the story.

Do you consider this to be honst posting?


how about you consider some honest posting?

was it a red cross event?

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